seventhsith · 2 years
“astute.” she remarks wryly, arms folded across her chest as she steps across his path. no helmet covers her face - no need, both in the regard of his blindness and his own knowledge of her face - yellow eyes glinting in the high sunlight. her hair has once again been cropped short, what remains pulled back from her face in a series of braids and buns. “did you really expect otherwise, kanan jarrus?”
@seventhsith​   //   seventh sister.
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kanan was as open to the force as he thought a living creature could be, trying to broaden himself in every way possible. those things had been impossible to sense, left him overwhelm with a sense of helplessness, and he were every going to stand a chance against them, then he needed to be able to do more. but perhaps it had left him equally open to being found, he realized sullenly. “you’re following me.” of course she was.
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seventhsith · 2 years
killer queen / / mad tsai
she’s a motherfucking killer queen, she sold her soul at 17 / a beautiful and broken mess / she’ll fill your heart with kerosene / and light you up 'til you can't breathe / if you break her heart you just might meet your end
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seventhsith · 3 years
third: this is such a bad idea.
seventh: then why are you coming along ?
third: one of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
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seventhsith · 3 years
📜 – kanan
kanan: violence isn't the answer.
seventh: you’re right.
kanan: *sighs in relief*
seventh: violence is the question.
kanan: what ?
seventh, bolting away: and the answer is yes.
kanan, running after them: NO-
++ @sacreficied
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seventhsith · 3 years
“char.” she greets, striding towards him as her helmet automatically slides back from her face, baring the pale green skin and collection of red and black tattoos beneath. she takes the slick black covering into her hands, shaking hair free as she reaches him, dark strands cut short once again. “i must say,” a wry smile crosses her lips, “i wasn’t expecting to hear from you again. rumors said you’d moved on to far different ventures.” she laughs, grin and yellow eyes glinting mischievously. “some of your company . . . interesting choices on your part. but to each their own.”
a shrug, as if dismissing both thought and veiled insult. “but i’m sure you didn’t bring me here to hear gossip that has undoubtedly already reached your ears.” arms cross, gloved hands slipping naturally into the position as she surveys him, curious and craving of the inevitable offer or information she was bound to take from him. “nor to hear tales of my recent adventures. i survived the attack, as did you. what more is there to tell?”
   Comms going down would certainly be a hinderance to their plans, but only made Stassam that much more certain these invaders would have to be dealt with, and swiftly. They had also killed a lovely little source of information for them, with Alton being dead, it meant the listening device inside his apartment was now null and void, especially on gathering both sensitive info, and dirty secrets regarding a First Order General. They now however were meeting with an interesting little force user they had talked with before, a dark sider, but not an incredibly powerful one in terms of the beings Stassam has interacted with. Still she had………potential for more. A smile on their face, as they saw them approaching their ship, naturally it had to be a secret meeting on their yacht on a planet no one would be worried about right now. 
“Seventh Sister…….how charming to see you once again. I take it life has been as much an adventure for you lately as everyone else?” 
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seventhsith · 3 years
“well, you certainly made a mess.” the inquisitor greets, ignoring his pointed words and instead craning to look through helmet-covered eyes behind the sith at the battered remnants of the room he’d seemingly just destroyed, if the still-glowing scorches were an accurate tale. survey taken, the mirialan looks back up at ren, eyes unable to meet his own through visors ( hers and his ), but an approximation made, inquisitive smile tinging hidden lips. “the comms have you this upset?” she purrs through her vocoder, words entirely undisturbed by the wreckage of his display of violence nor the recently-incoming news of the latest yuuzhan-disaster. “with all the praise i’ve heard of your skill, i thought the leader of the knights of ren would have some all powerful solution to our latest quandary all lined up.”
Open Starter |
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Once it had been noted that the comms had gone down, Kylo had proceeded to an empty room and destroyed it. His saber pulsating as he held it, the blade shimmering off the floor below him. He drabs a breath, retracting the blade before placing it in its hilt. He removes his helmet, running a hand through his onyx locks as he opens his gaze, looking around the trashed room  before him. He felt better at least, and he knows that this mess? It was someone else’s to clean up. He places his helmet back on just in time to turn and see the door open. “What?” He barks the word with a bit of force behind it. He didn’t want to have company. He didn’t want to have to deal with others but he’d at least humor them. For now.
