serenataink12 · 5 days
to keep having an active account u,v,u while I catch up on some things... my ship's children all pretty.
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serenataink12 · 8 days
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serenataink12 · 11 days
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mas de mi ship toda tonta y hermosa <3
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serenataink12 · 1 month
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serenataink12 · 2 months
Any help is more than appreciated
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🚨Goal- I leave the country/Meta- Ir me del País🚨 Due to recent events in my country.. we need to leave no matter what.. neither you nor my family will continue to endure this, much less my younger brother with autism and I. [English] Here are the links to the documents in English:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1srI-eNs52dtRup6YSBOFfwGfldxh4zHG/view?usp=sharing… [Español] Dejo aquí el link de los documentos en español:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xG5aQjQVm4CyE9mTMqVMcGO-jKjP39Ai/view?usp=sharing
[Español] Estaré mas que agradecida, si comparte estos tweets o me ayudaran con una comisión para poder ir reuniendo el dinero para: los pasaportes, boletos aéreos, solicitud de visas y para el alquiler de casa a rentar.
[English] I would be more than grateful if you would share these tweets or help me with a commission to be able to gather the money for: passports, airline tickets, visa applications and for renting a house. Dejo el link a mi pagina en ko-fi para que puedan apoyarme. I leave the link to my page on ko-fi so you can support me. Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lisandrastarlight/goal?g=2
My family and I really need to leave. I am very afraid of what could happen. I don't want to get to the point where we are not allowed to leave the country. enserio nos urge a mi familia y a mi, mi irnos, yo tengo mucho miedo de lo que pueda pasar, no quiero que llegue el punto en el que no se nos permita salir del país. So here is my commission table, if you are interested in my services.
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serenataink12 · 3 months
small artfight break, have uuuuhhh
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serenataink12 · 3 months
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Practicing scenarios like this that are half complicated for my personal project hahaha oh the details are going to suck the life out of me @ w @.
Yes, from the Beauty and the Beast type au, but YEARS in the future, these two decided to have their family. And they are close to giving birth and Bendy put all the ink servants on alert so that the room is clean and comfortable for her partner and the arrival of future children.
Loco, it seems exaggerated, he has more than one servant in the room cleaning and watching over him as soon as he has contractions.
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serenataink12 · 3 months
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just something stupid
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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I'm still working on looking for roles for all the characters, one thing is for sure, this au has variants in terms of who rules and the first one so far did have Serenade Ink as the beginning of the ship, but I will resolve that later if at the moment it is bromance
Bendy is a somewhat fearful king because he tends to be carried away by his emotions, including anger... (his attitude is due to the pressure of his father, the former King Luther, who died in a war between kingdoms years ago, his brothers Trendy and Wilow They came to the throne but they don't do a very good job so Bendy takes charge of everything and his mother Margaret advises him from time to time how to do his job as king even though his older brothers don't do it well)
Bendy met loco (a poor class villager in the kingdom) on his way back from a meeting with another kingdom... he was playing a guitar to earn coins so he could bring something to eat to his sister. Both of them were orphans since they were teenagers, losing their parents after a serious illness that attacked the kingdom years ago. So King Bendy once offered to help them but the two brothers refused or simply hid for days if they heard that the king was looking for them but that wouldn't last for long.
The other version that I stick to is that Mr. Collins, the founder of the midnight sun studio. He is the king and rules what would become the kingdom of the midnight sun, in itself he would be an incredible king who cares about his kingdom and the inhabitants of it, and from there I have sought to structure everything
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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A friend did something similar with the cup x mug ship and I lent her the original template and she gave it to me so I could make this version with this ship.
another way in which everyone in the studio and friend of bendy found out that he and loc were going to have a child is through bendy's whatsapp states xd
and well as seen in the drawing, this is when they are about to leave the studio and go to the hospital, Loco is upset and uncomfortable for various reasons
1. because bendy started taking photos for whatsapp and is uploading them to the status
2. is uncomfortable with the contractions and becomes stronger each time than the other
3. because bendy got him pregnant xd and he didn't expect the contractions to be so annoying (and he knows that births are not easy from medical experience)
4. He knows that soon he will be showered with lots of messages about everything asking if it is true or false what parents are going to do.
Besides, it looks like Loco, he wants to cry but it's because of the same pain and nerves of being a father.
