sgnjsgnj · 3 years
my new semester starts in a few weeks so i’m leaving this here in case anyone would like to support me and has the means to do so right now 😭 i’ve used all the coffees i’ve received over the years for tuition/school or rent so i just want to thank u for not only encouraging my passions but also literally helping me sustain myself 🥺
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sgnjsgnj · 3 years
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sgnjsgnj · 4 years
human shaped constellation x my hero academy: heroes rising
kamino appears in the opening scene alongside hawks (idk if u remember but it’s implied that she’s the one who recommended hawks to work as a double agent in the first place so he reports directly to her)
endeavor’s like u were both here and didn’t do shit? and kamino’s like actually we just got here but ok boomer (jk) (but also lmao)
skip to nabu island class where 1-a is on full fledged hero duty
i kid u not i‘ve had hawaiian rollercoaster ride on loop all week thinking about lifeguard!rei
a couple of kids swam a little too far out into the ocean and need help getting back to shore so tsuyu grabs them and rei pulls up in a surfboard made of ice
cue hawaiian rollercoaster ride
todoroki’s looking at the others playing around like aren’t they having a bit too much fun but then he spots rei surfing with the kids and the fool can’t help his smile
“shouto can i have some more ice”
“what ah right”
“wow is that ur girlfriend”
“no that’s reiko”
but he says it while BEAMING it’s fine i’m ok
later in the day a bunch of townspeople come by to visit their temporary abode with food and drinks and halfway through the celebration a paper delivery boy on his bike stops to ask if the guardian hero ryujin is there all bashful
mina’s got a shiteating grin on her face and makes absolutely sure todoroki can hear her when she sings oooo rei there’s a cute boy askin’ for u ;)
cue silence
delivery boy gives rei fresh flowers as thanks for helping his little brother back at the beach and rei accepts them out of politeness
mina and hagakure break the silence with their squeals, tsuyu mumbles a quiet oh, ochako’s stuttering out a What Just Happened, momo and kyōka stare, speechless
kirishima and deku think it’s a nice gesture but kaminari’s instantly suspicious and sero’s grinning like oh shit this dude has no idea what’s comin for him
bc of all the commotion bakugou wakes up from his nap like shut the fuck up u freaks but he sees rei holding flowers while an npc gapes at her with heart eyes and raises a brow like who the fuck r u
delivery boy sweats under his gaze but has no time to answer bc the fire alarm suddenly goes off
shinsō comes out from the kitchen like sighs i need some assistance but lowkey finds all of this hilarious lmao
as rei excuses herself to put out a potential fire the delivery boy realizes Everyone’s looking at him
“um hello”
rei walks into the kitchen and thankfully nothing is actually on fire except todoroki but then she’s like SHOUTO is on FIRE?? ?
she doesn’t even do much just leans in real close like hello r u ok in there and todoroki’s shrugging like why wouldn’t i be and she’s like ur literally on fire my guy
no casualties no problem
when the townspeople leave mina and kaminari start arguing bc mina’s like rei doesn’t have a significant other she can do what she wants and kaminari’s like ur right Rei can do whatever she wants but That Dude does Not have Rights
kirishima’s like :( why r u fighting he was just being nice right
let me just say bakugou has never rolled his eyes so hard
and shinsō’s like ok this isn’t funny anymore ur giving me a headache and rei and todoroki aren’t even here so can u losers Go To Sleep
cut to todoreiko at the beach :’) rei’s in her feels bc she’s sitting by the ocean under a sky full of stars with the boy she L words (todoroki’s also in his feels but doesn’t know what that means just yet)
mostly rei laments that they don’t get to see the stars very much in the city but todoroki’s like isn’t it at least comforting to know that they’re there even when we can’t see them?
and rei’s like haha ur right starts palpitating bc that’s how she fkn feels about u shouto! hello! !