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seventhsith · 3 years
“hand.” she greets, the shortened once-title a substitute and targeted insult at once, a reminder of where and for whom mara had once served; with the emperor’s fall had come hers. “shouldn’t you be begging for skywalkers’?” she retorts, resolving to herself to not let mara get under her skin and then promptly ignoring that resolution. “intel said you’d defected. i didn’t want to believe them, of course - what would have made such talent fall so far?” she clicks her tongue disapprovingly, an exaggerated frown on her lips. “looks like i underestimated the power of newfound freedom. just goes to show some people only reach greatness under the right command.”
closed for seventh sister / @seventhsith​ !
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mara had never taken much interest in the inquisitors, the few times that the emperor had her handle them. they were vader’s experiments — useful to an extent, but barely threats. still, she recognized seventh sister, the familiar feeling in the force, & she raised her guard. she didn’t want anything to do with an empire these days, old or new, did her best to keep her distance though she’d just stolen away a stormtrooper & like hell would anyone drag her towards one.
“seventh. shouldn’t you be begging for scraps of some imperial remnant right about now ? “
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seventhsith · 3 years
“heard?” the words are biting, edged in a cruelty she’d never ( before ) directed to trilla, an anger that seeps so far into her bones she barely knows anymore where it ends and she begins ( if the two could even be separated after all these years ). “i felt it.” she’d been there on hapes, had talked with him just minutes before, discussed his leaving of their ranks and what she and third sister planned ( or, rather, hadn’t planned ) to do with his departure and the dawning of a new year, and with it a new start. he hadn’t been able to take that chance, and she had chosen not to - how things had changed in just seconds, a flash of utter pain then anguish from third sister, ears filled with indistinguishable screams. “i was in attendance with our siblings.” unlike you.
@seventhsith​   //   seventh sister.
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it was odd, and… painful, to see her in person again. trilla had once viewed them as, well, it was complicated. the inquisitors had never truly been a family despite the sneering titles of brother and sister, but seventh had been the closest one. but it was clear that they were no longer on the same side of anything, even if they did not identify theirself as a jedi, despite their close affiliation with so many of them these days. “sister,” she greeted with a skeptical glance. “i assume you’ve heard about eighth brother.”
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seventhsith · 3 years
oh, this one was bold - and that intrigued her. boots pivot at his close approach, turning to meet his gaze, staring him down with a mixture of curiosity and threat, himself walking a line between both in her gaze. she didn’t often spare time for better officers, but there was something about this one that signaled something more. hmm - she’d have to inquire about him later, once a name had been given. “pavond, hm?” surely the name had been spoken to her before if they were stationed on this destroyer, but it has clearly made no impact, triggering no memory now. “you’ll have to give me something more than that, captain . . . ?” she lets the silence speak, namelessness of either figure hanging between them.
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The  Inquisitorius  weren’t  a  group  that  Eli  had  worked  with  before.  Sure,  he  knew  that  they  were  sent  by  Vader  himself,  but  other  than  descriptions  from  others,  he  had  little  to  go  on.  He  would  have  no  way  of  knowing  that  he  was  walking  into  the  view  of  one  now.  It  had  been  a  tip,  someone  who  knew  someone  that  had  been  able  to  pinpoint  Thrawn’s  last  location.  And  since  that  was  part  of  his  cover  when  talking  to  Imperials,  he  had  taken  it.  Maybe  he  could  get  some  more  information  about  how  much  of  The  Empire  truly  remained.  “  Excuse  me,  I’m  lookin’  for  a  Lieutenant  Pavond  ?  Could  you  help  me  ?  “  he  met  her    glowing  eyes,  smiling.  
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seventhsith · 3 years
ZION MORENO // have you met SEVENTH SISTER yet? SHE/HER is now a TWENTY-SEVEN years old TRANS FEMALE MIRIALAN, originally from MIRIAL but typically resides with THE EMPIRE'S FLEET. after everything they’ve gone through, they show loyalty to THE EMPIRE. they are best known for being an INQUISITOR, and i hear they’re grown pretty POWERFUL yet also SELF-SERVING at times; i hope they survive the galactic war.
L O A D I N G : // …  8ABY : MONTH TWO … //
she uses the chaos on onderon in 7 aby to recement herself as a player in the galactic power struggle, officially rejoining the top of the empire's ranks alongside allies like armitage hux and aiya ren.
during onderon, she also encounters second sister, trilla suduri, and discovers the truth of trilla's death - that darth vader had killed her, and not cal kestis, as she had been told.
with hux and aiya, she helps kidnap padme amidala, used her temporary cover as a jedi to lure the senator away from safety and into the empire's hands. with padme in custody, she interrogates the other woman and tells her the story of how the inquisitors were formed and brutally treated and trained at the hands of darth vader.
sometime during, she begins a physical relationship with aiya ren, much to armitage hux's annoyance.
