shadesofpepper · 6 months
a special edition astrojenx
— The twelve Venus signs and Elizabeth Taylor✯
part 1/2
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Hey loves, for international women's day I wanted to honour a few iconic women that resides very close to my heart. My mom is a big fan of Elizabeth Taylor and so was my grandma:) I have grown up watching her old movies and admiring her elegance and beauty. So today I wanted to do a fun astrology post featuring this icon for you guys! I hope you guys have fun reading this as much as I do writing it🤎
Inspired by Vogue UK's Elizabeth Taylor's life in dresses and diamonds by Naomi Pike, Feb 2021.
First and foremost, we'll skim through Elizabeth's birth chart.
Our queen is indeed a Pisces Sun 7° in 2nd house, Scorpio Moon 15° 11th house, MC in Libra 14° and Sagittarius ASC at 13°, with her chart ruler being Leo Jupiter in 8H 🤎 You can find Elizabeth's full chart here.
However, Elizabeth's MC in Libra explains everything. A Venus midheaven in another Venus degree? No wonder why years later, she's still talked about and seen as the one who define that century.
Venus heavy people are usually popular and well-loved, they're also given effortless class and charms that help them get anything and almost literally anything they desire.
Looking at someone's venus signs can tell us a million things about them. Venus is not just love, it is your love language, you choice of clothing, your taste to almost everything, what you value&need to feel secure(2H energy), your love for the art.
But Venus is also hope, intimacy, popularity. So for today, we'll talk about what Venus in the Signs mean to me, enjoy love<3
🤎Aries Venus🤎
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Fiery. Flamboyant Aries Venus. Being in a fire sign, Venus feel comfortable and happy here. Aries Venus people tend to have an air of youthfulness to them that's extremely distinct.
Grande lovers. Not in a Leo Venus way but more silly and carefree, very straightforward and honest with their feelings.
Aries Venus individuals thrive off the seretonin they get finding a new subject of interest. They love the chase and they put excitement and depending on their other placement, here we have some real fighters in relationships.
More than any other fire sign, Aries is known for being the leader. They have a go getter personality thats appealing to people. Once they have set their eyes on someone, it is their conquest, it is their mission to hunt down their prey.
Lustful. Sexual compatibility is so important to these natives. A placement that tend to fall in love at the first sight.
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Imagine going to a party with bright lights and loud music, yet amidst it all you meet eyes with an Aries Venus. She's the embodiment of fire, her eyes flame chaos and her smile lure you in. Fast yet hot&heavy. The instant attraction is mutual and as you zoned out in awe of her beauty, she chuckle and pass by you, intentionally get a little to close to your back before grinning again and head to the other section of the party.
Playful. They love to act hard to get or they love cheeky people, people who are out of their league or act cold and refuse to give
Value independence above all else. Love to them can seem like a cat and mouse game. They love the feeling they get from that talking/getting to know each other stage.
Hate feeling tied down a lot of the time. But will have a hard time getting rejected by others
Looks spectacular in red! Tend to have a striking note to their appearance or personal style.
Shows love by actions/services and physical touches. Can be very dreamy individuals💗
Very sincere. Will be straight up with you. Can be very selfish sometimes. Need to learn that partnership takes 2 people.
Attract Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius placements and cardinal or fire energy. Especially Venus/Mars. (Venus+Plutonic energy)
🤎Taurus Venus🤎
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Love like it is the 80s. High standards but also fall in love with the smallest thing.
Glamour and drama. They want security, stability and sex, a lot of em. They want to indulge in their partner and want their partner to lose themselves in them too.
Seductive demeanours. Charming smile. Taurus Venus can be seen as a real flirt sometimes but they rarely fall for people. When they do they just fall hard.
Curves. The men loveeeeee women with curves. They would literally worship thicker women. To them, the softness aspect and the comfort 2 people bring one another is unmatched.
Gallant. Will hold the doors for you, will listen to you speak and will want to know how your day went. The women with this placement are gorgeous. Venusians by nature.
Have a soft spot for sassy and intelligent people.
They love an independent person. To them, self love and self care is so attractive.
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Patience and consistency. Small actions mean so much more. Waiting for you to finish your class. Hold the grocery bags for you. Look at you in awe randomly.
Have BEAUTIFUL eyes. They would honestly fall for someone's appearance first LOL. Very realistic in that sense. Also need a lot of attention.
They like it when people talk back LOL. They actually value someone's backgrounds a lot, not the type to get with any rando. They would want to know and to test you to see if you're well-educated and capable of taking their love.
