sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
Text || Brittana
Santana: Can we meet up somewhere?
Brittany: I don't know. I don't think that's a good idea right now.
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
Text || Brittana
Santana: I want to try talking. I'm not good at it, but I want to try.
Brittany: Okay, that's good. Well, what do you want to say?
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
Yeah, Kitty's been around to save the day a lot. The city needs to name her a superhero already. I can totally vouch that her super powers are way better than flying. Nope, I've just been at the studio. I don't know. I mean, I know but - it's just weird to talk about I guess. I never really thought Santana wouldn't be my best friend you know? I'm really bad at explaining it I guess. She basically just really hurt my feelings and I feel weird around her now. 
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If anyone was wondering, [PRIVATE]
Hey B. Looks like the other attractive blonde made her way back here while I was gone. Good to know, you’ve been missed, too.
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You could have called for a ride, you know. My phone was charged and basically on me the entire time, but at least Kitty was there to save the day. You haven’t gotten stuck in the middle of nowhere since, right? No, can’t say you did. It’s news to me; any reason why?
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
TAGGING→ Brittany Pierce, Kitty Wilde
TIMEFRAME→ Tuesday, April 15th.
LOCATION→ Kitty’s car
NOTES→ After a distraught phone call from Brittany letting Kitty know that she ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere, Kitty goes to pick her up and Brittany explains why she was out there in the first place. 
The ones that paid her? Kitty laughed to herself. She could make so many prostitute jokes in that moment but apparently Brittany liked this whole sensitive, ears wide open kind of attitude so she decided to keep them to herself. “Good job Britt. You don’t need anyone in your life who acts like they don’t need you.” She smiled brightly, not letting her eyes off the road. “and yeah it kind of sucks but I just want you to be okay and if venting your Santana problems to me is what’s going to help you right now, then vent away, although this whole idea of not having to deal with her does sound pretty great.” With San and the drama that came along with her, out of the picture, Kitty could focus on restoring their relationship. She wanted everything to be like it used to be. Together without all the tears, arguments and lack of trust. “I think it’s really sweet that you want to take a break from her but I don’t want you to feel like you have to because of me yanno? I don’t want to be one of those girlfriends who controls every aspect of your life. Surprising, I know. I honestly, just want us to be happy again though. I want to watch Disney movies and pretend that I hate them so you get defensive over the characters and the story, and I want sleepovers and making pancakes in the morning, while ruining the kitchen and leaving it for Jake to clean up. He gets so mad and it’s probably the funniest thing ever but anyways, it used to be so fun and if taking a break from your best friend means we can have all of that back, then I think you should do it.” She chewed on the corner of her lip after her confession. Nervous habit. Just reminiscing about their past made Kitty emotional.She was never really good with emotions  but when it came to Brittany she usually just spilled it all out unknowingly in one big tangled mess. Probably because they were always accepted and responded to with warmth. 
At this point Brittany liked to think she knew Kitty better than she knew herself. Kitty didn't control anything in their relationship. It was an equal partnership all the way around, but if they had to choose who wore the pants in the relationship, it would be Brittany. Even the recent history, though Brittany wasn't proud of it, proves that Kitty would bend over backwards for her. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that she would say something like that. To everyone else, yes they'd all probably die of some weird heart palpitation. But Brittany was used to the selfless side of Kitty Wilde. Sure, Kitty got mad once in while, who doesn't? Even Brittany was guilty of having an off day, but it's never gotten to the level Kitty would show towards other people. Brittany almost laughed out loud thinking about how shocked everyone would be if Brittany told them how Kitty really was. The world saw Kitty as a man-eating lioness, but Brittany saw her more like a purr-happy kitten. Brittany giggled as Kitty relayed their past. Total kitten. This was the Kitty Wilde she knew and loved. Brittany wanted to slam on the breaks, jump in Kitty's lap and kiss her the way she deserved to be kissed. But of course, Kitty was driving and she couldn't read minds. Lame. The awesomely passionate kiss would have to wait. "I know I don't have to, but I want to." She turned towards Kitty, with a soft smile. From what she could tell, they were going to keep straight for a few miles and all the other cars were at decent distances. Boom. Perfect. Her smile quickly turned into a mischievous smirk. However, that only lasted maybe half a second before Brittany leaned over, took Kitty's face in her hands and gave Kitty the kiss her body was aching to give. Brittany knew their lips were practically made for each other because of how they fit together so perfectly. Unfortunately, this kiss was short lived because of their current circumstance. Brittany reluctantly pulled away but positioned herself so she could lean her head against Kitty's shoulder. It was a little uncomfortable, but if she lost too much contact at one time, Brittany was sure she'd combust into flames. "Are we there yet?" she said with a huff.
