set the scene: you are a busy business man/ woman on your way to work in the morning. The ferry is the fastest and most cost effective option so you take this every morning. you are stressed with assignments due. On this ferry with you are a bunch of school kids and tourists.
Q: What would you want to have on this ferry that would benefit you for your busy life style?
A1: Headphones.
A2: Tv screens for morning news, good morning show, a nice cafe a to buy coffee and news papers.
A3: Coffee machine, cafe, good barista. somewhere to put my computer, free wifi, comfortable, able to see the view, tables.
Q: Would you prefer to be with the public or in your own secluded room?
A1: I don’t mind if i had headphones it would matter.
A2: Busy business might want to make phone calls and do things on lap top. Slide secluded area for frequent users can use this “business room”.
A3: be with public that would be fine.
Q: What would make your experience on the Ferry relaxing and enjoyable?
A1: Having no disruptions or problems during my trip.
A2: Tv, something to entertain the kids to keep them busy and happy and something to attract them to a different part of the ship. 40 crucial minutes could possibly drag or be enjoyable.
A3: some nice calming music, different areas. communal tables to do work, free work, somewhere to store bags securely, TV.
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We tested how long it would take 3 people to snapper on vs 3 people trying to pay eftpos card and cash. These were the time differences with the shorter time obviously being the snapper customers. 
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Families on a Boat
What we observed: 
- Kids being bored
- running up and down stairs
- climbing up the sides of the top deck to see over board 
- loud because bored and nothing to do 
- looks at the view 
What are they wanting/looking for? 
- family passes or discounts
- buying ticket in advance (may be online so they are aware how much they are going to be spending)
- something to keep the kids preoccupied 
- somewhere for the family to sit
- comfort, for parents to relax
- wifi? 
- technology such as tv screens for children to watch
- cubical or booth type things for families to sit in 
- clear sides on top deck so kids aren't climbing the sides to see over board
- more fun / playful stickers or vinyl type things around the boat, eg nemo 
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Dossier Brief
Your submission will have three components: a concise presentation of your big idea(s); a dossier – a designed summary of findings and suggestions – expanding on your concept, process, and research findings; and your process documentation. This will be informed by your teams':
1. Service research
Understanding of the service and brand’s history and context through a range of primary and secondary sources. Your documentation should demonstrate sound breadth and depth of research into:
4 P’s: Product (a service in this case), People, Processes & Partners
Competition and context (including macro-trends)
2. Ethnographic research and journey mapping
Experiencing, observing, asking. Documentation of a lived service experience – before, during, and after – considering all senses. Use of journey mapping to conduct a comparative audit of your service brand’s relationship with its users.
3. User/audience research
An in-depth exploration of different user segmentations to identify any shared or specific user needs, and the visual articulation of these users and their needs.
4. Service experience recommendations
Identifying pain-points and potential leverage-points to improve the service experience. Making recommendations as to how the service might enact and communicate your hypotheses as a service. For one distinct area of the brand’s experience, make three detailed recommendations on the opportunities for making the offering more effective, sustainable and two-way for the users you have focused on.
Ensure that your recommendations demonstrate your understanding of the theories, tools and techniques explored.
A dossier providing a summary of your research, findings, process and proposed service improvements.  
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East by West Ferry Competition
The East by West ferry has multiple different competitions such as the bus, trains, uber, taxis etc. All you need is a bad day weather wise, which is something completely beyond our control to loose sales and customers, as some people will only ride on a good day, and sometimes things like busses, trains and Ubers can work out to be a lot cheaper especially if you're splitting costs of say an Uber. 
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East By West Ferry History
Ferries within Wellington's harbour carry commuters and tourists on Wellington Harbour and form a part of the Wellington public transport system. They operate between central Wellington, Days Bay (near Eastbourne), Seatoun, and Matiu/Somes Island.
A ferry service to Days Bay began in 1893 and later served Eastbourne (at Rona Bay). The service was taken over by the Eastbourne Borough Council in 1913 and continued to operate until 1948.
In 1989, a new ferry service was established to Days Bay. It is the only commuter ferry in operation in Wellington. It is run by the private company East by West, with a subsidy from local authorities.
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Week 2 Class Work
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First impressions, I went on an amazingly sunny Sunday so there were lots of young families and children around and everyone was in excitable and happy moods. I watched as the kids running around stopped and watched the ferry get closer tugging at their parents clothes with excitement. 
