sftcloudkook · 14 days
pairing: park sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis: in which married couple park sunghoon and park y/n are on their way to court to divorce when they suddenly get into a car crash, losing their memories entirely. over time, they start to fall inlove with each other all over again.
genre: angst, exes to lovers + strangers to lovers (ynhoon are soulmates your honor!!) fluff
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“You are the most immature person I have ever met!” You shout, “I should’ve never married you in the first place!”
“Finally, something we can both agree on.” Sunghoon seethes, and you just know the taxi driver is uncomfortable by the way he’s awkwardly looking in the car mirror.
The both of you crossed your arms stubbornly, huffing like little children who just threw a tantrum.
The only reason why you and Sunghoon were getting a divorce in the first place was because he was so busy at his office, inheriting the CEO position from his father just months earlier.
You felt lonely, and it really didn’t help that Sunghoon didn’t give you any reassurance because he was too tired.
“Aish, why is this red light taking so long?” Sunghoon angrily mumbles underneath his breath.
“Well maybe it’s your negative energy.”
“Can you be mature once in your life?” Sunghoon snaps back.
The taxi driver, very annoyed with the both of you, continues driving when the light turns green.
Then all of a sudden, a car rams through the intersection, crashing directly into the taxi.
You scream, and Sunghoon instantly puts his arms around your frame, shielding you.
Then, all goes black.
For a second, you could see the day that you and Sunghoon got married.
It was a Sunday, at the beautiful church nearby Sunghoon’s parents house, and you were wearing what Sunghoon called the most beautiful dress he’d ever seen. It was plain white, but long and so beautifully designed that it didn’t need any other colors.
When you arrived at the altar, Sunghoon had bursted into tears. Some of his friends, Jake, who had traveled all the way from Australia to attend, patted the boy on back as comfort.
That day was nonetheless the happiest day of your life. You don’t know if Sunghoon feels the same, and looking back, it feels like such a shame that you’re throwing it all down the drain.
Your body jolts awake, head practically killing you with the amount of ache it produced as you tried to sit up.
“Patient is up!” The nurse says before walking into your room with a tray. “Good morning, are you feeling okay?”
You raise your hands to touch your head, which was bandaged by some soft tissue material.
“Where am I?” You say, looking around the room. You spot a unknown man groggily getting up, and for a second, you can’t help but notice how handsome he was.
That was besides the point, though.
“You’re in the hospital.” The nurse says, smiling softly. “Do you remember the events leading up to this?”
“I.. I don’t remember anything, actually.”
The nurse still smiles at you reassuringly. “It’s alright lovebug, it seems as though you two have lost your memories.”
“Us two?” You question.
“Yes.” She points to the guy on the other bed right next to you who just looked like he woke up from death. He too looked badly injured like you, having a broken hand and bandage around his head. “Park Sunghoon-ssi was in the same car as you and got injured as well.”
Park Sunghoon. Why did that name sound so familiar?
“Well since you're both awake," she said, relief evident in her voice. "You've been in an accident. Do you remember anything Sunghoon-ssi?”
Sunghoon shook his head slowly. "No... I don't remember anything."
The nurse nodded, sympathy in her eyes. “It's not uncommon for victims to lose their memories after a traumatic accident. Memory loss can be temporary. Just focus on resting for now.”
The nurse leaves the room, leaving you and Sunghoon alone.
“She said we were in the same car together,” you say slowly. “But I really can’t remember what you are to me.”
Sunghoon shrugs. “Me either. All I remember vividly is my parents. You must’ve been an acquaintance of mine, then.”
You nod, stretching your limbs. “You got more injured than me.”
He lets out an airy chuckle, lifting his broken arm which was in a cast into the air. “Yep, broken arm.”
You want to remember so badly what had happened leading up to all of this. What were you doing? Where were you going, and why were you with this Park Sunghoon guy in the first place?
“What did you get for breakfast?”
Sunghoon breaks the silence between the two of you, and you slowly look down at the tray in front of your bed.
“Uh, the nurse got me tiramisu and oatmeal.”
“Tiramisu?” Sunghoon’s mood automatically brightens up. “Can we please switch sweets? I really love tiramisu.”
You laugh at his childlike behavior, but nod anyway. “I’ll bring it to you Sunghoon, wait.”
You don’t know why, but it feels so right saying his name. Sunghoon must’ve felt the same way, because he swore his mouth went dry at you calling out his name.
You carefully make your way out your hospital bed, making sure not to accidentally detach any monitors that were attached to you. Grabbing the tiramisu cup, you make your way over to Sunghoon, who’s already shaking in excitement.
Then you make your way back, opening the lid of your oatmeal bowl.
“I may not know what happened in the accident,” Sunghoon says. “But I know this tiramisu is so fucking good.”
You shake your head, laughing at his words. “Yah Sunghoon, you think we were best friends before all of this?”
“Maybe.” He mutters, the mascarpone cheese of the tiramisu leaving a mark on the side of his lips.
“Well our humor is alike.” You say. “Would explain why we were in the same car together. Maybe we were going out to lunch.”
The rest of the day was spent with Sunghoon and you cracking jokes then and there, the awkwardness of the two of you being strangers quickly faded.
The next day, you were given tiramisu once again while Sunghoon was given cookies.
You descended from your bed, once again, and gave the tiramisu cup to Sunghoon while you grabbed his bag of cookies.
“You know what’s funny?” You say, biting into the warm chocolate chip cookie.
“What?” He says, although it’s muffled from the amount of tiramisu he’s stuffed into his mouth.
“Yah, you gotta stop doing that, it’s gross.”
Sunghoon sticks his tongue out at you, which makes you giggle.
“We’re both Parks, isn’t that funny?”
“Huh,” Sunghoon looks up at the ceiling, thinking for a brief second. “Park Sunghoon and Park Y/N. That is funny.”
Maybe both of your humors are broken because you hit your head too hard during the crash, but even though you were at the hospital, you’re glad you have someone like Sunghoon to keep you company.
“Do you want to watch the stars with me tonight at the balcony?” You ask the boy, who nods softly.
“I’d love to, actually.”
And that’s what the two of you did. By the time it hit 10pm, you two tiptoed out to the balcony, making sure to not let any of the night nurses see you.
“Whoaaa, it’s beautiful.” Sunghoon says, letting his broken arm lean against the railing. “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”
You smile, leaning your head on Sunghoon’s shoulder.
“Sunghoon.” You say, voice barely above a whisper.
“I’m not sure what we were before the accident,” you stop for a second. “But I’m glad we knew each other.”
Sunghoon turns his head to look down at your face, his expression morphed into a genuine smile. “I’m glad we knew each other too Y/N.”
That night, you slept the most compared to the other nights at the hospital. In your dreams, you see Sunghoon—only instead of being at the hospital bed right beside you, he’s in the kitchen, wearing a black suit.
“You look nice today.”
“Thank you baby.” Sunghoon leans down to give you a kiss on the lips. “Is that tiramisu?”
You nod, your eyes full of love. “Of course, you’ve been working so hard so I decided to make your favorite.”
He wraps his arms around your waist, letting the two of you swing back and forth slowly. “Thank you my love, I seriously don’t know what I would do without you.”
You woke up in a cold sweat, the dream feeling all too real.
“What’s wrong?” Sunghoon says, and you swore your heart almost leaped out of your chest, not expecting the brunette boy to be awake.
“It’s 2am, why are you even awake?” You say croakily, hands coming to rub your tired eyes.
“Couldn’t sleep.” He shrugs. “Hey, I had a really weird dream just now.”
“Me too.” You say, “you were in it.”
Sunghoon raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t further question it. “You were a lawyer in my dream, you just graduated from Seoul University. We bought a house, and you told me you wanted to continue with your career.”
At least his dream was somewhat normal, you think. I can’t just tell him I dreamt of us being together and being all lovey dovey. He’d be thrown into a coma!
“Ah, mine was similar.”
Nice save Y/N.
Sunghoon suddenly gets up from his bed, deciding to sit at the dining table the nurses had brought out for the two of you yesterday night.
“Come sit with me.”
You slowly creep out of your bed, sitting on the empty seat next to Sunghoon.
Suddenly, you’re hit with a sudden pounding headache.
“You’re the worst, Sunghoon!” You scream on the top of your lungs, “I hate you! I hate you!”
“Stop screaming!” He grabs your arms gently, eyes directly looking into yours. “Y/N-ah, stop it.”
“So I’m Y/N to you now?” Your voice breaks. “No more baby or love? Am I just another person to you Sunghoon?”
“Of course not, why would you say that?” He pinches the bridge of his nose, taking in a deep inhale. “Let’s just talk about this calmly, okay?”
“What’s there to talk about? You are never home, you’re always cooped up in your office! We might as well get a divorce!”