One For The Road || KITTANY
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
Text || Brittana
Santana: Britt, please.
Brittany: I don't get it. You didn't want to talk about this before. What changed? Why now?
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
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Shh. Don't tell! I got Kitty an Easter basket with #godiva chocolate eggs, bunnies, a stuffed yellow duck, and pretty eggs I made myself, plus her favorite candy. BUT she doesn't know I put a #pandorabracelet at the bottom. With an awesome Jesus charm. Jk, it's a cross but still, close enough. They are for unforgettable moments right? She's someone I never want to forget. #orlose #shesmine 
View all 12 comments
MISTY MONROE: now that's how you get #stoned britt where's my rock? lol
COLBY ROBSON: see @mistymadness this is how you give an Easter present -.-
DAISY ROBSON: calm down @colbybelle where is your 420 spirit!
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
TAGGING→ Brittany Pierce, Kitty Wilde
TIMEFRAME→ Tuesday, April 15th.
LOCATION→ Kitty’s car
NOTES→ After a distraught phone call from Brittany letting Kitty know that she ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere, Kitty goes to pick her up and Brittany explains why she was out there in the first place.
Of course this whole ordeal was about Santana. She wanted to ask why the girl who had caused so much trouble for them was still on Brittany’s mind. She shouldn’t be right? Yeah, Kitty knew Santana was Brittany’s bestfriend but when you sleep with your bestfriend when you guys both are in relationships, you kind of lose the privilege of hanging out and stuff. Well at least that’s what she thought. The words coming out of Brittany’s mouth made her want to scream despite how sweet they sounded. She wanted to yell at Brittany for even thinking about Santana, let alone the part about how much she missed her. She couldn’t do it though. Not with Britt in this emotional state. I mean the girl drove almost an hour to the middle of nowhere to get away from the mess and Kitty wasn’t going force her to get right back into it. She pushed her irritation to the side. She wasn’t the one who was important in this moment. It was Brittany and she knew that she needed to be 100% okay with whatever the girl told her right now. Kitty let out a defeated sigh. “Maybe she just isn’t ready to be your friend again yet. It’s going to be hard. You know how San can be.” Cruel. Self-centered. Narcissistic. Manipulative. Kitty let the words   bounce around in her head but never let one escape. “Although I hate the idea of you talking to her again, maybe you should give it a while? She just got back. Let her settle in, yanno? I mean I’m totally not excusing the way she treated you or anything but when you get confronted like that people usually go into defense mode. Maybe just go somewhere public and talk about it so she can’t chew you out.” Kitty gave Brittany’s hand a tight squeeze for reassurance. She just wanted her girlfriend to be happy again even if it meant reconnecting with Santana.
Not ready to be my friend again. Brittany scoffed at that. That was an understatement, maybe the understatement of the year. She gave Kitty a look "we were talking about labels and she said the only ones she cared about were the ones that paid her." Brittany almost let a tear spill over her bottom lid, but kept it together just enough for her to look away again and distract herself with some birds in the distance. She took a deep breath before speaking again, "so, I told her she could forget about ours." She shrugged, referring to their label as 'best friends'. If Santana was going to make it that easy to throw away a friendship, she wasn't going to wait around like some second choice. Being with Kitty taught her a few things and getting stepped on wasn't one of them. Yeah, she knew how Santana could be with other people, but she was never like that to her. Never. Brittany has never felt so small before and she never wanted to feel that way again. It was one thing to be rejected by some person she didn't know, but to be rejected by one of the people she trusted the most? Can you say: trust issues? Brittany was happy that Kitty was being such a good sport about everything but in all honesty, she had no intentions of talking to Santana anytime soon. Not face to face at least. Brittany turned to face Kitty again "first, thank you for being really cool about me venting about this, I know this must suck for you but I'm mad at her, you're mad at her - now, we can be mad at her together." she giggled a little, she was joking but there was of course some truth to the statement. "second, I really don't want to see her, at all. If you want me to, I will, but seeing her in a public place will probably just mean humiliating me in a public place so no thanks, I think I'm good with a break." She smiled then leaned over to give Kitty a kiss on the cheek, "and I think with everything that happened, you need a break from her too." Brittany was very much aware of all the distress Santana puts on her girlfriend, and although Brittany's heart was somewhat crushed in the process, here was the silver lining. With her and Santana not talking, that gave her and Kitty more time for them. Plus, this whole "open relationship" thing was getting less and less attractive the more she realized that Kitty could be cuddling with someone that wasn't her. 