she reunites with the chiss inquisitor, third sister, and the two discuss beginning a life away from organizations, something which they continue to plan through the disaster on hapes. additionally, she reunites with eighth brother, glad to see she was not the only one from malachor to be brought back.
she confronts anakin skywalker and kanan jarrus, the latter of which she will continue to encounter ( much to both's irritation ).
after aiya ren's death, she begins to seriously consider third sister's offer of leaving the empire.
she attends the event on hapes with the intention of causing chaos, but is beat to the punch by the attacking yuuzhan vong. while there, she fights alongside lando calrissian and feels the death of eighth brother through the force.
as the smoke from hapes settles and clears, she remains with the empire, encountering fee solvi agent zed and eli vanto, as well as the deserter mara jade and sith lord stassam char.
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seventhsith · 3 years
so this was hux's new pet.
she had to admit, this figure wasn't what she'd been expecting. pale and striking, with a smattering of dark dots and lines that denoted nightsister, a rare sight in these times. but what was perhaps most surprising was not the sight of a presumed-extinct race, no - it was that this figure was decidedly not male. hm. considering how highly hux had spoken of this agent zed's work, she'd assumed, well, that there was perhaps something more than that going on. the inquisitor wasn't blind, although she was sure the ginger general often wished she were, and she knew how to listen, heard the rumors. so for an agent like this, well . . . she must be talented indeed to have won such unmarred praise from hux, of all people. and oh, intriguing that was.
"agent zed." she calls smoothly, slipping into stride with the spy, polished boots matching her pace. "how surprising to see you here. does business call, or pleasure?" there is implication in both, through a lilted tone.
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seventhsith · 3 years
"contacting the new republic?" she raises a careful and questioning brow, utterly calm amidst the chaos and calling orders the ship had so quickly descended into. the feelings of confusion, fear ( a weakness among the ranks she was sure hux or ren would deal with later ), but above all, anger that permeated through the force had driven her to join the general on the bridge, curious as to the source of all that high-strung and violent emotion. well, this was certainly a sight, and quite the unexpected one. force, she would enjoy this.
"why, general, what has you so worried as to stoop so low?" as if senators amidala or organa would take his calls, considering what he - and to be fair, her as well - had inflicted on their family. "surely no military attack should have you as red in the face as you are now, if this fleet is as strong as you so love to claim."
one of the advantages to her position, she'd found, had been the helmet - it did so much for one's reputation when you could simply hide any weakness on your features, if it were to be shown in the first place. he needed one now, far more than she did, no matching anger across her pale green features, own helmet having been not donned yet that day ( something he'd surely jot away in his notes as an annoyance, always the irritating stickler for uniform ). perhaps she should have one made for him as a little gift. force knew how much the general loved to pretend as if he had the same power as her and ren - a change of costume might help that little fantasy.
open  //  re: signal lost
Hux’s comm slid out of his hand, a half-written message to Alton still on the screen.   (He had a strict limit of one per broadcast. He hadn’t wanted to suggest that he cared.)   The words Signal Lost hovered over his holoprojector. Hux didn’t know how long he waited in vain for it to return, or why. He watched the whole thing. Had been unable to tear his eyes away. As if bearing witness might in some impossible way make Alton Kastle’s blistering, fiery death any less excruciating. It did not.
When it became clear that the signal was not coming back, Hux swallowed his nausea. Everything fell away but white-hot rage. He stormed toward the bridge, dimly aware that people were asking him for orders, and that he was shouting.  “I don’t care! I need the Grand Admiral immediately! The New Republic— get me the Chancellor, no, Senator Amidala— Organa— I don’t care who you get or how, this farce ends NOW. The First Order would never have allowed—”  Hux stuttered, unable to put what he had just watched into words. Someone took his pause as a chance to get his attention, and Hux snapped.  “What?!”
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seventhsith · 3 years
 “then why, by your logic, would the force choose me, hm?” inquisitive words tumble from her upturned lips, watching his face - and those unseeing eyes - for any sign of emotion or action. him and his apprentice had been so prone to drawing their sabers, and considering their shared history . . . well, she wouldn’t be surprised if he longed to get rid of her for good. a pity for him - she was so fun to be around, after all. “admit it, kanan jarrus. either i’m here for a reason, or the force has no sense of justice.” 
seventhsith​   //   seventh sister.
a laugh draws from her lips, genuine amusement at his words. “i think that’s the point of this whole thing.” why else would the force have brought back so many clashing clans, opposing forces? crossing her arms, she studies him. he’d changed, from when they’d last met - but then again, so had she. “why else would you be back, then?” it was not as if he had been important in the grander galaxy, just another jedi to kill ( but a meddlesome one, she’d admit ).
