i got a semiotic parasite and now the space between my name and what my name signifies is all inflamed and itchy
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  I re-blogged this (the first time) in 2014. Today, I tried half a dozen times to re-blog it, and it wouldn’t work. So, I saved the images and re-posted it. I hope it helps make life a little easier. :-)   The original post is by iraffiruse.
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It is a common error that many faiths believe the souls of the dead depart this plane of existence for some mythical heaven or hell. In fact, the souls of the dead go to UDFj-39546284, a high-redshift Lyman break galaxy in the constellation Fornax, about 32.7 billion light years away. When asked why the dead from across the universe should all be converging on this one faint galaxy, NASA astrophysicists said “it’s like an eel thing,” and refused to elaborate further.
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Hey so I got a commission for THE ARCHIVE UNDYING and it has straight-up killed me. The unsettling fleshy hue of the coral that melds perfectly into the luminous flowers... The serrated teeth on the cogs... The hands, the grasping hands... Can't fucking wait for people to read the book and indulge in the details!!
But also, pease please please go check out the artist @drawingkit and her print store, where you can buy a print! Of this piece! (but also may i recommend LITERALLY ANY OF HER OTHER PIECES, they are BREATHTAKING)
And if you're game, consider a preorder of THE ARCHIVE UNDYING -- out in JUST ONE WEEK (6/27/23), it is good, queer, unwholesome fun in a world of feral mecha, divine cities, and totally solid plans to assassinated resurrected robot gods.
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they should let you get xrays and mris just cause. i wanna see what my skelinton looks like. i wanna see my organs and shit
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i need dev patel to play a vampire. I need to see him with Fangs. And bloody. I think it'd be hot and good for the environment. dare I say enchanting, even.
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girls will say "well that was bad but at least it'll never happen again" while literally being afflicted with lycanthropy, the eternal curse characterized by periodically recurring and unbreakable cycles of violence
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I can't stop thinking about the relationship between Jon and Helen as perhaps one of the most important ones in the entire show. They are narrative parallels for each other, and they both know it. They've both known it from the very start!
Helen walks into the Archives, paranoid, unsure of who to trust, and Jon sees himself in her. And he thinks "If i can help her, maybe there's hope for me too." Then he can't save her. The next time they meet, she's a monster. They're both monsters. There was never any other way their stories could have gone, their fates entwined from the very start.
And Helen answers his original thought with one of her own: "Maybe if we can help each other, there's hope for us both." But Jon looks at her and sees everything that he fears becoming, and so he turns her away, and refuses to accept that their stories are still one and the same.
Helen went to the last person who was ever kind to her, the only person who both knew her as a human and had the context to understand what she'd become, and he hated her. He hated her because he liked Helen, and told her that she couldn't be Helen.
So she stopped trying to be Helen, and embraced being a monster. Reveled in it even. Then Jon wakes up from a six month coma, more monster than person, and tries so hard to cling to the things that mattered to him when he was human. Even with no support, even with the entire archives staff against him, he chooses humanity and compassion over and over again.
And this is a direct threat to Helen's world view. Their stories are entwined. If Jon can continue to be a person even after everything he's been through, then she could have clung to her humanity too, if only she'd tried a little harder. And that terrifies her! She wants to conceptualize herself as someone who was completely overwhelmed by forces beyond her control, who never had a choice but to become a monster. She want's to be an innocent victim. But Jon argues with his actions that they'd both had choices.
And, Jon, in turn, holds out hope that she might make better choices until the very end.
This is the conflict between them for all of season 4 and 5. Jon wants to prove that they can both be decent people, and Helen wants to prove that they were never going to be anything but monsters. This is why she's so devoted to trying to goad Jon into enjoying his newfound godhood. She knows that they are the same, and wants that to mean that he has a spark of evil inside of him, and not that she was always capable of doing good.
When Jon kills her, she loses her life, but wins the argument. Helen is nothing but a dangerous monster who needs to be killed for the good of everyone, and in the moment he decides that, Jon dooms himself to the same fate. Their stories are one and the same. "If i can help her, maybe there's hope for me too." he thought. But he couldn't help her, refused to, even, in the one moment when it actually mattered. And thus, there was never hope for him.
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Gatekeeping is so good and important
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I feel like "probably won't get physically injured and have to do manual labor while injured" is another benefit to office jobs no one mentions
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me: how about you stop “scrolling” your “dash” and start dashing to deliver me scrolls
my useless apprentice: why do you pay the homunculus more than me
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My mom thought I was insulting myself when I called myself a brat I’m laughing
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