sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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lil brat 💋✨
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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Spit bubbles & drool for daddy 💕
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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“Bitch, you a dog and your homegirl too
She hit me back like, "Your dawg is too"”
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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So fresh & so clean 🧽🧼
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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[F/D] Do the Right Thing
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
Word Games
“Shall we play a game?”
She rolled her eyes at that, giving me a look that spoke volumes. “Ha. Ha. Very funny.”
“It wasn’t a joke,” I stated simply, smiling slightly back at her. “You seem as bored as I am, and we both seem to not have anything better to do.”
“And what kind of game would you play then?” she shot back a brow arching up as she looked back at me.
I smiled easily at that, body relaxing, eyes meeting hers, “Mmm, well it has to be something we both can enjoy. And of course something that we would both be willing to do. So that obviously leaves out quite a few.”
“Obviously,” she agreed with a drawl as her nose wrinkled slightly. “Though, probably more for me than you.”
I chuckled at that. “I might surprise you, but then again, you might surprise me too. So, who knows at that? Besides, why push things at this stage?”
She relaxed just slightly, “Then, what did you have in mind?”
“Perhaps a simple word association to see?” I offered, smiling back at her. “Nothing too bad, just I offer one word you say the first thing that comes to mind, and I in turn say the first thing that comes to mind and back and forth. First one to repeat something or take more than 5 seconds loses that round.”
“Why do you start first?” she challenged back with a brow arched up.
“Because I was the one that thought up the game,” I countered back with a bemused smile. “And the one to think up the idea of playing a game to begin with.”
“Because the man is the one who’s supposed to lead?” she challenged back with a flash in her eyes.
“Because the one who initiates leads,” I responded back a brow arching back at her.
She considered that, before reluctantly nodding her head. “Fine.”
“White,” she stated her tongue sticking back out at him.
“Cream,” I shot back with a faint smile on my face as I added just a touch of heat into the undertone of my words.
“Cat,” she responded, blinking a bit before frowning.
“Pet,” I agreed nodding my head back at her as once more I added just a bit more feeling to it.
“Fleeting,” she apparently noted the inflection in my voice that time and she added a sardonic touch to her voice.
“Grasp,” I agreed with smile of my own and a twinkle in my eye.
“Empty,” she disagreed with me with a faint sniff.
“Quivering,” I stated with a wicked grin.
“Quivering?” she repeated staring at me with mouth held open before realizing what I’d done and giving me a dirty look. “Dirty trick.”
“I didn’t break the rules,” I reminded her with a grin. “That’s one round to me. Your turn to start I imagine.”
“How did you get Quivering from Empty?” she asked giving me a look.
“Because the Quivering Emptiness inside of you is one of my favorite phrases,” I stated with an innocent smile on my lips.
She opened her mouth, closed it, and then gave me a look that couldn’t seem to be impressed or disgusted. “Well, at least it’s not something more blatantly vulgar.”
“Why be blatant when subtly and innuendo are so much more fun?” I chuckled just a bit as I responded before gesturing magnanimously. “It’s your turn to start.”
She frowned just a bit before considering carefully. “Orange.”
“Anxiety,” she was frowning slightly as the words were leading her down a path that she didn’t quite like.
“Nervousness,” I half observed, half stated as I looked back at her.
“Uncertainty,” her frown deepened just a bit with the word.
“Future,” I shifted the topic slightly, allowing the words to change again.
“Possibility,” there was a visible relief on her face as she said the word.
“Promise,” I agreed, putting a bit of emphasis on the word, making it sound more like…
“Vow,” she responded instinctively, before almost frowning.
“Binding,” I noted with a soft emphasis.
“Contract,” she licked her lips unconsciously and I smiled back at her.
“Caught,” she stated then blinked slightly as she almost seemed to realize what she said.
“Trapped,” she frowned, shifting slightly in her seat.
“Bound,” I agreed with a faint sound at the end.
“Bondage,” she stated without thinking, before flushing brightly as her mind caught up with her mouth.
“Surrender,” I threw the word back easily to her, watching as her eyes widened.
“Submission…” she was squirming slightly again, the flush on her face brightening once more.
“Domination,” I agreed with a calmness as I projected only an easy smile back at her.
“Control,” she stated after taking a moment to breath deeply.
“Giving,” I agreed with a smile.
“Taking,” she responded as she shifted again in her seat.
“Property,” she blushed again as she looked away, not able to meet my eyes.
“Mine,” I agreed with a nod as I leaned just a bit closer.
“Yours?” she licked her lips, eyes half clouded as looked back at me.
“Mine,” I agreed again smiling back at her. “Your round this time. Let’s Continue, shall we?”
“Wait, I need to…” She started to say.
“Relax,” I completed the thought for her.
“Comfortable,” she responded automatically, before opening her mouth again.
“Safe,” I said soothingly.
“Secure,” her mouth was moving, the tension and confusion from earlier starting to drain away.
“Drifting,” I noted with a smile watching as her eyes were drooping just a bit, a sudden burst of movement in her eyes as they fluttered open and closed.
“Dripping,” I noted with a slight thickness to my voice.
“Drops…” she shifted again, squirming.
“Wet,” she murmured softly, back arching out.
“Wanting,” I agreed with a gentle, voice filled with hints of a primal hunger.
“Hungering,” she noted, shifting, squirming.
“Arousal,” she admitted, face already flushed, uncaring as she shifted in her seat.
“Heat,” I added with a breath.
“Quivering,” she echoed my earlier analogy.
“Me,” she breathed out before suckling in a deep, desperate breath.
“Mine,” I stated simple.
“Yours…” she agreed with only the slightest bit of hesitation.
“Caught,” she whimpered softly, flashing through the words she had followed that word before even as her voice was distant, clouded.
“Owned,” she stated with a sigh slightly tinged with regret.
“Whose?” I shifted it to a question, smiling softly.
“Yours…” she admitted softly.
“Mine,” I agreed with a nod.
“Yours,” she reaffirmed helplessly.
“Obey,” I stated simply as I reached out and cupped her chin.
“Orders,” she stated simply.
“Listen,” I stated simply before smiling softly at her. “Because I think you can agree I won, can’t you?”
“You won,” she agreed in a soft, vacant voice. “You won… Empty… quivering…”
“And I won you, didn’t I?” I agreed with a nod.
“Yours, claimed, caught, Obey,” she murmured, the words flowing one to the next, each a little firmer, a little stronger, a little more powerful.
“Yes,” I agreed. “You will.”
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
I want to fill my diaper with piss on daddy’s lap and when he realizes I was naughty and didn’t tell him I had to potty I want him to bend me over his knee and spank me with my wet diaper on. I want him to tell me how bad I am for having an accident and what a dumb silly baby I am. Then I want him to slip his fingers into my pussy, already wet with piss and my girly juices. I want him to pull my diaper down to my knees and fuck me hard in whatever hole he wants to use. I want him to cum deep inside my pussy, and then pull my diaper back on. I want to sit in my piss soaked diaper and have his cum dripping out of me into my pull-ups as we cuddle and he gives me lots of kisses. I want to be daddy’s disgusting little girl.
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
If you live in Queens, NY hit her up
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
Reblog if...
You want your balls emptied inside a tight, wet pussy
If you want your pussy filled to the brim with cum
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
Break you? On your knees and strip. Im going to have fun with your body.
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Touch me.
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
If by cupcakes you mean my cock glazed with precum. Then yes you get my cupcake. But you better swallow the whole thing.
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Feed me cupcakes 😋
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sexfunoplessdepression ¡ 5 years
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Let’s see if these actually post 🙃
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