ignore everything below.
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“I’m trying to make up for all that time I could have been doing it but was a dumbass instead. So either I keep flirting with you or I go back to being that dumbass. It would be hard as hell since now that I know I can flirt with you I don’t think I can stop now. So once again you beat me.” Only this time he wasn’t going to be stubborn about losing to her, he loved flirting with her now. He didn’t know why she kept up with this whole fresh pie when he came home thing but it was nothing he was into. “You could do that… or just stick to chasing Fangs and I around and do bad ass stuff as always. I won’t turn down to you telling me I’m big and strong though. Rolling his eyes playfully he coughed out a laugh. “You are trying to make even my compliments sound bad. How about this, babygirl. You are also good for patching me up when I need it.” Sweet pea tried to lift himself but could only get a few inches closer before the pain hit on his ribs.
“Don’t forget it, babe. Cause it’s not something I’m going to get over that easy.” As nice as it was being so close to her he found it just a bit harder to enjoy with the harsh bruises. Oh he had a few ghoulies that he wanted to match his pain with but that would have to wait. “You’re the worst. I swear. I always thought the girlfriend was supposed to be on the boyfriends side. Or hope that he didn’t get hurt.” Fangs and him would always have their goes, one winning over the other and claiming king of the rock. It was probably why they stayed close, no matter what they never held their loses over each other, just laughed it off and tried harder the next time. And Toni was always around to egg them on, making them the perfect group of friends. “Would you have been pissed if I already was turned on?” He asked with a laugh, trying to move with her to get his clothes off. He was in pain but he wouldn’t be useless.
“Don’t think you’ll ever stop being a dumbass when it comes to me, dating or not, but it’s cute that you’re trying,” Toni teased, pinching his cheeks a bit. “I’m sure you could stop if you tried. How in the hell am I gonna make any good tips if you’re at the end of the bar steady trying to get my number knowing good and well it’s in your phone?” She didn’t mind it though as much as she teased. Although she knew Sweetpea needed her from time and time again, it was nice to be wanted; and yes that went against a lot of the feminist ideals she believed in, but just having someone want her in both a sexual and romantic way was a lot for Toni–it was everything. “Does that mean I can still trip you with Fangs’ lucky pool stick? Because I think we all know if I try and use my foot that’s a no win for anyone. Yeah yeah, I bet you’d love for me to stroke your ego some more, but only because you’re hurt... Sweetpea is the biggest and strongest Serpent there is,” Toni giggled knowing she was only inflating his head more. “I love the way you say babygirl sometimes,” she smiled, shaking her head. 
“Me? The worst? I could name three people including you that are higher,” Toni joked. “The girlfriend is supposed to be. However, we’re not some sappy couple from a 80s movie where I’m some pink skirted cheerleader checkin’ for some leathered delinquent with a motorcycle. Wait.. actually we kind of are,” she spoke, laughing towards the end at her realization. She rolled her eyes as she moved to his top half and slowly removed his shirt. “I think I’d be more pissed if it didn’t turn you on.” Toni did her best to get it over without moving him too much, but as she removed the shirt she only saw how many bandages and wrap she had put on and how badly he was truly hurt. “I’m gonna sleep on the couch tonight so we don’t have to worry about me rolling over and hurting you.”
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It was only tempting Toni more and more as her hazel eyes struck down to Sweetpea’s dark pupils staring back to her. She could see nothing but lust and hunger only making her want him more. They’d obviously had sex plenty of times, but her being in control––even just this once––was everything for her. Seeing how Sweetpea looked at her, waiting for her next move. This enticing moment lasted for only a few more moments before his hands gripped onto her sides, flipping their positions. “From screaming Pea... or screaming Daddy,” she whispered, a hint of seduction hitting her tone. “Cause I’ll happily do both,” she added with a curved smirk. The feeling of the blade once again on Toni’s skin only electrified her more. She jumped a little, careful not to move too much with the blade so close––thought part of her grateful he didn’t ruin her new jeans. She assisted him, lifting her body in the air for his access to slide them off, the cold air hitting her body immediately. It took Toni a moment to realize she had been holding her breath as the indents seemed to cut closer and closer into her skin, never in a painful way, but one that definitely caught her attention as a small whimper of a moan escaped as the cloth around her bottom area was finally ripped. The anticipation was only building more and more in Toni as she noticed the bulge in his pants growing and the wetness below her increasing. She reached for his bottom, careful not to let the knife press into her too far and unbuckled his jeans giving him the nod to remove them for her.
