seraphimagick-blog · 7 years
Piss off the trans kids, they said. Don't let us pee, they said. We can't join the military, they said. Bite me.
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seraphimagick-blog · 7 years
I'm beginning to realize that when people told me I would understand when I was older... It wasn't always a good thing.
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seraphimagick-blog · 7 years
Unlocking the Code: Part One
They ask which came first: the chicken or the egg. In her novels, award winning author J.K. Rowling presents us all with an interesting answer: that a cycle has no beginning. And so this is where we must start; by acknowledging that our life is a complex code, with no start or finish. We as humans are a matrix of complex DNA, a question of nature vs. nurture, and a fight for survival.
In my short time upon this earth, I have come to many startling realizations and epiphanies, but one that I know to be true is that personal opinion is not as valuable as science, reason, fact, or logic. The weight of the majority must not counterweigh the importance of the individual so much so, as to cause social, or cognitive dissonance.
In our day-to-day lives, we are presented with options… And many only seem to effect us personally: what we wear, or eat for example. However there is something deeper many of us don't realize: that no individual dwells on an island… And that there truly is a butterfly effect. Think deeper about this subject for a brief moment, and meditate on the topic. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and recognize, how much the world around you seems to hold you down.
Think today of all of the things you have done thus far, have done, or could do. You may be weighed down with all of the anxiety of things you must do, people you must meet… You may be depressed about things that occurred long ago… You might be angry about issues you are having. Perhaps you are frustrated about issues at work, or home… Upset, or scared about an upcoming test or surgery,  nervous for a friend or coworker…
Think of all of the invisible threads that connect us as people, living and deceased… Even pets, or plants… Maybe food, or hobbies? All of the things that tie you to this universe, and to this earth… Things that you chose… Or others chose for you… A cycle? Nobody knows where it started, or when it will stop… It just is…
Some of it… The beautiful meals with family you may have had, or nights out with friends… Are incredible. Other parts like war, death, poverty, disease… Are painful to bear witness to and seem neverending. The power of one individual may seem too small to make that much of a difference… THIS IS A LIE!
Everything is connected: evey living, and nonliving being… It truly doesn't matter how it came to be, or what you believe in the end. If you choose to believe in God, satan, Alah, Jehovah, or any other religious deity or nothing af all, that is a personal choice. While yes, obviously something (or someone) created the heavens, earth, and everything on them… Why should we fight over the logistics of how it occurred?
If the bible, or Quran, or any other religious text is correct… Does that mean all others are totally incorrect? Are we all so totally conceited that we are willing to start wars, kill families and children, drop bombs that destroy countries, and ruin the lives of entire civililizations over what we believe to be true? Yes, it may be true. But are we such animals, that we are willing to slaughter each other over what someone else believes?
Whether it was a Big Bang, or Jesus Christ, or the Greek gods, is strikingly irrelevant. Look around you! War, death, poverty, disease, drug addiction, people dying in the streets… It is something that any higher power would look at and in my view, would call upon any individual to treat people kindly, and with peace, love, and understanding.
We are connected in a very deep way, and this is obvious… Whether it is due to some form of magick, evolution, divine intervention, governmental conspiracy… I don't care. I just wish for people to truly achieve what they are capable of. I have watched many go from rags to riches… And how they did it. I observed their mistakes, and how they managed to turn it around…
The strategies, methods of thinking, opinions, and tools outlined in these pages are my own personal beliefs. I consider myself somewhat of a teacher… A shaman, an author, a bit of an eccentric… But mosty, I just want to make a positive impact on the world. Before we continue… I must warn you that this book can, and will change your life. I know everyone says that. I know it sounds like some kind of sales gimmick. People lie all the time, and wear masks because they feel it helps them get by in their day-to-day life.
I am just someone who happens to be extremely observant, and is trying to document what I feel has helped me, and so many others  to turn their lives around. This isn't a religious (or anti-religious) book. It isn't a secular rant about how much trans people deserve our rights (while yes, we should have our rights, and anyone who believes differently can kindly return this book to its shelf, and keep your money and transphobic nonsense to yourself). I am not after fame, or fortune (although a small loan of a million dollars would be nice).This is not about politics, or anything similar. I am merely looking to help others, and make a positive impact in the only way I know I am good at (which happens to be writing).