Loyal and are actually very affectionate. God for them it's really hard to move on from someone. So if they ever break up with you first, know that they had enough.
Men can be serial daters but once settled down they will turn into simps, want your attention and validation 24/7
Women tend to be attracted to older men. Men with resources and power.
Power play >
Hate compromising. Can even become needy and too realistic.
They value aesthetics a lot. Might be into expensive thing too!
Attract Scorpio, Libra placements and fixed energy. Also other earth placements would also work.
🤎Gemini Venus🤎
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Amazing with words. Can be seen as so so flighty but are actually very loyal inside.
Scared that they will eventually get bored of someone. But tend to fall for the mysterious type somehow.
Late night talk. Giggles and heart felt confession.
Bright, care free aura. They look like a little child in love, want someone to be their bestfriend and their partner.
Diverse taste, they like it when someone introduce them to things they didn't know. Really value intelligent individuals! To them brains is the new sexy.
People that they can talk and vibe with for hourssssss. Can be very anxious sometimes yet would be hesitant to show this. Entertainer.
A lot of Gemini Venus are actually pretty jealous. They like challenging people and people who can play mind games with them.
In love with blunt, even a bit harsh partners.
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Communication is so so important to them.
Very beautiful souls with different fragments of colours. So different to people you used to know. Once you started to talk to them you can't stop. They always know what to say.
Awkwardly charming. Suave and so sweet.
An air of innocence to them. Interesting to talk to and usually can be very knowledgeable about almost everything.
Brains is so so attractive to them.
Imagine the jock guy falling in love with the nerdy girls who have piles of books next to her. The couple that would be very intellectual to one another. Amazing advice and inside jokes.
Can be very superficial and flighty sometimes. Indecisive and have a harder time committing.
Attract Virgo, Sagittarius and mutable energy. (Mercury+Jupiter energy) also would love airy placements.
🤎Cancer Venus🤎
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Secret nurturers. So gentle with their s/o. Want to be adored and will give back love x1000 times more.
These people's feelings work on an unconscious and instinctive level, and they usually affect everyone with who they're tied to.
Cancer Venus natives have a very soft spot for babies and children in general. If well aspected they can be great baby sitters too :) Kids just seem to love em!
They are also very likely to have close links with their family. To them,family is something very important. Might care a lot about security in general and get extremely defensive when it comes to their family.
Work hard to provide for their family. A dreamer deep down and a BIG need to nurture and protect.
Might try to hide their sensitivity by putting up a tough facade but underneath it all they're big softie.
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Women with this placement are homebodies deep down no matter how fiery or airy their chart are. They care a lot about the aesthetics of their living space.
Won't stop until they find the one. Look for their other counterparts whom they can trust and build a home with.
Heart eyes. Gorgeous lips and cheeks. Women are blessed with great boobs or skin. The men have a very moody beauty to them, but people are very drawn to this.
Too sacrificing in love. Once they love someone they let the love consume them. Would have high expectations and plans for their future. Hate having their hopes up as they get older.
Amazing eyes for anything home-decor related.
Extremely dependable people.
Attract a lot Capricorn, Aquarius (Saturn-Uranus) and other water&cardinal placements!
🤎Leo Venus🤎
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Drama. Drama. And more drama. They love the honeymoon phase in the relationship. When they're interested in someone love dominate their world.
Prideful yet very determined. They truly hate it when people disrespect their personal style of love life.
Protective and dramatic lovers. Would spoil you until you can't handle them no more. Drown you in playful banters then spoil you with heart felt compliments and gifts.
They don't like people who promise too much, they prefer to see it. Once you have lost their trust best believe that's it. They don't turn around for old lovers often. Even if their chart has a lot of water, they love the drama but once they deem that they're no longer in control, they'd retrieve.
Spontaneous but controlling. Know exactly what they want at one point but would be confused when they meet a person that they fall for for no reason.
Dress to impress. Faux fur, expensive bags, renting the whole restaurant just for date night. They love attention. Give it all to them.
Would always want to hear you compliment them. Tell them you love them. Tell them you love everything about them. Worship their bodies during sex.
Even more shallow than Libra Venus sometimes. Care SO MUCH about looks.
Expressive and fun. Life of the party. They dress like they're rich. They know what to wear and what would work best on them.
Gift gifting is their way of showing love. But they'd also expect their friends and lover to return this affectionate nature too!