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Sweet pea really couldn’t deny it. He was a stubborn boy, one quality that was either good or bad depending on the situation he was in. With Toni, it just usually meant losing against a bickering war or the choice between cheese on the fries at pops or not; there would always be cheese on the fries, Toni made sure of that. “Yeah, I know. But still you are and there isn’t any denying it.” He smirked. “What can I say, I see the most beautiful girl around I got to take my shot with her, Even when I know I already have her to myself.” Again she went on about being some type of at home girl. Almost describing the perfect Northsider and it made him want to gag. “Please, you’re not some airhead housewife. You kick ass then come home and have great sex with me.” If one thing was for sure, Sweet pea never wanted a girl like Toni described. He only wanted Toni and all the toughness she carried with her.
“Is that a question that you are actually asking?” His hand felt for hers that was was on his cheek, he took in the warmth and wanted to hold it there forever. “I want those lips everywhere.” He said back to her, noticing the smirk on Toni’s face. He knew she was distracting him and as it was working he was not going to complain. “You keep bringing up this time i’m going to lose to him. I’m starting to think you really want it to happen.” As much as Sweets would never admit it, the one person he’d ever be okay with losing to would be Fangs. “Besides, if I did lose to him that would mean you’d be here to make it better.” His eyes fell and he shook his head. “You can say that all you want. But I need you to know how much I appreciate it. Everything you do.”
“You literally flirt with me more now than when you were trying to get with me,” Toni spoke, rolling her eyes playfully. “Where was this energy a few months ago’?” It was only teasing, but she was glad that she could help Sweetpea focus on something other than his pain. He always masked when he was hurt or any emotion other than anger. Toni’s face was obviously cringing just thinking of the idea of playing second fiddle to some guy. She’d probably punch anyone for even suggesting something like that, not probably––she would, but playing along she kept it going just to keep hearing Sweetpea compliment her. “Oh come on, it’ll be so much fun. I could spend the entirety of my day curling my hair and reading books upside down while all the big strong Serpents go and save the day,” Toni spoke in a singsong manner. “That’s all I’m here for? To punch a couple of Ghoulie girls and make you cum?”
She smiled back at him once their hands connected, “Sometimes I forget how much you like kissing me.” Toni rested her forehead against his, giving him a once over before standing up. “I bring it up because I’m speaking it into existence. Gotta tell God my wishes. No one said I’d be there to make it better. I’m more-so there to laugh and crush your ego even more,” she giggled. “I know you appreciate me. So stop thanking me and just get me cheese fries instead.” Slowly, Toni tried taking off both of his shoes and moving to unbuckle his jeans. “Don’t get turned on, you’re going to bed,” Toni quickly commented before the boy could get anything out. 
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As he received the text message, Reggie practically sprinted towards the stairs to grab his car keys. His parents wouldn’t be very happy if they found that he left so late at night. However, he wasn’t going to let them affect him tonight. Reggie Mantle was on his way to get lucky tonight, and he was going to let anybody stop him. Rushingly he sent a quick reply to his phone as he ran to his car, putting the location into his gps on his phone. Reggie: Be there in 10. Reggie: And Topaz prepare for the best night of your life 😉 As he made his way to the location, Reggie grew somewhat suspicious of the location but put it in the back of his mind as he figured that this was just part of the Southside. Plus, he figured the best part was the fact that Reggie wouldn’t have to associate with the girl very long since it was a one night stand. Wouldn’t this at least score him tags with the bulldogs hooking up with some Southsider too? 
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Fangs nodded as Sweet Pea asked if he’d be alright without the crutches. He’d been doing his PT and could go for a day or so without them once and a while, so he knew he’d be fine for a couple hours. “Yeah I’m good, I’d rather hit him in with my firsts than these sticks.” He nodded and headed out of the trailer behind Toni. “Yeah, grab the keys.” He called back as he hopped in the car. “Man the dude thinks he’s gonna bang you in a lighthouse? He’s really that stupid.” He said to Toni with a laugh while they waited for Sweets to get in, putting on his hoodie as they drove. 
