sh4rds · 2 years
2022. Well...
I'm moving to Telegram. I will probably come back here, but obviously not in the near future.
My channel: https://t.me/sh4rds
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sh4rds · 3 years
2021. Main
Most netizens sum up the year at the end of the year, but I'm doing it a little later this time. And since it is customary to talk about the biggest achievements, for me it is the number of people who got a working tool. That's a case where I have something to be proud of, I put 13 "battle" computers into good hands. I really hope that the machines will serve their new owners (animators, composers, programmers, medics, chemists, engineers), and will benefit even more people. Perhaps this is the main thing.
P.s. Separately, I want to express my gratitude to the electronics guy who helped me with the 13th machine. You certainly don't read this inconspicuous blog, but thanks nonetheless. I couldn't have repaired it without you.
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sh4rds · 3 years
Snow (inc. Russian)
Снег... Снег идёт. Белая крупа сыплется с неба, медленно, размеренно. Снежинки то и дело подхватывает Северный холодный ветер. Его долго не было, но вот он появился, прогнав горестное осеннее тепло, мрачное и пустое. Снег... Прошёл час, а он всё кружиться в воздухе, создавая в свете городских фонарей иллюзии танца бесконечного хоровода зимы и её спутников – метели и вьюги. Земля постепенно стала белой, скрылась грязь и пожухлая, уже начинающая подгнивать листва; под ещё тонким покровом оказались деревья, машины, дома – всё застилает белоснежное покрывало, сплетённое из бесчисленного множества непохожих друг на друга мозаик. Видимо зима всё же пришла, возвратилась из годичного отпуска, чтобы напомнить о своих мелодиях, в шуме покалывающего щеки и кутающего в теплую одежду ветра, о свойственных лишь ей картинах, намороженных на стёклах и воде. Пришла напомнить о себе – белой и чистой. А другой ведь она и не бывает, настоящая зима. Боже, как я люблю снег...
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sh4rds · 3 years
2011 Project Qwaqa (for Pencil Head)
Finally, the most complex and interesting project of the AMV series and its accompanying site with bonuses and puzzles. The Pencil Head background was given with great difficulty, coinciding with some unpleasant events in my life. With it 90% assembled, I gave it to Turbo (the coolest web developer and organizer I knew) for revision and launch, and then I "left" the Q&A studio. But it all worked out, thanks to him and everyone on the team.
Owerkill, the website for Pencil Head:
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AMV page: Pencil Head
Go to site: http://pencilhead.me/
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sh4rds · 3 years
2010 Project Qwaqa (for Pencil Head and Chill Out 2)
Then there was a lull before the real storm, but even this time did not pass without content. Two videos, two intrigues, two websites. Presentations of what's coming and what will never appear. I may have messed up the dates of the spots here, but what is, is what is.
Business card 01, the site for "Pencil Head":
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AMV page: Pencil Head
Download local site: Get from OneDrive
Business card 02, website for "Chill Out 2":
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AMV page: NA
Download local site: Get from OneDrive
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sh4rds · 3 years
2009 Project Le Chiffre (for Property of a Lady)
The event on the openning was not left without Q attention, as well as the curious viewers, whose questionnaires became part of the new site. This time everything was tied to the spy theme, dominated by Bondiana. A new approach to organization, cross-referencing with previous projects.
Third step, the site for "Ian Fleming's Property of a Lady":
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AMV page: Ian Fleming's Property of a Lady
Download local site: Get from OneDrive
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sh4rds · 3 years
2009 Project Aqwa-Q (for Time)
A year has passed and a new Time has come. And this is a case where progress is immediately noticeable. Much more content, more complex page nesting, two languages, and interaction with the audience, which in the future will be the hallmark of all projects.
The second run, the site for "Time":
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AMV page: Time
Download local site: Get from OneDrive
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sh4rds · 3 years
2008 Project Reaper (for Fun House)
There was another quite long period in my life, when together with my friend Qwaqa, I was doing AMV. Or rather, I helped out as much as I could. My role in his projects was to create the backdrop to the works; I made websites to complement the videos. This is a kind of bonus content from "Q&A" studio, which will now also be available locally (except for the last one, where the content is already dynamic and requires server-side snap-in).
