septicbadger · 1 month
My Latest ALTRVERSE article
Hey everyone, thanks so much for the support on my last post! (Especially @turquoisemagpie for sharing!) I'm here today with my latest article for Vlogger Beat, all about the recent ALTRVERSE news: the issue 2s and Sean's NYCC announcement!
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septicbadger · 2 months
Bringing this account back from the dead like good ol' c!Jack to share my first professional online article - part one of a three-part guide to Sean and @turquoisemagpie's ALTRVERSE!
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septicbadger · 2 years
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SepticBadger turned 7 today!
Got this as an email and wow. Shows how long I’ve been a part of the jse community,
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septicbadger · 2 years
Chase Brody Shorts for 10 Years of jse
So, I think these were from around this time in 2018 - my take on novelising the mayhem of that year. I hope you enjoy, and that we can all celebrate 10 years of Sean’s amazing channel today.
Coma “Jack... This is Chase. You need to wake up.” His words were a plea, desperate but firm. It wasn’t a beg for his friend to come out of a coma, but a message of hope and sincerity. Jack needed to wake up. Without him, Chase and all the others would have nowhere to go. Chase gazed at his friend, just an empty shell. What could be going on in there? Schneeplestein had tried his best, but ultimately that virus took Jack. The good doctor was still on vacation since then. It was a shame there was no word from him, only that post card with nothing else written on it but, “Wish you were here!” Chase wished he was there. He’d been missing his children, his life before. They had almost gotten back together; he’d gotten a proper job. ‘Schneep’ had fixed him up but Jack became ill. Stacy didn’t understand that Chase had to look after Jack, his friend. And now Chase had more to worry about. As well as his own life, career and... family, Chase had to manage things for Jack. Drinks had helped him through it. It had been his good friend Jack that inspired him to start ‘Bro Average.’ His fans’ favourite cap, grey like his skin and with shades of red like the blood that was about to pump faster around his body, lay on the side next to other cards and flowers arranged by Chase. His thoughts were silent as Jack’s hand abruptly shot to his neck. His eyes were closed but he traced a line over his throat. Over and over. Standing, Chase grabbed Jack’s free hand. But was he there anymore? “I remember what he did to me,” Chase muttered. It was back. He was back. He needed to get to his family.
Dark Silence The key struggled to turn in the lock. Chase hadn’t been here in a while—Stacy’s sister’s house where his children now lived. Dark. It was dark inside and outside the house. It was nice of Stacy to leave the spare key in the same place as their old home. It showed she still held some memories. And it could be what saved their children, if he wasn’t already there. Things didn’t look good and a chill of sheer dread passed over him—not because his coat now hung by the door, but because of the atmosphere of fear inside the house. His hand crept down to his pocket and found the familiar shape of his lighter. It had been a new hobby that would now actually bring life and light into the house. The lighter was like a spotlight around his body and the stage was set as Chase navigated the hall and connecting room to the stairs. His breath was heavy as he trod: a scared tide of air. The stairs creaked with a dangerous uncertainty, almost as frightened as Chase on top of them. Light flickered on his face, heat throbbing with his heart. Abruptly there was a sound, a sort of glitch in the silence. It was like some sort of monster’s breath. There was movement in his children’s bedroom. He stood still. Chase had reached the landing. He turned a corner...
Thanks for reading!
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septicbadger · 2 years
The Beginnings of an Ego Story
So, this is a story that I wrote in creative writing sessions in GCSE English. I’m sharing it today to celebrate 10 years of Sean’s amazing channel. I hope anyone who commits to reading this will enjoy past me’s take on the characters.
Jack of All Trades:
One – The Shop Seán passed many kinds of faces, locals and visitors. There were young couples, school trips, families, people of all varying culture. Today was the day he decided to take a break from his busy work schedule to take an evening walk down The Lanes of Brighton, looking out for cool merch and gifts for his girlfriend. He stopped, his dyed green and puffy hair coming to a stop from its bouncing. There was a new shop opening that caught his eye. When he had first moved there in May after travelling from Ireland, it was just an old wooden framed building, run down and built around. He had gradually seen it, an antique shop with a mystical feel, be bought and reshaped with a new sign out front and a basement level as well. Maybe he could find some décor to line the walls or something for a project he had planned? As he chimed the little bell dangling over the entrance door a sudden smell hit him, like dusty old wood or an old carpet or a damp ceiling. There were so many treasures haphazardly strung around in disarray, old chests and tables, stuffed animals and skulls, dirty but dazzling ancient mirrors. Those were just a few things his ‘baby blue’ eyes found first. Silver cutlery and models were on a table in front of him and as Seán shuffled past, he noticed a little old shopkeeper, crammed away with balding white hair, a monocle and waistcoat. He almost looked like a stuffed antique himself. “Hello,” let out Seán. “Good day to you, young sir. Welcome to Marvin’s Antiques. We’ve only just opened so... is there anything in particular you are looking for?” he asked as he stood in a slightly unsettling way. “No, er, not really thanks. I’ll just have a look around thanks er... Are you Marvin?” “No... ha, no. Marvin is downstairs; he’s the spirit of this place...” the shopkeeper paused as he saw the change in Seán’s face. “Not a phantom or anything like that, just an old mask on the wall downstairs. It hangs over the magic section, on the left as you go down those stairs... Do you want me to show you?” “Um, no... I mean no thank you.” “Oh, no, I insist. I can tell you are interested. I can feel it. Let me show you.” “Okay... but I think I can manage by myself. On the left, down those stairs.” The old man nodded as Seán navigated his way to the back of the shop. What had he gotten himself into? He never liked being the only customer on a shop, especially one that gave him the creeps as much as Marvin’s Antiques. A deer’s head seemed to follow him edge down the first step. “Be careful of the paintings!” Seán took the warning and moved with more timid urgency to the basement. The smell seemed even mustier down there, and colder.
