seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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Vergil singlehandedly ruins an entire happy ending with one sentence. 
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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Favorite video game characters
Vergil - DMC
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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Resort 2016
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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Time to interchange your hairstyle, my dear brothers ( ͡ ★ ͜ʖ ͡ ★ )   
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
Oh, no.
Dante looks exhausted, and weak. Worse than when she had first left. Her walk picks up to a jog, and she kneels by his side to take his face in her hands. “Dante?” She whispers, eyebrows coming up and lips falling open as she struggles for words. “Oh, Dante-- Look at me, I’m here. I’m right here.”
She presses a kiss to his forehead, and pulls back to look at him. “I’m so sorry,” Eva says, shaking her head. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be gone for so long. I... Limbo had me well in its grip. But I’m here now, yes? I’m back.”
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
Eva knows those bullets won’t hit her. She’s fired enough close shots, enough guns to be able to tell when she’s in the crosshairs of one. So she stands still, only moving when the demons behind her fall with a sharp sound. She’s quick to move, to run behind the other woman; Because while she was capable in combat, she was entirely unarmed. 
And so, so tired.
Her wings fold in closer to herself, tense. “One shot won’t do it,” Eva warns, “You’ll need to keep firing! Don’t stop until they burst!” 
This girl is clearly a newcomer, but... What is she? She wouldn’t be dragged to Limbo if she weren’t something special. She has no demon blood in her, that much is clear, so that must mean...
She’s part angel?
Contemplation would need to be saved for later. For now, it was do or die. “We’ve got to keep moving.”
Escaping Limbo
Almost there.
That’s what Eva’s been telling herself for nearly an eternity. Or at least, what most certainly feels like one. The bottoms of her feet are sore, bruised and bloody, and she bears the scars of battle without weaponry. Still, her determination is far from gone; Getting out of that layer of Hell was the hard part. This is a piece of cake, weapons or no.
Still, that doesn’t mean Limbo is particularly easy to get through. That much is clear. Every Dreamrunner from here to Mundus’ old tower has shown its face, and Eva is exhausted.
No time for refuge or rest, she pushes on.
She’d expected demons. Expected figures to betray her, to take on the form of her sons to frighten her. She didn’t, however, expect to see another unfamiliar, seemingly normal figure.
No time for questions. Eva kisses her son’s pendant hanging around her neck, strangely hollow, and inhales.
“You!” She calls, “It’s not safe here!”
It took no effort for the redhead to turn, gun rising to aim towards the voice that had called towards her.  Mis-matched eyes lock on the woman with an eyebrow twitching up slightly when she notes…
Tilting her head slowly to the side, she stares after the woman with the gun staying locked on her, “I kind of figured.” she remarks, “Who are you?  And what is this place?  This some sort of.. alternative dimension or something?”  Her finger twitches slightly against the trigger like she was ready to pull it back, her other hand reaching into her bag to dig something out.
She had a lot more questions for this creature, unsure if she should trust her or not.  But what comes up behind the angelic woman prompts a quick decision not to take any chances.  The arm holding the gun tenses with a look of momentary uncertainty before she’s firing it off towards the woman.
However the bullets, despite traveling towards Eva, pass her with relative ease before piercing a pair of Stygian behind her.  Quickly closing the distance towards the woman, she keeps her gun trained on the two demons as they slowly work their way back to a stand, “I’m guessing it’s not safe for either of us..  Is there… some way out of this place?”
As skittish as she was feeling about the whole ordeal, concern was becoming more evident for whoever… and whatever Eva was.  Was she an angel?  One of these monsters?  Was she the cause for Temperance ending up here? 
She takes up a spot between Eva and the demons protectively.  Until she finds out what’s really going down, this was probably the best decision.
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
Eva is not a vengeful woman. 
She has never been a vengeful woman. Her energy, as she well knows, is better spent helping than hurting. To hate is to be a slave to your emotions, and to be angry is to lack the wisdom forgiveness will bring you. Thus, never once has she held a grudge for more than a few hours. 
