Thank You Everyone!!
That’s it! We’ve reached the end of the first SessKag Annual Falloween Event (SAFE)!!!!!!! There were a lot of ups and downs in the beginning, and we certainly learned a lot running an event of this nature - with that being said, thank you to all the participants for having patience and sharing means of making the event even more successful in the future. We certainly have a lot of notes on ways to improve the game for next year!
Let’s take a look at some of the stats of this game!!
First off - I am happy to announce that this event created 42 new SessKag works in a span of 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you’d like to read any of the amazing works you can find them in our collection on AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/SAFE_2021) 
Out of the 33 Prompts we had available -  26 were completed.
Here are our MVPs for each team. These are the players that brought in the most points by submitting completed works AND earning community points (by reading/commenting/sharing other’s works). 
Team Kitsune: WulfInTheForest - 71 points Team Okami: EchoHuntress - 62 points Team Inu: ProudHanyou (Ge) - 22 points
You all should feel very proud because you knocked it out of the park! Here are the Final Scores for the SAFE!
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1st Place, and the Winner by 15 points - Team Okami
Looking at the scoreboard it really came down to Community Points and a handful of bonus points earned throughout gameplay. 
Team Kitsune practically maintained the lead throughout the game and then in was neck in neck these last two weeks between them and Team Okami. But Team Okami really committed to the Community Points and helping bolster the SAFE works!
Great job teams! 
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Excellent work everyone!!!! You all did a fantastic job coming up with creative solutions to the prompts, while staying within the word count and guidelines! You all should feel very proud because many of these prompts were challenging! 
For those interested in seeing the full prompt list, as well as the outline that we used to manage game play - HERE is the link! 
Thank you for participating and hopefully we’ll see you all again next year! For those interested in participating next year - set your calendars to August! Because that’s when the Signups will open! 
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Team Inu Mascot
Throughout the game there have been several Team Activities that the teams could participate in to earn extra points. Essentially the task was to create an OC and describe some of their history and background. This was broken up into 3 activities throughout the game. Let’s take a look at what Team Inu created
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Name: Selene  Physical description: Selly is for the most part a human girl, she appears to be 11 years old, has tawny skin with a small child-like face with easily blushing cheeks, light colored freckles lay above her whole face, she has black wavy messy hair she never ties and wide bright brown-greenish eyes. She has a slim body type and is about 5ft1” (155cm). She wears an old oversized furry black sweatshirt with little dog ears on the hood and a loose short with various pockets. Her ever healing scraped knees give out her bratty nature, she wears leather boots very badly tied. Selene has an ill-healed scar on her neck. Personality Traits: Her easy going nature does nothing to make up for her explosive temper, her ability to make friends everywhere is a trait known to her and those around her since a very young age. She likes climbing trees to see the world from beneath her from another perspective, she loves blackberries and warm weather. She likes to run, sometimes to, sometimes from. Selly is still looking for her home in this world, she has been doing that for so long she got mad and is now carving her own place out of spite, planting a flag on it and calling it whatever she wants. Back story: Selene is much more than just non-youkai. Raised among dog youkai, Selly always knew she was different, she couldn’t smell what others smelled, couldn’t see as far as her friends, couldn’t jump as high as her packmates, couldn’t heal as fast as her parents. Feeling displaced in her own nest, she asked her mom Ada why she didn’t have pointy ears and blue eyes like them, she was their child after all, with sad eyes and wavering voice her mother told Selene’s story, her real story. Selene’s biological mother was a human girl that lived in the outskirts of her adoptive parents village, she didn’t know there were youkai living close to her, mostly because they used human forms while away from the village to run errands in the outside world. One warm day the human girl was sitting by a river, with a bright smile on her face, humming what seemed like a lullaby while caressing her stomach with affection. Ada was curious