Sunghoon’s hold on your shoulder makes you snap out of your daze.
“Hey, you okay?” He says concernedly, “you were breathing heavily.”
“What?” You gasp. “Yeah—yeah, I’m okay. I just think I had a flashback.”
“Really? What was it?”
You don’t want to tell Sunghoon that it was the two of you fighting. Why did you even mention divorcing in the flashback? Were you and Sunghoon something more than just friends?
“Just the crash.” You say. You want to tell him the truth, you really do, but you’re not sure if these were hallucinations from how hard your head was hit during the trauma or if they were actual flashbacks.
“Well, I’m here.” Sunghoon whispers reassuringly. “I’ll always be here. We survived a car crash together anyway, we’re kinda bonded to each other.”
You laugh, smacking him on his shoulder softly. “You’re insane.”
“Do you remember what your passion was before all of this?” Sunghoon asks, peeling his orange with his injured hand.
“I haven’t really thought about it,” you say, “l think I really would’ve liked becoming a mother. I love kids, the thought of them makes me happy.”
“I think you would be a great mother.” Sunghoon says quietly. “Even though we don’t know each other much, I can tell you’re loving.”
You look down at your lap, trying to suppress the bright smile forming at the corner of your lips.
“Thanks Hoonie.”
Your eyes widened. “I’m sorry! Did I make you uncomfortable? I should’ve not—”
“It’s okay Y/N,” he chuckles. “It’s fine. I like it.”
You can’t help but laugh along with him. “Okay.”
The next few days go by quickly, with you and Sunghoon already warming up to each other.
You were both comfortable enough to speak your thoughts freely around one another, no matter how silly or ridiculous some of them seemed.
When the nurses brought you two breakfast, Sunghoon almost dropped his fork in shock.
“They gave me tiramisu.” He says, eyes glistening with joy. “They finally gave me tiramisu.”
“I don’t know why you’re so excited.” You snicker jokingly. “You’ve been eating my tiramisu this entire week.”
He turns around to look at your tray, which had a bag of snickerdoodle cookies on it.
With shaking limbs, he makes his way over, handing the tiramisu cup to you and swapping it with your cookies.
“I thought you hated snickerdoodle cookies, Hoon?” You ask, eyebrows furrowed.
“I do.” He admits. “But you’ve given me your tiramisu all week, I wanted you to have mine this time.”
Your heart swells at that, and you point your spoon at him accusingly.
“Yah, is this because you want my chocolate pudding at dinner?” You joke.
“Pffft, what? Nooo.” He quickly defends himself. “But if you’re willing to share—”
“Shut up Park Sunghoon!”
“Yes ma’am!”
You don’t know why, but you’re starting to feel giddy whenever you talk with Sunghoon.
Your palms does this thing where it sweats profusely, and your tongue feels like dried sandpaper.
There’s no way you like Park Sunghoon, right? You’ve barely known the guy for two weeks, so why was the heart racing at the thought of him?
“I’ve convinced the nurses to get us two bottles of coca cola,” Sunghoon says, practically jumping up and down as he entered the room.
“Really? Out of all the drinks you could’ve persuaded them to get us, you got us coke.”
“Don’t diss Coca Cola like that!” Sunghoon says, crossing his arms.
Just like Sunghoon had said, the nurse approaches the two of you an hour later, 2 bottles of coca cola in her hands. She hands one to Sunghoon, then to you.
"Enjoy." She says, smile reaching her eyes.
Sunghoon's eyes light up when he opens the bottle and takes a sip. "Ah, for some reason, this feels so nostalgic."
A little memory pops up in his head, one of him playing at the park with his mom and younger sister.
"Sunghoon-oppa! Mom says she brought us coca cola!" The young girl, Yeji, says. "C'mon! Come with me!"
The young Park Sunghoon lets his younger sister take his hand, running towards their mom who was on the other side of the park.
"What's wrong Sunghoon-ssi?" You ask, noticing how his thick eyebrows were furrowed and his grip on the bottle had tightened.
"You zoned out for a bit."
He chuckles nervously, glancing around the room. "Sorry, I think I just had a flashback." He says. "Park Yeji."
"My younger sister." He explains. "I could see her clearly. I wonder where she is right now."
You too wondered where your family was. Maybe they were too busy to come visit you. You could briefly remember having a younger brother. Jungwon. Yang Jungwon.
"Cheers." He says, mood changing quickly. His canines shined brightly as he smiled, making him look all too gorgeous in your eyes. "To the car crash, for bringing me and Park Y/N together."
You giggle, raising your bottle in the air. "Cheers to the car crash, for bonding me with this weird guy named Sunghoon."
"Is it weird?"
It's 11pm, and you and Sunghoon face each other as you're both laying on opposite ends of the room.
"That we've known each other for only a few weeks and I already feel like I've known you for an entire lifetime?"
You smile at his words, shaking your head. "No, I feel the same way Hoonie."
"Would it be stupid to say out loud how much I want to kiss you right now?"
Your mouth almost drops at his boldness, but you quickly shake your head.
Sunghoon takes your silence as approval, sitting up to come over to your side.
He brushes the hair away from your face, leaning in to close the gap between your lips.
When the both of you pull away, you automatically lean in again, the feel of his lips on yours felt so right.
"I love you Sunghoon." You say as you cup his cheeks. "I don't want to fight anymore."
"I know," he whispers. "I love you. Cause even though we were both going down, we were going down together."
"I hate you." You say, a smile playing on your face. "I hate you for being the only person who I can't stay mad at."
"And I love you," he says. "For being there for me, always."
"I love you."
He smiles down at you, uninjured hand coming to hold yours. "I love you too."
"What?" You say flabbergasted.
The next morning was the date of both yours and Sunghoon's discharge, and both your families decided to come visit.
"You two were married." Your father explains, a bewildered expression on his face. "How could you not know? Was the Park Y/N not obvious?"
"I thought that was just my last name!" You say, defending yourself.
"Your last name is Yang, noona." Your little brother speaks up. It was Jungwon, the same boy you kept seeing in your flashbacks, only this time, his face looks more clear and matured. "It was before you married Sunghoon-hyung."
"You're telling me we got married and divorced?" Sunghoon says, stuttering over his own words.
"Yes son," Sunghoon's mother explains. "Well, not quite exactly. We don't know why you guys wanted to divorce, you kind of shut yourselves out when you were arguing. You didn't officially divorce yet, you got into an accident on the way to court."
That made so much sense now. The flashbacks of arguments between you and Sunghoon, the makeups after the arguments, the cute moments, everything. It started to all click in your head.
"You still share houses and everything, the lawyers had to put your case on hold because you were both hospitalized." Jungwon says. "We were here to pick you up separately, in case you weren't comfortable staying with each other."
"It's fine." You and Sunghoon both say at the same time.
"Are you sure honey?" Sunghoon's mom asks concernedly.
"Yes mom, I'm sure."
The drive home was awkward, you both drove in different cars but to the home you had bought before the accident happened.
"Noona," Jungwon calls out to you. Your parents are still in the car, looking at the scene in front of them.
"Yes Jungwon?"
"Listen, I may not know a lot about love," he says, "but I know what you and Sunghoon-hyung have is real. I could still see somewhere in his eyes that he remembers parts of you and he still loves you whether or not his memories came back or not. I could tell you love him too. I don't know why the two of you decided to divorce but I know you called me crying hysterically because of it. I just think you two needed to talk it out, without the lawyers, without the paperwork. You two are the two most stubborn people I know, but also the two most loving people I know, you wouldn't just leave each other like that."
You want to cry at your younger brother's words, tears already leaking from your eyes. "Thank you Won."
You reach your arms out to hug him, a hug that he instantly melts into. "I love you noona."
"I love you too."
"This isn't what we expected, huh?" Sunghoon says, leaning his head on the marble island in the middle of your kitchen. "This whole time I thought you were my best friend, turns out you were my soon to be ex-wife."
You laugh quietly at the irony of the whole situation. "Whatever we were in the past is in the past Hoon."
He nods. "I can't believe we were going to divorce."
"I can't believe it either."
"You know what my mom told me in the car?" Sunghoon sits up straight to look at you. "The reason I have a broken arm and you don't was because during the crash, I put my arms around yours to protect you. Isn't that funny? Even though we hated each other at that moment, my first instinct was to protect you."
You stay still at that, his words sinking into your brain.
"It's like the universe wanted us to be together." You say quietly.
"Hey Y/N?"
You turn around to face Sunghoon. "Yeah?"
"I'm glad I married you."
Even though you and Sunghoon aren't sure where you stand in terms of relationship, all you know is that you love him, and that is enough for the both of you.