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During the ferry, the kids were still tugging at their parents clothes to look over the edge at the water, I was situated on the top deck and the sun was shining down and the ride was pretty calm and peaceful. I watched one boy who seemed to be a little nervous, his mum comforting and reassuring him. Adults around me were chatting among themselves and taking the time out to relax as their kids were preoccupied with the scenery. There were a few tourists, taking photos of each other and themselves, on our stopover at Somes Island we picked up a group of hikers who were boasting about their hike between themselves, talking about what a beautiful day it was and they're so glad they made the effort to do it, and one of the hikers going downstairs to get what he called ‘a well deserved beer’. I could hear the ocean and waves crashing on the side of the boat, and the horns of the cruise ships coming in and other boats.  
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After the ferry all I could think about was what a nice trip it was, and was the most perfect day to be catching the ferry, kids around me were excited and asking their parents if they could ‘have another go’, I got off in a happy mood and headed towards the Sunday markets by te papa.
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My experience on the ferry was a very satisfying experience, the staff were lovely and welcoming, the ferry was comfortable, and clean and there were seats for everybody. The customers were all nice and happy which I can guess was because of the weekend and the nice weather that the day had brought. The ticket sales ran smoothly with the staff coming to you to take money for the tickets rather than having to go and get them yourselves, and we had the option of cash, eftpos, or credit which made this easy for a lot of people who didn't carry cash. As soon as I got on the boat I could tell that Dominion Post was a major partner or sponsor of the ferry as the only advertisement on the boat was them. The branding was all I could see getting on and off the boat, however once I was on the boat there wasn't really any branding catching my attention. 
- Shaynee
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Bridget, Taylor and I went on Thursday afternoon. My first impression was that it was very tourist based, only a few locals were on the ferry. We paid by the man coming around with the eftpos machine once we were all boarded. The girls and I decided to sit inside on the way to Days Bay, and then planned to sit outside on the top of the boat on the way back. The views were really nice, especially with it being a sunny day. We asked one lady who sat next to us what her reason was for being on the ferry, her response was that she was going to a parent teacher meeting at her sons school. 
About 20 minutes into the ride, I started to feel increasingly nauseous... it was very hard to enjoy the ride with the ferry dipping into the waves and rocking hard every 5 seconds. For the rest of the ride I was trying to stop myself from being sick, regretting not taking some sea legs beforehand! Once we finally arrived in Days Bay, we grabbed some food from a cafe close by and that made us feel heaps better. However, our experience was so terrible, we decided to catch the bus back into the city as it was cheaper and we were worried we were going to be sea sick again.
Overall, the experience on the East By West ferry was pleasant, up until feeling sea sick. I would not go again for that reason.
- Michaela
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East by Wests website directs you to the Metlink website to look at their timetables etc, but the layout is so confusing. 
 East by Wests offer brief information about the stops on their website which is handy. 
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Notes taken inside the ferry for the trip over to Days Bay.
also pamphlets taken from inside where we bought our tickets. 
- Chelsea
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The way they set out their timetable was all over the place and should be re designed. 
The trip back from Days Bay was a different atmosphere. There were Young families with super cute kids, it was noisy and windy so you felt like you could talk louder. It also was sunny so that made everyone a bit more happy. The views were also amazing. 
Although I saw people purchasing tickets off the crew on the way back over to Wellington. He had to balance on deck while dealing with money that could have easily flown away in the wind. It was very awkward to watch and made me feel sorry for him. Imagine being responsible for loosing customers $50 due to the wind. Im sure its happened before. 
- Chelsea
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The ride itself was okay. I found the signage again to be their weak point, it was very small and hard to read.  
On the way to Days Bay we sat inside the ferry and on the way back to Queens Wharf we rode on the top deck. Defiantly both were different experiences in comparison to one another. 
The ride there was full of tourists and older people, the atmosphere was very awkward and quite. The staff were friendly and kind which put us at ease. although I found it awkward when one of the staff members spoke over the intercom to do a little over view of where we were going. His body was facing towards us but his eyes were pinned to the back wall. I guess thats so he doesn’t make any awkward eye contact? But it made it worse.
- Chelsea 
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First impression:
We went on a sunny Sunday morning. 
This service was extremely difficult to find, there wasn’t a lot of signage directing us on where to go. We stumbled across it by following a bunch of tourists. 
I found the process to buy the tickets very confusing and long winded. There was only one lady at the front desk in control of the tickets. This process led to a big line and big wait. The website itself was also confusing to use. 
The tickets were paper and could easily blow away in the wind and get lost. 
After purchasing the tickets the only instructions she gave us was to look for the silver ramp. This was not as easy as it sounded. We ended up asking a group of people that looked like they knew where to go. 
This service I feel will be easier now that I’ve done it, but super difficult for tourists or anyone like us going for the first time. 
- Chelsea
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