Test of a pen, the site for "Fun House":
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AMV page: Fun House
Download local site: Get from OneDrive
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sh4rds · 3 years
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sh4rds · 3 years
5 lights (inc. Russian)
No time. Some kind of brainless bustle around. The task is to survive. What will be below is not about today and not about the mood of "now".
It's just that the text has been in the box for too long.
Дом среди чащи, глухой и кривой, С мшистою крышей и мрачной совой. Дверь заперта, в окнах блики свечей, Сегодня, чертовка, ты станешь моей.
Вереск, полынь и бузинный побег, Волчья трава, белены оберег, - Здесь все не для игр, это не ворожба, То мой призыв, заклинанье, судьба.
Коготь медведя, воронье крыло, Череп лисицы, олений рог, - Все строго по кругу, кости к углам, К пятому ступка, огонь будет там.
Угли шипят, ждут скорей умереть, Масла и льна им - быструю снедь. Мне же лишь нож с рукоятью-козой, Кровь из руки заструится лозой.
Пламя из бездны круг обагрит; Вязко придушит, глаза повредит. Душу свою подарю звезде красной. Ада экстаз - дань не стала напрасной.
Жертвую все, равноценно, не даром; Свечи оплавило черным пожаром. Тени метнулись, туман опустился, Образ желанный в центре родился.
Смотрит, внимает, улыбкой молчит, Пальцами кудри волос ворошит. Напротив бесстыдно садится, нагая, Грудью и бедрами взор распаляя.
Я тебя долго ждал, и теперь ты моя. Мой демон, кошмар, прахом земля. Ты возможно убьешь меня по утру, Но уже не боюсь, и черту разорву.
Yes, I'm not a poet. I have a problem with the rhythm. But I don't give a fuck.
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sh4rds · 3 years
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sh4rds · 3 years
My Karma
Red witch… The title for this post is not random. Karma is an anthropomorphic entity that I can identify as my “conscience”. If you imagine the totality of good in a person, then for me it will be Karma.
This is a cool original character, who became a mascot for one of the many projects. She got her appearance a long time ago, and this art is not its first embodiment, but perhaps one of the most beloved. The prototype was a model assembled with the help of my friend — but more on that another time.
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Art by Satyna Paper: DeviantArt
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sh4rds · 3 years
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sh4rds · 3 years
True memory
When it comes to family archives, there is always a chance to find something interesting. This time I was lucky to find a portrait of my parents.
This drawing appeared before the birth of the Internet. He fell into my hands in a very damaged condition, was torn to pieces and dented. Well… I needed an iron, a scanner, Photoshop (thanks to Adobe for this powerful tool) and a few hours to work. In my opinion — it was worth it.
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Art by Suvorov Igor
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sh4rds · 3 years
Faded stars
Archives are about memories. About the light and dark sides of past years. Now it will be about twilight. I think this work is paired, although initially it was not so.
I don’t know if these drawings are still somewhere on the network, but I would not want the Internet to forget about them.
"In Search of Sun" and "A Bit of Sun
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Art by Orange Rat
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sh4rds · 3 years
My DIY tool
One of my hobbies. I became interested in 3D printing a few years ago. I was very impressed with the process, which influenced my desire to try myself in this. As an engineer, I started by building my printer. It was a clone of Prusa i3.
Then there was another one… And finally I made the one that I use now:
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Clone of the original UM2. As a basis was taken the design of Ultimaker 2 Aluminum Extrusion 3D printer by Jason. The design is successful and lends itself well to reproduction and refinement. A little accuracy and everything works the first time:
The result after calibration will be the quality of a similar level:
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Model Cpu Holder by James Lee.
The printer is constantly being rebuilt. The Hotend in the process of being redesigned — despite the finished look, it has a number of problems with ease of maintenance.
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Later I will definitely show the predecessors of this amazing 3D tool and the things that can be done with it.
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sh4rds · 3 years
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