serialcomposer · 12 minutes
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Vegetarian butter chicken
With savoury matso brey as the “chicken”
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serialcomposer · 6 hours
being born and living in a settler colony state like australia will melt your brain if you do not actively fight against the casual and demanded levels of racism and white supremacy that permeates every facet of your life
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serialcomposer · 6 hours
Literal definition of spyware:
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Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡
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serialcomposer · 2 days
Griogair Labhruidh is one of they fowk that looks older without his beard than with
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serialcomposer · 2 days
lrb one of the luxuries people love to get up in arms about is air conditioning and it's such a good example of how selectively these conversations get framed. part of the reason so many people need AC is because building housing cheap, at scale, for profit so often means building with shitty materials and pre-fab / one-style-fits-all design, and consequently, many people's housing gets little to no protection from the heat without the AC. there are ways to build that are much more energy efficient and heat protective, but the US model is to instead cut corners building luxury units, which yields a built environment dependent on expensive and energy-intensive technologies like AC. similar goes for the dependence on cars. these things are still luxuries, despite them being necessary for a lot of people; the fact that they've become necessary is itself already a result of the immense accumulated imperial wealth of the US and how capitalist expansion affects urban development, infrastructure, etc. when a luxury becomes a necessity that probably doesn't mean you're suffering uniquely or extra; it means the standard of living you've come to expect or need was always and only made possible by the massive wealth you have & exist around already
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serialcomposer · 2 days
Noted girlboss Rotha Lintorn-Orman
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serialcomposer · 3 days
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serialcomposer · 4 days
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Look at the timestamp if that first message. My shift started at ten. I’d already arrived and opened the shop.
There’s nobody scheduled to take over from me at twelve and he’s known about that for ages.
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serialcomposer · 4 days
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Besides Israel admitting it was the Mossad, but to say shit like this you'd have to be a) okay with looking very stupid and b) to pretend that Israel hasn't historically been notorious for using different new technologies to inflict violence and maintain its apartheid regime in Palestine, in addition to using Palestine and Palestinians as testing grounds for these new weapons and technologies.
Take recent months in Gaza for example, Israel has been using AI systems like Lavender to create kill lists. In the first few weeks alone following October 7, Lavender flagged up to 37,000 Palestinians and their homes as bombing targets.
Israel has also been using AI automated systems like the one they disturbingly call "where's daddy?" which is used to track the targeted individuals and specifically carry out bombings when they enter their family’s home.
Another AI based system that Israel has been using in Gaza is The Gospel, which generates targets at an almost instantaneous speed, to the point where Israeli intelligence calls it the "mass assassination factory".
Israel has been, for decades, infiltrating communications throughout Palestine. Now they listen in to the phone calls made specifically by the families of martyrs to determine the success rate of their operations.
And this is just in Gaza in the past 11 months alone.
In the West Bank, Israel has been employing AI based systems for years. They have been using robotic guns, dubbed "smart shooters", which use AI to track people who Israel determines as targets, and shoots to kill with a remote control.
Israel has also been using a facial recognition technology called Red Wolf at checkpoints throughout the West Bank but especially in Hebron.
Simultaneously, Israel has also been using Blue Wolf, an app that contains a database of all available information on Palestinians living in the West Bank and is used by Israeli forces to restrict the movement of Palestinians and to harass them, and in many instances to kill them.
That's besides the constant heavy use of quadcopters and drones to surveil Palestinians' every move and to carry out assassinations. You can hear them nonstop in the background of videos coming out of Palestine, specifically Gaza.
All of this is to say that you simply cannot, with a straight face, say that Israel hasn't been a leading figure in the weaponisation of AI systems and cyber-technology in general, using them to inflict so much violence and to indiscriminately kill tens of thousands with complete impunity.
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serialcomposer · 5 days
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Fuck off
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serialcomposer · 5 days
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Cheesy peas!
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serialcomposer · 6 days
Israel just carried out a large-scale terrorist attack in Lebanon by causing a number of pagers to simultaneously explode across the country, injuring thousands of people.