about the girl's condition, she could smell it, her species was near extinction, she hadn't seen a baby in centuries. Ada befriended the girl out of curiosity and did something she swore she would never do again after this: love a human. For the months following this encounter, she cared for this girl and for the little life growing inside her, the girl’s bright smile and friendly face made a way to her heart, she loved them both as her family and called them pack. Which made things millions of times more agonizing when her human gave birth prematurely and died during the process, leaving Ada with a broken heart and a bloodied brown-eyed pink puppy in her arms. She swore on that day she would raise this little thing and do everything in her power to take care of Selene, humans being fragile as they were, of this, Ada was painfully aware. Selly then asked about her father.“You see, humans are not like us in that matter.” Ada answered. “They abandon their offspring as if they were nothing.” she completed. “Then, I don’t wanna be human.” Selene protested, to what her mother responded: “But you are, my darling, you don’t choose that.” she sighed hugging her human daughter. “The choice you can make is to not desert those who need you.” Ada stated smiling. This conversation was Selene’s last memory of her youkai mother, her own species was responsible for yet another loss, another family. Rubbing the scar on her neck, Selene contemplated the horrifying nature of mankind, with tears threatening to fall and unwavering resolve she determined she was human no more. Special Attack Name: Rapax Visio. How the Special Attack Effects Enemies: Selene tribe has a millenia old technique that was passed to her, unlike her elders, Selene has no youkai blood in her veins, so she had to adapt the skill to her human body. The technique consists in a deep state of concentration that allows the user to be much faster than their opponent and with that see/hear them in a much slower pace. The full youkai can use it in such a way they can even have heat vision and hear the beating hearts of their enemies from miles away. Selene hopes one day she can develop the technique so she will reach the full youkai level. Weapon Name: Gemini Weapon Type: Steel Claws How the Weapon Effects Enemies: Much like Rapax Visio, Gemini is also a family heirloom, Selene's adoptive mother was an infamous respected warrior and passed the weapon on to her daughter. The twin claws are made of a special extra resistant steel, they are also self-sharpening, everytime it cuts through something or someone it just gets deadlier. The weapon was forged with handlers made of youkai bones, they are embedded in youki and are the target of an active curse. The weapon is a source of great power, but it also steals the youki of whoever wields it, however Selene being a human has no youki and it's not affected by the curse.
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Team Okami Mascot
Throughout the game there have been several Team Activities that the teams could participate in to earn extra points. Essentially the task was to create an OC and describe some of their history and background. This was broken up into 3 activities throughout the game. Let’s take a look at what Team Okami created
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Character Name (5 Points) Kouyou (“leaves changing color”) Physical Description (20 Points) (100+ Words) As a powerful wolf yokai, Kouyou appears as a humanoid young adult male. His long hair resembles the deep mahogany color of autumn leaves and is styled into a braid for ease of upkeep. His striking eyes look as though they are made from melted bronze, a color reminiscent of the sun’s last rays of light during a cool, autumn day. The only feature that mars Kouyou’s perfect visage is a jagged, vertical scar running from his forehead, through his left eye, and down to the corner of his mouth. His rugged appearance is furthered by the presence of well-worn armor and his shiny, burnt umber pelt. (108 words) Personality Traits (20 Points) (100+ Words) Kouyou once was a boisterous young wolf demon who prided himself in both his personal strength and that of his pack. However, when his actions resulted in disastrous effects, Kouyou became more reserved, standoffish, and calculating as a means to protect those closest to him. Kouyou is now a man of few words, but his actions and facial expressions speak volumes. Often, he is seen to be scowling in annoyance. Due to no longer having a pack to call his own, Kouyou has taken on the identity of a “lone wolf” and does not take kindly to unwanted conversations with people, or demons, he does not know. (107 words) 
