seragogy101 · 5 years
Sip sip sip #hognose #snake #snek #reptiblr
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seragogy101 · 5 years
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“At the beginning of the 21st century, the Umbrella Corporation had become the largest commercial entity in the United States. Nine out of every ten homes contain its products. Its political and financial influence is felt everywhere. In public, it is the world’s leading supplier of computer technology, medical products, and healthcare. Unknown, even to its own employees, its massive profits are generated by military technology, genetic experimentation, and viral weaponry.”
Resident Evil (2002) dir. Paul W.S. Anderson
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seragogy101 · 5 years
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seragogy101 · 5 years
Me flirting with women: oh jeez oh gosh I've never talked to a woman before, I don't want to make her uncomfortable.
Me flirting with men: Have I told you you're talking to the funniest woman alive?
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seragogy101 · 5 years
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YOU are bi!
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seragogy101 · 6 years
So basically.. I’m Pupy🐺
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seragogy101 · 6 years
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The Legend Begins
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seragogy101 · 6 years
(ohhh here she comes) watch out bugs she’ll chew you up (ohhh here she comes) she’s an anteater 
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seragogy101 · 6 years
ʇɐq ɐ ɯ,ᴉ ‘ʎǝqɐq ‘ʇɐq ɐ ɯ,ᴉ oɥooɥoɥ ǝɥǝɥǝɥ
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seragogy101 · 6 years
I’m so fucking tired of goyim ignoring antisemitism. They ignore everything until something so extreme happens, like the recent shooting. How about you start caring about us BEFORE WE FUCKING DIE. Just fucking LISTEN for ONCE when we say we’re angry or scared or sad about the injustices we as a people have faced OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I don’t know one single Jewish person who hasnt been touched by antisemitism. I’ve been called a kike more times than I can count. I went to elementary school with a boy who told me he wished Hitler had won the war. I was shouted at and threatened by a stranger for wearing a Magen David. My grandpa has had to respond to bomb threats at our synagogue. My grandma had to switch roommates in college because her roommate was violently antisemitic. My fucking Jewish PRESCHOOL had to have ARMED GUARDS to keep people from fucking MURDERING PRESCHOOL AGED JEWISH CHILDREN. I thought all preschools had armed guards until I was like 12. Just fucking LISTEN when we say things. Here, I’ll give you a list of things you NEED to listen to us about.
Holocaust deniers are violent antisemites, no exceptions. They are dangerous and do not deserve a platform to speak.
Jewish people cannot be nazis, no matter how much you disagree with them. Ben Shapiro is a piece of transphobic racist shit, but he’s not and will never be a Nazi.
Trump and many people in his cabinet have repeatedly used antisemitic dog whistles, most recently calling himself a nationalist.
We. Are not. All. White. Stop being dicks to Jewish people of color.
And we’re not all ashkenazi!!! Google is your friend if you don’t know what that means.
Don’t do that “Nazi puncher” bullshit if you don’t actively uplift and defend Jewish people. Punching nazis is a great thing but you need to uplift and support jews at the same time.
Stop pinning Israeli war crimes on random Jewish people. And stop demanding we tell you our opinions on Israel before you treat us with basic human decency.
Judaism is an ETHNORELIGION. I am both religiously AND ethnically Jewish. It’s not that hard to understand.
Stop tone policing us
Just fucking listen when we speak
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seragogy101 · 6 years
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seragogy101 · 6 years
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seragogy101 · 6 years
bruce: finally, someone who understands !!! isn’t sharing your mind and body with a monster the worst???? it’s ruined my life and i want to die.
eddie, who came so hard from venom slithering up into his asshole that he went blind for like twenty minutes this morning:
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seragogy101 · 6 years
Posting this again. I have a job now! I just have to get there for a couple weeks before they show me the money. Anything helps, even if it’s just a reblog.
Hey y’all. I recently made a really big move that wiped me out financially and mentally. I’ve got a few good work opportunities that’ll help me get back on my feet, but I’ve exhausted all my resources in the meantime. 
    Anything you could donate would help met get to work or get myself some food. And if you can’t donate, signal boosting does help. Thanks.
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seragogy101 · 6 years
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Cool Big Sister🕷️
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seragogy101 · 6 years
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seragogy101 · 6 years
On The Subject Of Venom’s Dick
Okay, like, I only have one opinion about Venom as a character and I believe in it with my whole entire being so I’m just going to say it.
Preface: So we are all on the same page about the Symbiote is in love with Eddie Brock, right?? And Eddie loves the Symbiote. They use the word ‘love’ in-text. It’s romantic and sexual and obsessive and fucked-up and mutually self-destructive and gross and heart-rending and real and 100% canon. They consider themselves married. This is basic-level Venom lore. Okay, we’re all in agreement, right? Good.
Remember that meme about how Venom isn’t drawn with a dick but since the Symbiote is more than just a full-body sleeve, and he’s got his own discrete systems and shit, he honestly should have a dick, right?? Re: that hypothetical dick… C’mon, it’s so simple. I dunno why no one else has ever said it. I dunno why no one else has ever thought it. It’s almost too obvious. I’ve known where that dick is my whole entire life. I thought everyone would know.
I said it back then, but only in the tags. I should have just gone all-out and said it outright. But I didn’t, and now there’s Venomfuckers everywhere and normies across the globe are freaking out about how 2018!movie!Symbiote makes out with 2018!movie!Eddie and nobody seems to like. Get it. And that’s driving me balls-out insane. So I’m just gonna say it.
The Symbiote’s dick is turned inside-out, rock-hard, lubed-up, and sheathed to the hilt inside of Eddie Brock’s red-hot puckered asshole 24/7/365, gently rocking into him at all times.
There. I said it. The world may not be ready for the truth but this is the hill I will die on. Venom is fucking himself every minute of every day. During fights. During chase scenes. Downtime. Mealtime. Bedtime. Anytime. Every single drawing of Venom ever drawn, they’re fucking. Eddie’s getting his ass lovingly plowed. He and the Symbiote are connected and entwined forever, one and the same. That’s why Venom’s dick isn’t visible. It’s just on the inside. And inside of Eddie Brock. And very, very busy.
My conviction regarding this issue cannot and will not be swayed. May all you normies and Venomfuckers alike weep at the glorious truth. You have the knowledge now. You’re free.
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