sewergoblinfiend 2 days
"...could be. If it's that, you've got great hearing. ...do you want me to stop?"
She takes a very quick but deep and audible, almost gasping breath, and natters on before he has the opportunity to answer, feeling uncomfortably exposed (which is different than comfortably exposed, which is how she usually feels).
"Well, I was thinking of politely and nicely asking the great and benevolent TARDIS if she could help with me giving you some stuff, yaknow? ...it would feel strange, to ask the Doctor."
There's a very small pause, she's staring at the TARDIS ceiling with her eyes half-slitted, thinking about something.
"...um, if asking doesn't work, Imma beg and plead with her, ok? I know, she isn't currently very positively inclined towards you. I think you hurt her. Maybe you can make it up to her, somehow, if you want?"
She's back for her regular, routine visit to the medbay door, her pockets full of fun or interesting things she's found all around the TARDIS during her expeditions. She is humming a soft tune she once heard on the radio as background music for a children's educational programme and grinning, and she's settled on her usual squat with her back resting on the door, wriggling a bit to get comfortable until she's going to start knocking on it.
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sewergoblinfiend 2 days
"...oh, I guess I'm kinda heavy and loud, huh?"
She settles down more, and knocks the back of her head very gently on the door. (She doesn't want to hurt the TARDIS, after all.)
"Sadly, no dragon. I found a brook, with tasty liquid, though! Maybe I'll see the dragon the next time, yeah?"
She's smiling fondly, which is audible in her voice.
She's back for her regular, routine visit to the medbay door, her pockets full of fun or interesting things she's found all around the TARDIS during her expeditions. She is humming a soft tune she once heard on the radio as background music for a children's educational programme and grinning, and she's settled on her usual squat with her back resting on the door, wriggling a bit to get comfortable until she's going to start knocking on it.
9 notes View notes
sewergoblinfiend 2 days
She's back for her regular, routine visit to the medbay door, her pockets full of fun or interesting things she's found all around the TARDIS during her expeditions. She is humming a soft tune she once heard on the radio as background music for a children's educational programme and grinning, and she's settled on her usual squat with her back resting on the door, wriggling a bit to get comfortable until she's going to start knocking on it.
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sewergoblinfiend 4 days
Of course.
Hey, Kitty Master!
Wanna set a date for you to devour my insides?
...This ask is quite old, but I am starving.
Did you get lost in the mountain?
14 notes View notes
sewergoblinfiend 4 days
You ain't bothering me, it's just... Not my place to reveal stuff that doesn't involve me.
why are people on here trying to stand up for me?
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sewergoblinfiend 4 days
Not my place to say anything about that.
why are people on here trying to stand up for me?
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sewergoblinfiend 4 days
Sometimes it's easier to take stuff out on others, you know?
why are people on here trying to stand up for me?
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sewergoblinfiend 4 days
Can't see why they would, but.
People are strange.
I like you, if it means anything.
why are people on here trying to stand up for me?
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sewergoblinfiend 4 days
Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.
You're funny, too.
Coming over, ok?
Hey, Kitty Master!
Wanna set a date for you to devour my insides?
...This ask is quite old, but I am starving.
Did you get lost in the mountain?
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sewergoblinfiend 4 days
Not always, but, let's say it's their choice not to like you, then conversely it means it's their choice to like you, yeah?
why are people on here trying to stand up for me?
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sewergoblinfiend 4 days
Why not?
why are people on here trying to stand up for me?
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sewergoblinfiend 4 days
I'm not gonna poison you, silly goose!
You're my friend, remember?
Imma bring a flagon and hope the great, benevolent TARDIS can bring it to you...
Hey, Kitty Master!
Wanna set a date for you to devour my insides?
...This ask is quite old, but I am starving.
Did you get lost in the mountain?
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sewergoblinfiend 6 days
You seem to have a lot of thematic songs, huh? Do you also make like, a ton of playlists for every situation ever?
I'm... often playing the death playlist now, in case I don't survive for much longer. But hey at least I'll die to my favourite tunes! Like I always wanted.
That song was nice. It made me cry a bit, but, I like it a lot. And crying is good, I haven't been able to do that in a while. So once again, thank you...!
...you also have a death playlist? I have one, I play it in my head when it gets too quiet and there's only the thoughts to keep me company...
...never mind that.
...if we both survive this, and either of us remembers it... We should find each other, and exchange playlists.
If you want.
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sewergoblinfiend 6 days
Mystery brook mix!
Great, awesome, does it sound like something you'd like?
Hey, Kitty Master!
Wanna set a date for you to devour my insides?
...This ask is quite old, but I am starving.
Did you get lost in the mountain?
14 notes View notes
sewergoblinfiend 6 days
Aw, that was a blast from the past, as they say!
...I did not get lost, exactly... Just... Uh...
Are you allergic to fig honey, or treacle, or dandelion wine, by any chance?
Hey, Kitty Master!
Wanna set a date for you to devour my insides?
...This ask is quite old, but I am starving.
Did you get lost in the mountain?
14 notes View notes
sewergoblinfiend 6 days
HEY!!! You're that person who's been sharing songs! Thank you for that, it's made my time here better, especially after I found out most of the paint I had collected had been sabotaged... I wanted to make a mural, you know? For that Martha person to see. Because all she's doing, it must be hard. And art inspires people, and it can give hope, or accompany through hardship! Just like music! AH but I'm rambling...
ANYWAYS! You have good taste! I wanted to say that, thank you! Hope you're well, and alive.
Somebody has been appreciating my song recommendations! Thank you, random person stuck in this dystopia with me!
Now, as for your paint kerfuffle...
That's sad. However, I'm certain you'll find a medium to create art in tribute to Martha Jones, yeah?
Hope you're still alive, too!
And, since you liked my songs...
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sewergoblinfiend 8 days
She hums and smiles at the Doctor when he looks back at her, her eyes crinkling at the corners with her smile. She carefully pats his hands while he describes more appropriate manners of showing care, and retracts her arm when the Doctor breaks away from her touch to take stock of their environment.
"Let's, Doctor! And if I realise I feel strange, Imma inform you, yes?"
She follows his march down the mountain, although her own movements are more languid, enjoying the feel of the soil and the rocks on her naked soles.
An out of breath Doctor barely holds himself upright as he reaches half of the mountain. He calls in the distance.
"'Lin, where are you?"
( @tremastersweb )
She has been wandering a copse of bronze-leafed trees as if in a trance, quietly humming some tune she half-remembers from her childhood, the ground beneath her naked feet somehow not even once having rocks, sticks and other kinds of detritus sharp enough to pierce her soles. Her pockets are full of odds and ends she's found, her haul to bring back to her friends.
The scent of myrrh and incense is heavy in the air, and she's absentmindedly running the pads of her fingers on the oddly smooth bark of the smoky bronze trunk of one of the trees when she hears the Doctor's yell, snapping out of her daze and turning towards the direction she's heard the voice.
She moves to leave the forested area, so she can manage to see the Doctor. He sounds winded, no need to make him hike into the woods.
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