Back Story (30 Points) (300+ Words) When Kouyou was younger during the height of his pack’s territorial reign, he overestimated both his and his pack’s power. He believed that his pack was one to be feared and any threats should be met with swift action. He grew irritated with the ever-growing complacency of his father, the pack leader, whose indecisiveness in response to outsider threats was taken as signs of weakness and incompetence. So, Kouyou took matters into his own hands and bypassed the will of the pack leader and high council. As a means to get help for his plan, Kouyou manipulated several of his pack’s best warriors by falsely reporting the council’s decision to enact offensive strikes on surrounding threats. Kouyou’s plan resulted in the best warriors leaving in search of blood, but left the pack with little protection. He was sound in his decision to wipe out any threats to their clan and figured their timely return would leave no room for attacks. However, Kouyou’s plans were shattered when one of their raids ended in defeat and capture, with Kouyou barely escaping with his life nearly a week later. In return for his valiant efforts, he gained a jagged slash across his face rendering him blind in one eye and the burden of reporting the deaths of all of the manipulated warriors who accompanied him. When Kouyou returned home in shame, he was greeted with the remnants of a massacre. His father, his sister, his soon-to-be mate, his pack...were all dead. Their bodies were strewn throughout their land as if they were forgotten playthings. Overcome with grief at his sudden existential loneliness, Kouyou vowed to never let his hubris skew his decision-making ever again. His actions directly resulted in the decimation of his clan and those he loved most. Faced with the realization that he had no pack or land, Kouyou became a wandering “lone wolf” in search of ways to atone for his gravest mistakes. Special Attack Name: 5 Points Midnight Mind Eclipse How the Special Attack Affects Enemies (100 words): 20 Points The strength and design of the attack varies with each wielder’s youki.  When youki is infused into the blade, it activates the blade’s attack and injects a hallucinogen into its victims, causing them to become confused.  The blade will cut into the youki/reiki of its victim instead of flesh.  Enough hits by the youki-imbued weapon can cause the enemy to mistake friend for foe.  If humans are hit by this attack, there is no recovery without the help of a youki/reiki wielder.  Recovery is possible if the victim’s reiki/youki & mind are strong enough to overpower the attack. Weapon Name: 5 Points Muchusetsumu Weapon Type: 5 Points Kama-yari Handle/pole - navy blue. Crafted from the bones of a dark forest water demon that had power to see into others dreams Blades - white.  Crafted from fang of moth demon’s grandmother who could manipulate dreams. How the Weapon Affects Enemies (100 words): 20 Points As Kouyou expected, the rest of the moth demon clan descended upon him after he had defeated their patriarch in battle. The eldest of the moth demon’s sons, Enomoto, was the first to confront Kouyou, flecks of spittle flying from his mouth as he accused the wolf demon of murdering his father in cold blood. Enomoto’s eyes roved over the Muchusetsumu loosely grasped in Kouyou’s fist. “You dare to wield my father’s weapon?” He demanded. Kouyou merely eyed his opponent with a deceptively placid gaze. “You are welcome to seize my weapon if you are capable.” He delivered the taunt with a wry quirk to his lips. The enraged moth demon charged, lashing out with a quick slash of his sword. Kouyou parried with the handle of Muchusetsumu, blocking the moth demon’s advance. Then with a push forward, he sent Enomoto back three feet. Strong, but untrained. Kouyou had all he needed to know about his adversary. Enomoto’s red-tinged eyes betrayed his blind rage. He lunged forward again, hoping to land a blow on Kouyou’s exposed arm. Seeing an opening in Enomoto’s form, Kouyou met the attack by bringing his spear down, using the sickle of the kama-yari to hook the blade of Enomoto’s sword and sending it clattering from his grasp. It skidded to a halt behind Kouyou, who raised the Muchusetsumu to block Enomoto from retrieving it. A look of panic briefly crossed Enomoto’s features. He attempted to flee to the rest of the moth clan, who had been observing the battle with increasing worry. Honor prevented them from interfering on their new patriarch’s behalf, but it was increasingly clear that they would be losing their new leader mere weeks after his ascent. Kouyou extended his spear again, catching Enomoto over his shoulder. Now that Kouyou had the moth demon trapped on the sickle of his weapon, he sent the flustered moth demon staggering forward. Then with a final sharp thrust, he sent the point of the kama-yari through Enomoto’s throat. Kouyou watched the enemy’s final breaths gurgle through a steady spurt of blood. With a swift kick, Kouyou removed Enomoto’s body from where it had been impaled on Muchusetsumu. Levelling the dripping blade at the rest of the moth demons, he asked his next question with a cool smile: “Who’s next?” Domain / home / lair:  (min. 200 words):  25 points (DONE: 205 words) Kouyou’s den is located partway up a large mountain surrounded by a thick forest. The side of the valley that faces their den entrance is covered in smaller trees and wildflowers.  