Two - Marvin Seán gravitated to the left, pulled like a puppet from his head and chest. He almost knocked over the ‘magic’ bookshelf which held not just books, but a crystal ball, old playing and tarot cards in piles, strange gems and coins, artefacts and necklaces and more... But above it, their eyes met. Well, Seán’s eyes were transfixed on empty sockets. A mask. It was porcelain but looked eerily primeval. A mask with a strange neutral, blank expression, almost so you could never tell the wearer’s feelings behind it. But it was also a stage mask, probably belonging to some semi-famous old magician. It also had cat ears moulded on. And whiskers. And a cat’s nose. The feline features had been painted on with peeling reds and purples. On the mask’s forehead were the four card suits. A red diamond was in the centre, with a red heart below it. On the left was a black club and on the right was a black spade. Seán reached for it, like he was a child reaching for the cookie jar. His mind was split but his hand made the decision. It, Seán’s right hand, twitched and convulsed as he found himself touching the mask. Light, like a glitch in reality, green and brighter than the sun, blinded Seán and sent him back into an antique red leather armchair. As his vision returned, Seán saw the aftermath. Two playing cards had somehow found themselves by his feet. On the left was a black joker, and on the right was the jack of diamonds. What had happened? A strange vial holding pickled eyeballs, that Seán hoped was fake, had smashed. Glass was spattered along with the green goo from the vial over the old planked floor; it seeped through the boards. But one eye, dyed green with a blue iris, had escaped the glass and seemed to look right back at Seán from its position by the jack. What the hell had happened? Many other ‘magic’ objects littered the floor but Seán didn’t observe them as he realised his right hand was going red, still holding ‘Marvin the Mask’ like it was the oxygen he needed to live. Luckily, he didn’t die as he carelessly chucked it on the ground. He needed to leave. Tentatively, Seán stepped in the direction of the exit steps. He slowly moved his feet over an old revolver, recognising it as probably real. A few steps away from freedom from this hellish, crazy experience Seán felt a crunch. Who would believe him anyway? Who was that old shopkeeper? Turning, Seán saw that he had trodden on an old pocket watch with a raven insignia on it. But, as he turned back the head up the stairs, the old shopkeeper, monocle and all, was grinning, grimacing back at him. He had a strange glint in is eye, a sparkle that shone into Seán’s soul.
Three - Running In moments, the old man had sped down the stair, much too quickly for his apparent age, unnatural. Seán found himself staggering backwards over the revolver which seemed to draw him to it. No, Seán told himself in his head. He couldn’t use it. He wouldn’t. But, nothing about this was normal. Now, Seán found himself side by side with a trophy on a wall-mounted shelf. It clattered as his shoulder bashed the shelf and in the same moment, in a lightning-quick, jerky, robotic motion, the shopkeeper reached for the revolver and kicked aside a vintage stethoscope. It seemed to pull Seán to it with a shimmering, burning drive, like the mask, the two cards, joker and jack with the eyeball, the pocket watch, the revolver and now some old eye mask, blue glittering fabric which had also fallen to the floor. But what good would a stethoscope do him in this moment anyway? The gun was pointed at him as his thoughts raced even faster than his heart. “Oh f-” Seán was cut off from his profanity. “Found Marvin alright?” The old man’s voice was like sandpaper, evil sandpaper that was pointing a gun at him. He continued. “Are you... feeling different? They’ve been craving for release, for a new bod-” Now it was the shopkeeper’s turn to be cut off as Seán grabbed the trophy and found his mark. He knocked the gun away from the old man’s grasp, giving Seán enough time to belt like a rabbity chased by death, past him and up the stairs. The old man seemed to let it happen but as Seán knocked into and knocked over piles of antique books, he suddenly appeared again by the counter, like a teleporting apparition. Seán shoved past him and out the shop door, the jingle of the bell now a welcome sound, a freedom. He would not be followed into the street by the shopkeeper from hell. Hell—that was what Seán thought he was in. Running, running, running. Running down The Lanes. Focussed on his goal, his idea of safety, in this current moment the seafront, where he knew his friends would be, taking their two pugs for a walk to the burned down old pier. Running, running, running. Wait, what was that?
