serenaxderossi · 4 years
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒.    peace or war?   sun or stars?   flowers or trees?   crescent moon or full moon?   streets or skyscrapers?   rooftops or balconies?   ink or glitter?   life or death?   order or chaos?   candle or bonfire?   ocean or sky?   leather or silk?   sweet or sour?   overstimulation or understimulation?   book or letter?   soft or coarse?   fight or flight?   spoken or written?   silver or gold?   playing cards or tarot cards?   circles or angles?   cramped or vast?   checkers or chess?
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serenaxderossi · 4 years
After five months of living in Dayton, Beatrice thought it was about time she got back to work on her fashion line. It was doing well enough that she could afford to take a few months off while she got settled in a new town and attempted to get her life back on track but she couldn’t afford to keep pushing it to the side any longer. Her little business was her baby and she wasn’t about to let everything that happened to her ruin all her hard work. She spent weeks hard at work trying to come up with new ideas and projects before she hit a dead end. The models she usually worked with were all acquaintances of hers from back in Beverly Hills and that arrangement obviously wasn’t going to work anymore now that she moved. Bea needed someone new to model her ideas but she didn’t feel like she knew enough people in Dayton to know who to ask. Luck seemed to finally be on her side when her mum told her her coworker was friends with someone who could help her. That’s how she found herself sitting at The Grind and waiting for a certain Serena Derossi to show up. Bea couldn’t hold back her smirk at seeing the other girl. If things went her way today, she was sure they could do amazing things together.
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Serena had been a model for nearly ten years, granted most of that time was spent in New York but she still had a few gigs around Dayton. So when she had heard about someone who had created a fashion line that was in need of models, she was the first to jump in. That’s why she found herself walking up to the other woman, a bright and welcoming smile on her face. She held her hand out, willing the other to take it. “Serena Derossi” she introduced, shaking the other womans hand. “I was told you were looking for models for your fashion line” she hummed, taking a seat next to the blonde woman. “I have ten years experience, I was rather popular in New York but sadly Dayton doesn’t have much of a life for models” she chuckled, a smile over her face. She was praying to god that she could get this job, she could really use it right about now seeing as all her other gigs were just about finished.
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serenaxderossi · 4 years
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Bear couldn’t ever turn down a challenge. Not when he was in school and there was a fight, not when he was living on the rig and it was time to raise or call on a poker game, and not when a girl that looked like Serena put a shot in front of him and looked at him like she thought he might say no. “Cheers,” he said, picking up the glass, eyes never leaving hers. He watched as she brought her finger to her lips, body shifting almost imperceptibly forward as he leaned against the bar. He watched her take the shot and then did his own, face impassive and placid even as the alcohol burned–he was an old pro by this point.
“Sure, here’s a question for you…how many more of these are we going to need to do before you invite me back to your place?” Bear asked, tone casual even as an amused kind of glint took over his eyes. He looked at his watch and then back up at her. “Because by my math, it’s damn near about time we got out of here.” 
Serena had to admit she was mildly shocked at his words, but nontheless she did not let the smirk drop from her face. She had to try and least keep a facade of control. “You think you can buy a girl a drink, and she will just go home with you?” she hummed, a hand inching forward to caress the stubble on his chin. “Oh Bear” she muttered, before retracting her hand and sighing dramatically. “you wound me with your idea that I am so easily won” she teased, leaning on her hand with her elbow resting on the bar. Her eyelashes looked up at him, fluttering them ever so slightly.
She studied his face for a moment, staying silent before standing and moving closer to him.”Tell me, what makes you think I want you at all?” she whispered into his ear, her hand innocently resting on his upper arm. To anyone else it could have been seen as banter between friends but to the two of them, they knew it was so much more. It was a promise, a promise of what was to come. Her lips stayed near his ear for a moment, allowing her breath to hit his ear gently before eventually she moved away, a innocent look on her face.
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serenaxderossi · 4 years
Starter (open)
Serena had been having a tough day. Her hair appointment had fallen through, which might not seem terrible to most people but for her it meant delaying her photoshoot for another week. Another week without money. There were also other minor things that had just frustrated her throughout. That’s probably why she ended up outside the Plan B club, frantically toking on a cigarette in hopes the smoke would clear her head. She was leaning against the outside wall, and felt like slowly bashing her head off the wall. Instead she slowly closed her eyes and as she did, she heard footsteps. “Not in the mood” she muttered, presuming it was some old guy that had come to hit on her. She was suprised to hear the other persons voice though, and flickered her eyes open. “Oh it’s you!” she exclaimed, her voice high pitched from suprise. Throwing her cigarette to the ground, she turned to look at the other person properly. “Don’t even ask about the day i’ve had” she muttered. “Drinks?” she offered, a grin eating at her lips at the prospect of potentially getting drunk.
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serenaxderossi · 4 years
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Bear cracked a grin as she told him the guy hadn’t had a chance–he’d figured as much. That was the thing about girls that looked like the one he was now talking to; you had to approach them right, ease into it, act casual. Luckily for Bear, he didn’t really care if he crashed and burned because he wasn’t sure he was actually trying. He was in intrigued, amused, and a little buzzed which meant he was perfectly happy to put himself out there and not too concerned about getting shot down.