Wildlife abounds since there is no longer a wolf pack to keep their numbers down. Because his pack lived in the mountains for many generations before Kouyou, they had developed the skill to cut into the mountain and were often called the Stone Cutters. The pack founders had cut several branches of tunnels into the mountain with huge common rooms to fit their entire pack, along with smaller apartments for pairs and smaller groups. They also found fresh water sources for drinking and washing and had a large communal bath area that drained into a separate path. The forest below the den provided the pack with all the meat needed to feed their large size. Despite the steep cliffside, the demon wolves were well equipped to traverse the landscape. This tricky domain was built to keep outsiders unaware or away from the heart of the pack, but ultimately, this landscape failed. Although Kouyou buried all of his pack members away from the intricate stone dens, the feeling of painful memories still coats the air. How did they come to be there?  (min. 100 words):  20 points (DONE: 133 words) His clan used to live in this den until they were massacred while he was away on a raid with his clan’s best warriors. Although this is no longer his full-time home, he comes by to visit his fallen pack members. Often, this is around the anniversary of their slaughter or the long-gone birthday of his would-be mate. Other times, Kouyou finds his way back to his den after a particularly dangerous battle that leaves him significantly injured. Although being in his home territory often leaves him feeling nostalgic and remorseful, the location provides safety as it was largely forgotten about by other demons in the area as the years since the slaughter passed by. Kouyou will stay long enough to pay his respects and recuperate before beginning his lonely wandering once more. What is the name of this place?:  (5 points)  Stone Cutter Wolf Demon Tribe Create a clan banner: The remnant of the Stone Cutter Wolf Demon Tribe’s banner is only just more than tatters now. When Kouyou returned home, he only found one banner that was not drenched in blood or burned to ash. It now hangs in the community den to serve as a token of remembrance of the forgotten clan. A modest tan and grey banner, signifying the earth and stone they once carved out to make their home. In the center, maple leaves of varying warm hues representing the season the clan first formed centuries ago. Its edges, which have since withered away, used to be adorned with the silhouettes of small butterflies. These were an ode to the founding pack leader’s late daughter, who lost her life to low-level demons while chasing butterflies in the valley below the den. What is your clan’s motto?:  10 points “Our combined strength is that of the mightiest stone.” Clan Banner:
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Team Kitsune Mascot -
Throughout the game there have been several Team Activities that the teams could participate in to earn extra points. Essentially the task was to create an OC and describe some of their history and background. This was broken up into 3 activities throughout the game. Let’s take a look at what each of the teams created starting with Team Kitsune! 
Character Name - 5 Points: Lox Physical Description (minimum 100 words) - 20 Points: Lox is a male, young adult kitsune. In human form, he wears his bright red hair long and loose down his back. He has a soft, unassuming face with warm brown eyes that sparkle with mischief. Standing on the shorter side, all his limbs are human in appearance, but he does have large fox ears and four tails that mark his age and skill status that he has little success keeping hidden. He prefers wearing muted colors and common styles of clothing to blend into crowds so it’s easier to pull tricks, though he often gives in to a desire to braid flowers into his hair. Personality Traits (minimum 100 words) - 20 Points: Lox prefers to go by this nickname and keep his true name secret, you know, just in case there’s anything to that “names have power” stuff. He’s fun and happy and free, spending his time spinning tricks and building illusions that he casts on unsuspecting humans. He’s never cruel, though. He has several humans he counts as friends that he protects fiercely. He has a lazy side, preferring to lounge in the warmth of the summer sun as he daydreams. Sometimes he gets a little scatterbrained, losing track of plans and complex details or getting priorities for tasks mixed up. He’d rather research new tricks than clean messes or arrange meals, and he loves it when his momma brushes his tails. Total momma’s boy forever, he still picks her flowers daily.
