serene-nyx · 3 days
I keep thinking about the idea of ever loyal Barbatos - ever dutiful, ever putting the prince above himself, ever putting the lords above himself - and the potential for pure LONGING he may feel towards MC.
Though Diavolo may not be able to make a pact with MC, it’s damn obvious he adores MC. Everyone does. But Barbatos… he’s just the butler, isn’t he? Just the servant… but oh how badly he wants his master’s secret love for himself!
Like… the PINING as he watches MC become so close with the seven lords, the YEARNING for more than just a place as a servant, Barbatos finding ANY excuse he can to spend time with MC. Of course he needs a hand in the kitchen, the recipe is best made with two sets of hands. Of course he needs MC’s company while shopping, he’ll need a second opinion on which treats to get for the prince. Of course he insists too on getting lunch with MC - humans must eat after all, and it would be terribly rude to not stop somewhere with MC, right? Just as a thanks for accompanying him in his chores of course, definitely nothing more, nope.
Idk just… Barbatos longing for MC and the heartache and the WANT - and then how soft and sweet it would be when he finally gets what he wants. Would it be because MC said something first? Or would Barbatos break one evening after seeing the lords being too affectionate with MC, only confessing why he left the room once MC chases him down to see if he’s okay? Either way, Barbatos pining is on my mind
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serene-nyx · 4 days
typing “me n who?” knowing that i am difficult and unlovable
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serene-nyx · 8 days
jack of no trades. master of fuck all
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serene-nyx · 17 days
Yandere Thranduil x Reader
It wasn't supposed to end up like this. You heart's desire becoming a nightmare.
And now there's no way home.
"Thranduil, you can't keep me here. Sooner or later I must return home." You once again plead your case as Thranduil frowned and hold both your hands protectively. But lately it feels like his gentle touches were slowly turning like handcuffs chaining you to him, unable to escape his grasp.
"Meleth nin (My love) please, this is your home. Have I not treated you well? Tell me what more can I do to make you stay by my side?" 
His grip tightened, not in a hurtful way, but just enough to prove his desperation for your continued presence in his kingdom.
"Its not that at all. You have been truly kind to me and for that I am eternally grateful. But I have my family waiting for me. I miss them Thranduil. Terribly." Your eyes glistened with unshed tears and his gaze softened, drawing you closer in an embrace. You welcomed the comfort he provided and lean your head almost close to his chest, the part you can only reach due to your unfortunate stature.
"Have you found some other way to return to your world?"
"How could I when you took away that book and refused to let me out of your kingdom?" The bitter tone of your voice breaks the moment of tranquility when you remembered it was him who didn't allow you to leave and travel to Rivendell to seek help from Gandalf.
Though your tone was bitter, you felt him relaxed more against your embrace as if relieved.
"You know there are threats coming from the orcs resurfacing in the forest. I can't very well allow my beloved to travel and place yourself in harm's way. No, you will stay here with me." His fingers slowly brush down your hair as you feel your anger boil inside.
"I will not allow you to keep me in here like a trophy! No more! I will go out and discover the way back- back to my real home- if you won't help me." 
Thranduil grit his teeth in frustration as he roughly tilt your head up to look at him. His eyes fierce and burning as it stare straight to your soul and your composure faltered, realizing how large he is compared to you and the power he has to crush you any time.
"I will say it again. You won't leave my side forever. You are mine as I am yours."
A whimper unconsciously left your lips as you began to fear and tremble before him. The dominance he was radiating made you feel weak, unable to do anything but submit to his will.
Upon hearing that helpless sound, his seething expression was immediately wiped off, dark glint in his eyes returning to a soft crystal blue filled with worry and regret when he behold the terror he accidentally inflicted on his beloved.
"My starlight, I am so sorry. Please forgive this ignorant King from his careless actions. I did not mean to make you afraid of me. That was the last thing I ever wanted." The sorrow in his voice made you want to reach out and comfort him.
You remembered how it all started. 
Being a fan of The Hobbit trilogy movie, you were immediately captivated by the ElvenKing, Thranduil. The daily occurence in your life involves imagining random scenarios and plots with him and deeply wishing to somehow be transported in Middle Earth to meet him. And one day it did come true.
You have no idea of your last memory of how you came to this new world. Whether you were killed by a truck driver and get isekai'd, or if you were just dreaming or worse case in a coma, you have no idea how you are actually faring in the real world. But there was a portal which immediately closed as soon as your feet step into the grounds of the forest of Mirkwood.
