seungrishair · 18 hours
If you think that all Jude and Cardan did in chapter 15 of The Wicked King was kiss, then you weren’t paying enough attention.
Cardan took off his shirt and Jude helped take off his pants, for god’s sake. He didn’t stick it in her, but stuff went on. Come on!
Go back and read the scene, then go to chapter 16 when Jude thinks back to it.
There is something called non-penetrative sex. Figure it out. Idk.
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seungrishair · 16 days
In this house there is no erasure of Cardan’s curly hair, Cardan’s tail, or Oak’s horns and deer legs.
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seungrishair · 20 days
My theory is that it was a move to assert his dominance. A power play. He wanted to at some point throw it in Cardan’s face that his seneschal had betrayed him in every conceivable way. He wanted to let Cardan know that he had no one and nothing and even those closest to him would trade him for someone or something else in a hot minute.
If I remember correctly, the revel where Nicasia betrayed Cardan with Locke, was held at Balekin’s insistence. After much partying, Cardan awoke outside completely out of it and not remembering most of the night, afterwards finding Locke and Nicasia wrapped around each other in his room.
My theory is that Balekin knew what Locke was up to and facilitated the whole thing, if not even orchestrated it, as revenge for when Nicasia first arrived at Elfhame. When she first arrived it was Balekin who had shown interest and tried to escort her around but she had given him the cold shoulder and chosen Cardan over him instead. I don’t think Balekin would take it too well that he was passed on in favor of someone he considered so beneath him.
Then here comes Jude, a human and therefore someone beneath him, and orchestrates this whole thing where Cardan ends up with the crown and she ends up as seneschal. Once again, two people he deems beneath him end up in higher positions than him.
He knows that Cardan and Jude have feelings for each other. In fact everyone knows except the two dumbasses themselves. So he decides to play with and soil that which his brother deems important. And if he’d had his chance he would have probably smiled and told Cardan non-chalantly “Oh, her? Your seneschal? Not only does she do my doings but I’ve kissed her, she wears my gifts, and how do you know I haven’t greened her dress?”
When it comes to Jude, he thinks he has glamoured her. It’s yet another power play to show her that no matter what, she’s just a measely human and beneath him. That he can make her do what he wants without even making much effort. “You think so highly of yourself but look at what I can make you do with just a couple words. I can make you kiss me, me whom you probably hate, I can replace your lover, I can even make you kill him.”
I think one of the biggest mysteries of tfota universe is why the hell Balekin told Jude to kiss him. I gaped at my book for a full minute while reading that and at first followed Jude reasoning that he wanted to know something about his brother, but after a while I also started thinking Balekin was kinda envious of his supposedly weak and lazy younger brother that somehow managed to steal the crown he killed the whole royal family to get from right under his nose and he wanted to get back at Cardan and take whatever he could from him, even if it was some mortal girl. But what made the whole thing more strange was that Jude was “glamoured” and wasn’t supposed to recall that happening at all, as he didn’t order her to remember and pass on the information, so in the end it wouldn’t really affect Cardan in any way. And he gave her those pearl earrings that I initially thought were some kind of spying device but then Jude traded them for the walnut with Mother Marrow and everyone moved on with life, so I guess there was some very weird, creepy attraction to Jude involved? Someone get me Holly’s number I have QUESTIONS
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seungrishair · 21 days
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Jude and Cardan - The Cruel Prince
Artist: @/eclipvze_art
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seungrishair · 23 days
Found a photo of Cardan as a baby.
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seungrishair · 24 days
I’ve seen some people complaining about how The Prisioner’s Throne doesn’t read like The Stolen Heir or The Folk of The Air counterparts but listen, it can’t and it’s not supposed to.
The Prisioner’s Throne is from Oak’s perspective and as we’ve found out, Oak isn’t a nice guy. He’s not the sweet adorable kid he was. Oak is manipulative, he can’t outright lie but with everything he does he might as well be. He is cold and calculating. If a Skittle is a soft candy with a hard shell, Oak is the opposite, only his demeanor and fake personality are soft. Inside he’s a hard person that is driven only by the thought that he has a debt to pay to his entire family.
People complain that even the sentence structure of the book is different, and yes it is as it should be. Oak doesn’t speak like the fae, doesn’t think like them. He was brought up between two worlds and his language and thoughts reflect it. His language is more coloquial, his sentences shorter and more direct.
Where as Wren’s book is all feeling, all emotions, Oak’s book is exactly the opposite because Wren is all instinct while Oak is all scheming. While Wren is the sweetest girl there is despite the torture she has endured, everyone sees her as a monster. Oak is the opposite, he is seen as sweet and aloof and it seems few can see the monster he really is.