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sftcloudkook · 2 months
jay is for ,,,
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heeseung • jay!! • jake • sunghoon • sunoo • jungwon • ni-ki
a/n. i luv jay stans, u guys are the coolest<33
୨୧₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩⋆ ──
jay is for those who are the eldest children in their families, who love their younger siblings with all their being, but wish that they got a chance to live as their own.
jay is for those who are uncertain of their abilities so they grasp onto the things they’re considered “good at” and overcompensate.
jay is for those who appreciate the little pleasures in life, practicing frugality where they can.
jay is for those who often stay away from showing physical affection but get really clingy for the right people (tell me about your favorite person, i’ll listen).
jay is for those whose favorite love language is acts of service, to give and receive.
jay is for those who adore making sure that their loved ones eat well but often forget about their own appetite (have you eaten today love? are you fully hydrated?).
jay is for those who commit everything to not only completing their tasks, but doing them thoroughly.
jay is for those who should be praised more for their hard work and talents because they don’t hear it enough.
jay is for those who deserve to be loved gently so that they can finally release the breath they didn’t even know they were holding.
── ୨୧₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩⋆
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sftcloudkook · 2 months
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🗯️ ━━━ 𝐲ou and jungwon have been stuck by the hip ever since kindergarten . he’d help you build your dollhouse , you taught him how to ride a bike . you were each others first kiss , you stood up to his bullies , he comforted you when you got hurt. ‎ 🎀🪽 ‎ 𝓼o who could blame you when his dimpled smile and sparkly eyes got to your heart , making you feel unexplainable flutters one summer of middle school . you chalked it up to teenage hormones . but you couldn’t deny the unexplainable pain when he suddenly started to drift apart from you and set his eyes on new girls ... a new reputation that left your heart in pieces in stead ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 📺
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GENRE. fluff, angst, childhood best friends au, high school au, written series, mid-length works.
P𝓐IRING. childhood bestfriend!yang jungwon x fem!reader, player!jungwon x classmate!reader, friends to strangers / enemies to lovers, sullyoon from nmixx + other female characters ( brief flings )
WARNING ׂ  ׅ ' . jungwon and reader as kids playing around. jungwon becoming distant and meaner in highschool. player relationships, swearing, partying, drinking ( of age ), kissing, familial death, crying, jungwon shit-talk.
🎥 FEATURING! jay & heeseung 엔하이픈! sullyoon of NMIXX 🗯️ ILLIT YUNAH ( AESPA ) ningning and karina. the boyz sunwoo le sserafim chaewon. RICKY ZB1
DISCLAIMER this story is completely fictional, character portrayal is not based on the idols in real life. for the sake of this story, all the characters are the same age.
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OOO. ❪ PRELUDE ❫ ❛ YOU’RE MY BEST FRIEND, I LOVE YOU FOREVER. ❜ ━━━ best friend, never young forever. ( teaser! )
OO1. ❪ CHAPTER ❫ ❛ LOViN’ FROM AFAR. ❜ ━━━ 숨겨진 마음. ‎ you keep trying to get him out of your head, but why do you still like him after he turned sour. jungwon keeps trying to get away from you, but why are you sticking so sweet?
OO2. ❪ CHAPTER ❫ ❛ FOUR WALLS. ❜ ━━━ 당연한 장소 ‎ jungwon hates how familiar he feels in your room, he hates the comfort and your presence. he hates how you fit into his arms so right. he hates how his body yearns for your touch.
OO3. ❪ CHAPTER ❫ ❛ CLOSE THE WINDOWS. ❜ ━━━ 봉쇄된 마음. ‎ you hate how easily you fall. you want his attention at any time. even when it hurts so bad when he reminds you his heart is closed off, and worse, it’s only closed for you.
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❪ BUNNY TALK ❫ been planning this for a while — so excited to release it finally ^^ this song makes me cry every time, I swear and it reminds me of all the angsty jungwon fics I read in 2021 - 2022 TT that era of won also makes me cry.. enough of my yaps, hope you enjoy guys!
❪ OO1 TAGLIST ❫ OPEN! fill in this google form, send an ask or comment on this post to be added! 🐇🪽
❪ PERM TAGLIST ❫ @w3bqrl @boowoowho @ahnneyong @kynrki @ixomiyu @yunki4evr @flwoie @bubblytaetae @ja4hyvn @dimplewonie @xiaoderrrr @trsrina @adajoemaya @stepout-09-15 zzegarki @ineedaherosavemeenow @lcv3lies @violetinferno @woncheecks @mijuuv @enhapocketz @hoonics @bubblytaetae @dimplewonie @isoobie @100203s @jiaant11 @yeomha @mosssi @j-wyoung @artstaeh @spilled-coffee-cup @cowsmicwu @nishislcve @laylasbunbunny @greentulip @enhacolor @hanniluvi
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558 notes · View notes
sftcloudkook · 2 months
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my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man my man
42 notes · View notes
sftcloudkook · 2 months
003ㅤ✶ how tight
warnings — profanities
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427 notes · View notes
sftcloudkook · 2 months
Sunghoon waking up at you sucking him off(mdni)
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Ask: I love love love your writing! Im not sure if you've done one where you pay sunghoon back for helping you sleep by waking him up with a Bj? if not, could I possibly request it 🥹
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You wake up slowly, the morning sun filtering through the curtains and casting a warm glow over the bedroom. Stretching languidly, you turn your head to see Sunghoon still asleep beside you, his handsome face relaxed and peaceful in slumber.
A fond smile curves your lips as memories of last night flood your mind - the way he'd touched you, tasted you, worshipped your body with his mouth and hands until you were a trembling, pleading mess beneath him. He always takes such good care of you, always seems to know exactly what you need.
And right now, seeing him like this, all tousled hair and bare skin, you know exactly what you need. Or rather, what you want to give him.
Carefully, so as not to wake him just yet, you slip out of bed and pad naked to the bathroom. After brushing your teeth and freshening up a bit, you return to the bedroom, a mischievous smile playing about your lips as you crawl back onto the mattress.
Sunghoon is still dead to the world, lying on his back with one arm thrown above his head, the sheets tangled low around his hips. Your gaze drags appreciatively over his body, from the strong line of his jaw down the elegant column of his throat, over the defined ridges of his chest and abs.
God, he's so beautiful it almost hurts to look at him sometimes. And he's all yours.
Settling between his spread thighs, you lean down and press a soft, open-mouthed kiss to his sternum, right over his steadily beating heart. Sunghoon stirs slightly but doesn't wake, so you continue your path downward, trailing your lips over his sleep-warm skin as your hands smooth up his sides.
When you reach his navel, you dip your tongue inside teasingly before continuing lower, nuzzling into the thin trail of hair leading down from his belly button. Sunghoon shifts again, a low sound rumbling in his chest, and you know he's starting to wake up.
Smiling to yourself, you mouth at his hip bone, sucking lightly as your hand wraps around his half-hard cock, giving him a slow, teasing stroke. That gets a reaction, Sunghoon's hips twitching up into your touch as a breathy moan escapes him.
"Y/N…" he mumbles, voice rough with sleep and arousal as his eyes flutter open to peer down at you hazily.
"Good morning," you purr, licking a stripe up the underside of his cock before swirling your tongue around the tip, gathering the bead of precum that's already leaked out. "Sleep well?"
"Fuck," Sunghoon groans, head thumping back against the pillow as you take him into your mouth properly, sinking down until he hits the back of your throat. "Y-yeah, I slept- oh god- slept fine. What are you…?"
You pull off with an obscene pop, grinning up at him impishly. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm returning the favor from last night."
And with that, you dive back in, taking him as deep as you can and hollowing your cheeks as you start to bob your head, setting a slow, torturous rhythm. Sunghoon's hands fly to your hair, fingers tangling in the silky strands as he fights the urge to thrust up into the wet heat of your mouth.
You can feel him hardening further against your tongue, growing hotter and heavier with every pass of your lips. His low breathy moans and gasps are music to your ears, spurring you on as you take him deeper, relaxing your throat to accommodate his considerable size.
"Baby, fuck, your mouth," Sunghoon pants, abs flexing as he struggles to keep still. "Feels so fucking good, god, look at you. Taking me so well, shit-"
Pride and arousal swirl through you at his praise, at the knowledge that you can reduce him to a babbling mess with just your mouth. Doubling your efforts, you start to stroke what you can't fit, twisting your wrist and flicking your tongue just the way he likes.
Sunghoon's grip on your hair tightens, a strangled groan tearing from his throat as his hips start to pump shallowly, unable to hold back any longer. You moan around him, the vibrations making his cock twitch against your tongue, and you know he's getting close.
Pulling back until just the tip rests on your tongue, you look up at him from under your lashes, holding his blown-black gaze as you start to stroke him faster, tongue swirling around the head on every upstroke.