But this is more than a grudge. This is... A wrong needing to be corrected.
There is no hatred for Vergil, make no mistake. Even after he turned to leave her in the deepest layer of Hell with nothing but a false pendant and broken heart. Only love and adoration is in held for him, alongside the desire to see him understand the error of his ways. Eva tries to keep that in mind, that the goal is not hostility - the goal is just to see him once more. To make him face what he’s done. Without hurting him.
She doesn’t hate him, Eva could never hate him. But she can certainly feel betrayed by him.
It’s no surprise he’s taken up Paradise. She can feel him there. Eva knows, without a fraction of a doubt, that Vergil has taken it for himself. Made it his own, perhaps in some attempt to find himself again.
God above, what happened to him? 
The gates are familiar. Painfully so. Rusted and old, they creak when they’re pushed open. She doesn’t hesitate, she doesn’t wait. She built this place, with Sparda. 
I will be goddamned if I see it turned into a house of evil. 
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
to those i promised a starter/reply, so sorry! been a hectic few days, but i can get on it tomorrow!
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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Antonio Marras F.W 2017 @ Dubai
Posted by x
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
The underpass is a welcome sight.
As it gets closer, she feels herself growing more and more anxious. That anxiety, though, is completely dissolved on seeing a figure leaned against the cracked, graying walls of the bridge.
Eva walks a little quicker, determination and elation in her heart. Her son, her baby, is right in her sights. This time, he's not going anywhere. He's not going to slip through her fingers for the millionth time.
She steps under the bridge and her footsteps begin to echo. "Dante," she calls, softly, "Dante?"
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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Concept Art - Mission 1 (2/2)
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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nightmare // 4.12.2017
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
Almost there.
That’s what Eva’s been telling herself for nearly an eternity. Or at least, what most certainly feels like one. The bottoms of her feet are sore, bruised and bloody, and she bears the scars of battle without weaponry. Still, her determination is far from gone; Getting out of that layer of Hell was the hard part. This is a piece of cake, weapons or no.
Still, that doesn’t mean Limbo is particularly easy to get through. That much is clear. Every Dreamrunner from here to Mundus’ old tower has shown its face, and Eva is exhausted.
No time for refuge or rest, she pushes on.
She’d expected demons. Expected figures to betray her, to take on the form of her sons to frighten her. She didn’t, however, expect to see another unfamiliar, seemingly normal figure.
No time for questions. Eva kisses her son’s pendant hanging around her neck, strangely hollow, and inhales.
“You!” She calls, “It’s not safe here!”
Escaping Limbo
It had been quite a cold night when she finally arrived into the city by train.  The whole place had a distinct smell and feeling that put Temperance on edge, but she lingered none the less feeling a longing to settle down somewhere even if it were only a few weeks.
However as she walked the long, lonely streets glancing occasionally towards the homeless drinking their booze, and curling up just on the edge of the buildings trying to stay dry, she would slow to dig a sandwich from her pack to offer it to one of the older men.
She knew the look in his eyes.. That look of someone who had seen too much, and had lost it all.  A veteran, like herself, clinging to his honor but drowning his pain out in alcohol.  The man gave her a cautious look but accepted the food in the end, his hunger driving him to eat rather then let himself wither away.
Without a word, she gave a quick nod and turned to make her way she had been going, scanning for somewhere warm to settle down.  She felt her foot catch onto something, and as she lost her balance and fell forward, the world blurred with her senses assaulted by something inhuman.  Hitting the ground, she grunts a bit, lifting her gaze slowly to take in the changed world around her.
It doesn’t take her long to realize she was in danger, reaching into her pack quickly to grab hold of the gun she kept packed with her, “Bloody hell.” the mixed accent was obvious.  What the hell does she do now?  Temperance’s gaze narrows, confused and tired.  She wasn’t afraid in the sense she was going to cry, but she was pretty unsettled by what she was seeing.
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seraphimeva-blog1 · 7 years
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Library at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (via @cambridgeuniversity on Instagran)
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