Once they got there he looked around and pointed out a spot. “I’ll get some dead branches and start the fire.” He patted his pockets and swore under his breath. “Uh, tell me you brought your lighter..” He asked @pea-serpent· as he realized he didn’t have his with him. 
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Toni just rolled her eyes towards @pea-serpent​, not even acknowledging that he was speaking to her. If he was gonna find some way to have an attitude with her, Toni would do it better. She walked straight out the trailer and to the car, sitting in the front passenger seat, eyes glued onto her own phone. “Reggie’s an idiot. What did you expect? I could have told him to meet me at a Burger King and he probably still would have came running,” Toni replied to Fangs with a slight laugh. 
Once they had arrived, Toni scooped out the area trying to find a good place for her to hide and get everything on camera. “Leave it to Fogarty to forget the one thing he was in charge of.” Toni only hoped that Reggie would arrive quickly so she didn’t have to pretend any longer to care about the Bulldog.
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“Well I won’t hold my breath for that day to come, but if it does, I promise to keep calling you short. I know how much you love it. See we’re a good pairing, you’ve got the brains to guide our dangerous plans. Oh boy, Sweet Pea and Kevin are going to be tossing snide remarks the whole time, maybe if we lock them in a room during the movie they’ll learn to get along. Or Sweets will kill him.”
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“Can you have a little faith in me please? I could find like some magic bean stock or drink whatever the hell Sweets has been chugging on all his life and use you as a an arm rest. Someone’s gotta have the brains around here. They’re just gonna have to learn to get along, though I wouldn’t totally mind watching Kevin attempting to one up Sweetpea. You really trust Sweets not to kill him? You’re brave.”
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She knew that her little whisper was going to send Sweetpea wild. Toni had been saving that little phrase for a day to send him wild, but she figured it’d be best to send him just as crazy as he was doing for her. It was only fair. “Daddy,” Toni spoke hungrily. Her eyes locked into Sweetpea’s, her light hazel eyes matching with his brown hues. She was desperate for his touch as the warmth of his breath was replaced with the cool touch of the blade. It was everything she needed in this moment and she didn’t want any of it to stop. Her hands tightened on the sheets below her as her hips moved forward along with Sweetpea’s;  the eagerness clear on her face. “Think there’s a lot more to cut through,” she whispered.  Toni leaned up, grabbing onto the bottom strands of his shirt, roughly lifting it over his head. The hunger in her eyes was apparent as she forced him to lay back against the bedding, hips rocking against lower half and lips pressing against his neck. “Take me daddy,” she whispered into his ear, trailing kisses from his ear down to his collarbone. 
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“You just denying being stubborn is proof that you are being stubborn.” He stated with a chuckle. “Take it from someone who is the most stubborn person. I know it when I see it, princess.” The more he hurt the more he would put it aside remembering more and more just how much pain he’d inflict on any Ghoulie he got the chance. “Well, I got to say, angry is a damn sexy look on you.” He sat up slightly and shook his head. “Look you know I don’t want you stuck here like that. I’m just saying save the energy for the big war, the one Jughead has cooking up. Show them then how badly you are able to hold a knife, take them out, and still look good doing it.” He said. The last thing he wanted was some soft version of Toni like she described.
It was all facts, he was hurting bad. He was too hard-headed to let it show but that didn’t get past Toni. He should have known better. “It only hurts a little, it looks like you might have to kiss a few of these bruises more to really get them better.” He hated that she pulled away. “It hurts more not kissing you, though.” His hand when to her chin to hold her there and not pull away. “I’ll risk the pain for your lips.” Before he leaned in to get another kiss he looked at her. “Thank you for coming and getting me.”