“Figured as much, I could feel you radiating ‘no thanks’ from all the way over here,” Bear said, snorting a little at that as he took a sip of his drink and flicked his eyes back up to the blonde’s. When she asked the question, his brows lifted ever so slightly but his grinned turned into a bit of a smirk, eyes crinkling the tiniest bit at the corners. “I’m Bear,” he said, taking her hand in his, distracted by meeting her eye and only half-heartedly shaking it even if his grip was firm. “And as far as I’m concerned, you’ve got as many shots as you feel like taking advantage of.”
Just the way Bear was looking at Serena made her heart pound for a split second before she caught her breath, and herself and smiled widely. “It’s nice to meet you Bear” she hummed, removing her hand and running it through her golden locks. “Talking about shots..” she hummed, turning to the bartended and ordering them two shots of whateve liquor she had pointed at. She grinned as they arrived and threw the bartender more then enough to pay for the drink. “Keep the change” she called over, before turning back to face Bear. “Care to join me?” she asked, a teasing look taking over her face. She was daring him to say no, to back away now. She knew though that she would be disappointed if he did. He seemed bemusing and she could feel herself falling already. Not for him, but for the night. She was young, care free and ready to let the night take her away.
“So, tell me, any more questions you wish to ask?” she glanced at him, a coy smile playing on her red painted lips. She was twirling the shotglass around. She dipped her finger in the top of the liquor, before placing her finger on her tongue and sucking it slightly, letting out a small hum of pleasure. Her eyes never left his before decidingly downing it, flinching as the liquor burned her throat slightly. She coughed a small bit before biting her lip, and then releasing the smallest of chuckles. “Man, that tasted good” she said, her grin lighting up her face.
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serenaxderossi · 4 years
Aaron slowly walked into the bar adjusting his suit as he went. As he walked in, he could feel the thin air from outside the bar to heavy air inside the bar. He looked around slowly. He had only been to Plan B a couple of times since moving to Dayton. The blonde couldn’t help but to constantly compare the bars in Dayton to the clubs and bars that Aaron owned back in New York. He knew that he could do better. He just needed to get himself established in the town first, then he knew he could open up a kick ass club. The blonde walked up to the bar and waved down the bartender. If there was something Aaron needed to do tonight, it was get drunk. He had had a long stressful day at work and he was looking to get into some trouble. Aaron reached in his pocket for his wallet and waved down the bartender. “Scotch neat, please.” he said, winking up at the beautiful bartender he had waved down. “Keep it open.” he said, as he threw down his Sapphire card. 
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Serena had been working late for the past few days so she sure was not in the mood to deal with arrogant rich men. Her eyes scanned the man in front of her, noticing his expensive suit and sighed. She quickly poured his drink, the glass being slid across the bar to him. Taking his card she tapped it to pay. “What’s a man like you doing at a place like this?” she asked him. He was one of a few people currently stood at the bar and from the looks of everyone else, he seemed like the most sensible to talk to. “I mean with a suit like that. I can’t imagine you’re here just for the company” she hummed, her eyes glistening with mischief. “So you’re either here to wind down where you know people from your work are unlikely to find you, or you’ve come to try and sleep with some pretty lady who’s probably just out of your league but knows you have money so she agrees anyway” she hummed, a bemused smirk falling onto her lips as she raised an eyebrow at him.
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serenaxderossi · 4 years
[Closed starter for the lovely @serenaxderossi​]
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There was something after working a Thursday afternoon bouncer shift at a strip club that just really made Bear want a drink. Maybe it was seeing tits for hours on end and becoming mentally numb to the fact that he was meant to find them arousing and not just…another body part. Or was it that he watched a grown-ass man vomit all over himself after a lap dance? Maybe it was the fact that he kicked two dudes out for railing lines of coke before dinnertime on a weeknight. Regardless of what it was, when Bear’s shift was over it was pretty damn clear to him that he needed a drink. Immediately. The stronger the better.
So there he was, at a bar called Loser’s which, honestly, felt about right. It was that awkward time between happy hour and when things had the potential to flow into the rowdier time of evening when the drinks flowed and the mood shifted from “filling your face” to “trying to bang one out with whatever girl seemed mildly interested.” All of that said, Bear was perfectly happy to nurse his neat whiskey and watch a guy desperately, truly horrifically fail at flirting with a cute girl next to him. Right as it seemed clear that the dude finally got a clue that the girl was disinterested and was about to walk away, Bear noticed her drink was empty and ordered her another round, making sure the bartender poured it for her and placed it in front of her just as the guy finally fucked off.
“I come in peace,” Bear said, hands up as if proclaiming his innocence as he looked over at her. “I just wanted to do a quick postgame with you,” he said, nodding at the dude’s retreating back. “Did that dude ever have a shot?”