Back Story (minimum 300 words) - 30 Points: Lox grew up hearing stories from his mother about his hero, the kitsune Shippō, and Shippō’s mother, the human miko Higurashi Kagome. From them he took the inspiration to always be clever and kind, and to do the right thing as often as possible. He enjoys designing tricks that punish mean behavior, but especially when the result also gives back to the oppressed in some way, however small. People being mean or ungrateful to their mothers are his favourite. He never kills or maims, but takes extra care to make sure they learn their lesson, often leaving blooms or gifts behind for the mothers after the punishment has been given. One of the reasons he works so hard on perfecting his illusions is so he can stick around and watch the mothers find his gifts and see their soft smiles. He also looks up to the daiyōkai Sesshōmaru, and strives to live up to his example as well. This has all combined to create a constantly rotating (human lifespans being what they are) sort of “found family” of humans and half-yōkai he’s taken under his wing to protect fiercely. He earned two of his tails during the protection of one or more of his human friends while times were violently turbulent. He is greatly saddened by each passing of a human friend, but also has a tendency to watch over their descendants out of fondness for their forebear. Having lived through the dawning of the Meiji Era, the waning of the Samurai, the rise of Japanese Nationalism, and several major conflicts including the First and Second World Wars, Lox is wary of anyone displaying closed minds or hearts. He’s learned through hard experience that the world is much greater than any one ideal, and he’s endlessly fascinated by the often sudden, sometimes unexpected turns human society has taken. Ever curious, he enjoys watching to see what humans can do next - and what pranks their actions will open up for him. Attack name: The Noodler Weapon Name: Ye Olde Magic Wand Weapon Type: Magic Wand How the special attack effects enemies: The Enemy of The Noodler, an attack from the weapon Ye Old Magic Wand summoned by the command Knit Today, Satan!, is sadness itself. By magically creating all the cute bouquets and warm, knitted sweaters our Foxy Mascot does not have the attention span to create himself, The Noodler ensures endless streams of thoughtful, happy making gifts that he can give to anyone, but most specifically his mother, who he loves more than anyone. He helps keep his siblings outfitted in stylish knitted clothes, and summons up a gift for every tired mother or frightened child he helps along the way. Finding Ye Olde Magic Wand in that bog 10 years ago was the best thing that had ever happened to him. (115 words) How the weapon effects enemies: The weapon of our Mascot Lox the Cute and Lazy Fox, a magic wand called Ye Olde Magic Wand, effects enemies by way of its magic attack called The Noodler, which instantly creates cute bouquets of flowers and knitted sweaters and accessories meant to banish sadness and bring happiness and comfort. Found in a bog on a rare trip from home, Lox cherishes his special weapon and all the ways he can bring joy with it. Fighting is his least favorite thing to do in the entire world, (so much effort, so little reward) so a weapon that makes beauty and joy is perfect for him (106 words) Domain/home/lair, 204 words: Lox the Fox lives in what looks like a small, cute cottage in the woods, but it’s “bigger on the inside.” Upon opening the door a regular mortal will find a run down little shack with some cooking pots and fire wood where they can rest for the night, but those given the special charm to see past the hiding spells will see a clean, spacious, well stocked home with a big kitchen and Lots of rooms that Lox built for his mother and siblings so they can all be together. His mother’s room is the biggest, with a small, lush, private garden connected to it, because he’s a big fat momma’s boy and he believes she deserves only the very very best. The place is covered in shelves that hold spell ingredients and toys, and it’s always bustling with love and fun. Lox particularly loves watching his youngest siblings playing big, elaborate fox games in the family sitting room. They often have visitors and Lox and his Mother are fantastic cooks in their extra large kitchen. The counters are usually covered in fresh breads and bakes treats, with big pots of soup bubbling on the stove top. They are happy, healthy, and secure. How did they come to be there, 105 words: They came to live in their home after Lox’s father passed and they needed some place big enough for all of them and easy to defend and protect. He built most of it with his own hands and magic, with the help of some high level Kitsune friends. It was a true labor of love that he’s incredibly proud of, and their safety there has never been compromised. It is the perfect home and hideaway, and even when lost humans stumble upon it, the spells hiding it’s true nature have never failed. As Lox is only getting stronger as he gets older, they never will. Name of the Home: The Fox Box Clan Motto: It Rox to be a Fox! Flag/Banner: Lox's banner is a rainbow flag with a pair of red and white striped knitted sox (ha!) inside a white circle in the center. The right-side sock is knitted all the way up to the top, but is still on the wand-shaped "knitting needle". The yarn runs from sock to needle, then over to a red-and-white ball of yarn. The motto, "It rox to be a fox!" appears in black letters, curving along the top and bottom of the white circle in the center. Imbued with kitsune magic, if you look at it long enough, the yarn and socks begin to move, shifting into images of kistune in their true form, dancing between shifting colours of the background.