Four – Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No, it’s a hallucination! Stopping, Seán turned to gaze atop a four-floored building, nearing the seafront. As abruptly as he stood still, heads turned like moths to his lightbulb head. Some teen on a bike let loose his limited vocabulary. But Seán paid no attention to their judgement. What was that? Who? A man was perched on the flat rooftop, one leg kneeling. He held his arms to his hips. He wore a tight red spandex bodysuit which went from his ankles to over his head as a stretchy hood. Tied across his face and over his ears was a blue eye mask. However, what concerned Seán the most were the details he could see, even from across the street. Tufts of green hair escaped like waves from under his hood. And he had the same trimmed beard. In fact, everything was the same. Seán rubbed his eyes. That was him up there, the same proportions and mannerisms for holding himself, the same everything. Seán had always wanted to be a superhero, like Spider-Man on the city skyline. This ‘superhero Seán’ turned his head, a smile brimming beautiful white teeth. “Don’t worry citizen! Jackieboy Man is here to save you!” Nobody else seemed to notice the shouting clone on the rooftop. And ‘Jackieboy Man’, what kind of a hero name was that? Well, the Jackie part Seán could maybe understand; his mother had always called him Jack when he was younger, his friends called him Jack, his girlfriend even called him Jack sometimes. Was he going mad? No, after the antique shop, the creepy shopkeeper and the mask, this was magic! He would never have thought it possible; he’d wanted to, but why would this happen to him? “Citizen?” Jackieboy Man called out again to Seán, but he was already back on his run to find his friends. Before he could get to them, though, he saw something else, a third him, leaning against the wall of an alley. This was perhaps even stranger.
Five – The Good Doctor “’ello zere!” Do you need any... assistance?” The first thing Seán thought was: Why am I now a doctor with a bad German accent?” “I am Doctor Schneeplestein, or Schneep as my friends called me before zey died! Hehe...” “Why? Who? Schneep? Another one?” “Anozer what? Doctor? I just came out from my practice for a little smoke- ah... little break. It’s just through zis alley and to ze left.” “No... sorry doctor... I- I need to go.” “Oh no, don’t be in a hurry! Just relax. Breathe. Zis is vat I do vith my patients before I operate on zem. I don’t know vy zey vorry; my record is four out of ten non-fatal operations! I am a one-hundred certified doctor!” It was getting dark and this doctor, with a bad survival rate, was edging closer to Seán. Then he realised that Schneep was looking at where Seán’s tattoo still had red skin around it. It was of a symbol, a fictional design from a video game. It suited him well since he had had it done four days ago. “Oh... I see some irritation around your lovely tattoo.” This uniformed, stethoscope-wearing doctor clone of Seán held his arm and there was a strange feeling, a pull like with all the objects in the antique shop. “Do not vorry. I could get some cream or lotion for you. It won’t sting!” “No thank you doctor. I think I’ll be fine. I- I don’t want to keep you from your practice any longer. Have a nice rest of your day!” People walking by stopped to regard Seán as crazy and then moved on. What were these... hallucinations, these visions of alter egos? He needed to catch his friends, Felix and Marzia, before they walked their pugs back home. He was close now; he just needed to get to the burnt down pier where they usually stopped and sat on a bench, and he could tell them what was happening, he needed to tell someone he could trust. “Okay goodbye! I hope to see you again! I am quite a friendly doctor! I just hope zere vill be no bad circumstances ven ve do!”
Six – You Have to Believe Me! Having escaped his encounters with Jackieboy Man and Doctor Schneeplestein, Seán finally caught up with Felix and Marzia who were in fact sitting where he thought they’d be. But what had that mask done? Was he being haunted? The creepy old shopkeeper had said something about ‘They’ve been craving for release.’ Where they ghosts? But why did they both look exactly like him? Out of breath, Seán landed himself on the bench next to Felix, careful not to tread on Edgar, one of two pugs. “Jack!” Felix exclaimed in his Swedish accent. Seán and Felix had met over long distance through work. Now they lived in the same city at least. “Jack, what’s wrong?” asked Felix and Marzia hugged their other pug, Maya, closer to her chest in worruy. “You’ve been running, is this part of a new ‘get fit’ routine?” “No, Felix. I think- something... Something had happened. Antique shop,” Seán exhaled. “Creepy shopkeeper, magic mask, strange ghost clones, superhero... doctor- I'm being hautned or-” “Woah, calm down Jack. Go slower, breathe. You’re very out of breath,” said Felix, worried for his friend’s wellbeing. Had he spent too long in a VR headset again? “Jack?” began Marzia. “What are you looking at?” “They’re everywhere. More spirit mes...” Seán let out after his questioning. In total four more Seáns were standing on the burnt down pier. “Marvin! And... who are those?” “Jack what are you on about?” Loosely standing in the back of the group of hallucinations was another him, dressed in a blue waistcoat and a bowler hat, very dapper with a pocket watch glinting in the fading light. Another version seemed to be holding a green and orange nerf pistol and wore a grey and red snapback. He stood further in front than the other, pistol aimed through a gap for an impossible trick. But the other two really scared Seán. The first of these two wore all black clothes but held a gleaming kitchen knife. There seemed to be blood around his neck. Had he killed himself? Then he disappeared and the air around him seemed to shift in lines. The last one had a black cloak around his neck and a blue stage shirt to match. And he wore Marvin’s mask, a strange aura around his hands. “JACK!?” Felix and the rest of the world came back to Seán, and so did a few passersby’s stares. “Wha- who... Felix, you can’t see them can you?” “See what? We’re here to help and it’s getting late; why don’t you start from the beginning and go slowly as we walk you home.” “No, it’s okay.” Seán sat on the bench next to Marzia, leaving Felix standing. “I decided to visit the new antique shop...”
