seramarvos-blog · 8 years
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“It is true.” She shoved herself away from him, “I know how dangerous I can be. How can I possibly ignore it when my powers affect their blood system? Even if they were level-headed enough to accept mutants, do you know how many times I’ve seen people look concerned or hesitant or whatever whenever I told them that I can manipulate blood? Blood of all things. If I had said I could fly, they would have been in awe instead.” She ranted, feeling her own blood boiling with every world. “You’re right about one thing, Dom. I don’t know why I chose to be in this school. I’ve got no right to be here.”
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Dominic wrapped his arms around her, letting her have her moment while he tried to think of what he could say to comfort her. “Don’t say that, you know it’s not true. It’s that nagging voice, in the back of your mind that tells you how dangerous you can be, that’s the problem. You have to find a way to ignore it so you’re able to believe in yourself and actually have control over your mutation.”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“A.. A mutant? This is why they’re scared of us! This.. This is why we can’t .. “ She snapped, “How are we supposed to get humans to think there is good with some of us when shit like this keeps happening?” She knew she was just taking it out on her friend, which wasn’t fair, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself, “And then there’s people like me who’s scared of what I can do. If i’m scared, I don’t blame them for being scared.”
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Cain knew that the girl had a point, there probably people there that needed help and CAin could help them, but at the same time, he couldn’t simply leave his friend there. “I know that. The X-Men are helping them. I think– They said it was a mutant? But we can’t be sure.”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“But the other.. what about the other people? Oh god, they were there.. and the-They were.. Jesus, I can’t.. I can’t do this.” Her knees suddenly feeling weak, falling to ground. “Why the hell is this happening?” She gripped his hand tighter as she tried to keep herself together.
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“I don’t knwo Sera, I don’t know” He answered nervously, he could feel his heart rate fastening and an urge to leave the place. He took her hand and lead the way. It was a mess but they weren’t that far away from an exit. “We’ll found out who did this… but right now we need to get you to safety.” he looked around one more time, to see if anybody else was there. Fabri could feel the tears streaming down his face. “We’re gonna be alright”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
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“Can’t be strong if I got a broken arm.”
Aiden nodded gently. “I can understand that. But think of it this way, we’re here now, we gotta be strong while we are.”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“ I’ve been practicing all this time and still.. this..” She massaged her temple with her free hand. Sera just wanted all this to be over. Whatever doubt she had about herself came back double fold. With a defeated sigh, she moved closer to him and wrapped her arm around him. “ Maybe I’m not meant to do this after all.”
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It finally dawned on him why she had looked so miserable when he first laid eyes on her. He had thought that it was because she was in pain, but now he knew that this was the reason for that. “That’s why you have to practice so you’re ready for these kinds of situations. I know it terrifies you, but it’s the only way to learn to control your powers. It’s what I had to do.”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“I was going to hang out with Leah. So I waited for her at the station wh...when it happened.” She finally brought her eyes up to his, “Dom, there were so many people.. limbs. I just... I froze... T-They said my powers could help them but I couldn’t.. I was so.. what if I had killed someone by accident? I couldn’t do anything! What am I training for if I can’t even h-handle that?!”
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“What were you doing there?” He sighed, releasing her arm and crossing his arms over his chest. “Are you okay?”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
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“I’d rather just head home. Not the school, but home home.”
“Yea, I’d imagine not.” He said grabbing a hoodie and slipping it on after he discarded his old shirt. “But hey, less than ideal, but better than nothing.”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“The blast.” She mumbled, tugging the support. Sera was avoiding any eye contact the whole time she walked over to him. “I.. I was kinda there.”
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Dominic furrowed his eyebrows when he heard the all too familiar voice and he turned around, wondering why she’d be here. Before remembering that they had extended an invitation to the school and it made sense that she’d come. He turned around and his eyes widened in surprise at what he saw. “What the hell happened to you?” He asked, carefully examining her arm.
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“I .. How.. That was.. That was a .. Oh my god...” She shuddered, leaning closer towards her friend. “Why is this...Jesus, what the hell’s going on? Why would anyone do this? I..I don’t get it?” She sniffed as she gripped on his shirt tighter. 
