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I should honestly just get rid of all my characters. They're absolute shit. They're boring. They're cliche. They're not original at all.
I don't use them much and all they do is make me act like a selfish bitch.
I should just trash them all.
Star Wars
All of them. Garbage.
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"I miss you. My heart aches for you every day. Where are you, my beloved?"
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Shark walked to his lover with roses and small cute chocolates he had woken up and decided today he be romantic to Avina. "Hey Love." he greeted offering the gifts "I love you my mermaid Angel~" Using the cute nickname hes decided to sometimes call her because to him she was a Angel "Hope you been alright?" // <3 leaves a smol shark x avina interaction for you because ily qwq
Avina gasped, her face alight with joy.
"Oooh, babe!! This is so sweet of you! Thank you so much, my valiant Emperor~" she cooed, accepting the gifts and kissing him fondly. "I've been well! I've missed you so much! How have you been?"
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"Uh... o-okay. Yeah it... has been awhile. Are you mad at me or...?" She asked, coming closer. "If I did anything to make you mad, please... tell me? I never want to hurt you. Babe I... I'm really sorry."
"S-Shark?" The popstar stammered. "Are... are you alright? You seem... off." Avina said, approaching him slowly. (@seven-spirits-of-light )
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"I'm fine...." He didn't bother turning to her. "I haven't seen you for awhile,...i'm back though."
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@barian-power said: He smiled brighter, “Yes.. that can happen!” He blinked at her confessing she wanted kids and his heart started beating with so much love. He had forgetting  being a proper King in front of his people. he was in love and shows it then, picking up Avina and twirling her around gently of course. “Yes! i want to marry you and have kids–a family..!!” he was blushing and grinning like an idiot..back to his old self. --------------
Avina squeaked slightly, dissolving into giggles at her fiance’s enthusiasm, holding on as they spun. The other Emperors looked on, some with smiles in their eyes while others looked away, too flustered by the couples display of affection for one another. Avina was too elated to care at the moment. She was flying on Cloud 9, her heart and mind filled with love for Nasch and dreams of a future with him, their children by their side. 
“Oh, Nasch! I’m so happy! I can hardly wait!! I’m so excited to finally be yours and start a family with you! My beloved Emperor!” she giggled, kissing him eagerly.
Wide, terrified and extremely heartbroken eyes starred at the Barian leader, the figure they belonged to trembling ever so slightly. "S-... Shark?" Avina murmured. (seven-spirits-of-light)
@seven-spirits-of-light ( Avina )
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“My name is Nasch.” his tone cold,void of the warm it once held. “leader of the emperors…we have won the war,Avina..” eyes so dull and emotionless..
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             A place to Role Play Zexal and Chat about the Anime/Manga
                        { Duplicate/doubles & Original Characters friendly! }
A Blog for a Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal Discord Server! Want a place to hangout and meet new zexal friends? Then consider joining its a new friendly / welcoming server with friendly and understanding mods and owner. 
Basic Rules: Show respect to everyone. Respect everyone’s limits and boundaries. Don’t create drama or bring drama into this server! Respect Original Characters.
Rules | Ask | Server Link 
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New Muse in the works aaayyy
She probably gonna get her own blog tho?
I can't say much about her rn but a lil teaser about her. She is
Space Mom
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"I meeeeean, I could do a lil dance too, if you want~ Anything to woo my gorgeous Snow Angel." He replied smoothly, giving her a cheesy eyebrow waggle before kissing her fondly.
Vance @ Merag: -LOUD FLIRTING NOISES- ~3O 💖💖💖💖💖💖
(My son is embarrassing i am so sorry)
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“ As usual, you’re being absolutely adorable, Vance! Is that supposed to be a mating call or something? ”
The ice duelist teased her fiancé and kissed him on the cheek with a playful smile. 
