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"Come, sir, it wants a twelvemonth and a day, And then 'twill end." - King Ferdinand, Love's Labour's Lost, William Shakespeare.
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We’ve been jealous, stuck by madness, but we can break the rules, That’s what they’re meant to do.
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i was tagged in a thing by @mizzabroadwaybaby so i’m gonna do it now!
1. what was the last movie you saw? i am currently watching the croods but before that the last movie i saw was rise of the guardians!! i’m on a bit of a dreamworks kick if you can’t tell haha.
2. what was the last song you listened to? the last song i listened to i think was one on this playlist i made recently? maybe ghosts by on an on.
3. what was the last show you watched? i just watched the “barthood” episode of the simpsons haha but aside from that let’s say probably LLL or girl meets world!
4. what was the last book you read? i just started mindy kaling’s new book “why not me?”, i got it for christmas!
5. what was the last thing you ate? pizza rolls!
6. if you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be? oooh that’s a toughie! i want to be in my apartment again right now and not home for the holidays, but further than that i guess i’d like to either be in england or new zealand (fun fact, i actually only found nothing much to do in the first place because i lowkey study sociolinguistics in my free time and i wanted to see some new zealand accents and the rest is history). but yea those are both places i want to visit and be in.
7. if you could pick a decade to travel back to, when would it be? i wouldn’t wanna travel back i don’t think haha.
8. if you won the lotto and millions in cash, what would be the first thing you would do? PAY OFF MY LOANS. ASK MY GRANDMA HOW MUCH I OWE HER. BUY A NEW PHONE AND A NICE MICROPHONE AND CAMERA AND AN AMP. then idk probably pay for stuff for my fam and friends.
9. what fictional character would you like to hang out with for a day? seth cohen from the o.c.
10. what would you recommend to everyone right now? tell the people you love that you love them! :-)
ok so now i tag 10 people but realistically that probs won’t happen so let’s go @qiunnjames @bemistoilet @fredsboyet @peterdonaldsson @nonbinarycharliedalton @hey-nonnynonny @bonniesimmonds @iamtherealjayz @balthjones
right so that’s 9 and i can’t think of anyone else so there’s those you guys can do this if you want i just did it cause i was bored haha. :-)
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KIWIS! suggestion on good candies from New Zealand? my good friend is gonna buy me some and bring it home to me!!
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day four without lolilo....when will the suffering stop.... i'm slowly dying.... tell my wife i love her //secret santa
HAHAHAH i am dead this is me as hell i’m in pain i am weak
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Is the design student finally free?
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am i the only one that’s scared that something like happened TO hero???? like idk i haven’t seen anyone say anything about that???????
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Hello lovely people!
Oh my goodness wow we have passed our funding goal of $20,000!!! This means that we are going to definitely get the money that you’ve pledged us! Thank you so much to every single one of the 349 wonderful people who have helped us so far. Wow. WOW.
This also means you guys have unlocked the stretch goal which gives you a Q&A with the four of us! We’re very excited to answer your questions!!
Submit questions to The Candle Wicks, our behind-scenes-team, and we’ll answer as many as we can.
And hey, we’ve still got 4 days left so if you haven’t donated yet now’s your chance! Even if you aren’t able to help us financially that’s okay, and you can still spread the word over social media or perhaps tell your Aunty who secretly loves A Midsummer Night’s Dream and you never know, she might give us a cheeky dollar ;)
Thanks for all the amazing support!!! It’s incredibly humbling.
The Candle Wasters xx
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This entire conversation is straight gold (and this is most likely the Fence Pole chapter!)
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so after FEATHERS can safely say vegan fred is confirmed for “at least a lil bit gay”
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your secret santa is back haha sorry 8)) how are you doing? especially after FEATHERS holy shit. that video was so cute, i don't even know where to start. well, actually: peter throwing the egg at vegan fred was the highlight of my life, but yeah. also, i saw that you took a sociolinguistics course! i'm actually hoping to study linguistics at uni next year so that sounds super cool!! have a gr8 day byee
HI SECRET SANTA i am good. FEATHERS FUCKED ME Up in the best way but the end literally killed me. like i genuinely thought feathers would be the last episode but then i was presented with more conflict so i’m a lil confused but excited!!! :-)) ah yes, i’m currently in it! the final’s on tuesday actually! hahaha. but it’s awesome i wish i could major in linguistic anthro but like alas. not much going on in that field and i’m not good enough at it to devote my life to it haha. i hope you are having a good day!!!!
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IF any of my jewish followers wanna hit me up with some messages about how chanukah is celebrated and traditions and such i would greatly appreciate that because i am currently working on a character who I’m planning on as jewish and some parts of the story will be written during the holiday season, and despite it being a pretty minimal part of the project i want to do it accurately! i have limited knowledge on judaism because i went to a catholic school my whole life, but if anyone would wanna talk about that with me and potentially some other jewish holidays/holy days celebrated that would be awesome!!! the character is non-binary and the main character also if that is relevant or makes you want to help me out any more hahah.
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