sfthearts · 4 years
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Fat fuck friday
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sfthearts · 4 years
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sfthearts · 4 years
my best feature is that I'm blindingly intelligent for about 30 seconds a day
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sfthearts · 4 years
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accept her
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sfthearts · 4 years
A cover of the Frank Sinatra song, performed by Brendon Urie on Periscope.
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sfthearts · 4 years
sometimes I forget he’s hot
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sfthearts · 4 years
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watch this if you’ve been feeling lonely, if you want to see the positive aspects of spending more time alone, or just if you want to get to know yourself a little better. in this video, i’m talking about my experience of intentionally spending more time alone — and how it changed me. i really hope you enjoy it!
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sfthearts · 4 years
What the fuck he’s so beautiful
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sfthearts · 4 years
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sfthearts · 4 years
It is stupid how hot this man is
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sfthearts · 4 years
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sfthearts · 4 years
I love her so much it’s insane
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once upon a time, a few mistakes ago...
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sfthearts · 4 years
Should I finish this and do a time skip to after the wedding or leave it where it’s at and call it a day pls lmk
Sunshine p. 6
This took me so long to write that I
A. Forgot about it
B. Don’t even like it that much anymore
But I wanted to get it out and posted so I can finish the series (maybe??) in the next part, start on the request I have and maybe finish or abandon the other thing I’m writing but don’t think I like enough to post, so it’s just There.
Anyway, here it is.
6 months later.
Adelaide sat in a spinning desk chair next to the men in charge of production on Panic!’s first record. She watched with a smile on her face as Brendon sang his heart out on the other side of the plexiglass in front of her.
Brendon and the band, now officially known as Panic! At The Disco, had signed with Fueled By Ramen six months prior, and they were nearly finished with the recording process of the album. Brendon had to come in to re-record a few vocals to finish off the song they were working on so it could be sent off to master, and Adelaide wanted to come with. She loved being in the studio in general, and it certainly helped that she loved seeing Brendon shine at what he did.
He finished the final note of the song and opened his eyes, searching for hers. He saw them quickly and threw her a wink and a smile, her smile beamed and blew him a kiss in return.
“Alright that was great Brendon, I think that’ll do it for today!” The producer told him through the speaker system inside the booth. The other guys who had come in to see the progress had left with waves and nods in their direction. Brendon held a thumbs up and removed his headphones, placing them on the stool in front of him. He quickly entered the room where his producer and his girlfriend were both seated, Adelaide much more excited for his return than the man sitting next to her. She stood from her seat and ran to Brendon, giving him a big hug and kissed him all over his face. He wrapped his hands around her waist gently.
“So I take it you like the song huh?” He said with a smirk. She giggled and nodded, kissing him once more on the lips this time, which he gratefully accepted.
“Ready to head home?” He asked her happily. She nodded and took his hand. Brendon and Adelaide said goodbye and walked hand in hand to Brendon’s car.
Adelaide showered Brendon with praise the whole walk while swinging their arms happily. Brendon just thanked her and smiled, still shaky on the whole ‘accepting a compliment’ thing.
“So I was thinking we just spend the rest of the day at home? Hang by the pool, watch some movies, order some food, hang out with the puppies?” Brendon suggested.
“That sounds great baby.” Adelaide told him, smiling softly. He smiled back and kissed her quickly.
Over the last six months, a lot had changed for Brendon and Adelaide. They had officially moved in together, and shortly after rented an actual house with a yard, and had recently adopted another dog to keep Pumpkin company. He was a little Jack Russell Terrier and thankfully got along great with Pumpkin. They decided to name him Bogart, after Humphrey Bogart of course.
Brendon smiled back lovingly at Adelaide as they reached his car.
The drive home was quiet, not uncomfortably so, but the two were both in their own heads. Brendon’s thoughts drifted to the small black velvet box he had purchased just days ago that was currently hiding in the back of his nightstand drawer, which held the ring he was working up the courage to ask Adelaide to be his wife with. It was simple and classy, much like his girlfriend. She never wanted flashy things, despite all the things Brendon would try to buy for her, so he knew that a simple, delicate ring would be perfect for her. He had constantly been going over how he wanted to propose in his mind. Public or private, fancy or casual, he had absolutely no idea. The only thing he knew was that he wanted her to say yes. If he thought about their future too much he would almost start to cry, so he knew they would both be in tears when the day finally came and he actually asked her the question that had been on his mind from the day he met her.
He shook his head a little to clear his mind as he pulled the car into their driveway. Brendon reached over and gave Adelaide a soft, slow kiss before unbuckling and getting out to open her door.
“What was the sweet kiss for? I loved it, don’t get me wrong.“ Adelaide asked him, reaching for his hand.
“Just like kissing you” he said with a shrug and a smile as they walked inside.
Adelaide didn’t question it any further, mostly due to the rush of dogs running toward them in pure excitement.
