sethxmp · 3 years
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sethxmp · 3 years
Set had long lost count of how many shops they’ve already visited and was starting to get a tad annoyed with having to carry all the bags of what Muzen had purchased, when he spotted something to his right and grinned amused. He immediately put the bags down and reached for what had caught his attention.
“Hey, look what I found” he mused as he approached the shorter male and pretty much made him turn around by holding onto his shoulder.  As soon as the other god looked up at him with inquiring eyes, Set waved the branch of mistletoe he was holding in his hand and that he soon after lifted above their heads.  At first the god of war had intended to use that just to tease the other, but now that he was there he decided to just go for it. Muzen could always kick him in the shin (or elsewhere) after if he wasn’t happy with it, right? Yeah, fuck it.  With that thought in mind Set used his free hand to cup the other deity by his nape and pulled him closer so that he could press their lips together. 
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sethxmp · 3 years
❝ Hallelujah ❞
Set harbored an innate intolerance for anything that brought people joy because he found it extremely annoying to watch everyone smile about and laugh. He knew humans were trash and that was all an act that usually lasted just few days before everyone went back to their usual selves. Just enough to get gifts and food for Christmas and then everything went back to normal.
The god had decided to go out that night to try and have some fun himself which of course meant causing a commotion. Watching people fight was his type of fun so he chose a random pub, had a couple of drinks and then started to use his power to make things heat up. The result was a huge fight and he was pretty satisfied of himself.  Now that almost everyone had left the club (either on a ambulance or in a police car) he could have some peace. Drink in hand he walked up to the big piano in the middle of it, sat down in front of it and started playing to his heart’s content. 
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sethxmp · 3 years
🎄 Jingle bell memes
Drop a christmas song name in my ask
❝ Santa, baby ❞ My muse gives your muse a very expensive gift on Chrisstmas morning.
❝ Mistletoe ❞ Our muses share a kiss under the mistletoe. Bonus if one of the muses is actually holding the mistletoe above their head.
❝ All I want for Christmas is you ❞ My muse declares their love for your muse on Christmas night. 
❝ Rockin’ around the Christmas tree ❞ Our muses get drunk together at a Christmas party and decide to make this party lit.
❝ Baby, It’s cold outside ❞ Your muse wants to build a snowman and make snow angels, however my muse it’s feeling cold and tries to convince yours to stay inside.
❝ Jingle Bell Rock ❞ Our muses go Christmas shopping together.
❝ I’ll be home for Christmas ❞ Your muse was away but it’s Christmas and without warning they are home. ( send + REVERSE for my muse to be the one making the suprise )
❝ Please come home for Christmas ❞ My muses begs for your muse to come home for Christmas.
❝ Hallelujah ❞ My muse finds your muse playing piano all alone on Christmas night after a big fight. ( send + REVERSE for your muse to be the one finding mine playing )   
❝ River ❞ My muse is far from home on Christmas night and it’s sadly replaying memories about your muse in his head trying to figure it out where things went wrong.
❝ Mary, did you know? ❞ My muse rocking their baby daugther/son while your muse watches. ( send + REVERSE for my muse to be the one watching )
❝ Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas ❞ Our muses decide to make christmas the best day of their lives, even tho they are in the process of getting divorced/or just had a nasty break up.
❝ Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer ❞ My muse gets a cold on Christmas morning and now your muse it’s taking care of them. (Send + REVERSE for your muse to get a cold and my muse to take care of yours)
❝ Santa Claus is coming to town ❞ Our muses babysit their young sibiling/nephew/cousin/friend’s baby and they use the Santa Claus excuse to make sure they behave.
❝ Deck the halls ❞ My muse was left in charge of decorations by your muse, but now they need your muse help with it.
Bonus: ❝ Carol of the Bells ❞ Our muses end up singing in a Christmas choir without notice.