"Come on, baby," you murmur, voice low and sultry, lips brushing over his sensitive skin with every word. "Come for me. Wanna taste you, want you to fill my mouth, c'mon Sunghoon, give it to me-"
"Fuck, I'm gonna-" Sunghoon cuts himself off with a guttural moan, his whole body going taut as his orgasm crashes over him. You work him through it, stroking and sucking and swallowing around him until he's spent, until he's pushing weakly at your shoulder because it's too much.
Pulling off, you lick your lips and crawl up his body, settling on his chest and grinning down at him smugly. Sunghoon huffs a low breathless laugh, hands coming up to rest on your hips as he shakes his head at you in amused disbelief.
"You," he says, voice still a little shaky, "are perfect for me baby."
You hum at the feeling of his hands massaging your scalp before leaning down to kiss him slow and deep. Sunghoon kisses you back lazily, licking into your mouth like he's trying to chase his own taste on your tongue.
When you finally pull back, he's looking up at you with so much tenderness, so much adoration, it makes your heart squeeze almost painfully in your chest. Cupping your face in his big hands, he strokes his thumbs over your cheekbones, touch impossibly gentle.
"I love you," he murmurs, eyes soft and warm as they search yours. "So fucking much, you have no idea."
A.N: I should learn how to end these drabbles, m so bad at aftercare so ignore the ending. And thanks to the annonie who sent this ask, hope you enjoy it 😊🧡🧡🧡
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sftcloudkook · 2 months
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sunghoon (enhypen)
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sftcloudkook · 4 months
strip for me.
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pairings: hyung line x reader
synopsis: hyung line got you trapped in a situation that you can’t get away from.
warnings: smut, bullying (not promoting violence or bullying), degrading, dirty talks, curses, masturbation, hyung line being mean.
slutofpsh 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“strip for me.” heeseung looked so bored as he utter those words towards you.
your tear stained eyes grew wider at what he said. he stared down at you with blank eyes as he leans over the teacher’s table. the look on your face silently begs him. he showed no remorse as he just stayed silent.
it’s your break time and you’re on your way to the cafeteria when you stumble with heeseung and his friends. they dragged you towards one of the vacant classrooms in your school, making sure its isolated enough so they can do their ‘little’ fun.
when heeseung saw that you’re not complying and just stood awkwardly, his eyes darted over his friends. they moved, approaching closer.
“you heard him, sweetheart.” jake sim pressed himself over your side, lips slightly gracing your ears. his hot breath fanning you as he lick his lips.
your heart thump in fear because of them.
“p-please...” you mumble too softly, scared and yet doesn’t want to oblige.
heeseung and his friends has been secretly doing this to you. bullying, sexually harassment, degrading and so on. you forgot when did they started, but its been too long. you can’t even remember what you did wrong that made them this mad at you.
“please what, princess?” park sunghoon came into your line of sight, smirking so wide giving you a full show of his handsome face and this sexy fangs of his.
“please help you to strip?” shivers run down your spine when you heard the low voice from behind you. it was park jongseong and he’s pressing his hard chest on your back, hands resting at your hips.
“what? got so dumb already that you forgot how to take off your clothes? you’re so pathetic.” jake chuckles at his insult and even bite your shoulder.
you whimpered in pain and just shut your eyes, resisting the heat that slowly forming in you. this isn’t right. you should hate them and be ashamed of what’s they’ve been doing to you. but what is this? you can feel heat rushing down the space between your legs.
“strip, y/n.” heeseung’s cold tone snapped you back to reality.
you looked at him and the placid look on his face scared the shit out of you. between him and his friends, he’s always been the calmest. you’ve never seen him go out of control unlike the other three. jay once warned you not to piss him off, or you will really see hell rise.
“there we go!” jake cheers as your shaking hand slowly reach for your necktie, untangling it.
with tears still streaming your face, you saw heeseung watch carefully with his cold eyes. he glanced at his friends once and they all pulled out their phones, started to record you.
it made you halt, with anxious eyes. sunghoon smirks while staring at you through the screen of his phone.
“go on, baby. strip for us.”
your eyes darted at heeseung and he gave you a small nod. maybe it was the fear or just the want for this moment to be over, you started taking off the buttons of your uniform. one by one, their eyes filling with lust for you.
once you finished unbuttoning all of it, sunghoon pushed you down on your knees. heeseung kept leaning on the teacher’s table, watching carefully.
“w-what...” you asked confused, eyes stinging a bit from crying too much.
“just stay put and enjoy the fucking show, slut.” jay growled, pulling out his dick. you shut your eyes and glanced away.
sunghoon took a hard grip over your jaw and made you look at jay’s direction.
“don’t be like that and give his cock a kiss, princess. we don’t taught you to be disrespectful.” he says.
you tried resisting but his hold is too strong. your lips touched jay’s tip and he smiles widely. jake’s cock then come into your view, he still have his phone on his other hand, recording. he smirks sexily while holding his shaft in front of your face.
“give some respect, baby.” he mumbles and slowly you make your lips touch his throbbing tip.
“fuck, so pretty beside my cock.” he says watching you through his screen.
next one is sunghoon, he’s the mean one. he grabbed your jaw making you face him impatiently, groaning at the sight of your tear stained face.
“giving us attitude today princess? we don’t appreciate that.” and he made you kiss his tip as well, almost shoving it inside your lips.
“break time’s almost over. hurry up.” heeseung’s monotonous tone rings to your ears making the three younger boys whip their heads towards his direction.
he’s still at his position, eyes staring and watching intensely at you. he looked so intimidating and you can’t even complain. you can’t even tell anyone about this because these boys will get away easily from this giving that they’re all from very influential families.
it was no use. you have no choice but to submit to them.
the three boys surrounds you while you’re still down on your knees, uniform open showing your baby pink lacy bra.
they started stroking their hardened cock. groaning and moaning your name, like as if imagining shoving it inside your holes. jake’s hand moves faster and rough, jay’s taking his time and sunghoon’s just like jake. they all look so full of lust while eyeing you. their phones still taking a video recording.
it was odd. this is not the first time they masturbated in front of you, but this is the first time they record it. and you’re scared on what’s the purpose of it.
“fucking slut! you belong to us.” jake groaned, seems like finally reaching his climax.
“you will always be for us, y/n. just for us.” jay.
“dumb bitch doesn’t use her brain at all.” sunghoon spats.
tears kept streaming down and you tilt your head, trying to hide from their phone but it was no use. they’re positioned in every angle.
“f-fuck, i’m close. let me cum inside your mouth sweetheart.” jake steps closer and put his dick near your face.
your eyes glanced at heeseung and his dark eyes automatically made you open your mouth. jake placed his cock on your lips and soon, his hot seeds spilling out from it. he moans loudly, keep stroking his dick to dry all of his cum.
“me next. i want it on your chest.” jay groaned and jake stepped back a little while still stroking his dick, riding his high.
jay positioned in front of you and spilled his cum on your chest. it made a mess to your bra and a little on your uniform.
“i want my cum on your pretty face. let me paint it with my cum.” sunghoon then came after, spilling his hot thick cum on your face.
they were all groaning and chasing their breaths while still looking down at you.
“take a pic.” heeseung commands that they followed. they took multiple shot of it and you’re head too fuzzy to even think and care about it.
you probably look like an absolute cum dump.
just in time the bell rings and you hurry to stand up. you are about to wipe the cum off your face when jay handed you tissues.
“fuck you hoon! you made a mess.” he complained and gently helped you removing it from your face.
they’re all treating you badly, but sometimes, just sometimes, jay seems so sweet. caring if you want to describe it properly.
jake handed you your necktie while sunghoon stared from a distant, his dark cold eyes fixed right at you.
“what are we going to do with the pics, hyung?” jake asks heeseung when he starts to walk towards the door, ready to leave.
you looked at him with teary eyes.
he glanced at you before looking at jake.
“send it to beomgyu. that will let him know that she’s off limits.” and he left the room.
your heart sank at what you just heard, unable to even say anything. jake chuckles, really excited about the idea. he kissed the side of your face while unlocking his phone.
he flashes you some of the pics and it was horrible. you full of their cum while eyes full of tears.
“next time you plan on flirting with another guy, think of the consequences. okay princess?” sunghoon says dangerously.
“he’s right. remember,” jay brushes some of your hairs that got stuck on your forehead because of sweat and some of sunghoon’s cum, “you only belong to us.” and he leans to place a kiss at your lips.
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sftcloudkook · 4 months
f1 racer park sunghoon whenever he visits your office for your wednesday sessions.