This book: “Unlocking the Code”, is my honest attempt to explain how people like myself who are INFJ-T personality types, organize our thoughts, and also give a deeper look into a more universal and neutral philosophical viewpoint. I will explain how changing your thought process, daily routine, and thus editing the code that is you and the world around you, can change the program that is your life… And create a better operating system: the world
I know that this sounds totally lofty, and hopeful, but I know it can be done. Time and time again, I have witnessed what others have thought to be crazy occur, due to the processes outlined in this book. I once saw a meme that said “If someone tells you that you're crazy, just remember there's some rich jerk out there, laughing their head off who invented the pool noodle”.
One small event or idea can change a lot not just for others, but for you personally. Rome was not built in a day but that doesn't mean that you cannot make something amazing happen in a day! This is 2017, and we have technology. Ther are almost 8 billion people on this planet… Even without money, resources, etc… There is always a way. Sometimes, we have to acknowledge our options, and figure out a positive strategy to move ahead.
To better explain what I mean, let me first break down what an INFJ-T even is. INFJ-T, is a Myers-Briggs type that is extremely rare… And I happen to fall right on the cusp between two types: “the advocate” and “the architect”. I would highly recommend that anyone who is struggling with personal thought process organization, learn their personality type, as it can help bring clarity to how your brain works, and how you interact with others, the world around you, and even yourself.
My personal type… Basically breaks down to: I-Introvered this means that I prefer to be alone, require quiet, and get social anxiety. I perform best when I make plans for myself, and can think on my own terms. N-Needs I am needs based… I see what myself, and others need. I try to figure  out ways to fill them. My biggest problem is that I cannot figure out all of them at once, and get overwhelmed with anxiety around people. F-Feelings I am extremely empathic… I let my feelings rule me at times.Sometimes I let my heart overrule my head, and get in my way… However, I see very clearly and read what other people are feeling as well. J-Judgements I wait and pass judgment only when I have to. But once I am at a conclusion, I make a decision, I know what I have to do, and I do it. I don't care how crazy it looks or sounds, or if it bothers someone, so long as it doesn't hurt them, or me. T-thinking I think constantly… My mind is like a supercomputer… constant buzzing, and taking down data… As I take in data of needs, feelings, and judgements… I assess, reevaluate, and make plans… Then construct what I can for the future.
Overall, I construct ways to help others… This book, is an attempt to document how my brain works, so that others can hopefully gain something from the knowlege, experience, strength, and hope, that I have gathered over time.
Please have paper and pen (or something to write and draw with) handy. I would recommend that you allot yourself around an hour per day to yourself (however you have to do that) to be alone with just you, this book, and whatever else you may need (any required texts, tools, etc. will be outlined at the beginning of each chapter)
Before you go any further, please stop and think. Think of the things that you have done today, and truly reflect on them… Really think… Think as hard as you can, and truly focus. Let me explain, and demonstrate what I mean. Say you were reading this in the morning, right after a shower… where did the water come from? Was it purified? What is in it? What is in your soap? How did it react with your skin?
While all of these things may seem irrelevant, they all have an impact, and an effect on how the code of your body, and (by butterfly effect) the world work and run. Take for example your shower. Close your eyes, and envision your routine, just today… How could something as small as purifying the water, changing the soap, or altering the temperature of the water make that large an impact on your (or anyone else’s) life? Well… The answer lies in the butterfly effect, and how It effects your body's code, and the systems of everything around you… If may sound totally crazy, but hear me out:
Say you have to pay for hot water, or that there is a weird chemical in your water that is irritating your skin. Say your body wash has a fragrance that bothers your boss, or someone who you had a job interview with (causing you not to get that job), Obviously you cannot control what bothers them, but, you can control what keeps you afloat, happy, healthy, safe, and secure.
