sex-tuplet ¡ 4 years
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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do not click me!! warning!!
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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that one time on Hotel Hell when Gordon Ramsay fed the owner’s dog some shitty bread and then was afraid he killed her
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
“Must have reliable transportation” = “this is how we legally discriminate against poor people who take the bus”
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
spiderman is so fucking funny dude saves like an entire country and then he goes home at the end of the day and opens his fridge and hes got like 1 egg and a half empty can of arizona tea no matter how old he is or what comic hes from thats just how peter parker lives
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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You’re stealing from the store, you’re stealing from me. Bad Santa (2003) | dir. Terry Zwigoff
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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Ha ha, no, of course not.
Yahoo is a notorious repeat offender. Yahoo is the reason the “if you’re not paying money for a service, then you’re not a customer, you’re the product.” saying exists.
Here is some fully general advice: If you’re the user of a free-to-use website, and you learn that it’s being bought by a large company, then this is always, and forever, bad news. If it’s not an acquihire, then it’s something worse. You’re not a customer, you’re the product.
If we’re lucky, this will be a Livejournal-style buyout, where the site just gradually disintegrates over the course of several years. If we’re unlucky, then it’ll be a Posterous-style buyout, and Tumblr will be shut down when Yahoo goes bankrupt in six months. It is vanishingly unlikely that being owned by Yahoo will benefit Tumblr users at all.
More ads. Karp has a weirdly principled dislike of ads, for a guy running a free social network. Marissa Mayer is unencumbered by morals, here. If you spend a billion dollars on something, you’re gonna want a return on income.
NSFW content is probably going to be banned, or heavily restricted. (As in, “verify your age by giving us a credit card number”) Ad networks hate and fear porn, and Yahoo is going to run more ads. No other Yahoo property allows NSFW content, for precisely this reason.
They might try to restrict fan content, due to copyright/CP concerns, as Livejournal did; they might not.
Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria!
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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a scientist and an icon
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
When you get a new follower and they’re not a porn bot
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
man 2008 had some bangers!!!!!!
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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The master of burns Yours Truly
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
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sex-tuplet ¡ 6 years
my kitten says hello
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