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sftcloudkook · 4 months
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© 𝑾𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑫 do not edit/crop logo
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sftcloudkook · 4 months
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His smile is so precious to me 🥺❤️
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sftcloudkook · 4 months
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♥︎ ⊹.˚ sunghoon ₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩
I truly love his smile so much
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sftcloudkook · 4 months
The First Date - p.js
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Genre: fluff, romance
W/C: 1.1k
On a clear, starry night in Seoul, Jay had planned something special for you. The first date. He wanted to make this evening unforgettable, so he went all out to ensure every detail was perfect. He had chosen a rooftop restaurant known for its stunning city views and exquisite cuisine. Jay arrived early, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit that highlighted his sharp features and confident demeanor. The rooftop was adorned with fairy lights, casting a soft, romantic glow over the elegantly set tables. A live string quartet played softly in the background, adding to the enchanting atmosphere. The evening was perfect, and the anticipation of a first date hung in the air like the scent of roses. 
When you arrived, Jay's eyes lit up. You looked stunning, dressed in a chic outfit that perfectly matched the elegance of the evening and showed off all your beautiful curves. He greeted you with a warm smile and a gentle kiss on the cheek that immediately put you at ease, taking your hand and leading you to the table near the edge of the rooftop, where the view of the city was breathtaking.  
As you settled in, Jay poured you each a glass of sparkling wine. "I hope you like it," he said, his eyes shining with excitement. "I've been looking forward to tonight." 
You shared stories and laughter, the conversation flowing easily. Jay's charm and genuine interest in you made you feel special and cherished. The first course arrived; a beautifully plated appetizer that looked almost too good to eat. Jay watched with satisfaction as you took the first bite and your eyes widened in delight. 
Throughout the evening, Jay continued to surprise you with thoughtful gestures. Between courses, he produced a small, wrapped box from his pocket. "I got you something," he said, a hint of shyness in his voice. Inside was a delicate bracelet, its design simple yet elegant, just like the evening he had planned. 
Your eyes sparkled with happiness as you accepted the gift, and Jay felt a warm sense of accomplishment. He reached across the table to hold your hand, his thumb gently tracing circles on your skin. 
The main course was served, and you two enjoyed the delicious meal, sharing bites and discussing your work life. The city lights twinkled below you both, and the music from the quartet seemed to weave around you, creating a bubble of intimacy that felt like your own little world. 
As the night drew to a close, Jay stood and extended his hand. "Would you like to dance?" he asked. Heart pounding, you accepted, allowing him to lead you to the small dance floor in the corner of the roof. The quartet played a beautiful rendition of a classic love song, the notes wrapping around you like a tender embrace. 
You placed your hand in Jay's, feeling the warmth of his touch. His other hand gently rested on your waist, and you moved closer, your bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. The world around you seemed to blur, leaving just the two of you in a moment of pure magic. 
As you danced, Jay's eyes never left yours. His gaze was filled with a mix of affection and wonder, making you feel cherished and special. The soft lighting highlighted his features, casting a glow that made everything seem dreamlike. You swayed gently to the music as Jay's arms wrapped around you protectively.  
You moved in perfect harmony, each step bringing you closer together. The music, the atmosphere, and the chemistry between you created an unforgettable experience. Your heart raced with every turn and dip, but Jay’s steady presence reassured you, making you feel safe and adored. 
In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the restaurant and the enchanting music, you realized how extraordinary this night was. It was more than just a first date; it was the beginning of something special, a memory you would cherish forever. 
Under the starlit sky, with the city as their backdrop, you shared a tender moment. Jay leaned in, his forehead resting against yours. "Thank you for tonight," he whispered. "You've made it perfect." 
You looked up at him, eyes filled with affection. "No, thank you, Jay. This has been magical." 
 You found yourself looking deeply into those brown eyes. His eyes were rich and warm, like the earth after a spring rain, full of depth and quiet strength. They held a universe of unspoken emotions, each glance revealing a new layer of his soul. 
His breath mingled with yours, the intimate proximity creating an illusion where only the two of you existed. You could see the faint reflections of the surrounding world in his irises, but what captivated you most was the way his eyes softened, filled with tenderness and vulnerability. 
In those brown eyes, you saw a silent conversation, a blend of understanding and connection that words could never fully capture. They held a promise of trust, of shared moments and future dreams. The subtle flicker of his gaze, the way his pupils dilated slightly, mirrored your own emotions, creating a silent symphony of shared feelings. 
He smiled, his heart swelling with happiness. "Then let's make sure we have many more nights like this." 
As the final notes of the song played, Jay gently lifted your chin, his fingers soft and warm against your skin. In that quiet, intimate space, he closed the distance, his lips brushing softly against yours in a small, loving kiss. It was a kiss that conveyed everything—a whisper of love, a promise of more to come, and a testament to the connection you had just shared. The touch was light, almost hesitant, as if savouring the moment and the newfound closeness. 
Your heart fluttered, and a warm, tingling sensation spread through you. The kiss was tender and gentle, filled with the sweetness of new love and the excitement of endless possibilities. It was a moment that felt both timeless and fleeting, leaving you with a sense of longing for more. 
As you slowly pulled back, your eyes met again, and a shy, joyous smile spread across your faces.  The stars above seemed to shine a little brighter, as if they were witnesses to the love and joy shared on that unforgettable night. 
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sftcloudkook · 4 months
Heeseung Boyfriend Photos:
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*Don't repost please (these edits are made by me) /reblog or like is okay
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sftcloudkook · 5 months
7 minutes in heaven.
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pairing: fuck boy! sim jake x female! reader.
genre: smut.
warnings: virgin reader, fuck boy jake is actually a gentleman, kissing, fingering, insecurity, mentions of crying, slight corruption kink. english is not my first language so there may be grammal or spelling errors.
words: 3.8K
note: i didn't plan for this to be so long wtf
part 2.
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The not-so-little get-together at your best friend's house had become interesting when someone suggested playing 7 minutes in heaven. Everything was calm, several couples had entered and left the small closet, some only came out laughing after the exact 7 minutes that had to pass and others came out somewhat disheveled and with their clothes out of place after more than 7 minutes locked up, clearly showing what they had done and earning shouts and whistles from those outside waiting. Your world came crashing down when the bottle spun and pointed at you on one side and Sim Jaeyun on the other, the hot best friend of the guy your best friend was fooling around with. You all knew that he was a fuck boy, very experienced when it came to girls and casual encounters, every girl who had passed through his bed would speak highly of the boy.
And then there was you, one day everyone just started believing that you were some kind of fuck girl because of a stupid rumor that started spreading at school, but that created a certain reputation for you that you liked so you didn't try to deny it and things simply got out of hand and suddenly everyone said they had sex with you. You personally were not bothered by those rumors because you and your close friends knew perfectly everything about you. And the reality was different, you were a simple virgin terrified of the idea of ​​being intimate with some idiot like the ones your best friend always talked to you about.
"Nice!" the voice of one of the girls in the group sounded over the laughter. "Jaeyun and Y/n, who would have thought? But I don't think it's their first time-"
"Actually it is, but I don't deny having waited for this moment" Jaeyun's voice was a little mocking. You looked up from the bottle in the center of the floor and met his smirk. You fought hard with yourself not to act flustered and blush at the attractive boy. After all, you had a reputation to uphold.
"Well, this game is already boring" Yena spoke with a fake yawn. She of course knew your true personality and your shyness, and she knew that you wouldn't dare be confined in such a small space with the boy. She also didn't want anyone to pressure you into it, so she knew she had to intervene. "Let's better play-"
"Come on, don't ruin the mood like that" the previous girl's voice sounded again. "They also seem very enthusiastic."
"I'm more than ready." Jaeyun leaned back leaning on his hands, waiting for you to deign to speak to him. When you looked at him again, he had one of his eyebrows slightly raised waiting for an answer from you. "Unless she backs down. Are you scared, Y/n?" Silence reigned in the place and everyone turned their heads quickly towards you, waiting for one of your strong sarcastic responses.
"Scared of what? I don't think you have much there that I have to deal with" you looked away, mainly so he wouldn't notice the nervousness in your eyes.
"Do you want to find out?" His tone of voice was provocative, forcing you to return his gaze. Everyone was waiting for your answer and you couldn't give them anything other than what they expected.
"Should I?" you smiled slightly at him. The other teenagers who were already quite drunk made some noises and provocative comments. Jaeyun stood up from his place with a sideways smile on his face and relaxedly putting his hands in his pockets, he pointed at the closet with his head. You sighed and stood up, but the arm of your best friend next to you stopped you, almost making you fall.
“What the hell are you doing, Y/n?” his panicked voice whispered to you, rising above the noises of the crowd. “Are you sure what you're about to do?”
"Damn it, no" you denied several times, closing your eyes. "What did you want me to do? I'd look like a coward-"
"And what are you going to do when you gets in there? He won't-"
"Y/n?" the boy's voice called to you, he was standing by the door of the closet that was for the game, looking bored. "Do you think we have all night? Although, you know I wouldn't mind." He winked at you.