Now Felix held his hand on Seán’s shoulder and was consoling him. Seán now had a pug on his lap; it looked slightly scared. “It’s okay now Jack, we’ll walk you back. You can’t see them anymore. They’re gone. You’re gonna be fine. We can sort this out tomorrow.” “Thank you Felix, and you Marzia for listening.” Seán’s own girlfriend must be worried. “You’re right. Let’s go...”
Seven – Two-Faced Marzia had taken the pugs home so now Seán and Felix walked side by side, striding down the main shopping streets that had seemed a lot more packed earlier. The visions seemed to have disappeared and Seán felt more fulfilled inside. He felt sane with Felix next to him, like a bodyguard against the world. They stopped a few times to look through shop windows and Seán mocked an item he could see through the glass. Felix noted Seán was becoming himself again, but it was only a short happy thought. Abruptly Seán’s face dropped as if lightning had struck and killed his best friend. But what he saw in the glass rippled through his soul. The same version of him, the same spirit dressed in black, hair crazier than his and smile wilder than a grinning hyena’s. His skin looked slightly green. The demon held a knife still and began moving it just above the cut line on his neck, a jesting tree-feller stuck with the saw. “Over and over...” it said in a voice, high and gleeful like a child but with a base drum’s deadly undertone. It sounded slightly... artificial. “Tired of playing pretend. Stuck in that mask. I thought I’d be stuck forever... inside,” it chimed again, hauntingly. “Say goodbye.” It lifted the knife behind Felix, ready to strike. Seán turned as Felix was oblivious and concerned again with his behaviour. “Felix!” Seán called out. Swish! The knife fell through the air as if a waterfall had suddenly burst to life. But Felix was fine. He lifted a hand out to Seán. “Oh Jack... shh. It’ll be okay. I’m fine, let’s move on.” Seán was not fine. His face changed. He looked down. He was wearing all black. And he held a knife. Seán could feel his limbs moving, the knife heavy in his hand/ He wasn’t in control. That demon spirit was. “You stopped paying attention, Felix. You just watched as this happened! Powerless. He is my puppet now.” Felix was now the one with his face in shock. He couldn’t see the black clothes or the knife but... that voice. Had one of his best friends really gone insane? “Seán?” he asked feebly. “I wonder what will happen to your best friend this time?” Seán could see himself raise the knife, its blade pointed at Felix like a magnet to another magnet. He was screaming inside, for help, to help Felix, for this whole thing to have been false. He prayed this wasn’t real. All of this crying out was over soon as the knife edge slashed down. No blade stabbed into Felix but he staggered and tumbled onto the road. The concrete made his knee gush red as the warm liquid was soaked up by the fabric of his jeans. For a second Seán was himself; his face returned with an expression of a thousand words. What had he done?
Eight – Alter Egos Engulfing “Ah... ’ello zere. Felix is it? I am Doctor Schneeplestein. I see you have a bit of a graze zere. Let me get my suppliez...” “Seán?” “Seán? Who is Seán? Don’t worry Felix. You must be concussed.” “No... I... Oh...” Felix just gave up. “My hero,” he muttered darkly. “Did somebody say they needed a hero? Don’t fear Swedish citizen, Jackieboy Man is here!” Felix stood, debating whether to run from his crazed friend. People were gathering all around now, a crowd around the scene, unsure of what was happening/ “What kind of magic show is this?” one spectator asked. Seán posed differently again, feeling the cat mask on his face, the black cloak trailing behind him. He waved a wand around as he muttered, “Gather round, gather round! Marven the Magnificent is here to entertain one and all!” “Seán... please... stop... I’m...” Felix’s voice was so lost in despair it seeped through the spirits’ souls and to Seán himself. Suddenly Marvin was no more. These spirits were still weak but he could feel that demon one twisting inside. Seán was so shocked though, at what he had done, at what was happening inside him and he covered his face as it flushed red. He held his hands to his face all the way through the crowd until he was far from anybody. Seán collapsed on the ground in a dark alley, the stars over his head. He was alone again, lost in this torment. But what could he do? He tried to focus on all that had happened since he had entered that shop. He didn’t know how long it took but his brain locked onto an idea. Obviously, the mask was magic, but when he touched it, and the spirits had entered his body, those other objects that had fallen seemed infused with the same power. And he had the strong suspicion that the spirits that were overtaking his body each had an item they were tied to. He repeated the list in his mind, of all he had seen. Repeating over and over which spirit related to which object, lingering on what a twist of fate it was that a jack had fallen. And that eye... He had to destroy the items. But before Seán could hatch a plan, his eyes looked to the wall at the end of the alley. Something or somebody, compelled him to vault it. He stood, not by his own accord, and looked against a blank wall as if he was talking to an audience behind a camera. “Hey guys! I’m Chase, and welcome back to Bro Average!” Seán could tell he was now controlled by the spirit that had been holding that nerf gun, some mind-mockery of the revolver. He felt the cap on his green hair. “Today, we are attempting something I’m calling... The Back Alley Wall Hop.” He felt his legs come to life, breaking into a sprint... but then he saw a familiar knife in his hand. “Not so fast Chase. I’m in control! It’s all over now. Say goodbye!” The knife-wielding demon spirit pushed Chase aside, fighting to gain control of Seán’s mind. “I am eternal! You shall not beat me to this body! None of you!” He felt like his brain was being attacked from all sides and there were glimmers of hope of all the other spirits inside. He preferred being Chase, Jackie, or even Schneep... Somebody walked past the alley. Seán raised his arms and strolled towards them. The knife shined under the light of the moon... The man turned, laughing. His monocle glinted in the same light too.