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Avina leaned back, not trying to hide the smirk on her face at all. “What kind of nonsense do you mean, my dearest soon-to-be sister-in-law~?” she drawled. “I’m afraid I have nooo idea what you mean~”
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“ I really don’t have time for that kind of nonsense. ”
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Two girls sat outside of a coffee shop, talking to one another in an obviously foreign language, Russian by the sound of it. The older girl looked up, smiling at the stranger. 
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all! The cinema is not terribly far from here, but it is sort of... em... ‘sandwiched’ between a couple larger buildings, so it’s a bit difficult to spot. We would be happy to show you there if you’d like!” The older girl offered, the younger one nodding enthusiastically.
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“ Excuse me, I’m still pretty new to this city, I hate to trouble you but I was wondering if you could tell me where the Heartland Cinema is? I’m afraid I got turned around and got lost, pretty embarrassing, I know. ”
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(( OOC Heya random inbox positivity!! You're an awesome writer and RPer and I am wishing ya a happy February and lovely day or night sweetie! 🤗))
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“Indeed, as will I... but do not mourn, my friend. Good old Jack Frost will return to us again. In the meantime, treasure the remnants of blessed winter, and hold the memories dear in the wet and warm months.” Natalia agreed, reaching over to pat his hand. “Besides, perhaps one day you could move to another place were it is winter longer. Alaska or Canada maybe! Or Russia of course.” She giggled.
“Not at all. I much prefer winter to any other season, though autumn is a close second. The winters in Russia were quite harsh, but even through the biting cold, there was so much beauty!” Natalia replied, smiling. “Have you ever seen, when it is both foggy and freezing, and the fog itself freezes to the trees? The frozen fog covers everything in the most magical way! Even more magical than regular snow! Da… winter is a wonderful season.”
Felix glanced to his good friend, Natalia, as they sat on the park bench together in the late afternoon light. Traces of winter were still around them, though it seemed the snow was quickly melting in the steadily warming air. He smiled at her and nodded. 
“ Winters in Germany are not as harsh as Russia’s, but are still quite beautiful to behold. And, I have seen fog itself freeze to the trees before, it’s absolutely fascinating that it can do that, yet so scientifically simple in how it’s accomplished! I’m very happy, Natalia, that you agree with me when it comes to Winter. ” 
He then sighed a bit, his expression a little sad. “ And I am sure going to miss it. ”
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"Not at all. I much prefer winter to any other season, though autumn is a close second. The winters in Russia were quite harsh, but even through the biting cold, there was so much beauty!" Natalia replied, smiling. "Have you ever seen, when it is both foggy and freezing, and the fog itself freezes to the trees? The frozen fog covers everything in the most magical way! Even more magical than regular snow! Da... winter is a wonderful season."
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“ I’m very disappointed that winter is ending soon. Truth be told, I hate the hot weather. I will certainly enjoy the cold while it lasts. Ha, I must sound strange, don’t I? Preferring freezing temperatures over warm…I suppose I am an odd duck. ”
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the most recent headcanon that you've come up with ( published or not )
((I think the most recent HC I came up with was actually for Missi. She is super fond of Haruto, sees him as a little brother and will make cool things for him as well as occasionally teach him bits and pieces about alchemy and magic. Missi suspects he could be a magic wielder, and so, with Kaito’s okay, she teaches him more and more as he grows up.))
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Do you have a process of developing your muse(s) that works best for you? (Examples; memes, random research, etc?)
((Dang... um... I’m not really sure? The characters tend to just appear on their own. As far as development goes, it’s mostly just meditating on the character, feeling them out, mentally testing out backstory and character elements to see which ones feel like it works best. sdkjfhsdjg it’s kinda chaotic in my mind XD))
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Which muse is easiest to get into the head-space of? :
((oOf.... uuum... XD Probably Avina? Or Eshra? They’re all pretty easy to get into the headspace of, I would say the one that is probably the hardest to is... maybe Seiko? Maybe??))
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