"Okay, wish me luck" you walked away from your best friend showing a false confidence and walked towards the closet, entering with the boy walking behind you. You heard the door close and the sound of voices and laughter suddenly died away.
The space was small, with luck a person would enter next to the shelves full of clothes that were stored. There were some decorations and old toys that used to belong to Yena and her sister. Above the highest shelves, small Christmas lights hung that illuminated little creating a comfortable place. When you turned in your spot, Jaeyun's body leaned over yours and quickly analyzing your expression, he approached and kissed you. Your back hit one of the shelves and Jaeyun cornered you with his body, placing both hands on the sides of your head. Your heart began to beat quickly when his perfume flooded your nose and his lips devoured yours, practically forcing you to follow him, which didn't bother you at all. His lips were soft and had the taste of the sweet drink that everyone had been sharing earlier. His hands went to your waist, hugging you and taking you off the shelves, pressing your body to his. You relaxed a little in his arms when you noticed that he was just kissing and hugging you, and things weren't going to escalate. Or so you thought at the moment. The boy separated from your lips and his hands gently went down the sides of your body, positioning themselves on your hips.
"Do you really want to find out?" he murmured against your red and swollen lips. You didn't know what to answer and your heart continued to beat rapidly while the boy was still attached to your body. "Are you speechless already?" he let out a laugh. Your trembling hands rested on his shoulders and you looked into his dark eyes, which went from your lips to your eyes with deep desire. You let your impulsive thoughts win and you desperately attached your lips to his again, wanting to feel them on you again. He smiled in the middle of that kiss and brought his hands to your butt firmly. You were wearing a short skirt so one of his hands decided to go down the side and gently caressed your thigh, causing your skin to crawl. His lips were still glued to yours while his tongue and yours intertwined with each other. Your hands squeezed his shoulders tightly as his hand slowly began to move up the inside of your thigh.
"Jaeyun-" you broke the kiss and still with your eyes closed you tilted your head back. The boy took advantage of that movement, leaving a trail of kisses down your jaw to your neck, sucking gently and leaving a purple hickey. Nervousness took over your body and your heartbeat was erratic, you didn't know how to stop the situation that was beginning to get out of hand. You wanted to stop it because you didn't know how things would end, but you were embarrassed to separate him from you and that the boy would find out that you were nothing more than a stupid girl with a false personality. Your eyes filled with tears and a soft sob escaped your lips when his hand brushed your core over your underwear. He pulled away from your neck and looked at you ready to mock you when he heard you, but his expression disfigured when he noticed the nervousness in your body and your teary eyes.
"Y/n?" His hands gently grabbed your arms and he looked at you with concern. You shook your head and threw your head back, closing your eyes in shame. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?" His voice was soft, completely different from that flirtatious tone he used to have whenever he talked to a girl.
"I'm a fake" you whimpered, embarrassed. "I can't do this, I'm not ready" you denied several times. His brow was furrowed while listening to you, but still his hands caressed your arms trying to calm you down.
"Are you-" He thought about his words for a moment, you opened your eyes and looked into his eyes nervously. Your eyes had an innocent gleam that said everything your mouth didn't. His gaze completely scanned your body, which moved uncomfortably in his hands and he separated himself as much as he could from you, although the space was very small. "You're virgin" he didn't ask you, he stated it. He noticed it in your look, he noticed it in your reactions to his touch and the way you had hesitantly reciprocated when he kissed you without warning.
"I'm a liar, but I can't do anything about it, everything got out of hand" you shrugged and looked down at your hands intertwined in front of your skirt. "And this image they have of me gives me a certain... confidence in myself. A confidence that I never had" Jaeyun remained silent as he listened to you and you were dying of anxiety for whatever was next, whatever he was about to say, what would happen when you both got out of there and if he would laugh at you in your face and then tell everyone in the house. You heard him laugh and a knot formed in your stomach, but you snapped your head up when he approached you again and stroked your hair kindly.
"You're so cute" he shook his head several times, not believing the current situation and continued caressing you, forcing you to raise your head. He looked at you tenderly, his eyes with a shine that you had not seen before. The colorful but dim Christmas lights above his head flickered and gave him barely any illumination. It was a beautiful sight in your eyes because the boy was extremely attractive. "You have nothing to worry about, darling and you have nothing to be ashamed of either."
"Yena told me the same thing, but I can't help it, I feel stupid and now that you found out, I feel even stupider" you honestly wanted the earth to open up and swallow you. You didn't know how things would continue from now on, you didn't know what you would do or say when you came out, or what he would say or do too. You were completely nervous and scared, you felt like your teenage life had ended right there.
"Look at me Y/n" he asked you, placing a hand on your jaw and gently lifting your head. You looked him in the eyes again and waited for him to speak. Jaeyun looked at you for a few seconds and then smiled at you. "You can leave and I will make up some story without going into details, anyway it is not difficult to create a scenario with the things I would do with you, you are the hottest girl I have ever seen in my life, although now I can only see your real side that is so innocent and pure." He laughed when, under the dim lights above you, noticed your cheeks turning red. "Or also, you can stay and we can do something about it, give you something to show off and meet the expectations of those waiting for us out there. Also give you a little experience, what do you think? You choose, pretty." His hand rested on your cheek this time and with his thumb he brushed your lower lip.
If your heart was already beating rapidly, it was now out of control. You felt that your legs were shaking and you would fall right there because of nerves. You wanted to stay there with him and see what happened, your curiosity was great but your insecurity was even greater, you were inexperienced in the whole realm of intimacy and he was so experienced that you were embarrassed to do something wrong, but you longed for him to continue kissing you and touching you like no one had ever done before. Neither of you knew how much time had passed since you had entered the closet, but no one had knocked on the door so you didn't worry and continued on your own world. Jaeyun of course noticed how your head was going a mile an hour and caressed your cheek.
"Don't be afraid, if you say yes, we won't do anything you don't want to do and I'll stop when you ask me to" he assured you. He was trying to convince you, but only because he could see in your eyes the desire to stay with him and your body clinging to his involuntarily told him what your mouth didn't. He noticed that you didn't know how to say yes. "Can I kiss you?" he asked, waiting for your positive response. If you hesitated too much, he would simply back away and let you go.
"Please" you didn't try to hide the desperation in your voice that revealed how you wanted to feel his lips on yours again and he smiled sideways, nodding. He leaned over you and joined your mouths together, the kiss was gentle at first, a soft touch of lips testing ground. He brushed the hair from your face and tilted his face to the side, deepening the kiss as your mouths opened slightly and both tongues rubbed against each other. Your hands moved to his shoulders, drawing him closer to you to feel him pressed against your body. His hand went down the side of your body and grabbed your thigh, lifting your leg and positioning one of his legs between yours and lightly rubbing your crotch. It didn't make you uncomfortable, rather it caused shivers to run through your body. Jaeyun could feel your heart pounding against your chest and that also made his heartbeat quicken as he separated from your lips.
"Can I touch you?" The question left his lips like a sigh and you just nodded. "Use your words, baby."
"Yes, touch me" your voice was muffled as you once again felt shame take over your body, but he gave you a short kiss on your lips and smiled tenderly at you. He didn't want to be too intrusive, so his hand slowly entered the bottom of your blouse and caressed your waist, going up with caution and aware of each of your reactions, and brushed the lower part of your breasts. You had skin bristling and your body cold with nerves contrasted against his warm touch as you clung to his shoulders with slightly trembling hands.
"Calm down" he murmured against your lips. "Do you want me to stop?"
"No, no" you sighed and denied, convinced. He nodded again and cupped your breast in his hand, feeling your hard nipple underneath your bra. Your legs closed involuntarily and pressed his leg that kept them apart, he lowered his gaze and let out a mocking laugh.
"It seems like you want me to touch another part of you" his tone was mocking, but actually he was still analyzing each of your reactions and he didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed, he just wanted to play with you a little. "Do you want me to touch you there?"
"Yes, please" you responded quickly, your eyes squeezing shut to avoid his gaze. Your reactions drove him crazy, the way you moved desperately in your place and your cheeks were flushed waiting for his touch, how you asked please for everything.
"Just tell me if you want me to stop." he warned you. "Spread your legs a little, princess" you obeyed him and he undoubtedly brought his hand between your legs, caressing the inside of your thighs making you hold your breath as his hand began to go up to your crotch. "Breathe, baby" he giggled and you nodded too, laughing out of nerves. Jaeyun felt calm when he heard you laugh and regularize your breathing, noticing that you were nervous but comfortable with his touch, so with his fingers he touched your pussy over your soaked underwear. His eyes widened with some surprise and his breath caught in his throat. "Damn, why are you so wet?" he felt as if electricity ran through his body and was going to stop straight at his cock. He swallowed hard and focused on you.