If you couldn't afford hot water, maybe you could take a bath instead, or explore cheaper soaps? If it bugs your interviewer, maybe offer to change it, of ask if they have asthma or a problem with strong smells? You could try looking online for other jobs, and see about posting your resume (maybe make one while you were online looking at those soaps), and email that interviewer? Make a mental, or physical checklist. If you have to, boil water for a bath. If you're short on cash, and your skin is irritated, look into things that may help, whether you have to go to a DR. or have to look it up on your phone, in a library, on a computer, etc. Reflect on your personal power to change what is bothering you and causing problems, and how you can make it better.
Much of the time, I find that we allow ourselves to become our own worst enemies: thinking that we have hit a brick wall, when in reality we are just beginning. We make excuses, procrastinate, or come up with a million reasons why we can't do something. Many times, it is as simple as taking a step back, taking a few steadying breaths, and letting ourselves think of our options.
While many of us are capable and able to do great things, we get bogged down by what others say, worry about what others are doing, and allow others to have power over us that is completely unjustified. Even those of us with “handicaps”, or “disabilities”, can find a successful path with hard work,
Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses are a perfect example of what I mean. They are an invisible illness. It is hard, but not impossible to manage. You just have to adjust accordingly, and make sure you set a routine, or you can fall back into unhealthy habits (not taking meds, poor self-care, hospitalizations)... And while this may seem an extreme, or bigoted example, I only use it because I feel that to a certain extent, everyone suffers from some degree of mental illness. It is more that it (like everything else in life) is a spectrum. Some people are extremely anxious, or depressed. Some people have intense anger issues, or sleep problems.
Learning to control what goes on in your brain and body, is of crucial importance. It isn't a “everyone needs to take this medication, or do this” kind of thing. It is a “everyone is a unique person, with a unique body and brain structure, a unique set of experiences, and a individual set of beliefs. Therefore, everyone has specific needs that they must attend to.” Kind of thing.
In this book, I hope to help people find themselves, and the tools they need to achieve happiness, and success. I don't care if I help all of 2 people… Because quite frankly I am one person, and my life is worth no more than anyone else's.
I know that many may be skeptical to read this book due to “she's trans”, or “she's so young”, or, “how does it actually work?”. Skepticism, and lack of trust are normal. You probably have never met me in person, you may not have even met a trans person before. You may be wondering what I am truly after in writing this book, or if it is worth the price near the barcode.
I honestly don't give two craps if you were to find it online for a dollar. I don't care if you're reading a copy you stole online, or illegally downloaded. It is merely to help others, and hopefully bring myself some further clarity.
Before we delve into the hard work that is unraveling the complex code of the universe (god I love saying that), I will leave you with some words of wisdom for the next chapter.
Self-care is crucial. Your body is like a battery: it requires certain chemicals and processes to stay charged. Once it is charged, you can start worrying about others. You will notice how easy it is to change something seemingly small, but how big of an effect it can have.
At first this can be baffling. Many may think they are hallucinating, or it is too good to be true. Some may think it is divine intervention, or else wait for something bad to happen. This is the number one mistake many of us make. Stagnancy and procrastination are humanities worst enemy: we allow ourselves to think we cannot do something. The solution is to truly push ourselves, but also to take time for ourselve, and be kind to one another.
In the end, we must realize that every day, is a new beginning. Every moment, every nanosecond… Is a new moment. Time cannot be calculated accurately (at least not 100%), so why worry? We just need to do the best we can for us, and those around us. Everything has the power to change for the better, or worse.
The world, is a complex operating system, as is the human body. We have the power to edit it as we please. The problem many of us face, is we don't use that power to its fullest potential, or we allow others to take control and start spiraling. We slip and fall, and don't get back up (or when we do, we don't know what to do). We feel we are forced to rely on others, when in reality, we only truly need ourselves, and the power of our own will to achieve whatever we must do to alter our own personal code in the way we see fit.
In the next chapter, I will discuss personal, professional, and social interactions. I will outline how to recognize toxicity in relationships, various mental and physical disorders, how to read people, how to nail job interviews, and more. Please enjoy.
Solaris A. Moreau -Official Solaris Code
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