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sethxmp · 3 years
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sethxmp · 4 years
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sethxmp · 4 years
The Boss ft Phobetor & Set 
“-and that is your problem, Set” Phobetor hums as his dark eyes continue to watch the other god struggle to deal with the frustrations of having not gotten his way, and someone refusing him. Like a petulant child his anger was easy to read as he actually struggles to come to terms with not getting what he wants! 
“You underestimated your opponent, in fact, I bet you did not even see me as your opponent in this. In me you merely saw me as a cog in the machine here-” he says softly, settling back into his chair, threading his fingers on his folded lap. “You forget… the powerful allies I have made, the strong connections. I was not simply an escort I was the escort, and now I have used that favour to own the whole machine and they trust me, because I know what they like.” His soft smile widens a little before he offers the other man a small shrug. “You should try getting people to like you, Set, you will trap more bees with honey, after all…”  
Arching his brow a little knowingly, he sits forward again, looking up at the man. “I will let you keep your job, Set, because you are good at it… but you have to be loyal, do you understand?” He purrs softly, before holding out a hand to the other god. 
Not getting his way was already infuriating as it was, but then Phobetor had to go and explain to him why that was and that just made the ex manager see red. He hated to admit it but the Greek god had a point. He’s never considered anyone at Babylon as an opponent and had indeed look at them as simple cogs in the machine. He doubted any of them would want to be the head of Babylon once the owner were to retire so Set had foolishly thought that spot will one day become his. How stupid had he been. So many centuries had gone by yet he kept on making the same stupid mistakes over and over again. He was starting to doubt his intellect at this point. 
One thing was for sure, he will never admit his defeat to Phobetor’s face, so all he did was standing there simply looking at the other deity speak as he kept his cold glare. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to punch him or himself at this point. He couldn’t understand if he was more pissed than he was disappointed at himself. 
As if his struggling emotions weren’t enough already Torie decided to go a further step and require for him to be loyal. As if! The look Set gave to the stretched hand could have easily killed someone, but then, surprising even himself. he found his arm stretching out on its own and his hand squeeze (perhaps a bit too strongly) Phobetor’s. “Whatever” he mused. “I do need a job if I wanna keep staying on this island, I guess”.  He would never be loyal to anyone but himself, but perhaps it was time to learn how to fake being nice with others. That should work in his favor, right? He will find a way to make all those who’s sided with Phobetor turn their back on the ex escort.
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sethxmp · 4 years
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(201009) ravithecrackkidz: 👞🕴🏻
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sethxmp · 4 years
Old Grudges - Set & Horus
If anything, it put Horus the slightest bit at ease to hear that his uncle didn’t know in much detail the story of Horus’s eternal life thus far. If Set thought that Horus had gone directly from being the king of Egypt to the Headmaster of this university, that was the best case scenario. In truth, Horus had long been the mastermind and puppeteer behind various groups, syndicates, companies, and even the occasional gang or tribe. The less the uncle knew about the true extent of the nephew’s power, the better. “On the contrary, I think the students who make most intimate use of this place probably know far more about it than I do. I may have the technical map memorized, but that doesn’t mean I know the students’ favorite hangouts.”
Not that Horus would reveal them if he did. In a way, the headmaster looked after his students in much the same way a doctor might their patients; their information was personal and to be kept concealed until such a time and place when they chose to reveal it themselves. And if there was anyone that Horus didn’t want that kind of information getting into the hands of, it was Set.
For the sky god, the walk to the cafeteria took nearly a millennium. What exactly was Set expecting him to talk about? “Not that big a difference, no.” Somehow the idea of it brought a smile to Horus’s face. It was a fragile one, much like the ‘peace’ that was currently taking place between the Egyptians, but there nonetheless. Maybe Set really had tried to change…
Set couldn’t care any less about what spots in the campus a bunch of students loved to hang out the most at. He wasn’t there because he was interested in the place or in what his nephew did there. He was just trying his best to gain Horus trust again so that he could shatter him once and for all. His hatred towards him wasn’t as big as the one he felt for his brother, but it was close enough. Set never forgot not forgive, it was part of the type of deity he was. 