To say that Serena wasn’t deperate for a drink after her long shift at Plan B was a lie. Bartending was a good job, and it helped her get some meaning to her life but staring at people drinking all night and not being able have a drink herself eventually wore tired. The was used to being hit on by drunk men. It was something that never suprised her anymore, there was always some old man waiting to tell her that she had beautiful legs or a nice rack.
She ended up at some bar she had never been to before, but she didn’t care. They served alcohol and that was all that mattered to the young girl right now. She had been drinking a vodka white before some stranger had come to hit on her. She smiled politely and nodded along with whatever he was talking about. Her eyes roamed around the small bar, noticing someone watching her. He was handsome, and definitely her type. She flicked her eyes back to the man in front of her who had tried to touch her leg not so subtly. Shrugging him off, he seemed like he finally realized he was the only one doing any talking. 
She sighed, looking down and realizing that her glass was empty. Suddenly the bartender poured her another before nodding to the guy she was looking at earlier. She waited for him to speak and chuckled a little at what he did say. “Honestly, not even a small one” she told him. She took her now full glass and walked over to approach him so that they weren’t talking with a few empty seats between them. “My turn, do I ever have a shot with you?” she spoke softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She was flirting for the sake of her own humor but she did find the man attractive and if the night went the way she wanted it to, she wouldn’t complain. “I’m Serena” she told him, putting her hand in front of her for him to shake. “and you are?”
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serenaxderossi · 4 years
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serenaxderossi · 4 years
Hey is that [BLAKE LIVELY]? No, that’s just [SERENA DEROSSI]. They’re [TWENTY SEVEN], and have spent [FIVE YEARS] in Dayton. I hear that they’re kind of [AMBITIOUS], but also [MANIPULATIVE]. Did you hear their vices are [CIGARETTES & EMOTIONLESS SEX]? Can’t wait to see [SHE/HER] at the next party! (SAM, 20+, SHE, GMT)
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Name: Serena Gemma DeRossi
Nicknames: S, Rena, Gem, Gemma
Age: Twenty Seven
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Model / Bartender
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil
Serena Gemma DeRossi was born in New York City to her parents David and Melissa Derossi. They were never poor, her father was a lawyer and her mother a doctor. Being raised in New York City had its privileges and Serena never went without anything. Up until the age of sixteen everything was happy families. She’d go to school, where she was in with the popular clique, her family were happy with what time they spent together and she was enjoying her life. Then one day she came home to find her mother throwing her father’s bags out of the front door.
Her father had cheated on her mother for over a year, and to say that Serena was disappointed was an understatement. She missed her father but she could not forgive him. This is where Serena began to have a problem with drinking, smoking and sex. Her mother who was now providing for a child by herself was never home and Serena found herself in clubs, while being underage, multiple times. She never wanted to leave her mother but when she was twenty she knew it was time. 
Serena continued to live in New York City in her own apartment for a few years. She was approached by a modeling agency when she was nineteen so she had enough money to afford to pay for her expensive lifestyle. Serena was twenty two when she was bored with what New York had to offer. She decided to move to Dayton after her mother assured her she would be fine. Serena got a transfer to another modeling agency, and while she loved this job she wanted to do something else, something more sociable. So she took a job at a small bar, working part time.
Serena has spent the past five years partying, working and repeating. She’s not shy, and she’s well known among fashion designers. She loves to have a drink and a chat and is generally a very sociable person. She misses her mother, and hasn’t seen her in three years. Don’t be fooled though, Serena does not trust easy and her main goal is always to look after herself and those rare people she really cares about. She’d do anything for her close family and friends.
Wanted Connections:
LOVER, LOVER: this would be someone that Serena sleeps with regularly. Serena has romantic feelings for this person, and she enjoys their company but she has yet to admit that this is more then one of her usual flings to them. (male or woman) (1/1)
LONG TIME NO SEE: this is someone that Serena met when she first moved to Dayton. someone that showed Serena the ropes of the city. this could be Serena’s first true love, or just a mentor. they helped her but eventually they fell out of contact, and they have now come back into Serena’s life. (male or woman) (0/1)
RECKLESS TRAINWRECK: These are people that Serena met on her nights out and has slept with. She never had any feelings for these people but enjoyed them enough to be in their company. (male or woman) (5/?)
TALK TO ME: these are people that come into the bar regularly. they are close with her. she does not trust them, and will not tell them much about herself. she will listen to their problems though and will try to give them advice if they need it. (male or woman) (1/?)
FOREVER AND ALWAYS: this is serena’s ride or die, someone she is more then ready to die for. someone who she will protect no matter the costs. they’ve known each other for years and she trusts this person with her whole heart. (male or woman) (0/1)
 FUCK YOU, FUCK ME: this person is the one person that serena can barely tolerate. she is rude, sarcastic and mean to this person however they can’t seem to stop bumping into each other, or seeing each other. someone give me some hate smut (male or female) (1/1)
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serenaxderossi · 5 years
     "help me" 
              two words you ᴋɴᴏᴡ I can’t refuse
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