sergsbenz · 7 years
I ran from my dreams only to hit my nightmares head on.
justme62  (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
you touched me as if i had braille carved on my skin, and although you loved to read, i was written in a foreign language.
merazda (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
Life is meant to be experienced. This experience, however, will not be the same for everybody. There is no one single way, One path, Or one simple switch between on and off. One will go through their own life, at their own pace, taking things as they come and go; And that is their life to be experienced.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
Oh, I don’t mean you’re handsome, not the way people think of handsome. Your face seems kind. But your eyes — they’re beautiful. They’re wild, crazy, like some animal peering out of a forest on fire.
Charles Bukowski, Women (via books-n-quotes)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
We spoke endlessly about everything and nothing. Now, I cannot even remember the sound of your voice.
Michael Faudet, Dirty Pretty Things (via wordsnquotes)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
I like the way you miss me. I like how you utter the words, “i miss you” — passionate enough like you truly mean it. You say it genuinely and you show it through your actions. I like how clingy and needy you could be at times and how you aren’t afraid to show it. You’re expressive like that and I absolutely found it lovely!
pattypavia  (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
I was broken but underneath that broken shell of me was someone I didn’t know I could be
sandralidell  (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
In the future, I hope we’re capable of looking at each other through new eyes. I hope we pass by each other & innocently wonder what our new favorite colors are. I hope you don’t see crazy & I don’t see bruises. I hope you see peace & I see happiness. I look forward to the day of encountering a familiar stranger.
lex-smex  (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
Since that night, I found myself drawn to that light like a moth, with the overwhelming desire to enter the flames just to feel something.
mandarinorangesj  (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
There are flowers that only bloom for the moon and how beautiful is it knowing good things can grow from darkness.
awildchase  (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
your heart is so beautiful, the way it rhythmically beats, soft, steady, your chest rising and falling like the tides of the sea as I lay there swimming in thoughts of you and me
daydreaming while you sleep || O.L. (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
I’m tired, I’m so tired and feel like the whole world is crushing me down. I’m tired, but still not tired enough to sleep.
meghanabhange  (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
It’s just so hard to make people love you for who you really are. We always have to shape ourselves according to their understanding. To be original is a tough price to pay in this world.
theinvinciblewritings (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
Red is the colour of passion and I am drowning in a world of grey everything I have ever loved always seems to slip away I have been assimilated within the shadows of an achromatic dimension  I am a girl born from thunder and a paradoxical perception You are an aurora borealis a strike of lightning in the night whenever you are around I see more than in black and white.    Though the only certainty in life is that there are no certainties this world void of colour  is not what’s meant to be, at least not for you and at least not for me.
Eros J. Belle (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
Here, this is my heart. I’ve spent quite a lot of time putting it back together. I’m sorry about the cracks. Some people weren’t that gentle with it. Sometimes I wasn’t gentle either, but I’m getting better at it every day. I don’t really like having these protective walls up, but my past wasn’t great. I’ve knocked them down just to build them back up stronger than before every time. That’s become exhausting, but you’ll be different from the rest, won’t you? You won’t take this love for granted, you’ll cherish it, right? Right?
Maxwell Diawuoh // Trust (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
You see, I wasn’t the type of person that half loved. I always got lost in somebody. Comfort and hope invited me in and it was tough not to get lost. So I don’t see how I couldn’t get lost in another person, I just have to find the person that could get lost in me, as well. Someone who won’t run from me, someone who will love the dusty corners of my mind and the vibrant words that leave my mouth. I’m not meant to he half loved and I’m not meant to half love either.
charlotte509  (via wnq-writers)
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sergsbenz · 7 years
We all see the same things, the stars, the moon, the grass, the sand, the mountains, the clouds, the sky, the dirt, the rain, the water, the river, the ocean, the world, but I see you differently.
picoquesoguac (via wnq-writers)
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