after stargazing for a while they head back to the house and run into bakugou and deku still kind of reeling from their false alarm with katsuma and mahoro
bakugou raises his brows at them like where the hell have u been while deku’s like i’ll head inside first with a knowing smile
in the meantime rei and todoroki and bakugou discuss katsuma and mahoro and rei’s like looks like u and deku have a fan
and bakugou’s like ur one to talk
todoroki is: frowning
rei’s pretty self-aware ok she recognizes jealousy when she sees it but she’s not so galaxy brain that she entertains the thought of todoroki liking her in the way she likes him at this point
but he’s like Really jealous Lmao
after rei says goodnight bakugou looks at todoroki kind of funny and todoroki’s already annoyed so he’s like what and bakugou’s like ur fuckin dumb and leaves him there even more annoyed
ok fast forward
rei’s dispatched to the beach when the villains attack but she’s prioritizing evacuations while todoroki and the others hold off chimera
the fight’s ongoing but just as chimera’s about to punch todoroki in the face rei intercepts with her blood bending in full effect
she’s not strong enough to hold chimera down for more than a few seconds but shinsō steps in with a couple of choice words and forces him under with his quirk
i’m actually so excited about that like CAN U IMAGINE we see this brute force of a man demolish everything in his path and u might think it’d take an army and then some to take him down but he succumbs after losing control of both mind and body?
granted we saw how op chimera was in the movie so despite their efforts even this isn’t enough to subdue him completely but rei’s still pissed that he tried to punch todoroki in the face so she yeets him into the fkn ocean and tells kōda to call the sharks lmao that’s that on that
my memory’s gettin’ fuzzy but the next major event i remember after mahoro summons the giant deku for help is katsuma healing bakudeku with his cell activation
rei sees the edgeshot pin on his bag and tells him edgeshot’s a friend and “i think he’d be real proud of u”
fast forward again to class 1-a battle strategies cracks knuckles my favorite part but first let’s switch up the teams a little more accordingly to suit their hsc counterparts
for example hsc!kaminari hacks into phones so instead of momo creating a drone she makes a mini radio tower and the two of them contact yūei like haha hey aizawa-sensei ur Never gonna guess what happened
that cuts the time they have to stall by about half but it also adds like ten minutes back to the clock bc aizawa’s like what the Hell is wrong with u guys WHO keeps attracting all these villains i’m not letting u out of my sight ever AGA
fast forward to the plan
step zero: evacuate the island’s citizens to the mountains and lure the four horsemen of the apocalypse into the trap, iida stays with katsuma and mahoro in case things get bad and he has to get tf outta there
step one: split up the horsemen
kyōka hears them coming and between momo’s canons and aoyama’s lasers it goes about as well as it does in the film
step two: Stall Like Hell
slice ends up in the caves and mina starts the assault much like in the movie with the exception of ochako using her quirk on the debris unbeknownst to the redhead
tokoyami’s more or less there as a distraction so that slice doesn’t look up ;) until ochako says release and the entire cave collapses on them
dark shadow protects everyone but slice with a big ol’ hug
over by the waterfalls chimera faces off against todoroki and kirishima again but he’s looking around like where’re those two brats aka rei and shinsō i’m gonna rip them apart
todoroki does Not take well to these blatant threats against rei and lets all hell break loose (u know the saying “when hell freezes over” lol todoroki’s like Bet)
sero uses his tape to latch onto kirishima in his maximum hardening form and basically turns him into a mace so it’s kind of like a game of whack a mole where todoroki buries chimera in his ice and sero and kirishima try to hit him
at one point sero and tsuyu use their tape and tongue respectively to restrain him while hagakure gets close enough using kirishima as her human shield to inject chimera with tsuyu’s toxins
last but not least todoroki has his elsa moment and freezes the shit outta him
mummy’s part of this battle ok he never got captured but did anyone else think bakugou was extra pissed at him in the movie bc he was triggered thinking about his internship with best jeanist lmfao
mummy’s in the forest with ojirō and shōji and shinsō and kōda turning all of the surrounding trees into puppets but this is like basic science lmao shinsō’s like what if i lit a match right now and mummy’s like, “well,” and that about does it folks
mummy’s like r u dumb chimera told me all about ur quirk but it’s not like shinsō doesn’t know about his own weaknesses so obviously he has a back up and that’s exploiting the fact that mummy uses his puppets to fight for him and therefore doesn’t have nearly as much combat experience as his peers
and now he’s stuck with shōji
and ojirō
so yea kōda calls for the forest animals to take on the puppets and although it’s not as easy as shinsō using his quirk and calling it a day the other three still kick mummy’s sorry ass
momo rushes to the mountains after her part in separating the villains to provide emergency supplies like blankets and heaters for all of the townspeople
the elderly in particular are worn out and some sustained injuries during the initial attacks so she does her best to tend to their wounds :’( kyoka’s also sticking around not just to help out but so that they at least have an idea of what’s happening outside in case they need to evacuate elsewhere
iida’s on standby with rei and kaminari and aoyama while deku and bakugou take on nine but the plan is to switch out depending on what quirk he uses at any given moment
quick recap of nine’s quirks from what i gathered on the wiki
all for one
finger beam
cell activation
one for all (?)
