sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
I think people should know that they don't have to literally ignore the 3d, just dismiss
Do not ignore your responsibilities (like school or work)
Also, your thoughts and emotion are powerless, they won't do anything unless you give them power, you can vent or rant or feel upset all you want, just remain persistent in the fact that your desires are your now and everything will be fine. I promise
thank you for this reminder!
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
Any neville lecture to quell doubts/fears?
Walk By Faith is a great one :)
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
How are you always in the state of being so sexy and hedonistic?
It's a lifestyle yeah.
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
Identifying with the inner man
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These are going to be the notes i prepared while reading Edward Art's series part 4 "the inner self must be exalted"
Inner man we talk about is the true you that is within, THE SELF.
Understand that it's not the outer man (the body) who is desiring but it is the inner man who is desiring. Do you think that your physical body can desire?
Now you know that inner man (the one WITHIN) is desiring, then it must be fulfilled within.
Nothing to change but self because the outer world is nothing but an expression of self.
Everything is happening within, the one who is desiring is the self, the one who is worrying is the self, the one who is scared is the self, the one who is powerful enough to give himself all that he desires is also the self.
The limitations of the outer world should not be a concern to the inner man as everything is possible to him.
You should never mold your desires so that it could fit the limitations of the 3d. Fulfill your desires as it comes to you.
Imagination is the real reality and the outer world just an reflection of it.
Identify yourself not as the outer man but the inner man who is desiring and who can fulfill all his desires.
Here's part 2
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
creation is finished
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this is probably the most important teaching of all and understanding this truly will help your journey.
understanding that creation is finished is vital to your law of assumption journey.
i’m sure most of you have been stuck in a cycle of trying and/or exhausting yourself by trying to maintain the state of the wish fulfilled.
what you desire already exists
the only reason why you have this burning desire towards something is because you are meant to experience it, and by meant i mean that you wouldn’t desire it if it wasn’t already within you waiting for you to realize it is already yours.
what you desire already exists!
there are infinite versions of you within your imagination waiting on you to believe them into being. they already are so! they already are who they want to be and have what they want to have and are not doing anything to try and get it.
it’s important to understand that when you imagine and decide to return to the state of the wish fulfilled you’re NOT doing it to make something happen in the 3D.
my mistake
the main thing i was doing wrong while studying and starting to apply the law was failing to truly internalize the fact that my outer reality is not my true reality, imagination is.
(my advice to everyone is to just apply without being judgmental with yourself, start applying and understand what works for you and what’s easier because this is how i learned how to properly apply the law without necessarily popping a vein)
this is a very common mistake and something you truly need to sit with in order to make your journey of self easier.
i was (as most of you probably are) stuck in a trying cycle, i understood imagination was the creator but i didn’t sit with the knowing that everything is already created in imagination and i don’t have to do anything to make it so.
for some reason seeing imagination as a creator (which is true) made me focus on creating my desire with the use of imagination instead of actually understanding that imagination is my only reality and everything is already so in there.
i’m not gonna lie to you, i was seeing movement because i was in the state of having my desire but i was extremely anxious about it, i was too focused on the movement i was getting and that lead to manifesting more movement instead of my full manifestation which obviously led to my desire taking more time to materialize.
the time it takes is absolutely irrelevant and i want the focus for you to be on how miserable i was while getting that movement, me being so focused on the movement made me rely completely on the 3D.
i was doing all of this to get my desire instead of accepting it fully in imagination. i was flip-flopping between states.
had i actually sat with the knowing that while imagination creates the outer world it is also the only reality out there and everything is already created in imagination i would’ve had a much pleasurable journey, because i am not supposed to create it, it already is!
you’re not making it happen!
for some reason even while actively studying the law and understanding it i was applying it in a way that was driving me insane in the long run, i hadn’t fully detached from the 3D so my results weren’t even long lasting because the moment something weird happened i would be deeply affected, and even when only favorable things were happening i was extremely focused on that.
“you don’t imagine for it to be so, you imagine it being so!” -EA
this is key!!!
please understand that while imagination creates the outer world you don’t have to turn it into a manifestation machine.
you tend to return to the state because it creates the outer world and therefore fall into the trap of doing things to get and constant trying.
you’re supposed to return to the state because why on earth would you think something isn’t yours when it actually is?
how would you react if i told you the phone you’re reading this post on isn’t yours??
