sexyastrologyxxx · 3 years
Black Moon Lilith: Deep Misconceptions about the asteroid, and the Real Idea Behind her
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Lilith Observations/ Ideas
I'm sure you've seen interpretations of Black Moon Lilith around on Tumblr. After a brief look, a lot of the blogs tend to show her off in a femme fatale black temptress sort of style, almost to the point of coolness. In my opinion this is incredibly misleading. While I don't disagree that black moon Lilith energy is like this, the problem that I have with the way its being represented is that its not addressing the true core of what Lilith is. As I further explain, what Lilith really stands for is not something to look up to.
Let me explain how. Now, if the myths and folklore about her are true and were not rewritten up by some old man a thousand years ago, you have to understand (and can research anywhere that) she literally has a connection to satan. Regardless of it being rewritten or not I think this is true.
If she didn't have malicious intent, she would be a self confident woman who lives for herself, but is open to hear what others have to say about her. She would want to grow, learn and change for the better, and extend her energy and talents outwards. This mean educating younger ones that are following in her steps, and encouraging them.
But she is not like this. She is selfish. You have to understand, as long as she has a affiliation with evil, the Devil, it cannot work this way. What I said up above will be twisted. Since she has a connection with evil, she cannot do things for other people or have that mentality, because evil does not have encourage that mentality. (Evil does things for only the self; Good thinks about others, cares for others, and therefore thinks about what it can do for others.) So therefore, if evil is selfish and Black Moon Lilith made a connection with Satan (Literally representation of evil) then this is the only way Lilith can be represented:
Lilith only stands for what she wants. She is very selfish. She is not a bold, independent woman who does what she likes because of where she's come from. She is a woman who does not want to take responsibility for her actions, and instead ran away from her problems. And instead of facing it head on, she took on a new persona (a mask) and continued to do what she wanted to do.
I am going to explain further what the effects of black moon lilith look like with people in real life. Some you may even know.
I will be back. Please repost babes, I would seriously adore that.
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sexyastrologyxxx · 3 years
what do you think abt
gem moon/aqua sun/cap asc/pisc venus/ cap mercury
saturn 7 can/ pluto 12
and sun conjuct neptun+ venus(pisc) opposite jupiter(8 and 9 house)
and thanks in advance *heart*
gem moon aqua sun combination makes for in my eyes a dominant peson who is very keen with their intellectual abilities (very nice 😩) 
cap ascendant to me dosent have a big influence (paired with the above), they may like to dress professionaly (seeing business suits) and it may even be more so masculine. [The style] 
sun conjunct neptune AND venus? same person? 
makes for someone who is romantically dreamy. may express this in art. it is a core part of them, this wispy aura. seeing turquoise and undertones of soft magenta. mermaid vibes here.
sun conjunct neptune makes for a very piscean personality. with the person chasing after very piscean things.  if it is at a strong orb. the stronger the better. 
venus opposite jupiter calls for lots of love but very hard to express it, whatever the reason may be is more so dependant on you. craving it so bad, hard to get it for some reason. 
saturn 7th, its not exactly easy to give a big meaning on its own, i would have to see the rest of the saturn’s aspects etc. 
apologies for late reply bae 
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sexyastrologyxxx · 4 years
Astrological Observations
- Sag guys can literally rail me no joke I need that indiana jones dick 
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sexyastrologyxxx · 4 years
Venus in Gemini in the 6th house in 26° culture?
Thanks for asking sweets. 
You mightve heard that this is the F-boy placement (and it is) but now that you add in these other placements there is more to it. 
No doubt in a relationship you like to be a tease. You like acting flirty in a sneaky way just for fun towards your partner. You are a chaotic bottom of sorts. A “brat.” You may say some shit then run away with a sly smile. But the mischeviousness is all a cover. Deep down, when it comes to it you secretly want your partner to love you and tender to you like a parent/father figure.
Also this placement deeply craves a sense of family with their partner, they want to know that no matter what things they get into, or whatever trouble happens, that they will always be there to come back around to them. They want to be coddled like a child. 
This plaement also likes to pretend they they are top/dom/in control but their partner and them both know that their partner is the dom here. 
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sexyastrologyxxx · 4 years
Astro Observations
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-Saggitarians have a special place in their heart for soccer. They also love the ¨togetherness¨ that sports brings to people. I know Sag is the sign of freedom, but they really like the irony of people coming together to celebrate something that is very freeing. They love how united everyone is over something uncontrolled. ⚽
-Taurus love the finer things in life, and if they could, would surround themsleves with plants and leaves everyday. Taurus really love surrounding themsleves with plants, something about their life and vitality gets to them. 🌿 
-Pisces in Venus strongly yearn for their soulmate, or for ¨their one.¨ They stongly believe in the idea of soulmates 😳
-Libras lowkey want to be treated like princesses. 👑
-Aquarians can relate to and emphasize with octopuses🐙 (😭😭😭????)
-Pisces are the most likely out of the zodiac to take drugs (Im thinking weed), not for the physical experience, but for the spiritual one. Some may even do this in order to connect with a higher, divine, "one". 💫
 -Leo Moons are loud, and proud of their emotions. They are least of all likely to feel ashamed of their feelings. The worst thing for them to do ever is unwillingly supress their emotions, or to not be allowed to express their authentic self willingly. 🎤
Thank you my darling, and good night!
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sexyastrologyxxx · 4 years
~Astrological Observations~
- Virgo Suns hate incompetence in people. Nothing makes them angrier that giving someone a task by a certain deadline, then them not finishing it, especially if they were all working for a larger purpose (work, etc) and if the Virgo had to make sure they were done by then. 👓📑
- Taurus Suns and Libra Suns are the ultimate girly shopping buddies. They both love fashion and clothes and give very very good fashion advice to each other. 🛍
- Aquarius Venus love to talk about their crazy ideas and theories and discuss their wild assumptions and realizations with their partner (usually with a lot of enthusiasm 😆)
- Pluto in the 1st house often face a lot of controversies and drama in their life. They face it so often they may have felt as if these issues and controversies are drawn to them, or that they are inescapable from them, or they may think that they are a core part of them. They eventually come to the conclusion that there is a reason why it is following them, probably for a higher reason. 💫
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