Fooling Osiris would be impossible given their past, but Horus had a kind heart and always seemed to want and try to see the best in other people and that made him the perfect target. He wasn’t there to try and hurt the students, which was probably what the headmaster might be thinking right now given how vague he was trying to be. He should worry about himself instead of thinking of others, as per usual.  Always so altruistic it was almost annoying.
“So” he tried to find a way to chat his nephew up. “How are things going? Do you enjoy this job? I don’t think I would have the patience to be the head of a whole university. Dealing with people and their problematics isn’t exactly my specialty, as you know” he laughed and even reached out to tap the sky god over his shoulder. He was trying hard to look like a loving relative who just wanted to bond again and hopefully it will work. 
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sethxmp · 4 years
Fearsome Friends | Muzen & Set 
“Oh-!” Muzen jumps a little as Set claims to bite, his eyes widening a fraction before he brushes it off with a giggle and a wave of his hand, stepping ahead of him as he mutters “you’re so silly”. What need would a god have to bite anyway! 
Now leading the way as they head into the city, his eagle amber eyes on the look out for the perfect place to stop and eat, Muzen offers his hand back to the god trailing behind for him to take, so they don’t get separated! Plus then he can steer him about and make sure to keep him close. No doubt he might have some fans who would like to stop and chat! “I’m feeling pancakes, do you like pancakes?” He asks with a glance back, smiling once his eyes again settle on that handsome face.
It was true that he wasn’t afraid of Set, even for all his barking, Muzen knew (with him at least) he didn’t really have a bite. However the one thing Muzen is, is curious. He is very interested in everything about the other god, and it didn’t help that Set seemed to be so guarded with him. As if there were things he were keeping from him, and he didn’t really know anything about his life. That left a deeply unsatisfied feeling within the Mayan god and Muzen knows even if he has to sneak, he will find out more. 
Being suddenly offered his hand for him to take surprised Set but not as much as one would think. By then he was used to how adorable Muzan could be and was weirdly fine with it. Somehow the Mayan god felt like a breath of clean air in a room that’s been closed off for centuries. Set couldn’t understand it, but as long as he enjoyed their time together who cared? 
Tekh was aware of how hard it was for him to get close to someone and he couldn’t even rememember when that last happened. For the most part he didn’t mind as he was a loner, but having someone he could spend time with without worrying too much felt refreshing. Set was by all means an asshole, but there was a time when that wasn’t the case. He was once a good god who helped keeping the world safe alongside Ra. That was before his thirst for power and jealosy towards his brother ate him up and turned him into an evil god.
His little mental ramble was suddenly interrupted by Muzen’s question to which he quickly answered. “Sure, I am fine with pancakes” he mused as he walked up to be next to the shorter god; hands tightly holding onto the other’s. “I have a feeling you want to talk. I know that look” he added in a teasing tone. 
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sethxmp · 4 years
The Boss ft Phobetor & Set 
Phobetor’s eyes lower to his desk as Set’s hands come crashing down, and he hears a splinter from the underside of the wood, and he sends pens and paper scattering. Slowly his eyebrow arches as they come to the crux of the thing rather quickly, and his gaze shifts to the man’s seething face. It doens’t matter how much Set is willing to pay him, no money would be tempting enough, Babylon was his now, and that was the way he intends to keep it. 
“I will tell you how much to replace the desk, but nothing more” comes his measured, professional reply, before the god turns a little and settles himself down into his waiting leather executives chair. “Babylon is not for sale, Set” Phobetor replies as he moves to picking up a file and opening it on his lap, eyes scanning the typed financial report. “Your postition here, however, we can discuss…” he offers, leaving space for the man to reply. 
Despite what others may think Phobetor has no desire to see the back of Set as manager. He was skilled, a little rusty on the customer experience and far too brute with their employees, but he has valuable skills, if he can calm down his temper. 