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kanan was carefully attuned to the verse around him, monitoring where she stood relative to his own body. he wasn’t scared to engage in a fight with the inquisitor and wouldn’t have been surprised if this was where that was heading. “the force brought us back.” it was the only explanation, the only reason that made any sense to him. then again, saying any of this made sense was a stretch. “but only one of us was truly one with the force when we died.”
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seventhsith · 3 years
"i had no doubts." that snakelike, all too familiar smile emerges onto her lips at his words, body leaned languidly against the doorway as if they were talking of far more trivial things. "your recent . . . elimination means you'll have more use for me." a pity for him, considering the plans she'd begun to formulate without his annoyingly watchful eye ( distracted, lately, but by what ? ). yellow eyes glint and lips tug upwards, confident nearing arrogance in her tone. "may i applaud you on your rather consistent ability to thin the ranks of sith." she spoke of not only aiya, but the trooper they'd been training, whose rather hushed up departure had not missed her notice. "in the old republic, you'd have been quite the popular man with those skills." she eyes him curiously, amused rather than the fear that she assumed he had been hoping to provoke. "but i'm sure you didn't summon me just to hear compliments." she pauses, clicking her tongue. "or, on a second thought, perhaps you did."
@seventhsith​  //  attn: Seventh Sister
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Hux stood by his desk, hands clasped behind his back as he stared out at the star-studded void. A faint buzz prickled the base of his skull, as it often had since he’d adjusted the device that linked Padme Amidala’s survival to his own. Twice as strong to compensate for Aiya Ren’s absence. The technician had assured him it would have no adverse effects before Hux eliminated him, too.   (An unnecessary loose end.)
“I appreciate your taking the time to meet with me.”  He faced the Sith in the doorway. Now that Aiya Ren was dead, she had one less reason to be absent from meetings.  “It’s been an eventful few weeks. I expect you have questions. Let me assure you that your transmitter is in perfect working order.”
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seventhsith · 3 years
seventh sister's loyalty, first and foremost, had always been with her siblings; the empire had claimed her name and blade, but her heart had always been with the companions and cause rather than the name they fought under - that once-infamous inquisitorius, now nearly faded into textbooks and forgotten histories. she'd reemerged ( nearly a year ago now ) into a galaxy void of the faces and family she'd once claimed, and settled for second best. their numbers had grown and shrunk again in the month sense; but when one other still remained, there her intentions remained alongside. the new empire was weak, that had always been clear, and while the power she'd claimed while in their grip had been thrilling, heightened - recent revelations among their ranks had proven that they did not have the strength nor will needed to match her and her ambitions.
"you truly think the galaxy will fall to these invaders?" she questions, curious. "or will the precious republic prevail?"
seventhsith​   |||   seventh.
she’d heard of the events on hapes more than experiencing them, having taken the first chance to save her own skin and leave the remaining to burn. she’d felt eighth brother’s loss in the force as the world had sparked and shattered around her, still felt the void that remained when she reached for his presence, so used to the terrelian at her side, within reach. still, the loss is raw, and third sister’s words cannot help but pang in her cold, years-hardened heart. “i’m listening, sister.”
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Third came to stand a few paces away. Her chin lifted slightly at Seventh’s unexpectedly receptive answer.  “I’ve heard tell of creatures like the ones responsible for the unfortunate incident on Hapes. In Chiss space we called them the Far Outsiders. Even the fiercest among us only dared speak of them in fearful whispers. What’s left of the Empire and this New Republic both will break themselves against the oncoming storm. I’ve no interest in breaking with them.”   (Not again. They still felt the burn of Vader’s saber through their chest some nights when sleep had deserted them.)   “Let them and the Far Outsiders and the Jedi take care of themselves. We can clean up what’s left once the smoke has cleared.”
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seventhsith · 3 years
“Your overconfidence is your weakness.” ( from kallus ! )
“wasn’t it yours, fulcrum?” she eyes him with distaste, the knowledge of his betrayal learned upon her arrival once again to the empire, having inquired on the whereabouts of those she had once called allies. “it seems you haven’t yet learned that lesson, hm? you’re bold, i’ll give you that.”
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seventhsith · 3 years
“You cannot escape your destiny.” (from maul)
she laughs with a hard edge, sharp teeth flashing white as she grins at the horned sith, an edge of mirth mixed with hard ambition in her eyes. “isn’t that what we’ve already done?” herself and so many others had been pulled from their deaths - who knew, perhaps he had, too. “i’m standing in front of you. that’s proof enough.”
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