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Mistress of the Sea by EchoHuntress
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Player: EchoHuntress Title: Mistress of the Sea Trope: Monster Transformation: Dragon Summary:  A report of dragons destroying a coastal village in the Western Lands as the Inu no Taisho sending Sesshoumaru and his mentor out to assess the situation. Rating: G Warnings: None Word Count: 1756 Level: Hanyou
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34813936
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Vampires Suck by WulfInTheForest
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Player: WulfInTheForest Title: Vampires Suck Trope: "Monster Transformation: Vampire (BONUS PROMPT)" Summary: Kagome or Sesshomaru is turned into a vampire. Their first victim is a friend, and whether or not their victim dies is up to you. Another friend witnesses the attack, and there is a chase. (2300-3000 words) Rating: T Warnings: vampires, minor character death Word Count: 2373 Level: Hanyou
Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/34810654
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Of Perverts and Possession by WulfInTheForest
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Player: WulfInTheForest Title: Of Perverts and Possession Trope: "Possession (BONUS PROMPT)" Summary: While helping Miroku perform an exorcism, Kagome is possessed by a ghost. The ghost is a crotchety old man who compels her to say mean, gross, and/or bawdy things. The only way to get the ghost to leave Kagome's body is if she is cut with Tenseiga. The Demon Lord asks for a strange favor in return for his services. (4000-7000 words) Rating: Explicit Warnings: knotting? semi-public sex Word Count: 5542 Level: Full Demon
Linke: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34809136
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Watched by Jafndaegur
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Player: Jafndaegur Title: Watched Trope: Jail Summary: Kagome knew the consequences of traveling through the Bone Eater’s Well would catch up to her eventually. She finds an unlikely and willing ally in Sesshomaru.That was...almost reassuring. Rating: G Warnings: None Word Count: 1826 Level: Human
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34798720
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Cursed by Ladygoshawk
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Player: Ladygoshawk  Title: Cursed Trope: Monster Transformation: Werewolf Summary:  Kagome was just trying to help a stray dog. No good deed goes unpunished, huh? Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Word Count: 2989 Level: Hanyou
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34786789
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An Unquenchable Thirst by EchoHuntress
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Player: EchoHuntress Title:  An Unquenchable Thirst Trope: Monster Transformation: Vampire Summary: Kagome is headed back to the village one day and gets stuck in a rainstorm. She ducks into a cave and meets a strange woman who keeps her company and travels back to Inuyasha's village with her. Things take a turn for the unexpected when she wakes up in pain and gets worse when she meets up with her group and has cravings for something beyond the meal they just shared. What is going on with her and why is Sesshoumaru the only one that can help? Rating: Teen and Up Warnings:  N/A Word Count:  4,766 Level:  Full Demon 
Link:   https://archiveofourown.org/works/34738888
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Life Began at Preschool by Echohuntress
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Player: Echohuntress Title:  Life Began at Preschool Trope:  Crack(ish) Summary:  Sesshoumaru had always kept to himself, had difficulty connecting with others and rarely spoke to anyone. His parents were concerned since he was still so young but now that a black-haired, blue-eyed angel joined his class, he has come out of his shell more and more. Who is this little angel and how do their fathers know each other? What will happen when their parents notice that the bond between them goes beyond being classmates? Rating:   General Warning:  N/A Word Count:  1,958 Level:  Hanyou 
Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/34689805 (edited)
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The End is Nigh!