“the fuck is she talking about, this is my phone”
well, yeah this is how i want you to think about imagination. it is your only reality and you should treat it as such.
there is nothing other than imagination, your desire comes from imagination and the fulfillment of your desire happens in imagination and there you also always experience it.
even when it materializes you are always experiencing it in imagination.
true fulfillment comes from imagination, if you don’t fully internalize that you will struggle!
i’m sorry, hate to break it to you, but you’ll never be satisfied in this world if you don’t understand where the fulfillment truly takes place.
as within, so without
take this seriously!
this phrase is the basis of the law: what you plant within your imagination will be expressed on the outside simply because imagination is the creator of your whole existence.
you need to understand that this isn’t something new you’re doing, you’re always giving something to yourself in imagination whether that be good or bad.
you’re not supposed to work for the wonderful things you want expressed.
you already have them! that’s the only thing you need to realize!
you already have them in their full potential, you’re not building your desire step by step.
the outside world will mold to you because it is the only thing it is able to do. do not worry about the outside, do not worry about others.
the outside is not your true reality. it not your true self.
“as within so without” doesn’t mean “let me change this inside so it gets reflected”.
it means “let me focus on my inner world cause that is all that exists, and by default the outer world follows.”
it seems similar but it is not, because the first one implies doing something to get what you want which necessarily implies not having it, the other ones implies acceptance that you already have it.
if you don’t accept that you are the inner man and not the outer man you will continue flip flopping between states, getting little to no movement and getting frustrated because of that.
you cannot change the outer world
you will never be able to change the outside if you don’t change SELF first.
all the things you try to do will never result in a change in the outer world if you don’t understand that you need to drop it completely.
you can’t have something and still desire/need it in the 3D.
you will be unsuccessful if you try that and most of all you will drive yourself crazy and be exhausted. because changing the outer world is never your job, the outer world changes itself.
when you understand this and you start living inwardly (consciously, because we all already do this, but unconsciously) you will not be affected by what happens outside! because that’s not your true reality, you will walk with complete stillness knowing the outer world molds to you and not the other way around.
you’re not shifting your state to make it express, you are shifting your state because you understand that the outer world is not your true reality and why would you believe in something that’s not true? why would you want to believe in something that is a mere reflection and not the actual reality?
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
idk why but when i read Neville and Edward arts sources i feel like he is not talking about getting desires in physical reality but satisfy yourself in imagination and accept them within you that is more than enough. whenever i read the sources i had the intention to get my desires in physical reality but of cource you will get your desires in physical reality but its more than that. instead of living in limitation your entire life its telling us to accept within and learn to limitless consciously. we all are doing this unconsciously but the sources are teaching us to be limitless consciously and take control of our life. in my experience i was never satisfied with having desires in physical reality as i want more and more but when i first started to identify within imagination for a few seconds.. it was magical and more real.. that is more than enough.. and it actually came in physical reality.. i felt a huge shift in physical reality and i understood that its all within! and that i am gonna be alright!
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
I just realized that the 3D doesn’t matter because the 4D is the only true reality. Whatever happens in the 4D HAS to be reflected into the 3D, it is the spiritual law and spiritual law can not be broken. That’s why the 3D doesn’t matter because it’s only a reflection of the 4D, so if you just change the 4D then the 3D has to change because it can only reflect what happens in the 4D. I’m sure this has been repeated a bunch of times but I finally understand it now. You don’t ever have to worry about the 3D because it’s just a reflection of your 4D, so just change your 4D.
Exactly, my love!
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
OMG I was listening to Edward Art “Frequency” lecture on Youtube and had a damn epiphany after he said this:
“ In this case the imagination is the muscle that needs to be shaped, but the actions we’re performing the exercise is to feel the wish fulfilled everyday. That’s what one must do, you must be consistent about it daily. I’ll say this and I mean this in all seriousness is that feeling the wish fulfilled ONE time is greater than listening to eight hour subliminal messages while your sleeping or trying to impress your subconscious or repeating a thousand affirmations a day and I’m telling you from experience feeling it ONE time is GREATER. Because once you feel it for the first time, what you’ll realize is that your desire is within you and the fulfillment is also within you and you must fulfill your desires in IMAGINATION. And once you realize that you can do that and then when you do do it, you have a profound peace that you have found it, that you found what you’ve been looking for”
Like HELOO!? You don’t need to do ANYTHING to be in the wish fulfilled except experiencing it IMAGINATION!