HATE betrayal. They can't handle being jerked around by people. As they grow older they know how to discard people who don't value them effectively.
Want to be worshipped like a god. Their partner's attention need to be on them 24/7 and they have to be able to see that their partner is putting in the effort. Value honesty and intimacy in a relationship.
They like to be noticed. Can dress very simple but still very attractive.
Their personality usually drawn a lot of people in
Creative and have expensive taste. A lot of them could have been the party animal when younger but slowly turn into a much more professional in later years.
Lowkey extremely obsessive and dramatic deep down. Would want to control you. Sometimes can't take no for an answer.
Generous hearts. Believe in giving back and can be very soft with the unfortunates.
Attract a lot fire placements, Aquarius, Cancer energy.
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shadesofpepper · 6 months
if it doesn’t work, check here:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo | libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
random aesthetics
midheaven in aries;
midheaven in taurus;
midheaven in gemini;
midheaven in cancer;
midheaven in leo;
midheaven in virgo;
midheaven in libra;
midheaven in scorpio;
midheaven in sagittarius;
midheaven in capricorn;
midheaven in aquarius;
midheaven in pisces;
january baby.
february baby.
march baby.
april baby.
may baby.
june baby.
july baby.
august baby.
september baby.
october baby.
november baby.
december baby.
aquarius moon;
aries venus.
taurus venus.
gemini venus.
cancer venus.
leo venus.
virgo venus.
libra venus;
scorpio venus
sagittarius venus
capricorn venus.
aquarius venus.
pisces venus.
mars in taurus.
mars in gemini.
mars in leo.
mars in virgo.
mars in sagittarius.
mars in capricorn.
mars in pisces.
aries (sun, moon or rising)
taurus (sun, moon or rising)
gemini (sun, moon or rising)
cancer (sun, moon or rising)
leo (sun, moon or rising)
virgo (sun, moon or rising)
libra (sun, moon or rising)
scorpio (sun, moon or rising)
sagittarius (sun, moon or rising).
capricorn (sun, moon or rising)
aquarius (sun, moon or rising)
pisces (sun, moon or rising)
aries as runway fashion.
taurus as runway fashion.
gemini as runway fashion.
cancer as runway fashion.
leo as runway fashion.
virgo as runway fashion.
libra as runway fashion.
scorpio as runway fashion.
sagittarius as runway fashion.
capricorn as runway fashion.
aquarius as runway fashion.
pisces as runway fashion.
622 notes · View notes
shadesofpepper · 7 months
Best cast on earth ✨
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shadesofpepper · 1 year
Sun - Moon Catalogue ☀️ 🌙(Masterlist)
Hello! 💕 I want to keep track and make a separate list for the recent sun/moon asks I’ve been getting.It’s really fun to do fun 💕 I’m still tentative about doing this for EVERY asks, but so far its been really stress relieving more than nervous/stressful. I hope I can ‘catch em’ all’ but I’m not gonna put that on myself 💕
UPDATE: I CAUGHT THEM ALL!! 💕💕💕 ALL 144 COMBOS ARE COLLECTED!! 💕💕 You can use this for ref, for anything if you ever need it 💕 I’ve used this for Tropical, Side-real, Draconic – usually western stuff 💕 If you need it for anything else! 💕💕 Feel free to send it to a friend to diss them or check ur Curious placements anytime u want!! 💕💕 Aaaahh 💕💕
Keep reading
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shadesofpepper · 1 year
𓁞 Intro to Egyptian Astrology 𓁛
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👁 What are the Egyptian Decans?
   The static zodiac of the Egyptians was formed by the conjunct of the 12 Houses, where the Sun entered according to the passing of the year Sothis*. Those signs are the 12 we know today, but together with them, the old ones used to put in the head the Deities whose influence covered each month of the year. The months were divided in three equal parts of ten days, and those were the Decans — those represent about ten degrees in Space and concomitantly 10 days in our Earth time. 
   So, in each month there are three Decans, and those reveal the Stars that represent the Guardian Deities. To understand the Egyptian decans, and implement them in any astrological reading, is to know a new depth of the intelectual, emotional and conceptual phenomena of a person.
*The Sothic cycle is a period of 1,461 Egyptian civil years of 365 days each or 1,460 Julian years averaging 365¼ days each. 
👁 The Egyptian Decans and their Guardian Deities I
   In total, there are 36 Guardian Deities, those you’ll see, also appear in the Kabbalah — 18 of them have regency over matters that reside above the Earth, and the other 18 have regency of matters that happen on Earth
   The Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury occupy the space of divine hierarchy, and are called the Interpreter Deities. Those are the ones whose regular movement tended to announce progress and prosperity, though Saturn had a special veneration for it. 
