shaaaku-blog · 11 years
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This is my team, it is a privilidge to work with people that I feel comfortable with. although there may be troubles the events that take place are allways going to bring us together.
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shaaaku-blog · 12 years
MPX Review
Music potential is a platform for young aspiring musicians that want to showcase and or develop their skills. The event took place January 31st. During the day the performers had five things they could do. The jam sessions: artists that would like to perform but don’t feel like being among a hype crowd could relax and showcase their talent. The open mic sessions: A tournament based event where artists battle it out for the crowd to judge on whom wins. Workshops: this covered music production, DJing and songwriting.
  My role was to help out with the Jam Sessions. Doing the Jam Sessions with Sarah in Music Potential was a lot of stress; we ended up having to multitask. It was quite difficult but towards the end the stress levels calmed down and we were slightly more relaxed. As the day went on we directed ourselves to the main arena and the show went out the roof; the headliners mashed up the stage and everyone looked like they were having an amazing time.
  The highlight of the night for me was when Roxxxan jumped on the stage; at that point I may have lost my voice. What I learned most at the event was how one person not turning up can affect the whole event, but if you keep calm and use it to your advantage things will run smoothly. 
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shaaaku-blog · 12 years
True Skool Review
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I was involved in the event True Skool which took place on Thursday 22nd November at the Outset venue. To briefly summarise the event, its taking new and old talent and bringing them together. I was part of the team doing set design, it was difficult trying to concentrate because there was so much going on, but once i set my mind on just one thing the rest became simple. Once the set was finished our job role was basically finished, so for the rest of the show i was just helping out with whatever job i could find. Shazar was an excellent opening act, she filled the room with relaxation, im sure most people got goosebumps from her. The moment bushkin jumped on the mic with DJ fonti on the deck, they braught an amazing vibe to the event, there were people skanking and best of all, they all it looked like they were enjoying themselves. i hope to be part of true skool in the future helping out with anything i can, i can see this event becoming massive; larger venues, more acts, industry guests and so on, i am glad to say i have been a part of it.
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shaaaku-blog · 12 years
My Favourite Event (Primrose Hill 2011)
My favourite event was in Primrose Hill around august 2012. Me my dad and my little brother went on a large picnic, with family and friends. i was quite bored for a while. The music was dull and i couldn't find anyone my age. Worst of all, i was told to look after some 5 year old who wouldn't stop playing. Eventually the kid had to go with his mum and my dad left to get some drinks. It was only when he left that i found these two cousins. One had a bongo and the other was rapping. I sat down and listened to the two of them doing their thing. The on the bongo looked like he was just having fun, which was jokes to watch, not professional, but he was enjoying himself. The other boy that was rapping was just amazing. His content was out of this world; he reminded me of Akala, although i found this guy even better. The energy that they both gave off was really positive. Around that time i only just started to  write lyrics. after i dropped a few bars he thought i was pretty good. he told me to carry on with what i was doing and i'll make it far. So, overall it wasn't the most live event i've been to, but it was defiantly the most inspiring.
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