Experience = imagination
Why do you need to listen to a subliminal overnight to manifest your desires? Why do you need to enter the void state to manifest your desires? Why do you need sleep paralysis to manifest your desires? Because it’s “instant”? YOU ALREADY HAVE IT! Once you’ve experienced your desire in imagination, it’s ALREADY yours. You have it NOW, instantly! Why do you need to do so many “methods” to fulfill yourself when fulfilling yourself is INSTANT. Or is it because your conditioning your desires and heavily relying on instant/overnight results when you ALREADY have it 🙃 you can have blind faith that your food from ubereats will be delivered to your door but can’t have the same faith when it comes to your imagination? If you experienced something in your imagination, IT IS ALREADY YOURS!! There is nothing to fear in there (your imagination) because you can have whatever you want in there! Time doesn’t matter nor will it ever because you have it right NOW. If you spent the time you used on using all these different “techniques” and “methods” and fulfilled yourself in imagination you could be living your BEST life already. Just relax and surrender to your imagination, trust it and have faith in it. What’s the worse thing could happen by fulfilling yourself? You getting all your desires? 😭 if you could have all your desires RIGHT now if you let go of the void, sleep paralysis, subliminals, etc would you do it? I know your answer was YES 💀 the law will never fail you babe, you can’t do it wrong and your doing everything right! It’s so easy and simple, you don’t have to lift a damn pinky finger to get what you want.
Recommend post to read:
Listen to source and APPLY! *mic drop*
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
there's some things i want to share that just clicked with me now.
there is literally nothing else to change but self because eiypo. that does sound like duh every blog says that but like it didn't click that there isn't really any other alternative until I realized that connection.
ig the reason why it may feel difficult to have a better self-concept for a lot of people is because they don't see that creation is finished. so while they are trying to 'fix' themselves to have a higher self-concept, what they're really doing is attempting to give new ways of thinking to the OLD version of themselves when really that's not how it works. you shift to the version of you that has a high self concept, and the things that come along w it. by simply assuming.
you don't need a reason or need to justify why you deserve it, are worthy of it, or ask permission from anyone because allll these infinite versions of reality are all *just* YOU. though all the doubts and fears are stemming from you at this point, just redirect your focus because everything, past, present, and future are happening right now. there's no point in being like "omg i cried bc im scared i ruined everything all my progress is gone I'll never--" because it's wayy easier than it may seem to change direction immediately . you don't need to force yourself, once you're like "nah actually im the operant power even if I'm crying it works out for me" or just revise--you just shifted to a different reality congratulations. by saying that affirmation, you just changed the past and future at the same time you said it.
all imo ofc lol
🫀... this is EXCELLENT thank you!
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
How exactly have I been implementing this? Whenever I have an unlovely thought or I am experiencing something I do not wish, I reassure myself that there is a Version of me that is thinking a lovelier thought and is experiencing a lovelier experience. Then I simply assume that I am that Version of myself. I have to be because I am Aware and it is ME. There is no other. I do not have to ask anyone’s permission because it is MINE. Then I receive a sense of peace. All that is truly necessary for me to do is to become AWARE of Being that Version. Of course there has to be more testing done but I have already experienced success with this. These successes will eventually pile on and I will have a strong conviction that this works (I already know it works, but speaking from this specific understanding) and I will not have to doubt myself anymore. I assume I AM, essentially myself, just a different Version and I do not interfere with How it will come about. I let it be physically and I become comfortable however it comes about. This, personally, even though I understand Neville’s work, is a new journey for me. There is much more to write on this but I think this is enough for now. I hope this gave you more understanding and less confusion.
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
neville did say tho that the chief delusion for man is to believe that there is another creator beside SELF / consciousness / imagination.
“Man’s chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.” - Neville
i agree w hera that if it finds you comfort, you don’t necessarily need to drop it. but i still think it’s useless and can only cause confusion if you’re believing that those external things (like religion, etc) are responsible for creation. because thats just god fooling his self that he’s just man, that he isn’t a creator. no matter what it is, even religion and your beliefs about it, it all came from you(the self). you’re making those beliefs alive. but once you truly accept the fact that it all is from YOU, you would realize it is unnecessary to keep those beliefs since you are the creator. i do believe that once we get on our journey and learn more about our real self, everyone of us will come to the same realizations. but for now, don’t rush it and don’t overconfuse yourself. you will eventually slowly let go of beliefs that don’t serve you
100% agree with this. Buy the pearl.