Obviously you were taken by the patrolling group of elves and presented to Thranduil. It was not love at sight as you were already crushing on him way back on Earth but it sure did made your heart jumped with excitement as you eagerly and honestly answered each one of his questions.
You were detained in the dungeons for some time as the ElvenKing pondered on your statement to see if you were just lying to get yourself out of this mess. Perhaps it is dark magic then to how you were transported to this world? Are you a threat? But somewhere deep down in his cold heart, he could feel the sincerity radiating off you. And there was something else too- something foreign but pleasant that he felt when he first talked with you.
After careful consideration, Thranduil finally released you from prison and transferred you to a well-furnished room. He was still unsure of what to do with you. Strangely enough, the thought of assigning you to be a servant, a maid, cook, or a warrior didn't sit well with him so he decided to treat you as a guest and get to know you better.
As he did, he finds himself slowly falling for you. Unlike the other elleths (women elves), you possess kindness and genuine concern for other people. You interacted with his guards and other servants with much respect and he saw them slowly warming up to you. Everyday, he would look forward to seeing you first thing in the morning as your smile immediately brightens his day. And during the evening after he finish his work early, he would asks you to walk with him in the gardens.
It was no surprise when he ends up falling head over heels in love. He started properly courting you and sending expensive gifts everyday.
"You know you don't have to send me all these stuff, Thranduil. Its too expensive"
"Nonsense. I am the King and I can give you everything you deserve and more. Unless.. do you not like them? I can have another jewel be made to fit your taste-"
"No! No need, I really like this one. Thank you, Thranduil" You smiled at him gratefully and the corner of his lips lifted up as he stare at you.
"Anything for you, my starlight" He draws his arms open and gently pulled you to his embrace, his robe covering your form as you lean you head on his chest.
You wished those moments would have lasted more.
Thranduil was a gentle lover. Always kind. Always patient. Always caring towards you. He never once raised his voice at you and you greatly appreciated it. But as the days go by, you noticed him getting more possessive and obsessive over you.
"We were just talking! He is your guard long before I came here and he is just my friend" You defended yourself as Thranduil warned you against talking to one of his royal guards.
"I do not like the way he looks at you, meleth nin. You are mine, don't forget that. He should know his place."
"Everyone knows we are together so stop being suspicious of other elves! I am not fond of the way you're acting right now. I will leave you to cool your head first."
As you turn to leave, his arms reach out to wrap around your waist as he hug you from behind. His head bowed low so as to breath in the scent of your hair to calm him down.
"No, don't leave please. I am sorry, my love. I am just afraid of losing you."
You sighed, feeling your heart soften. You turn to face him again and saw the insecurities and doubt swirling in his eyes.
"Now what brought my King such worries? Haven't I told you I only have eyes for you? That my heart beats only for you?" You cup his cheek as he closed his eyes and lean towards your touch.
"I know and I believe you. Sometimes, I just can't help but fear that you'll find someone better than me. I can't live without you, YN"
"You'll always have me Thranduil. My heart belongs only to you." You reassured, hugging him tightly to show your devotion.
Maybe you shouldn't have promised that as months passed and you soon discover a way to open the portal again back to your real world while browsing the library. But you don't understand some of the text written as it was in Elvish language and from what you can read, it also needs the spells only casted by wizards.
"Thranduil, I finally found a way to return back to my world!" You excitedly said as you barge to his throne room, while carrying the book.
His eyes widened and he immediately walked down the stairs of his throne towards you.
"What did you say, my love?" The cutting edge of his tone failed to make its way to your ears as you were excitedly thinking of how soon you can probably go home once this works.
"I said I found a way to open the portal again to my world! But I need some help with the Elvish language and Gandalf as well to complete the steps here." You showed him the book and the pages where it was located.
He was quiet for a while and politely asked for the book. As you gave it to him, he immediately throws it to the ground and asked his servant to seal it in the forbidden section of the library.
"No! Why did you do that?!" You screamed, feeling betrayed by his action. You tried to get back the book but he tightly hold you against him before carrying you towards his bedroom as you continue to resist.
Once he locked the door, he put you down on his bed as you glare at him.
"How could you do that? That was my only way home!"
 His eyes hardened, frown marring his features.