Toni rolled her eyes playfully, “It’s like the pot calling the kettle black.” She knew they both could be pretty stubborn, which only made their disagreements last longer, but this might have to be the one time Toni budged––if only for Sweetpea’s sake. She needed him worried about getting better and not what impulsive decisions were swarming through Toni’s head. “Even in pain you still find the energy to flirt with me. You are relentless, Pea,” she teased. “I can be some doddy (spell check) housewife who cooks and cleans and waits for you to come home. Sounds like the proper placement for a female.” Even the idea of sitting at home while the action was happening struck a nerve with Toni. That was never who she was. “You and Jughead love to just make me wait. Maybe I don’t want to wait anymore.”
She caressed his cheek softly, knowing the closeness would keep Sweetpea’s mind off any pain he was feeling. “Baby, you’ve got bruises all over. You sure you want me to kiss you all over?” Toni spoke, a smirk crossing her face. “You can kiss me all you want, but when you’re laying straight. I’m not gonna be the reason you finally lose a fight to Fangs and then I’m to blame for hurting your back.” Their faces were only inches from each other as they pulled away from the second kiss. “You know I’d come running if you needed me. You don’t have to thank me.”
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‘What’s it feel like coming down?’, Reggie stated, repeating her questioning mainly to himself before giving it deep thought., ‘Well, it’s like my entire body is being ripped in two. It’s not a pleasant feeling, or maybe it feels like you’re being held under water by somebody after freely swimming around. The mood swings are the worst.’ The truth behind many of Reggie’s violent tendencies could be blame on his jingle jangle withdrawals.
 ‘The only reason my parents know is because they caught me trying to take it.’, he replies vaguely, growing rather uncomfortable around the subject. There was no denying that Reggie adored his younger sister with all his heart, but the image of having her know the truth is what was driving him mad. He couldn’t stand to see the look of disappoint on her face. ‘It’s not as cracked up as it’s to be.’, He mumbled, looking away from her.
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Toni could only nod, listening as Reggie spoke. She had seen people attempting to come down and usually just jumping back to more to avoid the crash, but she’s only seen alcohol crashes, never one for jingle jangle. It was strange to see Reggie looking so vulnerable. This wasn’t something she was used to seeing from him and a part of her actually bad for him; something she’d never thought she’d feel towards the Bulldog. “How bad do the mood swings get?”
She moved her chair closer, not wanting too many ears to be on their conversation. Toni could see that he was trying not to be sheltered so she figured it’d be better to not have too many people looking their way. “I’m sorry,” she said in a low tone. “The way my friends treat you... It probably isn’t helping.”
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nobody likes the “bad boys” who insult and degrade their partners while wearing pastel polos with popped collars, people like REAL bad boys who wear leather jackets and take a lot of care in how they shape their pompadour and carry around stiletto switchblades and care about their communities and ride a motorcycle and rebel against the government and says stuff like “NOBODY insults my gal” and gets in fistfights with dudes who catcall their girlfriends. THOSE bad boys are the guys everyone wants.
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As much as he loved seeing that spark of anger in her maybe it was the exhaustion from pain that was seeing clearly enough to try and calm her.  “I’ll say what I want, I’m the hurt one here.” He said. “Don’t play stubborn with me, I know better than anyone that look in your eyes it’s the same as mine and you wear it damn well but dont make me hold you down to keep you from arming up for battle.” What a twist of tables, usually it was him being talked out of war. “I’ll tell Fangs, I promise. You’ll get your chance to rought out with the Ghoulies soon, babe.” 
He gave her a bitter look and rose his brow. Obviously he was offended. “You take that back. I have amazing hair.” His body made small flinches as he tired his best to deal with her cleaning him or the small points of pressure she’d have to apply to certain areas. The alcohol was the only real time he let the pain show, squirming as it seeped into the cuts and burned like no other. The only time he allowed the pain was when he pressed closer into the kiss she gave, he never cared how badly he hurt if it meant touching her. “You are punishing me for getting hurt now? This time it wasn’t even my fault.” He whined making the mistake of pulling her into his side out of instinct, it made him jump but he only forced himself to hide it. “Don’t you ever do me that bad to take away the chance to kiss you.” 
“I’m not being stubborn,” Toni replied stubbornly. Looking over his bruises was only string Toni up more and more as she saw the pain that was crossing over him. She was going to make them pay whether Sweetpea wanted her to do something about it or not. “There’s no look. This is my face,” Toni added, trying to make light of what was going on. “I’m not going to do anything, okay? I’ll be a good little princess and stay here and tend the house and pretend like I’m not in a gang and like I don’t have a pretty little knife for their pretty little faces,” Toni spoke sarcastically.
