sexyallowed · 4 years
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“Riding your Triumph” – I’ve revised it. 
Here’s the original: http://writernotwaiting.tumblr.com/post/157680252509/riding-your-triumph-a-poem-by-me-yes-the
Which one do you like better? (I’m just tagging folks that liked of re-blogged the first one – I don’t want to wear out my tagging welcome; oh, and I tagged Fishy, too, snce this is her fault). @larouau12 @darklittlestories @mystrangebones @incredifishface @heavymist @sarabeth72 @toasty-hancock @angelus80 @iamhisgloriouspurpose @izhunny @burningarbiterheart @smakka–bagms @littleone65 
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sexyallowed · 4 years
Like seriously!
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sexyallowed · 4 years
Love this artwork! Probably because it’s purple. And creative/unique. I really need to try n go to sleep.
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A piece inspired by this quote:
“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.”
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sexyallowed · 4 years
Me right now. Can’t sleep. ....
That’s it! I’m not having anymore Easter candy. lol. Or something.
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Very annoy when this happens
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sexyallowed · 4 years
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friendship IS romance : 1. / 2. / 3. fleabag / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7. / 8. a little life, hanya yanagihara  / 9. / 10. 
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sexyallowed · 4 years
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sexyallowed · 4 years
Can anyone answer my question? Honestly? Without any jokes or anything? I’m completely lost and to be completely honest I find myself in this same place from time to time.
Aside from maybe 2 or 3 times when I was a child (which a cant remember very well... weird memories.) I won’t go into them unless someone asks.
Aside from that I’ve been raped, and sexually used/taken advantage of from late teens to just last year. I’m 23 now. Not constantly (like month after month after month), but it’s been a consistent theme in my life. And I find myself in the place I am now. Once used to think of sex as “disgusting or nasty” when I was in either elementary school or high school. To not wanting anything to do with it. To running into guys who wanted nothing, but either sex or to touch me. And me, being the doormat that I am allowed every single bit of it. With the exception being (almost being raped as a guy forced me in my bathroom up against the sink years ago)...... I stoped him. With my voice. I told him to stop. And I kept telling him to stop. I fought him out of the bathroom back into my studio apartment. (As I’m remembering)..... I also faught him as he pushed me into the bathroom (I fought to keep out of the bathroom). And also, exception being me telling someone no, but they didn’t listen. And maybe othersthat I’m not thinking of. But the point is I feel so messed up when I get like this. Because it’s not me, or it shouldn’t be me. But sometimes I find myself “wanting that back”. And I don’t know how to feel like myself again. The one who never knew sex in the form of disrespect and being used. I can’t help but feel this is all because of my reaction to everyone using me (after I was fed up and had enough of it)... Guys only wanting my body and everything. So I decided I would choose who I’d have sex with. And get fwb’s. I figured if I can’t win “and keep guys from wanting nothing but sex or my access to my body parts” then “join them”. So I found a couple or few different people I would do stuff with, on my terms. And I think that (though I meant well) I think it just fucked me up even worse. If I didn’t know there was a thing called fwbs maybe I wouldn’t be struggling with these conflicting parts of me. I’m so confused and I don’t think I’ll ever know who I am ever again. I have a boyfriend. And we’ve had sex a little bit. But I mostly want to wait until we’re married to go all the way. Can someone please talk to me. When ever I get this way I feel crazy, but I know I’m not crazy. Please comment or message me if you think you can help.
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sexyallowed · 4 years
Come join me
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sexyallowed · 4 years
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What I want right now. Or second best to talk dirty with someone 😉
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sexyallowed · 4 years
I wish my boyfriend would go bdsm on me. .... #bdsm, #love, #relationship goals, #submissive, #doms, #subs, #dominate, #horny
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sexyallowed · 4 years
We can’t talk about anything 😉😉👌💦🔥💕
Anyone wanna talk?
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sexyallowed · 4 years
Anyone wanna talk?
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sexyallowed · 5 years
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‪suffering governs ‬
‪our thoughts, our thoughts govern our ‬
‪pursuit of pleasure ‬
‪a simple worry ‬
‪easily disrupts any ‬
‪thought of well-being‬
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