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                           “ Independent and Selective Jughead Jones. Mostly Canon Based (Riverdale)  Non-canon friendly. Crossovers Friendly. Low Activity.                                                                                      
                                                                                              written by  Pressy.
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This blog is now an archive. I will make a new blog eventually but for now this one will not be used. I write on discord albeit rarely, so I will be there for now. Thank you for the lovely threads, it's been a pleasure. Xx
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so move me, baby shake like the bough of a willow tree you do it naturally move me, baby
for @huamei-reinhart ♥
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@brokenxbeautyxx and I are in search of two people who'd be willing to do this plot with us on disco and tumblr. It will be a 4 people small group rp so hmu me or her if you'd like to explore mysteries!
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STARRING      ↳   KJ Apa as FRED JONES      ↳   Holland Roden as DAPHNE BLAKE      ↳   Tyler Posey as NORVILLE ‘SHAGGY’ ROGERS      ↳   Ellen Page as VELMA DINKLEY
                MYSTERY INC. PRESENTS THE GANG… Four meddling college students attending the Coolsville Community College, if you knew the ‘Mystery Gang’ then you’d know they’re quite an unlikely gathering: a grease monkey nerd-turned-high school football star, an it-girl beauty blogger with psychic abilities dreams of proper journalism, a burnout foodie with a sports scholarship in track and gymnastics and his dog, and a bookworm film student making documentaries about the paranormal. Despite having attended the same high school, the four never really crossed paths until college apart from Shaggy and Velma’s sitting in media studies together, where Daphne and Velma united to start their careers with Velma researching and setting up investigations, and Daphne serving as the informative face of their docu-series. Fred and Shaggy were brought in by chance, with Fred fixing Daphne’s bug when it broke down and offering to drive them and man the camera (his van was much larger and could hold all the equipment after all), while Shaggy merely stumbled in on an encounter with a particularly petulant poltergeist due to Scooby Doo’s insistence while on a walk. From there, the gang was formed, and their adventures in seeking out the supernatural ensued…
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As you may know, I am slow on tumblr. I am starting work again and my dreams of being active might disappear. I will try to be here as much as I can but if not you can find me on discord ( where I will be a bit faster with my replies) if you'd like to do short threads,chat,plot or whatever - ask for it. I roleplay mostly Jughead but I am open to new plots and ideas. Please look at my rules on here to see things I do not rp ! ( e.g - nsfw - I do it rarely and I do not enjoy writing it so if you are looking for that I am not the right partner)
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Obviously, he wasn’t in the least bit amused by predicament, but the guy sure as hell didn’t have to make it even more painful by being aggressive. The very last thing she’d wanted was to get uprooted from her life and tossed into a whole new world with a new name, a husband she didn’t want, but she hadn’t lost her customs along the way. “I’m sorry, did they take away your manners too, Micheal?” Blinking, the cherry-haired female allows his little tantrum to play out, watching with pursed lips. OH HELL NO! Twisting, Elizabeth slowly turns to glance over the left side of her shoulder, before doing the same on her right. “Um, I’m not sure who you think you’re talking to-” A hand lifts, a manicured finger-pointing in his direction, before flicking her wrist. “-but it sure as hell isn’t me.” What on earth was his deal? “I get that this isn’t ideal, for either of us, but I’m not one of those littletramps you’re used to being around. I’m not going to just roll over and take whatever bullshit you’re trying to feed me.” They were clearly off to a fantastic start. “If this-” Motioning between them, she takes a step closer before resting her hands on her hips. “-is going to work, there’s going to need to be some kind of mutual respect. Because you’ve got me fu-” Her words are cut off by the musical chime of their doorbell, forcing her rant short. Crimson brows furrow, confusion coating her features. “Expecting anyone…?”
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The woman before him seemed like she was lost in her illusions, obviously not intelligent enough to realize what was the price they had to pay if she  forgot simple details such as his name. The least he could do was to listen to what seemed like an endless rant, it seemed as shebelieved she had some sort of experience or knowledge he did not possess but in reality she didn’t. He had been in this place before, he knew how criminals were  thinking and she acted as if she was on a planned vacation with a stranger who was willing to pay. “  You are not one of my little tramps, they are smart enough to know what to remember and when to keep their mouth shut when their life depends on it.” His voice was a hiss as if he was a snake and that was what he was in his nature. But the doorbell saved her.
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His eyes rolled as he looked at her. “ Did you tell your mommy or daddy where we are going?” he asked sarcastically as he walked over to the door and opened it.  He was not surprised to see a couple with fake smiles, he couldn’t help but fake one of his own, before their door, holding an obviously homemade dish as  a welcoming gift. People believed in good neighbors, what he believed was that people were too curious to let other people live their own live in private. The couple introduced themselves and he opened the door wider. “ It is nice to meet you both, thank you for this, it smells lovely.” It made him sick. “ I am Michael and this is my beautiful wife. Honey?” he said as he turned to her but the moment the neighbors could no longer see him, his eyes were piercing hers as if they were knives. This was going to be fun.