And that was as far as I got. I don’t think I had a real climax in mind, just the egos fighting for control of the one body.
Thanks for reading!
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septicbadger · 4 years
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Firstly, how amazing was that video! It was so short but so engaging and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Anyway, this is what I found on wikipedia when I searched google for AIMC. So I went to associate of the inner magic circle link and it brought me to this bit about membership. Its pretty interesting stuff in itself, and this bit caught my eye, just because it mentions silver:
Those who attain an A.I.M.C. degree as a result of a performance examination are awarded the A.I.M.C. with silver star.
Anyway just thought I’d share...
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septicbadger · 4 years
A Dream from Last Night
Hey, JSE community. Its me, your friendly neighbourhood badger back again. I just thought I’d share what I can remember from my dream last night. Basically the dream was set tomorrow (1st of Aug) and I was watching Jack’s first video back from his break. It was a vlog, some sort of catch-up house tour, and then suddenly anti took over the vlog appearing in the mirror as the video darkened. I guess its my hopeful mind that we’ll get more ego content soon, but I can wait as long as it takes. Anyway, that’s it. Just thought I’d share that concept, we’ll see what Sean uploads tomorrow, if he does.
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septicbadger · 4 years
With all the horror videos this May, I thought now would be a good time to share this with anyone who hasn’t seen it. I think I’ve watched it at least ten times since I found Jack in 2014. Some of it is pure comedy gold.
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septicbadger · 4 years
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My face when I see zalgo back again.
I can’t beleive you’ve done this @therealjacksepticeye
Also I just got this picture as an ad at the perfect time.
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septicbadger · 5 years
Jacksepticeye Master Ego Post
Hello and welcome to my master post! 
Update: Anti and links have been updated!
Henrik Von Schneeplestein: The Doctor
Power Hour, Christmas Doctor, Trust Me I’m a Doctor, Kill Jacksepticeye, THE DOCTOR IS BACK, You’re Not Ready For These Scary Games
Keep reading
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septicbadger · 5 years
Reblogging this now as the recent scary games thumbnail reminded me of the left side of this drawing. And also, I don’t like that thumbnail one bit...
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Here’s my first attempt at any #septicart and I really like how it turned out, you can see the picture that I based it on as well. I’m not a particularly arty person but I’ve impressed myself and hopefully you’ll like it too!
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septicbadger · 5 years
The beginnings of a story I started to write a long time ago (probably sometime 2015) that I never got that far into but decided to share today as it’s Sean’s 30th birthday...
"Uh... This is fun," muttered Sean, it was a history lesson. His class had been learning all about Greece's philosophers and to be honest he was bored, he didn't care. He would rather be at home just playing Pokémon on his gameboy, his first console. Looking down at his right arm, he saw his fourteen year old hands, they were rough and his finger nails were dirty from playing outside in the woods by his house. Then he gazed at his sleeve, it was ruffled at the end and was green, the colour of Ireland, his home land.
Then the bell rang and Sean was smacked back to reality, finally the lesson had ended, it was breaktime! He rushed outside into the playground to play football with a few of his secondary school 'friends'.
Billy, Steve, Suzy and Betty were waiting and wanted to play while some of his other classmates mingled, among them, Larry, Bobby, Mike, Mary and Harry.
There were two teams but they were unfair. It was Billy Betty and Suzy vs. Sean and Steve and Sean was in goal. The game started well, Betty in her baggy school uniform had the ball first and was quite slow because of her weight but then Billy, the smaller of the group took the ball from her then turned to attack Sean and Steve. Steve whizzed past Sean, he was always been the best at this game, it was like he had a segway in defence. Suzy was minding her own business, her mind floating off into the air when she was running to attack with Billy. She, not concentrating and looking at Billy through her glasses, slammed into Sean whilst he was in the air and they banged heads and Sean got a gash above his left eye. Then Billy scored.
"Billy! I was on the floor you can't score a goal when I'm down!" complained Sean he was tearing up and his left eye stung like hell.
"Oh, ha sorry. Not! I bet you were glad to bump into Suzy anyway," Billy teased.
"Shut your mouth Billy or I'll close it for you!" shouted Sean through the pain.
"Is that a threat?" asked Billy, " how sweet, and while you're still on the floor."
"Billy just be quiet!" commanded Sean.
"No!" then Billy ran on ashamed but not regretting what he did, a smirk on his face.
"Screw...You....Billy!!"screamed Sean whilst his eye bled.
 This grabbed the attention of Steve and Betty who were watching the spectacle while Suzy had gone to tell the teacher.
"Are you okay Buddy?" asked Steve, Sean's video gaming friend.
