seoulvia · 3 years
The sunset sweeps over the cerulean ocean, and exquisite heavens pulse with tones of vermilion, magenta, and mulberry. My heartbeat syncs with the tides, held by undulations of the moon, torn between the relief this scenery conveys and the reality that hides behind its enticing hues. 
I could sense the devotion of sunsets from the view of an inspector: soft, silent, but sometimes deceiving. Often used as a symbol that endings are not always bad, they could be beautiful. We witness how it gives the spotlight to the moon once it gets enveloped by the horizon with grins in our faces and sometimes cameras in our hands. However, has it ever crossed your mind how sunsets see us?
There, sitting across the shore with grains of sand in my hand, it hit me. The sun would never touch the sea, not even its own sky. Neither do the moon with the stars and the stars with the night sky. They can never get hold of one another, and what we choose to see comes from a fantasy of a loving perspective.
Are sunsets still beautiful?
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seoulvia · 4 years
Tagalog, Aking Irog
Dig Harder: Some Information I’ve missed and Behind The Scenes!
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Welcome to my first ever blog! Yup, you read it right, this is my first ever blog where I will also be talking about my first ever vlog. ♡ Please, stick with me!
We were tasked to do a blog and a vlog about our ways of expressing our love to our language, which is the Tagalog. Before I start, please allow me to talk about how this simple task got me frustrated.
It was so hard to conceptualize and come up of what I should do, my creative and imaginative mind seemed to be not functioning well these past few days. teehee.
Let's start!
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Pagsusulat ng maiiksing kwento.
I started to love writing when I was in 7th grade, I just literally fell in love with it. Just like some teens, I started with Wattpad. I loved using this platform in expressing my thoughts and emotions.
I said in my vlog that I would give examples for you to see some of my works but due to to the rush I was feeling, I was unable to do it. So, please let me show some here.
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This is one of the hundred fanfictions I've written. Its title was in English but I wrote it in Tagalog. Obviously, it was written in wattpad. It's such a bummer that I can't access any of my accounts anymore.
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This is also one of the fanfictions I've written. I was so fond of writing fanfictions back then because it just made me happy. I was just expressing what I felt thru a story but then it gained some attention, I found that feeling ecstatic. ♡
I kinda missed writing tho, hope I would have the time to write again soon! ♡(∩o∩)♡
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Pagsusulat ng mga uri ng tula.
Please ignore the typographical error there, I didn't notice it when I was editing and now I feel to lazy to even fix it. ㅋㅋㅋ
I would also love to show you some of my works that I believe were in the field of poetry. Not so sure, am I? 😣 Poetry is such a beautiful thing that it kind of makes me feel nervous of telling people that I make one, because what if my works are not even considered as one? Hahaha. Flies to the crater of Mayon volcano.
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Excuse the language, I was a bit of wild and carefree back then so it was basically easy for me to call my works, 'hoetry', what was I thinking?
This was a compilation of my works that were unpublished, never knew I'd need those now. This made me realize that I should never be ashamed of the things that I should confidently do because it's what makes me happy and it's what I love. ♡
You listen to me, alright?! Hehe.
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This was also a compilation! I also tried writing in English but it was twice harder than writing it using my mother tongue. Haha, speaks a lot!
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Pag eedit ng mga litrato gamit ang wikang Tagalog.
One of the things I love the most is photography. I could just literally go anywhere and my gallery would be full of pictures already. I guess, it is my way of keeping things. If my mind forgets, my camera's memory never will!
I also decided to add a twist, where I edit my taken photos and just insert a tagalog phrase that would probably beautify the photo more. It's very minimal yet classy and beautiful.
I would love to show you some examples!
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I took this photo when I was walking home with my friends from school. The sky was exceptionally gorgeous that I couldn’t stop myself from taking a photo. I just enhanced it a little bit using the app, Lightroom, cropped it to fit in my Twitter header, and inserted some text. Tada! Cute, right?
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And here’s a wallpaper version of my minimalist edits. I took this photo when we were at Bohol City, the beautiful hues of the sky plus the perfect view of those coconut trees made a really good wallpaper photo.
Hmm, I guess that’s it? Maybe, it’s time for me to talk about the technicalities I’ve faced when I was making my vlog xD
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This was my set up last night, I tried filming myself the way others do it but I just couldn’t do it. So, what I did was film myself using the mirror. Indeed, it helped me a lot! It lessened my frustrations, hahahaha.
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Another mirror shot from me! I did try a lot of ways to film myself, I even placed my mirror on the top of the table where I study, but I still ended up with the first plan, where I just let the mirror sit and lean onto the headboard of my bed. Jimmy Neutron who?
This ends here! ♥
I hope you had fun reading my blog as much as I had fun writing it, see you next time, till the next blog! 
- Love, Sebby ♥
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