sevenjetc · 10 days
Speaking of mountains, I know most people live around sea level, but still, I'm curious
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sevenjetc · 10 days
Summaries are not reliable, some people (it's me, I'm people) are bad at them. Kudos are not reliable, some people are just popular even if their work is not your cup of tea. The only reliable way for me is to read the first couple of paragraphs.
Another AO3 thing I’m curious about, how do yall decide if something is good enough to read? Usually I follow a rule of 1 kudos for every 10 hits. One because it’s easy math and two it’s yet to fail me. Thoughts? Do you just go for it and pray it’s good?
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sevenjetc · 26 days
I looked at the analytics and I feel I need to share it again with people.
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sevenjetc · 27 days
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The idiots-to-lovers masterpiece
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sevenjetc · 2 months
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Xena Warrior Princess 3.05 Gabrielle's hope
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sevenjetc · 2 months
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sevenjetc · 2 months
"Kamala Harris raised 50+ million dollars after Biden dropped out!" you fools.... that's the money she got from selling Biden to One Direction :(
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sevenjetc · 2 months
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I don’t want to find out about world events anymore
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sevenjetc · 2 months
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If you'll turn away, ladies. Before you're contaminated. Look, you will die! Out there! And I can save your lives! Now let me!
DOCTOR WHO Dot and Bubble
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sevenjetc · 2 months
You guys realize this means we ALL have to vote now. No "don't wanna vote biden" excuses now- if we don't vote our rights are going to be taken away.
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sevenjetc · 2 months
Wait, you were actually born in the 1900's? Thats so cool
i am going to eat my own entire skin
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sevenjetc · 3 months
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my understanding of things...
David Tennant: wears a shirt and publicly says trans kids have the right to exist. Otherwise continues to just do his thing as a beloved British actor with no social media.
The UK Right: has an absolute fit, tries to call him a pedo, but it backfires and gets one of their own fired
David Tennant: wears pride pins in public venues and is supportive of his kid. Otherwise continues to do his thing and has a massive year as a beloved British actor with no social media.
LGBT Britain: give him an ally award for... Not stopping being a good dad and wearing pins while on TV.
David Tennant: accepts award with grace and humility and understanding that the bar for allyship is in the floor, and says he wishes a right wing politician would shut up (presumably about trans people).
Rishi Sunak and the Tories: tries to go after DT for impinging on freedom of speech.
When the Tories go down in flames, can we credit DT? Just a little bit? For lolz?
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sevenjetc · 3 months
i think theres this idea in the general public that the "best" fanfic gets turned into real books like 50 shades of grey. but the truth is that the best fanfic can never be published as an actual book because its intricately woven into the canon material so its inseparable even if you change the names
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sevenjetc · 3 months
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They really need to be in a new project together, and the more projects, the better
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sevenjetc · 3 months
Donna accidentally spilled coffee on the console and unleashed the God of Death and TARDIS got possessed by a giant dog, and later on the same day Fourteen poured some salt at the edge of the universe and invited a whole bunch of unhinged gods into this realm. The power of Doctordonna. They really said "We saved the universe together once, now time to fuck it up together". Nobody is safe from the Doctordonna.
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sevenjetc · 3 months
Donna and Fourteen wondering if they’re just really hungover from a late night gossiping over many, many drinks in the garden… or if a god of death killed them and brought them back to life.
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sevenjetc · 3 months
what have i done but it fits so well lol
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