"Of course I'm... ," said Sean but he couldn't hide the pain.
"Oh My God! Sean. Oh no, oh no!" Betty panicked.
Sean had to say something to shut her up. "Calm your tits Betty. I'll be alright but Billy won't."
Sean was between emotions.
* * *
It had been two and a half weeks and Sean's eye had become infected. He had been acting normally, trying not to hit Billy, playing video games with Steve, playing at break and climbing and swinging from his favourite tree outside his house but today things would change.
He arrived at school, his normal cheerful self but with his mum. "Goodbye Jack," she called. Sean knew why he was called Jack because of Sean being like Irish John, "and remember honey the doctor said, don't touch your eye even if you think it looks cool and 'badass'."
"Goodbye," Sean cried when he saw Billy sniggering in the corner.
"Hey, look it's jacksepticeye!" Billy loudly mocked, "How are you Jacky?"
Sean bit his lip. Hopefully ma didn't hear, he thought, and hopefully she won't hear this. Sean deeply exhaled.
"Billy. You will get a beating you little ginger tw-"
Sean's mum ran to the scene, she had heard and Billy ran to class. "Sean William McLaughlin come here now!"
"But... Ma I was being a Boss," She looked directly at him. "Yes Ma," he unwillingly obeyed.
"Straight home with you!"
When they arrived back Sean ran away to hang in the forest. He hastily made his way to his favourite place but he tripped.
"Ouch!" He had tripped on a piece of jutting metal. He looked down at the design. It looked alien. He, being an adventurous young boy, dug out the top part of this. He saw what looked to be a pod. Sean with his +1 biceps pulled it out from the ground. It was so easy, it was like it had been buried and lightly covered over.
 He gazed at the 90 centimetre tall pod. It was a dark metal oval with light gray fins and highlights, there was a deep ocean green button at its base. Sean felt the urge to push it, like he knew what to do and he had to do it. A pod door opened up to reveal the capsule inside. Sean was amazed at all the flashing lights, levers and buttons of all varying sizes and colours. He saw the leather backing of the pod, it was about the size to fit a baby.
Sean ran back to tell his mum about it.
"Ma...Ma, 's awesome!"
"Honey what's awesome?"
"I found an alien pod with all these amazing lights and controls, it could have been an escape pod or something! Come I'll show you!" Sean was so excited he could barely speak.
"No," his mother said," I have something to tell you, you might want to sit down. We're moving soon in two weeks exactly in fact to live closer to grandma in a huge forest, you'll have all the trees in the world to play in but you won't see your friends again."
"What? Ma you didn't tell me!" This had put a downer on things and Sean felt betrayed. "But..."
"I'm sorry honey but things have already been arranged. You can forget about that pod as well, you're not allowed in the forest again with that eye of yours."
  But Sean would never forget, never tell anyone about it again. He would always remember, the pod and its existence. He even came up with some theories why his mother wouldn't acknowledge it existed and occasionally in the future he would joke about them like in his childhood:
 That he was a Boss of the Bossatronios, an alien race that once ruled the Planet Bossatron.
He thought that he had come in that pod. That his parents and siblings took him in as Sean, a normal Irish lad.
 He wasn't far off.
   Chapter 1: The Message
"Well I'm going to leave this episode here! If you liked it, punch that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! Aaand, high fives all around!" Sean said with energy as he high fived his YouTube audience. "But thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see all of you... IN THE NEXT VIDEOOO!" He shouted as loud and almost as high as his voice could go, it had been a good episode of Reading Your Comments and was a long time in the making, episode one hundred.
Sean ended the recording at precisely 9:42, took off his headphones and stood up in his home. His green brown and slightly grey (never to be talked about) hair was ruffled as he stood. His manly short beard was the way it always was, just an extended stubble leading around his mouth. It was time for a snack.
When he got back he decided to open up a game a fan of his had said she had made when he had attended the recent PAX. It was a convention where he had his own panel and met so many of his fans. It all meant so much to Sean but he wondered whether the USB contained a virus.
He download the game called. S.E.A.N and a loading screen appeared once he ran it. There was no menu, just a pixelated green field, Sean wondered what the game could really be about. He used his mouse to look around at the game's surroundings. Then a message popped up.
Hello S.E.A.N, or maybe Sean or Jack. You probably remember meeting me don't you, a human meeting a human. Well neither of us were human. Press enter to continue...
Then the game crashed and his computer buzzed."What the hell?" asked Sean, "This shouldn't happen!"
A new window appeared. Sean sat back down trying to get his computer to respond. But it didn't. He couldn't close the window or minimize it. All that there was was a blank screen and he stared at it through beautiful blue eyes.
Then the screen of his computer went to a blue screen. Sean didn't know what to think. Should he press enter or not? Was his name just an acronym? He remembered that pod in the forest.
He hadn't seen it ever again. He had never spoken seriously of it since when he was a child.
He remembered the people from his secondary school. He had even named some of the characters after them in games that he had played.
He had become a big success since his teenage years. He had played many great games on his channel named jacksepticeye. He had become a popular YouTuber, 15 million strong and always growing.
You know what? thought Sean.
He clicked enter and his world was turned upside down.