She ran her hand through Sweetpea’s hair softly, a small smile crossing her face. “Your hair is amazing, baby,” she rolled her eyes laughing. Toni could tell that Sweetpea was trying to be strong with her, but there wasn’t anything she could do to make him show what was really going on. “Sweets. I can’t see what’s hurting you if you keep trying to act if everything’s okay,” she spoke in a singsong manner. She tried her best not to lean into him as they kissed, but Toni slightly moved into him quickly backing away not to put too much force on him. “Don’t kiss me if it’s gonna hurt you,” she spoke, slapping his leg gently.
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“He came and bought a couple drinks from me,” she shrugged, knowing better than to talk about him grabbing her or hitting on her.�� Toni bit down on her lip, hoping that it wouldn’t result in any bad reaction to her admitting to still working there. She knew a lot of serpents were worried about having to be around  Ghoulies by themselves, but at least if she was on the job and they were the ones drinking and not her, things should be fine. “Oh, yeah Hiram kept me on. I don’t work a lot, but it puts food on the table,” Toni shrugged. “He doesn’t matter. I don’t wanna talk about him anymore. I only wanna talk about my Sweets,” she spoke, drawing the boy closer to her. Toni didn’t want to focus too much on Sweetpea’s father and instead on what Sweetpea and her had going on in this moment. The intimacy of their joking around always seemed to put them in a better mood and take them off edge––though the knife dragging across her sternum  was sending chills throughout her body. The hair on her arms were standing up, making it only much more obvious the affect that Sweetpea easily had on her. “Just like that, daddy,” Toni whispered, almost voiceless. Toni was holding it within herself to not let the shaking show as  enticed as she was with the moment. A small gasp escaped her lips as the fabric fell from her shoulders, exposing her chest to the serpent boy. Of course of all days she’d forget to wear a bra. Toni’s eyes looked up to him, bright and wide as the cold metal was pressed against her. “You’re gonna owe me a new shirt,” she teased, leaning up to grab his neck and harshly press her lips to his serpent tattoo. 
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Sweet pea had a hard time focusing. His pain was coming in hot waves but there was a look on Toni’s face he couldn’t ignore. Anger and protection; Sweet pea wore that look like a fresh set of clothes. His hand reached for hers and he brushed his thumb against her skin. “Princess.” He said shaking his head as if he read her all too well. “Don’t. I know that look all too well. The trash will get what is coming to them, alright?” Of course, he wanted to go out and finish them all off one by one. But that was Sweet pea’s main thought on a regular. “I don’t know, I might have recognized a few of them. Some of Malachi’s lackeys.”
 The ice sent a chill down his spine but he was used to this pain by now, even Toni said it as he laughed at the ironically true statement. “Might as well just consider it my look from now on. Great hair, dog tags, and a black eye.” He said trying to smirk but the swelling only pressed his lip. He knew no show was going to really stop the sting but the first thing that was on tv was some old re-runs of Criminal Minds, ones he’d seen before. “Make it quick, babe. I hate this part.” He said already clenching his jaw waiting for the pain to bit at him. “Too bad those fucking alcohol wipes don’t do anything for a bruised rib. How the hell am I going to bend down to kiss you now?” He asked always trying to lighten the mood by bringing up something to do with him kissing her. 
Toni’s eyes dropped to Sweetpea’s hands within hers. There were little red crescent marks in her palms, but Sweetpea’s thumb kept covering it every now and then with the soft brush of his thumb. “Don’t Princess me,” her voice trailed, finally looking up to him. She was never good at hiding her anger. “I don’t know what look you’re talking about,” Toni shrugged, not letting the anger come out too much. She knew Sweetpea was going to try and force her to calm down and not react as impulsively as she was feeling. “When Fangs comes by, you’re gonna tell him everything you remember,” Toni instructed more than asking. 