"Exactly. I won't have you leaving me alone here, YN. You promised that I'll always have you, didn't you? And I promised to be yours forever"
You frozed as you remember the promise you said to him months ago. You meant it. You did. But that was before you learned that there is still a way back to your real world after giving up for so long. However, you did promised him and you can't go back on your word.
Bowing your head in shame, you nodded. "Yes, I did. I remember my oath that day, Thranduil." A feeling of frustration and mixed feelings made its way to your heart.
"You know I love you. I do. I just miss my family so much. I wonder what they are doing in my world. I wonder if they are grieving over me or still patiently hoping for my return. Am I selfish, my love?" You looked up at him as tears stream down your cheeks.
Thranduil felt his heart clench as he saw your sorrow. He can't stand to see the anguish in your eyes as it overflows with your tears. He gathered you in his arms and let you cry against his shoulders.
"I'm here, meleth nin. I'm here. Please don't cry." He whispered comforting words and before long, you felt drowsy and fall asleep in his hold.
Thranduil carefully put you in the bed and covered you with blanket. He placed a kiss on your forehead before leaving the room.
From that day on, he decreed an order that you are not allowed to leave his kingdom and that anyone who try to help you escape will be executed.
*End of Flashback*
"You've changed Thranduil" You gaze at him with such disappointment that he falters for a moment.
"No, please don't say that meleth nin. Don't look at me like that. I love you. I can't let you out of my grasp. I can't let you go. Ever." He pulled you closer and tilted your chin so you were looking straight at him.
The sight made you tremble. His eyes which were once full of adoration and pure love for you were now filled with dark obsession.
"Resist me no more, my starlight. Stay here. I will take care of you. I will love and worship you forever." 
He back you slowly into the bed and you didn't notice until you trip and lay sprawled against his bedsheets in a vulnerable state.
You tried to get up but he lightly pushed you down so he towers over you.
"No, no, I have to return home. I need to see my family again. I can still come back here Thranduil. I won't leave you forever." You tried to reassure your lover.
Shadows loomed in his face and when he finally look at you, something dark and dangerous radiated from his being.
You gasped, crawling away from him towards the center of the bed as he followed after you. You grab his pillow to defend yourself.
"Okay- stop. Don't get any closer, Thranduil. You're scaring me."
The blank look in his eyes shifted to that of a predator finally catching its prey as he reach you. A smile of dark insanity painted on his lips. He take hold of the pillow separating you two and throws it to the side.
"You know, I've always wanted to marry you, my starlight. In our culture there are two ways one can get married. First is by traditional exchange of vows and the other-" He paused, pushing you down once more as he hovered above you. "-is by being one in body, two souls bonded forever. If I may be honest, I much prefer the latter."
His fingers slowly slid down your body, touch as light as feather as it passes through your neck, the valley of your breast, down to your stomach and settling on your lower abdomen.
Your breath hitched as you watch him, goosebumps rising on you skin as you feel your heart thumping loudly.
"We will be one tonight, my love. And I will plant my seed inside your fertile womb. Since you miss your family so much, we will have one of our own- a much bigger family. We will have a dozen or more elflings running around the kingdom. And you will soon forget that silly ambition in your mind. I told you before. You won't leave me. Ever. For you are mine and I am yours."
With that he sealed his promise with a passionate kiss as he consume your being, leaving you breathless and gasping for more.
I didn't expect this oneshot to be longer than what I originally planned lol. Anyway, I've been obsessing over Thranduil for weeks now and I thought if he'd be the one going yandere for me, I would immediately give in 😂
But yeah unfortunately he's just a fictional character sooo! Anyway thanks for reading up this far.
Hope you have a great day and stay safe guys! :)))
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serene-nyx · 25 days
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serene-nyx · 29 days
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The Soft Skin (dir. François Truffaut, 1964)
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serene-nyx · 1 month
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serene-nyx · 1 month
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serene-nyx · 1 month
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serene-nyx · 1 month
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serene-nyx · 2 months
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he only exists in my dreams . ۫ ꣑ৎ . mine
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serene-nyx · 2 months
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serene-nyx · 3 months
I crave a love so deep, the ocean would be jealous. - Pablo Neruda
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serene-nyx · 3 months
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serene-nyx · 3 months
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serene-nyx · 4 months
I'd kidnap you (flirting)
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serene-nyx · 4 months
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