Controlling himself when enraged wasn’t exactly Set’s forte; it never has been even thousands of years prior when he was still a worshipped and feared deity in his native land. His mood would change as fast as the wind blowing and that usually meant death and destruction so people tried their best to accomodate him, but those times were long gone and he couldn’t simply kill who was the cause for his anger. The world didn’t work like that anymore.
He was usually exceptionally controlled, even in planning a revenge, but having his “throne” snatched by Phobetor made all his cool fly out of the window (and the island as a whole too).  Among all the people who could have gotten Babylon it had to be him.  He felt as if he was being mocked and didn’t like it one bit. 
 “Why you. You were just one of the escorts why would they let you have Babylon when I was the manager. It doesn’t make any fucking sense” the Egyptian god wasn’t even sure if he was talking to Phobetor or just to himself at that point. He couldn’t understand what had gone wrong for the ex escort to be  in change when he was there to one day direct the place. It was supposed to be an easy job but once again things didn’t go as he had planned. Why did it keep happening? It infuriated him. 
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sethxmp · 4 years
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Ravi for 1stLook
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sethxmp · 4 years
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Set will be attending the Hallow’s Eve Ball dressed as Hellboy
“Didn’t I kill you already?”
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sethxmp · 4 years
“Too bad. I was counting on you!” A sigh slips past his lips as he continues talking, this time in a more teasing tone of voice. “Are you sure that you are a god of chaos and war?? Shouldn’t you have a power that can cause a fight or some such things?! What are you good for?” Ryujin laughs amused at his own teasing words. He didn’t want to offend Set, but Set’s joke was too tempting to not tease him. “Just admit that you’re too lazy to do so.” 
He winks at Set with a grin on his lips. “So that means the Gala is not going to be any more interesting than it is now. Then I have to pass the time with dancing.” 
Even if Ryujin’s words were clearly meant to tease him the Egyptian god still clicked his tongue in a feigned annoyance and gave a playful glare to the other deity from behind his glass. “I do have a power like that but it would require me to approach each and every one of the people gathered in here. Pardon me if I don’t feel like going to such extents just to bring you entertainment. Plus people would notice me and stop me before it gets fun” he explained in a matter-of-factly tone of voice and even shrugged before taking a long sip of his drink.  “I would rather enjoy the company and few drinks”. A smirk then appeared on Set’s lips. “Perhaps I am feeling lazy. Shit, you got me there” he snickered. 
It was rare for the god of chaos to be in a good mood so Ryujin might as well take full advantage of this rarity. “If you are looking for a partner I can volunteer” he mused as he flashed the other god a knowing smile. 
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sethxmp · 4 years
[ nemesis ]
he said the words in a somewhat joking tone, unwilling to just pass his brother by like he was too scared to address him but at the same time also not entirely on board with striking up a random conversation because they’re really not that close. still, attempting to see if they could start anew seemed like the best idea.
when set slowly turns around, however, he is already apprehensive and as the smirk slowly spreads on his brother’s face, it feels like a horror creature with a million legs crawls its way up his spine. he should have expected this, should have known set wouldn’t change even if a million years passed by, but still somehow he had hoped that there could be a new start for them. still somehow he had expected something different than this.
when the words are spoken, his face contorts into an expression of disgust, his eyes tracking every line of his brother’s face and how they shift to accommodate those hateful words being spoken. there is a short moment of pure agony as he almost remembers the way his brother cut him to pieces and scattered him across the lands even if he wasn’t alive to witness it. then all the pain, disappointment and disgust washes away in a great wave of ice cold anger, and his expression settles into some sort of cold acceptance.
“and you would look better choking on the sands of your desert, but alas, here we both are; alive and well.” he tilts one corner of his mouth up into a smile that lacks any warmth or happiness whatsoever. “i heard you still fail at everything you set out to do. how does that feel for you?”