“Wouldn’t go as far as the great hair, but the dog tags are definitely a look,” Toni grinned, but her smile only lasting for a moment before focusing back on his injuries. She lifted the ice only for a second to make sure it was placed correctly, then back down. “You must not know me if you think I’m not gonna make this part hurt,” she spoke, beginning to wipe the cold liquid on his face. Toni tried pressing lightly, but she knew there wasn’t much she could do to make it hurt less on his face. Sweetpea would just have to suck it up. “I might be able to wrap that up tight enough to hold you in, but I’ll play nice and step up on something to reach you,” she grinned, scooting closer to kiss his lips gently. “Or I can just torture you for not having your blade ready to defend yourself with no kisses.”
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Sweet pea was trying his best to stay focused and just push back as much of his anger as he could. He didn’t have to think about it as much when Toni was right there. He wanted her there, more than he wanted to be angry which was saying something. “I’m not going to be changing. But I can’t slip into the things my dad would do.” He thought about his mother and how she’d constantly look away from Sweet pea enough because he was too much like his dad, if he got worse what would that do? “I don’t want to stop being me but there are things I know make me bad. Make me worse and I never had a reason to stop it. But you are here now, I might not stop it but I can control it. Hopefully. Knowing me…it might not be that much of a change.” It was no unknown knowledge that Sweet pea’s control on things was thin and this is where his choice to work on it would be one thing that is time consuming. In the end there wasn’t much he could do about it, Sweet pea was always going to be that hot head he was known to be. “Of course he was. Sweet Heat is a fucking drunk asshole. I wouldn’t doubt he lives in the back at this point. He lost his Serpent skin when he was taken away but he’s always going to be a drunk.” His eyes lowered and he nodded. “He said he came back for me. But that is the thing, I can’t look at him without seeing the things he’s done. He can’t do a fucking thing to change how much he ruined me.” Toni was right as always, FP had taken on a more father like role to Sweet Pea. It was always him he stayed loyal to and he still did no matter how much Sweet pea rode the man’s back now that he was retired. “FP is the guy I would have wanted to be my father. And you’re right, I don’t need to give my dad a chance. He doesn’t even deserve the time he thinks he can put in to change. From what I know about him… he’s always been a dead beat.” Sweets could feel that dtunk mind of his quickly wrap right into those words that Toni distracted him with. It wasn’t hard to get Sweet pea to pay attention to only her and when she was being so forward there was no doubt that he was easily being tempted by his quick lust. Grinning at her with his hands finging their place on her hips. “I only smile like that cause you are just so damn good to look at, babygirl.” He could tell just where she was going and his hand slide in his pocket taking the knife and flipping the blade out quickly shooting her a mischievous grin. A foggy mind was no match to Toni when she started to turn Sweet Pea on; not that it was that hard. “Tell me, babygirl, what do you want me to do with this little knife here?” His hand grabbed the loop of her pants and he pulled her against him feeling her weight against him below his waist. 
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"You care too much to become your father or slip into any of his habits. The way you love Fangs and protect me, your father would never be capable of that. He would be lucky to be the kind of man that you are,” Toni spoke reassuringly. She wished that Sweetpea was able to have a father figure to look up to. He fell so easily into the thug boy mentality that maybe if his dad was better, Sweetpea could be better too, but it wasn’t something she wanted to get into today––not right now. Toni could could only nod, listening as Sweetpea spoke. It was her job to be there for him and make sure he didn’t feel so alone, not to instantly jump and try to solve his problems. The more Sweetpea was talking about her father, the more it was only reminding her of the guy she met at the bar. The drop of Sweetheat made everything click right away. The creep from the bar was Sweetpea’s father. “His name isn’t Pearce, right? I.. I think I served him a few nights ago,” she asked softly. Toni figured he would figure it out at some point. She had to be the one to tel him. “We can try hang out by the pool tables whenever we’re at the Wyrm. We don’t have to worry about your dad, okay? We can still have fun and ignore him,” she added. Toni moved up to him, kissing under his eye and then to his lips. She remembered far too many days seeing Sweetpea at school with a busted lip or a blackened eye. Even as a little girl, she kissed his bruises just the same as she did now. “You’ve got FP, Pea. Sweetheat doesn’t matter. You’ve got a much better family than he’s been able to ever give you. We’ll protect you,” she replied. Sweetpea wasn’t always given the easiest show in life, but if Toni could do anything about it she’d make sure it didn’t feel as hard for him. That’s what she’s usually been within their friendship: he was her protector and she was the mother figure. They took care of each other in more ways than one. Toni couldn’t hide the smirk covering her face once Sweetpea’s attention turned straight to her. If there’s one thing she knew anything, Toni knew how to distract Sweetpea. Her eyes became glued onto the knife, looking over the bright silver lining on the blade. Toni’s body rocked against his, her hands slowly making their way to her tank top and playing with the straps. “Pretty knife you’ve got there... I’d love to know how it felt against my skin,” she smirked. 