⁂ Wishlist starter for @serpentsprince​
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They’d hadn’t spoken much since first being introduced to one another at the airport. It wasn’t as though either of them had much to say, given the unfortunate circumstances. After all, what choice did they have in the matter? They’d given up any freewill when they’d agreed to the program. It was either this or a life of constant fear. Elizabeth opted for pretending to sleep throughout their entire venture. From plane to plane. Flight after flight, until they’d finally arrived at a city in.. who-fucking-knew! She’d lost track of where she’d been headed three flights ago. The drive is just as silent, just as painfully awkward as their time spend trapped together on several aircrafts. You’d think they’d given the duo a bit of a heads up before tossing them together, gifted them a chance to get to know one another before writing out a script of their lives together. It isn’t long before they reach their final destination—a stunning remodeled Victorian in the center of a culdesac. “Some house, huh?” Her words are directed towards him, but her gaze stays focused on her surroundings as they enter the estate. Glistening pumps click musically against the marbled floor beneath her feet, echoing throughout the vaulted ceilings above. “Seems a bit much for young newlyweds, don’t you think?” The word lingers on her tongue, coating it with a sour taste. How in the hell did they expect anyone to believe the pair of them could afford something as extravagant as their new home? Delicately spinning around on the toes of her heels, she finally allows her olive hues to find her husband. “What am I supposed to call you again?” Old names were no longer suitable, but she couldn’t for the life of her recall what his new title was supposed to be.
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Every Bughead Kiss - 1x06 - 4x19
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Yellow - warmth, happiness, joyfulness
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The criminals no longer had the honor they used to, the world managed to poison their rules too, there was no longer the feeling of a family, it was rather an hierarchy where those who were strong enough survived. The man who was staying close to the woman now was a changed man, he was no longer the criminal who was willing to give his life away to protect the business of his boss, he was a man who had chosen his own freedom before the freedom of someone else. He was too young to be in prison, he was too young not to be given the chance for redemption and all he had to do to turn his life around was to speak. So he spoke, told them everything they knew and hoped he made the right decision.
They gave him a wife, a house and perhaps something to look forward to. Given the life, he had been living, it seemed like a joke. The American dream he never wanted to have – all he wanted to was to be alive and make enough for a living. But now he was on the run, with a redhead he did not know and with regrets. There was no fear, they gave him a file and the moment he read it, he decided it that perhaps death would have been better. Yet, he had to survive. He was born to survive,  he was born to adapt and he was confident  he would.
Sythe rolled his eyes the moment she spoke, she did not seem experienced at this, she was going to ruin it for them. “ Haven’t you read the file? Your uncle bought it for us. He is rich. He gives us money.” He said through gritted teeth as he showed the folder he was holding in his hand, it was all about details and they should know every single one of it. They had a whole town to fool, it was not just a play that was going to be given a bad review from the audience, if they did not act according to the script, they could lose their lives or words – they had to move again, with another script and the that danger that if they were going to be constantly on the move they were going to be caught eventually.
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“ Micheal. I am named Micheal.” He said as he sat on one of the chairs, his icy hues piercing her petite figure. “ We are not here on a vacation. I’d suggest you to read the folder carefully. If you have memory issues, read it again. I do not want you to fuck this up for me, redhead.”
⁂ Wishlist starter for @serpentsprince​
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They’d hadn’t spoken much since first being introduced to one another at the airport. It wasn’t as though either of them had much to say, given the unfortunate circumstances. After all, what choice did they have in the matter? They’d given up any freewill when they’d agreed to the program. It was either this or a life of constant fear. Elizabeth opted for pretending to sleep throughout their entire venture. From plane to plane. Flight after flight, until they’d finally arrived at a city in.. who-fucking-knew! She’d lost track of where she’d been headed three flights ago. The drive is just as silent, just as painfully awkward as their time spend trapped together on several aircrafts. You’d think they’d given the duo a bit of a heads up before tossing them together, gifted them a chance to get to know one another before writing out a script of their lives together. It isn’t long before they reach their final destination—a stunning remodeled Victorian in the center of a culdesac. “Some house, huh?” Her words are directed towards him, but her gaze stays focused on her surroundings as they enter the estate. Glistening pumps click musically against the marbled floor beneath her feet, echoing throughout the vaulted ceilings above. “Seems a bit much for young newlyweds, don’t you think?” The word lingers on her tongue, coating it with a sour taste. How in the hell did they expect anyone to believe the pair of them could afford something as extravagant as their new home? Delicately spinning around on the toes of her heels, she finally allows her olive hues to find her husband. “What am I supposed to call you again?” Old names were no longer suitable, but she couldn’t for the life of her recall what his new title was supposed to be.