Brendon and Adelaide spent a few minutes petting the dogs, scratching their heads and asking if they were good boys while they were gone. As per usual, they were.
The rest of their afternoon was spent lazily floating on rafts in their pool, Adelaide enjoying some wine while Brendon smoked a joint or two. Adelaide called it the two celebrating the band finishing another song, but Brendon just preferred to call it “My ideal afternoon with my lady.”
They decided to come inside around sundown, and ordered a pizza for dinner.
Brendon heard movement and looked up from his phone, smiling when he saw Adelaide’s face.
“Aw, you’re so cute with your little sunkissed cheeks” he called to her as she came back downstairs after showering and changing from her swimsuit. Brendon had showered first since he took much less time, and was already on the couch in just his sweatpants and glasses.
“You know what’s way cuter? These freckles of yours” Adelaide told Brendon, kissing his bare shoulder which was warm and extra freckled from the sun as she sat down next to him on the couch, leaning her head on his chest.
Brendon kissed the top of her head lightly and wrapped his arms around her. Adelaide looked up at him and made a kissy noise, gently grabbing his face and bringing it to hers for a slow, soft kiss.
“I love you.” he whispered.
Adelaide smiled and softly replied, as she ran a finger up and down his jawline.
“I love you too.”
It was right then and there that Brendon had made his decision, as he stared into the eyes of the love of his life, he saw his whole future flash before his own.
“I’ll be right back” Brendon says quickly, moving Adelaide’s body off of his so he could go grab the small ring box he stashed away for safekeeping. Bogart followed closely behind him, his nap disturbed by Brendon’s sudden movement.
He reached into the back of his drawer and flipped the velvet box open, revealing the ring. He smiled softly and closed the lid, running back down the stairs. Adelaide sat on the couch alone, still confused by Brendon’s sudden departure.
“Brendon what are you- oh my god” Adelaide said breathlessly, placing her now trembling hands on her chest as Brendon knelt down in front of her. Her heart was beating a hundred miles a minute. Her face broke into the biggest smile she could imagine.
“Adelaide, I’ve been trying to figure out the most perfect and beautiful way to do this for weeks, because you deserve the most perfect and beautiful version of everything in this world, and I realized that I don’t think there could be a more perfect moment than right here, just the two of us in our little bubble. I’ll never forget the day I met you, and how much of an asshole I was to you, and you still gave me a chance.” He laughed a little and cleared his throat. He shifted his position slightly and grabbed one of Adelaide’s hands, both of them shaking in each other’s grasp. Adelaide wiped at the waterfall of happy tears running down her face with her free hand as she continued to sob. “I love you more than words could possibly say, you’ve picked me up when I’ve fallen, you’ve believed in me when I didn’t, and you’ve saved me more than you’ll ever know. I want to have a life and a family with you. I want to be those old people sitting on a porch together. I know life is about to get crazy with my music, but I can’t imagine getting through it without you by my side. I would love more than anything to be able to call you my wife, and for us to spend the rest of forever together. So, Adelaide, will you marry me?” He popped the box open to reveal the ring of Adelaide's dreams. Brendon’s voice had cracked and shook the entire time as he desperately tried to hold back from crying right along with Adelaide. He held his breath awaiting her response.
She could only nod her head rapidly, and it was enough for Brendon to hop up from his position, placing the ring on her hand, and gently grabbing her face to kiss her lips through both of their tears as he sat back on the couch next to her. He pulled her into his arms for a tight hug.
“I love you so much,” she whispered. “I can’t wait to be your wife”
Brendon pulled away and wiped some of her tears, then wiping his own that had escaped his eyes.
“I can’t wait either, Sunshine.” He said, kissing her once more. His thumb stroked her cheek softly once they pulled apart, but their moment was interrupted by the doorbell.
“Oh shit, pizza” Brendon exclaimed, quickly wiping away at the rest of the tears in his eyes as he ran to the door. He thanked the driver and handed him his tip, closing the door and coming back to Adelaide the couch.
“I guess this isn’t the most romantic meal but… engagement pizza?”
Adelaide laughed before grabbing a slice.
“Engagement pizza!”
They ‘cheers-ed’ their slices together and began eating. The two enjoyed their engagement pizza while they talked and laughed with each other, discussing their wedding, and their future together, as they had done so many times before. Usually, they’d have these talks when they were laying in bed at night and it felt like more of a dream than their reality. Now it was real, and neither Brendon nor Adelaide could contain their excitement.
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sfthearts · 4 years
3(•-•)Ɛ askolotl
I strongly agree
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sfthearts · 4 years
I just remembered how hot he is
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sfthearts · 4 years
hey someone give me something to write I haven’t had a creative thought or desire in any capacity in months
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sfthearts · 4 years
Ah, the terror coursing through my veins watching this
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