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It was that look that Sweet Pea knew. Usually it was directed at him when he had done something that Toni didn’t like but luckily she was angry at the Ghoulies. “That’s all they are. I always say it.” He said as he never thought the group had any sense of moral or code. Slowly all of the adrenaline was starting to wear off and his body was tensing due to the pain casing him to groan at the tender places around his ribs. 
The couch had been hell of a lot more comfortable than trying to lay his large body int he back of a car and drive around. “I didn’t loose. I’m still breathing, princess… just wait. I’ll finish what they started.” He said already wanting to get back at them for the weak shot they took at him. Sweet pea would never fight a man when he wasn’t expecting it. Sweet pea was a fair fight and no coward. “Just walking around… I had finished my late shift at the shop. I can’t always walk around with a posse.” He leaned his head back on the cushion and tried to ignore the pain as much as he could. “It’s really not so bad.” He said. 
She hadn’t noticed how roughly her hands were clenched until Toni could feel the imprint of her nails digging into her skin. Toni hated seeing any serpents hurt, but Sweetpea and Fangs were a whole different ball game. If you hurt one of them, there would be hell to pay. “Did you hear their voices or see any marks on them you remember?” Toni wanted to make sure she had a mental note to be able to describe them to Fangs. The Ghoulies weren’t going to get away with this. Not if Toni had anything to do with it. 
Birdie dropped an ice pack by the younger serpents before heading out the door. Toni placed it under his eyes, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a black eye.” She smiled softly, going through the first aid kit to properly treat him. At least taking care of Sweetpea distracted her from her anger for now. She handed him the remote,” Come on, find some action thing to distract you. I’ve gotta use the alcohol wipes.”
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“Eh, I think you’re the baby, you closer to the size. And I think I’ll listen to six foot tall you as much as I’d listen to you now. You aggressively suggest, but sure. Oh come on, I’m smarter than that, do you doubt me? Don’t actually answer that. And we’ll have to work out our seating arrangements, Maybe we can kick Sweets to the floor and he won’t be able to scare you as much. And I assume so, if it’s an issue we’ll encounter it at some point, if not, why push it?”
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"One day I’m gonna hit my growth spirt and you’re not gonna have any jokes to use against me anymore! It’s fine. I’ve got enough brains to outsmart your height any day. Are you sure you want me to answer that? That’s what I thought... We can just send Pea on snack runs and that way we won’t have to worry about him. It can be you and I on a date and then Sweetpea and Kevin can hang out together.”
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‘‘How could I ever forget that dance of yours– It was one of the hottest things I’ve seen? This is technically a punishment..’‘ He trails off, biting his bottom lip as he stares at her– his hands moving to slide up and down her legs. ‘‘I actually wouldn’t.. mind that. Teachers assistant? It’d be a hot title for ya, hm?’‘ He murmurs, leaning in to barely graze his lips against hers. 
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“’My dance wasn’t that impressive. I just danced. Didn’t so anything to catch your eye,” she spoke, giving Mr. Wolfe a slight smile. ”Not trying to be your hot assistant, just wanting to help” Toni countered. Her eyes scanned the doors, seeing no one in sight than back to Mr. Wolfe. She couldn’t hide the smile that crossed her face as he looked her over. “You wouldn’t mind having me here alone? I can just sit at your desk and you can see how cuteI looked I looked” she teased, her lips pressing against his softly. “It’s so cute you trying not to kiosk me.” Toni smirked, leaning her rms back and looking Jaxon over. “You know you’re pretty hot when you’re not yelling at me.”
First day at Southside High || Past thread.
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