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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I did it to show the  ship on a discord server
bendy belongs to TheMeatly
Loco belongs to heraldofloco
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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a little bit of the ship.
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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In this Au Teen Pop Singer as such, Choreo is the stage name of loco (and if the ancient god would have Loco inside him, he would happen to be Loco, older brother and if it would be as good as Loco but more towards the sports side that would be be a Boxer, and if his name is still the same "choreo" but it would be something like: "Choreo Lorenzo I")
Let's see some information about Loco de este Au as a teenage singer: In if Loco would sing pop, rock and alternative rock songs .. if he does not have a defined musical genre for that reason he is very loved and popular among young toons and humans. He began his musical career at the age of 6 when he sing in his parents' business a family restaurant because he liked to entertain the local people. until a producer from a record label visited the place and offered him a great opportunity ... from then on he liked until 10 years that they told him that he would have to leave school to start his first musical tour ... which annoyed him a little because he wanted to be with his friends ... his current representative.
He told him that he would give him a tutor 24/7 and that's how it was for a while, that half he was able to graduate from primary education .. now it was his turn to enter high school at 12 years old .. but I still have a secondary tutor and each one he tried do your homework and catch up ... or you had an interview scheduled or it was to go to a music store and do an autograph signing, go to record a single or a photoshoot ... things that lasted almost until the wee hours of the night ... and until the next morning. so his tutor demanded that he finish the task that he left him ... but when he just started doing it ... he ended up confused because he did not know what to do or did not understand it ... but the most frustrating thing was that he wanted a break and be able to socialize as he did before he became famous .. so he often dreams of being able to live a normal life .. like many his age .. and if he has the typical fantasy of going to high school and living everything he lives a high school series protagonist. Miner Dan explained to him that if he got together with his age it would only cause great delays in his important and busy schedule as an artist ... he is already reaching the limit and he no longer feels safe if everything that goes out to the market that his fans buy It is good because even clothes that are forced to wear to make him look more "daring and rebellious" he dislikes .. already in public he pretends to be happy so as not to show fatigue
Loco, Choreo and Miner Dan belongs to Heraldofloco Twitter
story and drawing belongs to me 
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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- Info-
here one of the doodles of this Au Teen Pop Singer. A little info about this modality, because there will be one other comic with 3 to 4 parts very short and the other comic or drawings will be drama situations, but mostly comedy and I will try to make one or another recordings of crazy singing so bear with me It is hard for me to write songs because I don't do that often and I take some inspirations from some songs that I listen to and I half invent the lyrics, well, this is pure fan art and I do it for fun and to get ideas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loco arrived in California, United States, for the autograph signing that was somewhat disastrous due to a crazed fan and that night at his biggest concert he begins to feel bad and begins to see blurry because he is subject to an extreme diet and because he has been awake for more than 72 hours.. he has a collapse of exhaustion in the middle of the concert.
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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- Info- here one of the doodles of this Au Teen Pop Singer. A little info about this modality, because there will be one other comic with 3 to 4 parts very short and the other comic or drawings will be drama situations, but mostly comedy and I will try to make one or another recordings of crazy singing so bear with me It is hard for me to write songs because I don't do that often and I take some inspirations from some songs that I listen to and I half invent the lyrics, well, this is pure fan art and I do it for fun and to get ideas
Synopsis of the little comic :
He just finished one of Loco's concerts, he returns to his dressing room, followed by the paparazzi asking questions ... but once in his dressing room ... you can see how tired and drowned to do his job almost daily at only 13 years old. . and his representative Minero Dan, happier because he earns millions from Loco's fame and doing business to get new merchandise. Crazy instead he just wants to rest a little, the poor thing has been awake for more than 72 hours and the headache that he has is not doing him any good.
Thanks again to 
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 for helping me with the script and the translation. Loco and Minero Dan belong to Herald Loco twitter.
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serenataink12 · 10 months
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I didn't upload it due to lack of time, I apologize u,v,u but hey, better late than never.
There is a nice meeting in the studio, the girls are interested in knowing how crazy her pregnancy is going and while the boys with Bendy are talking about the same thing but more focused on the father's side as such.
everything is nice and fine until the Loco water breaks and then he asks that they not panic because it is normal and it is not the end of the world but everyone panics the same way and they just want to help hahaha
Loco, he doesn't bother because they want to help him, this is the fourth time that everyone panics thinking that he is going to have his babies but this time he will have them, the other 3 previous times were false alarms
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