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
"Before you have any visible proof that you are, you will, from the deep conviction which you have felt fixed within you, know that you are; and so without waiting for the confirmation of your senses you will cry, "It is finished." Then with a faith born of the knowledge of this changeless law you will be as one dead and entombed; you will be still and unmoved in your conviction and confident that you will resurrect the qualities that you have fixed and are feeling within you"
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
I manifested my dream life! I’m literally so happy ୨୧
BEFORE - I was constantly wavering and doubting myself and my power, in a cycle of persisting for like 5 seconds, reacting to the 3D and overconsuming information (and feeling a little drained). Obviously I was sick and tired of that so I decided to stop overconsuming and ACTUALLY apply the law.
HOW I DID IT - I simplified the law for myself, made my own rules, anything to make it fun, easy and effortless for me! My rules were:
- choose a desire, decide that it’s mine, persist and live in the 4D.
- nothing can ruin my manifestations. IT IS DONE.
I knew my subconcious would do anything to get me what I want and that I was doing everything right so my desires were inevitable.
PRO TIP: Read @cinefairy advice on not ignoring the 3D but knowing it will change especially when dealing with hard circumstances.
(Tbh I didn’t like the idea of having to ‘saturate’ my mind or impress my subconcious by repeating affirmations - the law is meant to be effortless.)
AFTER - My manifestations actually showed up pretty quickly! And I’m actually living the dream:
Pefect appearance from head to toe, pretty privelege, happy and healthy family, rich parents, living friends and boyfriend, perfect penthouse, ideal clothes, always smelling really good and clean, fluency in multiple languages, perfect grades, having multiple talents and hobbies, perfect physical and mental health and A LOT more.
I would only ever affirm to remind my self that it is done and you know just lived my life. If I can do it so can you!
Thank you to @sexydreamgirl @cinefairy @blushydior @sutheworld and many more!
Now please ask yourselves this - how many times are you going to ‘put your foot down’ or ‘restart’ and go through this horrible cycle, are you not tired?
Also can I be 💐 anon?
Wowwww this is absolutely wonderful congratulations, sweetheart! I'm beyond happy for you!
"how many times are you going to ‘put your foot down’ or ‘restart’ and go through this horrible cycle, are you not tired?" listen to them!
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
what is your opinion as to why there are some people who persist for a long time and don’t get results?
if you persist you WILL get it, it is law obviously. but you know there are certain factors that mess with your persisting kind of? i mean there are people who have persisted for such a long time and haven’t gotten anything
so what do you think some of the reasons are that people who are “persisting” don’t get results? how can you fix those?
Because it depends on what your state of consciousness looks like because consciousness is the only reality. Are you focusing on the fact that you're "trying" to manifest or have you accepted that your desire is already yours NOW? However long it takes you to appropriate your desired state of consciousness ultimately depends on YOU. If you're reading post after post and trying methods left and right that is because you are conscious of the fact that you are "struggling" to manifest. Forget about everything and go straight to the end, live by it and live in it and sustain it until it hardens into fact.
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
When Neville says quotes "ye must be born again for except ye be born again ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven" and states "The only way to change your expressions of life is to change your consciousness. For consciousness is the reality that eternally solidifies itself in the things round about you." Basically, to change the things 'round about you', you must enter 'Heaven' (your new state, your desired state), bc imagination is everything, both flesh and inner man. - cupid
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
1. The Power of Awareness
2. Your Faith is Your Fortune (very close second)
3. The Law and the Promise (excellent one but sooooooo long)
4. Feeling is the Secret
5. At Your Command
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sexyandhedonistic · 7 months
BB im making. a google doc of reminders, what r ur fav quotes (neville if u could remember) 4 reminders!
Neville's rhetoric is simply too delectable to be able to pick only a few quotes, but in terms of reminders I think the following are all some that'll serve the purpose:
As soon as we succeed in transforming ourselves, the world will melt magically before our eyes and reshape itself in harmony with that which our transformation affirms.
Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are.
You can believe anything in if you will not accept the facts your senses dictate; for nothing is impossible to imagine, and imagining - persisted in and believed - will create its own reality.
If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses.
There is no limit to the power of belief or to the possibilities of prayer, but you must be brazenly impudent and not take No for an answer.
Do you always turn to your imagination and, no matter what happens, do you remain faithful to the state imagined? If you do, you have passed the test. But if every little rumor, doubt, or fear can move you around like a pawn on a chessboard, then you are not keeping the faith!
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