* * *
The first thing he saw was a blinding flash of sea foam green. His eyes squinted into his new surroundings. He felt different, inside and out. He wasn't quite himself anymore, he was just a character in a video game. But this video game felt and looked as real as life.
Sean touched his nose, it felt like plasticene. He checked for his hat, but all he touched was his green hair. He was still Sean but also not him. His mind, his looks belonged to his human body but his body felt looser. And through his pixel eyeballs was a new world.
Chapter 2: The Party
He was in a stone hall. He recognised the walls, the stairs, the floors, the arches and the pedestal where a body lay: he was in his favourite game, Shadow of the Colossus. He stepped towards the body, like Wander in the game. But from under the cloths came a skeleton.
"Hello, human! I m the great Papyrus! And you shall place me in the royal guard!"
This skeleton Jack knew from Undertale in his red, white and gold outfit and spoke in jack's voice for him. He was basically the best and deserved more recognition. Sean remembered having to kill him in the genocide run and he remembered their date. It all filled him with determination.
"I'm taking you to Undyne!" said Papyrus and suddenly an orange portal appeared which Jack knew was from the game Portal and he was whisked away. Papyrus didn't mind so much, he was thinking about spaghetti.
They arrived through the portal. Jack was stuck between two green blocks and in front of him were six people, an elf, a little girl, a baby boy, two men and a chubby woman, standing still on floating green platforms. Jack recognised these characters from Happy Wheels. He didn't recognise the level when in fact it was the first level he played that someone had made for him in the game.
"Wowie! I'm on a horse! There is a pile of swords in front of me!"
Jack turned his head and behind him surely enough was a pile of swords. This was a sword throw level. Papyrus was sure enough sitting on a horse, Agro, the black horse from Shadow of the Colossus. The question was- through his own eyes could Jack kill the people?
That question didn't need to be answered as from out of Sean's vision came a kid in an orange top, just like Billy's from school. He had remembered the kid when naming the character for Happy Wheels as they wore the same clothes and were both ginger and "Screw you Billy" became a known saying.
Billy leaped onto Papyrus, Agro spooked and fell forward. Jack pulled the swords away and they all fell on him, as they fell through another portal: this one was blue.
They were all falling through the clouds. Sean, Papyrus, Agro and Billy together. Suddenly, a god like figure appeared in the clouds. She was just a head and shoulders appearing to them as they fell. This figure had brown hair and greenish hazel eyes."Evie!" said Sean.
Immediately, CleverBot Evie that Jack had done many videos on, turned into a hologram and came up on Sean's face like Cortana from Halo. He remembered when she guessed his name.
"Oh God!" he said to both that video and the fact that she was on his HUD, ready to be talked to.
One last portal appeared, orange and they all ended up in a blank void. There was a lamppost in the centre. Sean remembered The Beginner's Guide. Suddenly, before he could react, Jack's character from Skate 3, Betty, came through the portal on Pink Lighting, a trike from Turbo Dismount.
Sean stood up. He couldn't help thinking, "OOOOOWWWWW PINK LIGHTING!" Papyrus and Billy sat on Agro.
"Now I have three humans in my custody!" exclaimed the skeleton.
"Help me! Where am I? There's a skeleton!" moaned Billy in his high pitched bitch voice. Jack didn't care, he was enjoying this.
Agro neighed, majestic and not bothered by the stupid people on him.
Betty stood up in her black t-shirt and jeans. "This isn't my skateboard!" she said as she jumped off Pink Lighting and towards Jack.
"Hi, Betty," began Sean.
"How do you know my name? Who are you? Where am I? Did you bring me here?" She was full of questions!
"Um... well." Sean didn't know what to say. He didn't want to say that she was from a game he had played and this was another game made for him.
"Hi, I'm Sean. I know your name from er... well, I've heard of your great skating. We have been sent here, I don't know where, to together take down a common enemy, the Yllib, threatening our lives. And... no I didn't bring you here."
Betty stepped closer, looking beyond Sean at a skeleton and a little kid, on top of a horse. "So, obviously I'm the leader of whatever you guys are."
"Um... ok. This is Billy, Papyrus and Agro," explained jacksepticeye, pointing at the three characters bickering. Papyrus grabbed Billy and took them both off the horse, walking towards them.
"Have you told them what we're here for?" Betty asked.
"Well maybe you could be my second in command, tell them the boring stuff and get them together."
Papyrus and Billy arrived next to videogame Sean. "You two humans come here. You are now my prisoners. This child knows nothing. Tell me how we get out of here, one with green hair,  this is not the underground." And with his skeletal fingers Papyrus pointed at Sean.
"Help me you two. Uhhhng I want my daddy!"
"Shut up Billy!"shouted Sean and Billy went quiet. "Well, we are here to take down a common enemy, the Yllib who are threatening Snowdin, Skate Parks and Hap- BMX tracks. We have been sent here to find a way to stop them."
"But tell them how we get out, second in command," said Betty.
"How do we get out?" Sean muttered to Evie. He had been feeling quite cool debriefing people.
"By understanding everything is connected," Evie droned out in Jack's mind. Papyrus was getting impatient and was tapping his foot whilst Betty looked concerned. Billy was just a little bitch.
"No, we need a portal."