One For The Road || KITTANY
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
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I missed you! I really needed you a few days ago when I was stuck in the middle of no where but that's okay. Kitty got me. Did I mention I'm probably never going to talk to Santana ever again? Because there's that.
If anyone was wondering,
I’m still alive. Buried under some work, Netflix and the covers on my bed, maybe, but still alive and kicking.
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
Text || Brittana
Santana: Us. What happened.
Brittany: There's nothing to talk about anymore.
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
TAGGING→ Brittany Pierce, Kitty Wilde
TIMEFRAME→ Tuesday, April 15th.
LOCATION→ Kitty’s car
NOTES→ After a distraught phone call from Brittany letting Kitty know that she ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere, Kitty goes to pick her up and Brittany explains why she was out there in the first place.
Kitty wrapped her arms tightly around the girl in a warm embrace. She had to admit that she was more than little worried but prided herself in not letting it show. Brittany was so sweet and unfortunately sometimes her kindness and inability to see the bad in people was taken advantage of. It had often caused Kitty uneasiness and today was just another doze of it. On the drive, there were a million thoughts running through her head. Her girlfriend was stranded in the middle of nowhere all alone. Anyone could have just swiped her up of the side of road. Thankfully, the girl was now in her reach. “It was no problem at all. Um, we’ll just go home and call a tow truck to come get your car tomorrow. I think that’s the easiest plus it’s getting late and this could definitely be the start of some low quality horror movie produced by pervy college kid who got a camera for Christmas.” She gave the girl another tight squeeze before taking Brittany’s hand and pulling her to the car. “So now that I can actually hear you over the static from the shitty cell service out here and your sobbing, what all happened?” 
Brittany contemplated relaying the entire story word for word, her lips pursed to the side trying to decide. Her ultimate goal was to tell Kitty everything without putting the heat on Santana. Yes, she was beyond pissed - well, more like hurt but no one likes admitting that - at her best friend, but that didn't mean she wanted Kitty to kill her. Maybe scare her into never hurting her like that again with her awesome powerful words, but that's about it. She jumped into the driver's seat and crawled over to the passenger side. The more she thought about what happened, the more embarrassed she felt. The more embarrassed she felt, the more she leaned towards talking about this another time. Kitty would be the last person in the world to call Brittany stupid, but there was no denying that what Brittany fell for was one hundred percent idiotic. She took in a deep breath before finally speaking up,"I just wanted to hang out. She basically fled the country and I missed her". Brittany reached over the center console, once she found Kitty's hand she carefully intertwined their fingers. She didn't want Kitty to think or feel like she was saying she missed sleeping with Santana. No, Brittany just missed her best friend. "I was gonna go to her place but then you came up, so I wanted to talk about the whole you know, the thing and when I brought it up all her answers kinda made me feel like some gay experiment, like she was just using me because there was nothing good to watch on tv or something." Brittany paused and shifted her gaze towards her window before continuing "I needed to clear my head, everything was really confusing. I didn't get how she could do that to me unless she secretly hates me or something. So, I just glued my right foot to the gas pedal and didn't look back."
One For The Road || KITTANY
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
Text || Brittana
Santana: I know you're mad at me, but can we talk?
Brittany: About what?
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
@broadwayberry thanks! what if we just hang around the city on thursday and then do something totally crazy on sunday? I'm off on Sunday. I have to dance and teach a class on Thursday.
Instagram convo | Rachel and Brittany
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
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Okay! when will you have a sex tape? Now that you're an actress and everything, isn't it like a requirement to have some kind of scandal to stay relevant?
When you're down and low,
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
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When you're down and low,
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
I guess, but he could change his shirt. It's like he cleans everything around him and gets millions of dollars doing commercials but can't buy different clothes. He's probably using all that money to pay people to buy his erasers. Who knows, it could probably be making their houses really dirty and erasing their memories so the people think they did it themselves and have to buy more eraser things to fix it.
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When you're down and low,
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
@broadwayberry two nights ago. it was awesome! me and kitty had a little mini getaway. went to the beach, made a bonfire, some smores, and then we cuddled and counted the stars. we can always go there on thursday or sunday. have our own mini getaway.
Instagram convo | Rachel and Brittany
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sexytrollop-blog · 10 years
I like the sound of that. I choose both days.
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Not really, but it's okay because now I have you cheering me up.
When you're down and low,
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