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“Do-Do Don’t Look Sera, don’t look!” he almost yelled at his friend, trying his best to get a grip of himself. He was too close to freaking out, and he didn’t want to give himself the oportunity to do so as he was even more scared of what he could do. He knew it was getting more difficult to keep focused by every second. Fabri cleaned Sera’s forhead with his sleeve, he didn’t know if she was covered in dirt or blood. “I need to take you out of here, C’mon” he said fighting the tears.
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
Finally finding her way to the Brotherhood, she made it her mission to find her brother. She would call him, but she lost her phone during the chaos. So here she was, walking around with her arm in a sling and a few stitches here and there. And just when she was about to give up, Sera spotted him, “Dom...”
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“I find it hilarious that just last week pretty much everyone at the school hated us and now they have no choice but to come live with us.”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“I-I’ll be fine, Cain. Just.. Just help the others. We can.. “ She could feel herself shaking. From the fear or from the pain, Sera wasn’t sure. “There’s probably people in more need o-of help than I am. Just.. “ She brought her knees to her chest, “What is happening?”
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“It’s okay.” He could tell the girl was really affected by what she saw, to say the least. He paused when hearing her words, biting his bottom lip and nodding his head. “Y-You’re right. You just went through a lot, it wouldn’t be wise to try to get you to help us right now. Maybe later. Right now, we need to get you somewhere safe.” He looked around for a second. “Do you think I should take you back to the tower?”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
“I.. I don’t think 911 would help at this rate.” She mumbled as she observed what was happening. Still aching from everything, Sera used the wall to help herself up. “There’s probably people down there, someone’s has to do something.” 
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Kylie didn’t move from the position she was in. Her head was pounding and she felt dizzy. “Who did that? What the hell, people are crazy!” She mumbled. The brunette didn’t realize how big all of this was. She opened her eyes and then closed them again. “Do you think someone called 911?”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
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“You’re not the only one who’s not loving this arrangement.”
“Oh yea, I dunno about you, but I love tossing aside everything I believe in for a place to stay…..”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
With her arm in a sling and all that had been happening, Sera was not in the mood to joke around with him, “Lian. Just tell me.” She sighed, looking down then away to the side. While her brother had visited her so many times, it was only now did she realize that she had no idea where the Brotherhood stayed. Feeling bad about not ever asking, she was now wishing Dominic would show up instead of Lian so she’d know where to go.
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“ listen, i don’t make the rules.  if you wanna know where our secret hideout is then you gotta pay up.  i’ll take no less than forty bucks. ”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
"B-But.. But there were so many.. Oh my god..." She clenched her eyes shut as she tried to forget the scene. There were so many bodies laying around that it terrified her. "My powers?" She glanced down at her hand. "I.. I can't. What if I mess up?" Using her powers on an actual living person always terrified her - even if she had often bluffed her way in a fight about using it. What if she messed up and accidentally killed someone? She nearly killed Dominic once and she didn't want it to happen again. "The hopsital? N-No! Don't take me there." Grimacing at the pain and discomfort her arm was giving her, Sera kept it close to her, "We.. We'll just have to deal with it later?"
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“It’s okay.” Cain tried to reassure her. “The X-Men are in there, and they’re going to save everyone, okay? Right now we need to make sure you’re okay. We’re gonna need you if we want to save everyone. Your powers can be really useful right now, but we can’t do anything until we make sure you’re fine.” He looked around for a second, seeing the ambulance and the firetruck near the subway station. “I would take you to a hospital, but… I don’t know what they’re going to do if they find out you’re a mutant. They might do something bad.”
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seramarvos-blog · 8 years
Sera looked over to see what John was talking about and there it was, in it's grace and glory, a leg. Without a body. The girl suddenly felt queasy and immediately bent over to the side to vomit. "O..Oh my god." She whimpered, wiping her mouth once she was done, "Oh my god." was really all she could say in her state of shock. The blood, the limbs, the death was all too overwhelming for the X-man in training.
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“I-I don’t know but-” he looked around and instantly regretted it. He saw the fire and people crying and running, when he saw a big puddle of blood, rubble everywhere John felt chills coming down his spine. “Are YOU hurt?” he asked desperately, trying his best not to freak out, fighting as best he could not to start wondering how the hell he end up down there. “We need to leave this places Right no- shit, SHIT! is that a leg?”
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