"Yes, you need a point," said Evie. Oh my god, how dumb can a CleverBot get? thought Sean, I need a portal!
Sure enough a portal opened far away in the distance behind Agro who was now smelling Pink Lighting. "Through that portal over there."
"Through that human tamed beast over there? Is that a portal?" Papyrus questioned.
"No not Agro! That blue portal in the distance. But we will need transportation. Papyrus, your greatness, and you, Commander Betty, will ride with me on Agro the horse. Billy you can have Pink Lighting and do try to keep up you little bitch," finished Jack.
The team galloped off towards the portal in the black void. And behind them Billy pedalled with his small legs. He hated Sean. To him, he was a big bitch. And this trike was Billy's least favourite shade of pink.
* * *
Sean, Betty, Papyrus and Agro arrived at the portal, looking amazing atop their steed. Jack wanted to leave Billy behind but Pink Lightning was too precious and Billy was put in the game for a reason. As they waited time ticked on...
"Go Billy, go, go, go!" screamed Sean at Billy, trying to motivate him. He was five metres away from arriving next to them.
"Next time, that skeleton can have this," panted Billy.
"Fine," agreed Betty.
"I agree, it is fair that I, the great Papyrus, get the best vehicle!"
"Right, everyone let's go!" said Betty. "Can you take the horse?" She beckoned at Sean and he followed, just having fun, playing the game.
They stepped towards the portal, Billy following Betty, Papyrus being a 'cool dude' on Pink Lightning and Sean guiding Agro's nose at the back. "Now the real game begins," said Evie in Jack's mind. She winked.
* * *
They all arrived on a realistic looking game graphic platform. It looked like it was from the Borderlands games and was all grey metal. Jack wished for Loader Bot to come out and say "Hi." in his robotic voice and do his thumb up pose. But nobody came...
"Where are we now, human?" asked Papyrus to Betty, getting off Pink Lightning.
"Sean!" she cried as him and Agro entered the conversation, "explain where we are!"
"Um..." Jack didn't know what to say. It didn't help that Billy was calling for his dad behind Betty and Papyrus. "I don't kno-"
Sean was cut short as suddenly something appeared, a  big portal. From the huge purple rift in space came...
...that’s as far as younger me got, thanks for reading if you made it down here!
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septicbadger · 5 years
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Sorry if this is badly cropped, its just that I saw that someone pointed out that after the last ASMR video we got an ego video and well, doesn’t that look like jackieboy man’s outfit on the chair. The caption for this insta post was weird too - an autocomplete sentence. I know it could just be that new red PMA jumper but it looks a different red to it, and the right red for jackie.
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septicbadger · 5 years
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I didn’t know Unus Annus and Marmite were in collaboration @markiplier !
If you haven’t already I’d recommend checking out Mark and Ethan’s new fun channel that’ll only be available for one year!
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septicbadger · 5 years
Minor Ego Observation
The first time we saw what we could call the main three egos - Anti, Chase and Schneeplestein - they were their own characters. I know that anti was taking over Jack but really we know he’d his own being. On the other hand, we have Jackieboy man, who Jack in the video says he’ll ‘morph’ into; Marvin, who actually refers to himself as Jack, just adopting a magician persona and our boy JJ who, in the pumpkin carving video, just seems to be Jack sent back in time (maybe by Schneep) as he states that ‘when’ he is is too early and we can also see the transition between the two as Jack screams ‘nooo’.
Its probably nothing. I just found it interesting as some of the egos introduce themselves as their own people, and others seem to come out of Jack.
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septicbadger · 5 years
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In case you were wondering what happened next with Chase on that rooftop @therealjacksepticeye
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septicbadger · 5 years
If this is right...
So below are the good old fun screencaps from the discord. I may have come to a new conclusion that these were just a teaser for what we’re just now watching unfold. What if it’s a timeline of events?
Jack says ‘whats this for?’. Don’t really know about that one but...
Chase comes in with the ‘Where am I?’ hmm... perhaps just teleported to a rooftop. Schneep comes in with the ‘oh no’ which could be interpreted as the fun snippet at the end of You’re Not Ready For These Scary Games. Although, I believe this could potentially be Schneep talking in another place in the timeline, maybe like Kill JSE.
We could then go on to theorise that all the next lines might unfold in future videos, meaning the next one could be Marvin, but then we’d have to find out why Chase can’t see etc. Just imagine the possibilities if at least four of the egos meet in one video on that rooftop. I saw somebody theorize that Chase could have been teleported to a hospital rooftop. That could explain how all four, maybe even JJ too, are there. Chase was teleported, perhaps Marvin was there and brought Chase to himself. Schneep was working below and jackieboyman was going about his superhero business on the city rooftops. 
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But then, if we do interpret this as a timeline of events, perhaps what will happen next will tie into when Chase saw anti in that red corridor. Then after that as seen below could come Chase’s lines to comatose Jack, happening at the same point in the timeline as Schneep is trying to fix whatever’s happened in his own way. I like to think that the ‘No,no!’ could be interchanged for a nein nein nein.
I apologised for this being somewhat rushed. Its probably not correct but I still think this text will have more ties to what we see actually in videos.
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Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and that this leads to more, better, theories!
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