only 7 out of 9 quirks were listed and i don’t recall him using anything else so i’m assuming when he tried to steal one for all he theoretically only managed to steal maybe 2 out of its entire line of predecessors
in addition to all for one the location and cell activation powers are pretty much useless in a fight so that leaves dragon, finger beam, barrier, and weather but keep in mind nine doesn’t use his personal quirk as often as the others bc that’s precisely what’s killing his cells
bakugou blows up his dragons, aoyama counters his finger beams with his lasers, deku smashes through his barriers
iida’s zooming back and forth to meet them at a blind spot with mahoro and katsuma so that katsuma can use his quirk to heal any minor injuries and slightly enhance their powers
nine’s getting exhausted blah blah kind of pissed blah blah unleashes full power even though that probably forces his cells to deteriorate even faster blah blah make it make sense
when nine unleashes his actual quirk rei’s like that’s our cue and kaminari’s like u know now that i think about it does our health insurance cover this kind of stuff
ok fast forward just a little bit to the impending apocalypse and nine’s speech about building a new world
u just KNOW rei is READY
lightning strikes down and not only does kaminari absorb the attack like in the movie but with katsuma’s cell activation in effect he now has the capacity to REDIRECT IT
nine is already crumbling from using his quirk but to be hit with the full force of it? even though his power remains incomprehensible he’s fading even faster
when the storm hits rei sort of just sits there for a moment like she did beneath the waterfall during her internship with edgeshot bc it’s raining and they’re on an island
she’s surrounded by water
at this point i think maybe rei’s accepted that her quirk is more than just liquid manipulation but she’s also come to terms with the fact that water is her element and that will never change
“i don’t understand why u use ur quirk to create such unnatural disasters. have u ever taken a moment to really look up at the sky? the clouds and the sun and the stars and the moon, all of these things that we get to see from down here. u try to cover them up with darkness and bouts of rain but i know better than anyone that those are inherently good, too.“
as a last stand nine uses all of his stolen quirks simultaneously but aoyama cuts through his finger beams as bakugou crushes the dragons and decimates every single barrier. rei demands exponential rainfall and takes equal command of the ocean waves, merging the two until it feels like the whole world is underwater.
“it’s like that with the beautiful and the ugly. we think we know the difference but the truth is that it all depends on our perspective. u want to create a new world because u don’t like the way this one operates? i don’t like it sometimes either, but there are so many people who live here, people who make it beautiful to me, and i won’t let u harm them or this place we call home.”
deku appears using one for all at 100% to create a cyclone that shoves all of the water into the air. it breaks through the storm with nine still trapped in its depths and as light peeks out from behind the clouds everyone who’s still conscious looks up at that moment and catches sight of the sea in the sky.
“when we can’t see the constellations that shine down on us from above, we can just look within ourselves, because we’re made of the same star stuff. that makes us constellations, too—human shaped constellations that light up brightest in the dark.”
that’s the end of the battle
nine was electrocuted and blown up and drowned in a span of like ten minutes and now he’s free falling back down to earth like there’s no way he still has fight left in him
still iida runs and catches him before he can hit the ground
katsuma offers to use his quirk just a little bit so nine doesn’t feel any pain, though not before adding, “i won’t ever forgive u for hurting them, but—i want to be a hero, too, you know?”
first of all there’s no way in Hell deku or any of the others let him anywhere near that man incapacitated or otherwise but the gesture alone touches all of them
and it’s not like that makes nine suddenly have a change of heart but there’s something to be said about how the last thing he remembers from a world that was not so kind to him isn’t shigaraki and his killing intent but katsuma and his humanity allowing him to experience an act of kindness for the first and last time
in the aftermath there are significantly fewer casualties than in the actual film (i should probably remind u that the kids in hsc are already more powerful than their canon counterparts at this point in the story lmao) but a bunch of them still took a pretty decent beating
mummy had no chance against the forest team. shōji and especially ojirō and shinsō specialize in hand to hand combat which involves a fair amount of evasion and agility that made it difficult if not impossible to take control of them like he did with bakugou in the movie (bakugou himself has incredible reflexes but this deliberately serves to emphasize the aforementioned three’s abilities, especially shinsō since he was the only one out of all of them to fight without using his quirk). aside from some wicked bruises the four including kōda are relatively fine. aizawa arrives and looks at them all fondly like damn i raised these kids with my own two hands but he turns to shinsō specifically just a little bit proud and says, “u did well.”