"I-" a lump formed in your throat, you were so embarrassed you felt like you were going to cry and he noticed.
"Sh, don't worry" he assured you, with his free hand he caressed your face and kissed your cheek. "This is so hot. The way your body reacted to just a couple of my touches and how much you want me to touch you but your pretty little mouth doesn't dare say it" he left a peck on your lips. "But don't worry beautiful, I will become an expert in your body language." You felt like your heart was going to explode in your chest at his words, his voice and the way he said each sentence while his hand played with the elastic of your underwear. "Excuse me, I'm going to take this off" you nodded and he crouched down in front of you sliding your underwear down your legs, his fingers brushing your skin making it crawl. You didn't know where your underwear was after he stood up again and in front of you because your eyes were squeezed shut. "Open your eyes, Y/n" he asked, you took a deep breath and obeyed him. His eyes had a mischievous gleam as his lower lip was trapped between his teeth, looking at you with lust. He spread your thighs further, forcing you to open your legs a little more and his hand went to your crotch, sliding his fingers easily along the length of your pussy. You pressed your lips tightly, the shock your body gave from the wave of pleasure that grew in you as he caressed you. "It feels good?"
"Mhm" you nodded quickly and pressed your head against the shelves behind you, holding yourself tightly to his body.
"Don't hold back darling, I want to hear you" his fingers moved slowly but rhythmically in your core spreading all your fluids. "Let me hear how good you feel, don't worry about those outside, they must be drunk already and involved in another stupid game again to remember that we are here. Come on, moan for me." his fingertips probed your entrance and his middle finger slowly slid inside you. You couldn't stifle the moan that escaped your lips at the sudden intrusion, you felt strange but it was a pleasant sensation. It's not like you haven't touched yourself before, but his hands and fingers were clearly bigger than yours so it felt different. His fingers moved slowly inside you and you squirmed in place, digging your nails into his shoulders, thankful that he had his shirt on so you wouldn't hurt him, although he wouldn't mind at all.
“Keep going, please” you begged. He slid another finger inside you and your walls clenched as his fingers curled inside you, touching a specific spot that made your body shiver. “It feels good, Jaeyun.” When his name left your lips he felt his cock jerk and he thrust his fingers in and out of you, taking a faster pace inside your tight walls. You continued moaning loudly and this time you looked into his eyes, your eyes had tears and he didn't know if they were from pleasure or pain, so he stopped his movements.
"Relax, pretty" he caressed your face again and again slowly, you nodded and sighed. You both stayed still for a moment, you breathing heavily and him spreading kisses across your face to calm you down.
"Keep going Jaeyun" he put his fingers in you again and this time with his thumb he reached your clit, rubbing it in circles. Your mouth opened and your legs trembled from the strong shock of pleasure that your entire body received. "Oh God-"
"Feels good? Do you like it?"
"Yes, yes. Please" your eyes almost rolled back and your hips moved involuntarily to the rhythm of his hand and he knew you were close to your orgasm. "Don't stop."
"Whatever you ask for, princess" he continued fucking you with his fingers and playing with your clit quickly while in contrast his other hand gently removed the fine hair that fell on your pretty blushing face. "Are you going to cum?"
"Yes!" you almost screamed in pleasure and his fingers tightened in you, your body felt the wave of pleasure explode inside you as your head spun, your legs weakened and Jaeyun wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you tightly as his hand on your pussy slowed down their movements once your body relaxed. Your head fell against his shoulder and he rubbed your back, hugging you to him. "That was incredible" your voice sounded exhausted and you felt his body shake as he laughed. "Thank you" you murmured, separating yourself from him and meeting his dark gaze. Your eyes widened in panic and you stifled a gasp when he brought his fingers glistening with your fluids to his lips and inserted them into his mouth, cleaning them completely with his tongue.
"So sweet" a half smile adorned his face as your cheeks turned even redder. You didn't know where you got the courage from, but you put a hand on the back of his neck and pressed your lips to his, surprising him and causing him to moan that ended up lost between both mouths, while you could faintly feel a hint of the taste of your fluids on his tongue. He separated from you before everything got out of control again and looked at you from head to toe, adjusting your clothes and your hair so you can come out decent.
"M-my underwear?" you asked shyly, feeling very obviously that something was missing under your skirt.
"Ah, no" he shook his head. "It doesn't belong to you anymore, darling." You blinked in shock and then let out a laugh. Your gaze moved down his body and you noticed the very noticeable bulge in his pants.
“Oh, you-” he followed your gaze."Should I-"
"No. Don't worry" he reassured you."The important thing here is that you enjoyed yourself."
"But- I really want to do something about it" you were still shy and he couldn't believe it since minutes before he had his fingers buried inside your pussy and you had ended up trembling in his arms. He also couldn't believe how before entering that closet you had that arrogant look and your head held high, showing yourself confident and having everyone at your feet only to turn out to be all just a facade that hid a shy Y/n completely terrified of everything. Jaeyun definitely wanted to keep seeing those innocent eyes filling with tears from the pleasure your body had never experienced.
"Next time we will do something about it, rest assured" he winked at you and took your hand, you just nodded and followed him when he opened the door and you both left the closet -who knows how long later- and were greeted with extremely out-of-character comments from your friends.
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I feel like this deserves a second part or I just feel like writing even more idk
send me request for zb1, enhypen and stray kids.
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sftcloudkook · 5 months
୨୧ u gave them a plushie
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pairing: enhypen x reader | genre: fluff
cw: no warnings!
[notes] hi everyone! i wanted to try and do this for the first time so i hope that yall note it! im trying my best to post 2-3 this week so if i cant, i apologise. enjoy reading and please show support. thankyou! 🤍
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[heeseung] he would come home and see a random plushie on his bed with a note on it saying that it's a gift for him from you and a smile would beam from ear to ear. he would find you in the house and when he sees you, he would give you a backhug and wont let go. he would pepper kisses all over your neck as a form of his appreciation. both of you know that you dont have to say thank you as a sincerity, you have to show it.
[jay] he will probably start bawling his eyes out since he feels very thankful and very grateful for having you as his girlfriend. (also bc he's dramatic) he would go up to you and give you a big hug and continuously say thank you and will tell you that he's going to buy you an even bigger and nicer gift. (bc yk jay's 💸)
[jake] he will of course get startled by the random plushie on the bed and seeing layla playing with it but he'll start to hold the plushie and hug it. he would go to you and ask you why you bought him a plushie, when you did it, why did you do it, which store you went to and how did you manage to do it. he'll ask you all sorts of questions because he's excited and happy that he had gotten something from you. (such a jake behavior)
[sunghoon] he will be so unfazed when he reaches the room after work or something, then get back to his senses and see that there is a literal plushie on the bed. he would pick it up, show it to you and say, "who got you this?" and be so possessive to you then you tell him that the plushie is actually for him and he'll start laughing and showing his fangs a little. he'll thank you, kiss you all over the face and go back to the bedroom to put back the plushie and go change. (correct me if im wrong but i feel like this is such a sunghoon coded tho)
[sunoo] he'll literally squeal like at the back of his lungs and take the plushie and start hugging it due to how cute it looks and naming it. he'll kiss it all over and then go over to you and start hugging you and being so lovey dovey to you. he'll play with the plushie and bring it around in the house as if the plushie's his pet or his child. he'll eat with it, sleep with it etc.
[jungwon] he'll get startled by the plushie from afar thinking that it's an animal. he'll go closer to your room slowly and when he sees the plushie, his dimple smile will be shown and he'll be so grateful for it. he'll go to you and say, "so, you got that plushie for me babe" and hug you by the waist. he'll admire you and ask himself how did he get such a thoughtful, beautiful and caring girlfriend. he'll be the most whipped whenever it comes to you.
[ni-ki] he'll start smiling and already thinking about his next gift for you. both of you will compete for the most cutest gift for each other that yall had gotten. he'll say that the plushie is cute in his heart because he doesnt want to admit these type of things and he'll say that you look like it. he'll compliment you whenever you're around and also because he's clingy after getting something from you. he'll let bisco play with it because the plushie's from you, not a stranger. he's a big baby when it comes to you giving gifts. to him, gifts is not necessary, your pure love and existence is.
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sftcloudkook · 5 months
Every Summertime𓇼
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>>contents: in which you try to make Jay jealous by persuading his bestfriend, Sunghoon
>>warnings: fluff, angst
>>now playing: Every Summertime - NIKI
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You and Jay are inseparable, the both of you always had been together since the earliest of moments. This started when both of your moms are close friends, which means you two often meet during their hangout.