It's a developing story, but so far eight people, including an eight-year-old girl, have been confirmed murdered in the attack. An additional 3,000 have been injured.
I've seen Western media outlet report on this like its a target attack on Hezbollah fighters, with media figures in my own country using words like 'sophisticated' and 'impressive' in their reporting.
Look at this still from a video capturing one the pagers going off, and tell me what you see:
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Does this look like a justified "military target" to you?
We don't know how these pagers were compromised yet, or who were carrying them, but we're starting to get a good idea of where they exploded, and so far, from the videos circulating online, that includes shops, supermarkets, buses, cars, civilian homes and hospitals.
If this had been done by any other country in the region, it would have been called a terrorist attack.
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serialcomposer · 6 days
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Absolutely hilarious opening chapter
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serialcomposer · 7 days
To understand why Israel keeps targeting UNRWA infrastructure and UNRWA workers (and by extension, human rights activists) aside from the accusations they're ~secretly Hamas~, we must put it into the context of which these organisations operate.
To put it lightly, Israel is not a fan of international NGOs and human rights organisations at all, but especially the ones whose existence revolves around advocating for Palestinian rights and exposing the crimes of the occupation. It is not a fan of Palestinian ones at all either, but that goes without saying. I would even suggest that Israeli organisations like "Breaking the Silence" and "BtSelem" fall under this category, even liberal ~coexistence~ type groups like "Standing Together" are seen with suspicion to a degree as they pose a threat to the status quo. The Israeli state and Zionists also see the work of such organisations as a method of "delegitimising Israel" and "singling out Israel" and so on. There is even a pro-Israel organisation called "NGO Monitor" which exists to combat this exact thing.
In the case of UNRWA, there is a specific criticism made by Israel against them (aside from the secret Hamas operative one), and that is they "indoctrinate" Palestinians to hold onto their right of return by perpetually keeping them refugees. Obviously, it's a silly argument that is not worth entertaining. There are a lot of genuine criticisms to be made about UNRWA (which is largely to do with the NGOisation of the Palestinian struggle but that's another post) but they have helped sustain Palestinian existence and livelihoods by providing aid, employment, education and so on. In times of war and crisis, UNRWA has been providing important aid to Palestinians. It's hard not to see Israel's attack on UNRWA as an attack on that.
Even groups which are headed by Palestinians, both in the diaspora and in Palestine, such as International Solidarity Movement (ISM) or Youth Against Settlements, face constant attacks by settlers and soldiers. The purpose of these groups is to demonstrate civil disobedience and resist the occupation non-violently yet still face violence. Others exist merely to just document.
Israel is also so used to operating with impunity that any organisation shedding light on Israel's atrocities against Palestinians is a blow to their propaganda. All the reports, documentaries, and findings produce evidence that then becomes hard to deny or hide. There is a reason why Israel is currently not letting in any journalists or aid workers into Gaza, and even the ones it is letting in it is targeting as we've seen time and time again over the past year.
The problematic nature of NGOisation and the apoliticisation of the human rights framework aside, many of these organisations have played a role in presenting the case of the Palestinian struggle in front of a world audience. The ability to not just document or advocate but be believed is a privilege Westerners have and that's where these organisations tend to come in. As long as these organisations exist and/or have a reason to be in the West Bank and/or Gaza, then Israel cannot do what it actually wants to i.e. constant settlement building, attempted ethnic cleansing and more importantly, trying to convince the world that Palestinians do not have a justified struggle against the occupation and the allegations against Israel are merely "false."
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serialcomposer · 7 days
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Death the Strangler, The First Outbreak of Cholera at a Masked Ball in Paris, 1831. Gustav Richard Steinbrecher. 1851. Wood engraving.
Internet Archive
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serialcomposer · 8 days
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Pro-Israel antisemitism is not an oxymoron. Arthur Belfour was an antisemite, Richard Spencer is an antisemite. The goyische Zionist who shot that antizionist Jewish protester is part of a long tradition of antisemitic Zionism.
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serialcomposer · 8 days
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@scottishcommune aye. Costs too much for the portion size.
Also where I heard an English student ask for “tikka masala but mild”
Chana masala today
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