With these things in mind of course the book is going to read different, of course the pacing is going to be different. It just seems to me like people came into this book expecting Oak’s mind to be all sentimental, perhaps Cardan 2.0 and didn’t like to be hit with the difference in persona.
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seungrishair · 27 days
I hope Jude has a child.
I myself have never wanted children simply because I’m not interested, therefore I’m not in the mommy bandwagon thinking everyone must have offspring. But I believe Jude and Cardan having a child is a natural progression of things. For them it just makes sense since they need a succesor to the throne.
And I’m not dumb and deluded to think that a woman having a child robs her of her powers, of her hopes, her dreams, and her ambitions. Having a child is not kriptonite. It does not diminish your strength, your essence, your foundation.
If anything, a baby to protect from a vipers nest would probably make Jude more ruthless.
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seungrishair · 27 days
Just thinking about how in The Prisioner’s Throne, Oriana tells young Oak that a consort is someone the King wants to take to bed for delight.
Then at the end of the book, Oak tells Wren that he would make an excellent consort.
Bish, he’s bragging about how good he’s in bed.
I mean, she knows since she got a taste in the garden. But the audacity. And it’s not like he can lie.
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seungrishair · 28 days
hear me out.
you know how Balekin had thorn-like spikes from his fingers up his arms?
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seungrishair · 29 days
I can’t believe my beautiful baby Oak grew up to be a murderous slut with daddy issues.
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seungrishair · 29 days
It’s depression hours.
If Jude continues to travel to the mortal realm she will age and die, leaving Cardan alone and lost till the end. :(
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seungrishair · 29 days
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seungrishair · 30 days
Cardan: kneel, beg, grovel, surrender, yield. Make it flowery, worthy of me.
Also Cardan when his dreams come true and Jude kneels, begs, grovels and tells him do to whatever he wants: you know what, never mind, imma just lay on the floor and you do whatever you want my queen 😍
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seungrishair · 30 days
I often see a post that says something along the lines of “I hope Cardan knows Eva and his mom were best friends.” And I’m like yikes nope! Let Jude keep that to herself.
You’re best friends with people who’s behavior you condone and I’d like to think that if Eva knew how Asha treated her child they’d have a major falling out.
Lady Asha was so cruel and the apathy towards her son so strong, that in a house full of servants she couldn’t even be bothered to find Cardan a wet nurse, allowing him to suckle from a cat. Instead of giving him her breast, she gave him her back.
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seungrishair · 30 days
Me when Balekin tells Cardan he’s useless and beneath him because Eldred’s “seed was old”.
Me any time the fae describe their birthparents as their “sire and dam”.
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seungrishair · 30 days
I want to read The Wicked King Chapter 15 from Cardan’s point of view.
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seungrishair · 1 month
Cardan’s tail lives rent free in my mind.
For one thing, he can’t control it. He tries to hide his true emotions but his tail betrays him and reveals them, thus he keeps it hidden.
When Jude kidnaps Cardan and he exclaims he has a tail “Would you like to see it!” He’s not just being nervous and funny, he’s showing that he’s going to be completely truthful with her.
The tail is described as thin and mostly hairless except for a tuft of hair at the end. You know who else has a thin mostly hairless tail with a tuft of hair at the end? A lion! And Cardan’s tail behaves like it belongs to a cat.
For instance, the first time Jude and Cardan are intimiate, she describes pulling down his pants and
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My dude, tail curled up against the body is a sign of vulnerability. And though my man had the initiative and experience, he felt vulnerable against Jude. In his mind he was exposing his feelings to this powerful woman that seemed to not be hurt by anyone or anything. In a later chapter he is hurt when she acts as though that intimate moment meant nothing to her.
The second time they’re intimate, Jude describes the tail as
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Lashing back and forth is an aggresive move. It is done when hunting and ready to pounce. My girl had Cardan going. That man was ready to attack.
Then when they’re getting down to business, the tail
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Baby, that’s possessivness. That tail is saying what Cardan is screaming inside, MINE! That’s his woman. The tail wrapping around another being is also done when the pair is bonded. It means they have accepted you as part of them. Jude isn’t just his woman, his wife; she has become a part of him.
Also, in question of if the tail wags from side to side when he sees Jude, it probably doesn’t. That’s dog tail behavior. Cardan’s tail probably shoots straight up in the air with the tuft end in a hook like a cat’s does when it sees it’s favorite people and friends.
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