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For once, Jughead  became a victim to his own exhaustion, the unfinished story so close to him and yet so far as the sentences danced through his laptop screen, impatiently waiting for the epilogue. Writer’s block was foreign to him, however, he had overestimated his stamina and for how long his brain could produce his imagination’s conspiracies without falling asleep. Now, he was in a different world –  a different story unfolding before his eyes. The sound of his phone, an old song of a ringtone he used to love, brought him back to the land of the living. Without looking at the caller’s ID, he already knew who it was. “ Betts? What’s wrong?” his raspy voice questioned as he assumed it was late, the last time he looked at the clock, it was 1 am
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@serpentsprince​ based on 3 am Life for Betty had been anything but ideal. After her father was convicted she felt like she was losing it. Though, months of being tormented by the black hood, only to find it it was her father would do that to a person.  She had been going out far too much for her mother’s taste and though she would never say it, she needed someone to care about her. To talk to her at 3 am when her thoughts had gotten the best of her.  Which brought her to tonight. She had left the bar around closing and the last place she wanted to be was her home. Was Jughead even awake? As much as he wrote she was almost positive at least he would answer her call. 
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for muses that need a little love. 
❝  i’m here for you.  ❞
❝  let me help with that.  ❞
❝  i’m here.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna hurt you.  ❞
❝  if they do it again, you tell me.  ❞
❝  i’ll protect you. ❞
❝  i’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you.  ❞
❝  let me take a look…  ❞
❝  i’m a phone call away.  ❞
❝  you should have called me.  ❞
❝  here, sleep.  ❞
❝  if you wanna talk, i’m here.  ❞
❝  hey, shh, it’s okay.  ❞
❝  i’ll never let you go.  ❞
❝  you’re with me now.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna take you from my side.  ❞
❝  i’ll do what i have to.  ❞
❝  i need you to stay here, okay? i got this.  ❞
❝  it’s safe here.  ❞
❝  i’m fine, let me see your face.  ❞
❝  we’re gonna have to keep ice on that.  ❞
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Okay, so the “oops! there’s only one bed but two of us” trope is silly and cute and all but what if you HAVE to share a bed because it’s cold and we need to share body heat otherwise we might freeze adds a little more drama and urgency and yet still leads to snuggles together. 
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sick whump scenarios send a symbol, get a drabble.  
✿: feeling so out of it, they need constant attention
❥: barefoot, sleepy wanderings
+: being led back to bed with patient whispers
!: that classic collapse into someone’s waiting arms
✘: forehead kisses
⌘: being picked up
⟰: the crinkle of blankets when being tucked in extra good
⬤: being called soft things like baby, sweetheart or honey
►: crisp, clean pajamas
#: shaky hands 
✓: waking up either adorably confused or painfully scared
ʌ: comfort after a nightmare
≈: medicine
➥: nap
≣: hand holding
⌫: lullaby
✂: drooping eyelids
✈: reaching out for someone [bonus points if they mumble! their! name!] 
‡: bath
¿: thermometer 
⌓: tissues
℧: a damp towel against flushed, feverish skin   
ʃ: fingers running through sweaty hair
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         ayoooo i’m sick of trying to figure out how to edit reblogs on tumblr so i’m organizing a discord rp for the first time ever !! i’m back on my greek mythology train ( honestly i don’t think i ever hopped off ) so this is a discord rp focused on greek mythology in the modern day. let’s go thespians. get it like let’s go lesbians but it’s the greek city of thespiae….ok i’ll shut up now.
in ancient greece, an agora was a public open space used for markets and assemblies. people would get together and trade items as well as thoughts and ideas. so that’s the basic concept. the gods and goddesses are chilling on earth in the 21st century, taking on human forms and adapting to the nuances of modern life. they’re all around the world doing their own things. but they  reconvene in their traditional agora to catch up with each other. hermes pulls pranks on everyone, zeus flirts with everyone, and hands will be thrown unless someone gets dionysus a drink. good to know some things never change. 
playable characters: major gods + goddesses, minor gods + goddesses. but the muses, the furies, and the protagonists/antagonists of myths are also fair game.you cannot make an original god/goddess, but you can make an original creature. for instance, you can make a nymph and name them whatever you would like. 
diversity is encouraged !! all POC and genders and sexualities are welcome. if u wanna make aphrodite a guy or you wanna make hestia a lesbian go for it !!!! this is all original so go wild babies. 
poseidon - played by esther - @znosyns
hermes - played by esther - @znosyns
pandora - played by bry - @jcycus
ares - played by pressy - @serpentsprince
aphrodite - played by rae - @altarsburning
persephone - played by del - @flcabag
kasnadre - played by entity - @apotomelimma​
thanatos - played by cristy - @cosmogyralrp​
hestia - played by faith - @dion-isis​
[ dm me to join and i’ll send you an invite link to the server ] 
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