to be honest slice looked like more of a fighter than mummy so i wouldn’t put it past her to get in a few hits. ochako came out with the least amount of injuries for the same reason; she’s combat trained so her own reflexes are much more advanced than people realize. mina got nicked a couple of times but tokoyami probably got the worst of it since he and dark shadow absorbed most of the impact from the cave’s collapse. hawks pulling them out of the rubble was one of my favorite scenes in the movie so we’re definitely keeping that here!
todoroki’s still half frozen by the time endeavor appears and while kirishima’s quirk saved him from suffering a concussion he’s unconscious too so sero and tsuyu share the responsibility of carrying of them if only bc todoroki wakes up long enough to tell his father Not to do that (lmfao) kamino arrives to help momo and kyōka move all of the townspeople back to the main island (due to her quirk she got there earlier than the rest of the pros but didn’t join the fight bc their priority was getting the 1000 civilians to safety)
last but not least the team who fought against nine are
passed tf out
mostly from severe exhaustion: aoyama’s stomach hurt so bad that it knocked him out, bakugou got pummeled a good amount by those dragons and he Definitely overused his quirk, deku’s down after using one for all at 100%, and both kaminari and rei, who are already notorious for their physical limits in comparison to their quirk’s capabilities, will Not be waking up any time soon
all might arrives to see iida checking on aoyama while mahoro rushes to bakugou and katsuma attempts to heal rei and kaminari. deku regains consciousness for a bit and admits to all might that he tried to give one for all to bakugou bc nine just seemed so impossible to beat without both of them using it but bakugou slapped his hand away and said “i don’t fucking need it”
BUT GET THIS not a second later bakugou begrudgingly held out his hand again (i refuse to end this without bakudeku holding hands at least once) and told him “let’s finish this shit”
so no it’s not the miracle that all might talked about in the movie but it’s a miracle all the same
and i’d like to think that even in the canon film it’s not just the predecessors who give them the miracle of deku retaining one for all
i believe with my whole heart that bakugou Remembers and through sheer willpower returns one for all to whom it rightfully belongs bc like he said he doesn’t need it to become number one and his goal in the foreseeable future is defeating deku fair and square at his absolute best anyway
ok fast forward one last time
restoration efforts are underway and rei pulls katsuma aside for a second to point out his edgeshot pin again
“i know someone who really wants to meet u”
enter edgeshot
katsuma is so so so happy
while rei leaves them to talk the delivery boy from before shows up again on his bike to give rei another bouquet of flowers
hagakure is like hey todoroki aren’t u gonna say something and todoroki seriously considers it lmfao but he just shrugs and says reiko’s her own person and she can do what she wants
when kaminari’s like ok do u admit ur jealous tho bakugou scoffs and is like this dumbass wouldn’t know the difference but cue chaos once again when todoroki nods
“yeah i was”
“wait WHAT wait past tense”
todoroki thinks about the night at the beach and tells them that it’s comfort enough knowing that she’ll always be there no matter what
rei comes back without flowers and mina’s like what happened and rei’s like lol i couldn’t accept them bc those weren’t just thank u flowers
all the girls are like ohhh my gosh
kirishima’s confused but then turns bright red when kaminari tells him what it means 
rei jokes that she’s a little sad bc the flowers were really pretty and todoroki ponders a bit before making a daffodil out of his ice
“i remember my mom saying it’s a symbol of hope and friendship and joy and sunshine,” he says.
kaminari’s mouth drops wide open and kirishima’s just about ready to pass out from how hard he’s blushing
“it’s also the birth flower for march.”
the girls choke on their screams, bakugou rolls his eyes and promptly leaves with his popsicle in hand but he’s snickering to himself bc who knew the dumbass had it in him
“sunshine?” rei asks, kind of teasing, mostly dying. “me?”
shouto shrugs again, but he’s smiling at her. “the sun is also a star.”
the end
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