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Hello Players and Spectators! 
We are coming to the end of game play! As of 22 Oct - no new prompts will be sent out. Instead, now is your opportunity to complete any Team Bonus Prompts if you haven’t already. 
The last day for you to receive prompt points is Midnight 29 Oct. The 30th-31st will be to review all submissions for validity, with the winning team announced 1 Nov. 
We also have a Team Activity that is currently in play and will be due Midnight 30 Oct, 
Let’s take a look at the current scores!
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It looks like Team Okami is in the lead! This is going to be a very close game between the teams! 
Remember, community points can be earned by reading/commenting/reblogging any of the SAFE works, and updating your Team Dashboard!
This is the last week folks! You got this!
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Mutual Treasure by Monomyth
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Player: Monomyth  Title: Mutual Treasure Trope: Monster Transformation Summary: Sesshōmaru's arrogance leads him to believe that he can conquer a dragon to be his new battle mount. Unfortunately for him, Kagome doesn't like to be anybody's conquest. Rating: Explicit Warnings: N/A Word Count: 6621 Level: Full Demon
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34673704
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1/3 by ProudHanyou
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Player: Proudhanyou (Ge) @proudhanyou Title: 1/3 Trope: Adventurer/Genie Summary: Sesshomaru stumbles upon everything he wanted, or so he thought. Rating: M Warning: MCR Word Count: 3249 Level: Full Youkai
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34646896
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The Vixen's Totem by Echohuntress
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Player: Echohuntress Title: The Vixen's Totem Trope: Body Swap Summary: Kagome had helped an injured vixen she'd met during their search for jewel shards. In return, the relieved vixen gave Kagome a totem she had made as a thank you for her help. Inuyasha told her not to trust the kitsune - that you shouldn't ever trust an unknown kitsune, but Kagome couldn't see the harm until it was too late. Rating: Explicit Warnings: N/A Word Count: 4186 Level: Demon
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34550692
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Blood in the Water by Mythicamagic
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Lovely people! Our very own, @mythicamagic decided to do one of our prompts for the SAFE!!! The prompt she took on was - Monster Transformation: Merperson! Which just adds to her wonderful collection of Sess monster-transformation fics!
I definitely recommend giving it a read! This will be a two chapter work!
By: Mythicamagic Title: Blood in the Water Trope: Monster Transformation: Merperson Summary: Trapped on a sinking ship, Kagome comes face to face with the most unexpected rescuer she could've imagined. Mershark Sess fic. Sesskag AU. Rating: E Word Count: 2525
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34618402/chapters/86179528?view_adult=true
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Steaming Hot by WulfInTheForest
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Player: WulfInTheForest (@wulfintheforest) Title: Steaming Hot Trope: Fever Dream Summary: One side of tea-steeped demon, please! AKA, Kagome finds Sesshomaru in a teacup bathtub?!?! Rating: T Warnings: Uh, kinda nakey daiyoukai? A little almost-kiss? Word Count: 542 Level: Human
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34436056 (edited)
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