Jay's mom has a vacation house that they use every summer, and every year your invited to stay during the summer break. And of course you did, so y/n and jay would stay in the vacation house together
At the age of 10, you started to realize that you had developed some feelings for jay. The reason being obvious, Jay was anything a girl could ever wish for. Handsome, kind, smart, sporty, rich, he is a heartthrob in school
Jay didn't liked you that way though, in his eyes you were a little sister to him since he was an only child. Although both did had a situationship for a couple of months, nothing happened though
That didn't really bother you though, after all you both still spent time almost everyday together.
Jay had his fair share of crushes, you did too. But they never really went as far as being more than that, until at the age of 16 Jay had his first real girlfriend, Yujin.
Yujin and Jay met at one of his basketball games and eventually their relationship bloomed into something romantic
"y/n i have some good news for you" Jay said excitedly. "Really? What is it?" Y/n asked curiously.
"Me and Yujin are officially dating" Jay said
Y/ns heart shattered at the new couple. At first Jay and y/n still was close and Jay even told y/n a lot of stories and things he liked about yujin, which you didn't really want to hear but you did anyway for Jay
One day, you were with Danielle. You both were shopping for clothes and bags, and you suddenly saw Yujin kissing a stranger who doesn't look like Jay at all
Isn't that Yujin?" asked Winter. "Yes i think so"
"You should take a picture so you have proof to tell Jay" said winter. You listened to her and took a picture at the sight
After you were done shopping, you went straight to Jay's house. "Jay, i need to tell you something" said y/n while pulling out her phone and showing the picture. "Your lying, its edited. Yujin would never do that, just be happy for me y/n" said Jay
As time went on though, you noticed that Jay was starting to act quite differently. When you would tag along ur mom to go to his house, he would usually invite you to his room to watch movies and play games. But now he would lock himself in his room until you left.
You wanted to confront him at school, but he would always be with yujin. Yujin always had this evil smirk everytime she sees you. You can tell she didn't want you to be close with Jay anymore
Finally, the chance came when both you and Jay's mom decided to have a small gathering at your place, and Jay was forced to tag along. You took this opertunity to approach him and try to strike up a conversation
"Hey we haven't talked much lately, are you good?" Y/n said. "I'm fine" Jay said shortly, not even looking at you but his phone.
"it's going to be summer break soon you know, are you excited to go to your vacation house together?" You emphasized the last word
"Of course, but this year Yujin asked to come along with us. Is that good with you? You can bring someone too if you want" Jay asked. You were shocked, you wanted to refuse. But after all this is Jay's vacation house. "Why not" you said and excused yourself to find someone else to talk to
By the end of the day when the party is over you rushed to your room to call your friends about it. You told them the problem
"Really? That's so inconsiderate of him" said Chaewon on the phone while painting her nails
"If i were you i wouldn't let that slide" Said Danielle. "I know right!, you should bring some man to make him jealous or smth" said Hanni. "You think i should do that?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, if only you 3 would be in the vacation house then you would obviously be the 3rd wheeler" said Danielle
At first you were against the idea, but the more you think about it the more you started to feel like it would work. But a problem is that who would you pick?
You'd pick Soobin, but he already has a girlfriend. You simply can't do that to someones man. A bright idea came into danielles mind though, Sunghoon. He was a perfect candidate
To start off, he was Jay's best friend, he was also single. But you two never really talked to eachother, sure Jay introduced you both a couple of times but you weren't close to him. Still you wanted to try
Y/n: Hey sunghoon! can we meet up? I want to talk to you about something xx
Sunghoon: Sure, why not
Y/n: Lets meet tomorrow at EnCafe at 2pm?
Sunghoon: of course, see you there
You were surprised on how quickly the man agreed, but this was a good thing,
The next day came by, and when you entered the cafe you found Sunghoon. "Hey, how have you been?" Sunghoon had always liked of y/n since they first met. But he never approached y/n since she was always with Jay
"Hey sunghoon, I've been good what about you?" Y/n asked. "Ive been good, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Asked Sunghoon
"Well Jay has a girlfriend and you know how me and him usually go to his vacation house every summer? Well he is bringing his girlfriend too this year, i was wondering if you'd come along with me this year so i don't feel like a third wheeler?" Y/n asked with pleadingly
"Sure, are you sure Jay is good with this though?" Sunghoon asked excitedly. "He told me i can bring someone so im sure he is good with you invited, besides you two are close" said y/n. "Well then see you soon" Sunghoon asked while trying to contain his smile wider. And with that you found someone
And with that, summer break came in a flash. Now you were currently packing your suitcase to stay at Jay's vacation house for the summer. You were glad that sunghoon came along so you would still have fun after all.
Sunghoons contact name appeared on your phone, he texted you that he would be picking you up with his new car. You smiled at the message and answered.
When the two of you arrived at the vacation house, Jay was cooking beef at the kitchen while Yujin was busy taking photos to post on her socials.
You and Sunghoon went to unpack. The vacation has about 4 bedrooms, perfect for all 4 of you. Jay texted you that he planned a pool party at his vacation house tonight and told you to join.
When u appeared outside of your room, you saw that Yujin's friends are also staying at the vacation house. Great. You were about to ask Jay about it, of course you were. Jay didn't say anything prior to this
Though the first thing you saw was Jay and Yujin making out by the pool. Gross, you thought. You didn't want to admit it but a part did break in you.
At the same time, Sunghoon saw the commotion and saw your helpless face and decided to approach you
"the others are having a bbq grill thingy, care to join" asked Sunghoon
"No im good, ill just go back to my room"
"U like him right?" Asked Sunghoon suspiciously. Y/n was shocked but tried to keep a straight face. "What makes you think that?" Asked y/n
"Its obvious, you always give Jay love eyes everytime you see him" shrugged sunghoon. "I really dont think its any of your concern" said y/n
"Are you kidding me? Ofcouse it is. First you invited me to the stupid vacation house and now your completely distracted with Jay and his GIRLFRIEND" said Sunghoon angrily
"I didn't mean it that way, i just have a lot on my mind right now" said y/n while massaging her temple
"of course you don't" said Sunghoon sarcastically while storming off
The next day you both avoided eachother, you wanted to apologize but you didn't know how to
"So, you and Sunghoon? That's certainly a surprise" asked Jay while leaning on to the fridge after taking his sprite. "Yeah, i guess so"
"Sunghoon has been kinda off these past few days, did anything happen?" Asked Jay. "We just got in a little fight, nothing serious" said y/n
"do you like him?" Asked Jay. "Why does it matter? I don't think its ur business" asked y/n rudely
"Calm down, i was just curious. Why are you so angry?" Said jay. "Of course i am, i wasn't informed that your girlfriend and her minions will be staying at the vacation house" said y/n angrily
"Princess you know i would have informed you, i was just busy with school" you winced at the old nickname. "Sure you are, im gonna find sunghoon" said y/n
Y/n walked through the hallways and approached sunghoon who was busy reading a book. Sunghoon saw y/n at the door frame and raised one of his eyebrow.
"I wanted to apologize for the things i said a few days ago, im sorry I didn't mean it that way" y/n apologized. "You know I've always liked you, but you were to focused on a guy that already had a girlfriend
"I know, i can't help it that i love him Sunghoon" said y/n bitterly. "You know i can help you with that right? Just be with me and ill make your time worth" said Sunghoon
"Sunghoon, i really don't want to make you a rebound" said y/n. "Just give me a month to prove your time worth it" said Sunghoon pleadingly
"Its fine, you don't have too" said y/n trying to hide her smile. Sunghoon smiled and kissed her temple
A few months went by and Sunghoon kept his promise, he was the best boyfriend you could ever asked for. Caring, sweet, and much more. You couldn't have asked for anything more.
During that one month you weren't as close to Jay than before, he tried to contact you but you would always make excuses
Then one day Jay asked to meet at a cafe, you wanted to refuse but he kept begging until you said yes
"Its been a while" Jay said while sipping his coffee. "What do you want to talk about Jay?" Asked y/n
"Me and Yujin broke up, i found out her real intentions of dating me. Im sorry" said Jay. "You didn't do anything wrong, you don't have to apologize" said y/n while fidgeting her fingers
"I was wondering if you want to be my partner for prom? I've known you for so long and if im gonna be honest you looked prettier than you've ever been this past months
"Thanks Jay, but i already said yes to sunghoon's invitation to prom" said y/n
"I don't get it? I thought you liked me? Why are you now close to sunghoon?"
"Sunghoon's nice, incase you didn't know we are dating" said y/n and stood up from her seat and left the cafe
Since that day y/n blocked Jay and lived a happy life with Sunghoon
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💳: divider: @snoozebin Other pictures are from pinterest, credits to all the owners
A/N: Send an ask to be moots
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