The fact that everyone he’s had beef with ( it was an abundant number given who he was) in the past seemed to enjoy deluding themselves into believing Set could possibly change and turn into a better person amused the god of war to no extent. He was the embodiment of hatred, chaos and violence yet everyone who met him again after many centuries, millennia even, treated him as if he was some long lost buddy of theirs to then get annoyed when he didn’t react accordingly. How stupid could they be? He will never change. Holding grudges was his forte. If there was someone he will never forgive in this world it was his brother Osiris. He’s killed him with his own two hands and there he was trying to talk to him as if they were beloved brothers. Hilarious. 
Watching how his cold words made Osiris’s features contort in disgust and pain was so pleasurable it took Set all his self-control not to smirk even further. He loved causing that type of reaction in those he’s once tormented. He lived for that little moment of realization that hit them when they realized he will never let them go. They will never be free from the memories of what he’s done to them, not even after millennia. Set’s hands almost itched at the memory of how it felt to dismember his brother before tossing his pieces into the Nile. He would love to do that again and again until he was gone forever from this world. That won’t give him the throne as there was no Egypt to rule anymore, but it would sure feel good to win, for a change.
And there they come those sharp words that cut through him and irks him just as much as they used to do over five thousand years ago. Osiris always knew what to say to piss him off, but this time around Set had learned how to hide it. “What can I say? Getting what I deserve stolen must be my fate in life. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop pursuining what I want” he snapped back with the fakest of smiles. “Who would have thought I would meet you again and on this island of all places. The deity world sure is small...”.
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sethxmp · 4 years
The Boss ft Phobetor & Set 
As soon as he hears the door bang back on its hinges, Phobetor isn’t startled. Unlike his interior designer, who nearly jumps out of his skin before settling wide, alarmed eyes on the fury that is Set barging up to them. Phobetor’s gaze, however, does not lift to Set. Not even as the man is hissing at him with such venom. Set will be spoken to when he is ready. 
“Try the red, I want nothing lighter then an ox blood and make sure it is not too orange. A matte finish and see to the curtains while you’re at it. Black out, please-” he hums, passing his sample book back to the designer, who with full hands and eyes still darting from his employer to the furious man all but radiating rage, before he excuses himself with a bow and hurries away. Now, with a sigh, Phobetor does turn his attention to Set as his eyes glance over, “we do not have a 1:1 meeting booked for now, Set-” he dismisses him, before moving over towards his new desk that currently has stationary samples on for him to chose. 
He knew this was coming, in fact it took Set a little longer to hear about it then he expected, but like everything, he will weather this storm. He had taken something from him that, like a toddler, the man wanted. Now this was his tantrum. However Set was now his employee, and he will act as such… eventually. 
Set’s murderous glare was so intense it felt like it could easily burn a hole through the Greek god who was now ignoring him to talk about stupid interior design issues. The nerve!  Who did Phobetor think he was to treat him like that? Just because he’s somehow managed to snatch Babylon from him did he believe to be better or superior than him? Because that was not the case and Set was planning on making him realize that.
“I don’t give a fuck about me not having booked a meeting” were the words that came out of the ex manager of Babylon when he was finally aknowledged and spoken to. He followed his new boss with his eyes before he couldn’t control himself anymore and stepped forward to smash his hands onto the brand new desk that gave a little crack under the strength of the hit. Set was losing control of his restraints and it showed. 
“How much do you want” were the sudden words that spilled from Set’s mouth. “Sell me Babylon. Just name the price”. 
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sethxmp · 4 years
“ saying my name is so intimate, why would you do that to me? ”
For a long and uncomfortable moment that felt never-ending Set simply stared at his son with a questioning look in his eyes before he clicked his tongue. “Well, It’s your name, isn’t it? I believe it was given to you to allow people to use you to call when they want to get your attention. What the fuck am I supposed to call you if not by your name? Demigod? Half-breed?”. This kid, was he for real? “Unless you were hoping for some sweet pet name of sort, then, sorry, wrong parent for that” he snorted.  Why were all his children such drama queens? It was amusing but also kinda irritating. 
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