👁 The Egyptian Decans and their Guardian Deities II
   As any Astrological aspect, the *Guardian Deities, or Genies, of each sign adhere to a specific characteristic that can be seen in those born under that particular decan — uniting it with other aspects, a deeper and more meaningful understanding can be reached.   
  *The names of the deities are in brazilian portuguese, as that is my mother language. 
● Aries 
Mars → Chontaré ● Those that have this deity in their head, have a multitude of interests in various areas of life, and express activity in those — either becoming a jack of all trades or feeling frustrated with the lack of One path. .
Sun → Chontacré ● Those born under this decan will find an exaltation with life and themselves — finding in them the skill for leadership.
Venus → Seket ● Those with these specific characteristics carry in them the sign of an Initiator, with a keen affinity for the spiritual, they will find that the paths of life, and the intentions of others, are very clear to them.
● Taurus  
Mercury → Choris ● The Taureans born under this genie are Novitiates, with a flourishing spiritual side to them, they may experience difficulties if no attention is given to the spiritual life as every song of the Universe brings them closer to spiritual elevation.  
Moon → Ero ● Those born under this set have an affinity to acquire knowledge, in a way they find comfort as their wisdom grows and with it comes a sense of responsibility towards themselves and those that are dear to them.
Saturn → Remboucaré ● Saturn and this genie bring for the ones born under them a sense to seek abundance, enrichment and extravagance. There will always be a feeling that you deserve and need more, and with the due effort, you will always be able to achieve it. 
● Gemini 
Jupiter → Theosolk ● Jupiter and Theosolk bring to those born under them a keen intuition — with it comes a sense to seek for spiritual and intellectual elevation, as those are things that attract them most. 
Mars → Oucré ● For those born under these aspects, life could be 8 or 80 — as they find that all areas of life are ones that can be nurtured, they might also find themselves with a constant feeling of stagnation. 
Sun → Phuor ● Those Geminis are very connected to reason — always seeking the why’s and how’s to always keep their knowledge updated and fair. With it, comes a certain sense of exuberance, as they always take what’s in their sights to the max. 
● Cancer 
Venus → Soltris ● Those born under these aspects have some very keen practical skills — always centered more on how to do something and then achieving it. They might find themselves with a multitude of plans and steps to live life and reach their goals. 
Mercury → Sith ● Mercury and Sith bring revelations throughout those born under them — those can be painful or fruitful, but if handled with acceptance and an open mind apt to learn, they will reveal a great potential to realizations. 
Moon → Chnoum ● The Cancerians that have these aspects are ones full of curiosity — they always want to know more and experience more, but also have an affinity to Home, comfort and creating stability. As such, their challenge is to balance those two traits throughout their life. 
● Leo 
Jupiter → Chachnoumen ● Those born under this aspect have a tendency to seek philosophical or religious matters, with an affinity for those areas and a sense of sharing their knowledge, they have an innate ability to convince others. 
Mars → Thepé ● Thepé and Mars spell out one intense word for these Leos: authority. They have an aura that demands attention, as well as a constant need to make themselves be seen and heard.   
Sun → Phoupp ● Leos born under these aspects have a grand ambition — they know their worth and will valiantly go after it. With a taste for power and having the due attention and respect they deserve, they have a great affinity to be leaders and conduct others. 
● Virgo 
Sun → Thomis ● These Virgos have a quick assimilation, with quick thinking and great problem solving skills, they tend to work better under pressure. Together with it comes an active spirituality — seeked or not, their intuition is always present. 
Venus → Ouestriosto ● Those born under these aspects have the chance to experience many things in practice — instead of living and learning vicariously, they are able to apply their thoughts and plans into the material and present World. 
Mercury → Aphoso ● Mercury and Aphoso bring to those born under them a keen sense of empathy — those virgos have a tendency to put themselves in other’s shoes, but still retain the logical side that saves them from sacrificing themselves. 
● Libra  
Moon → Souchoe ● For these Libras, there is a constant pull towards their roots — at some point in life they will feel the need to search those before them as a way to find and understand themselves. With it comes a constant need to have personal initiation rituals, creating a ceremonial way to live their life and making new beginnings a mark.
Saturn → Ptechout ● There is a great tendency towards expansion for those born under these aspects, as they mostly have their sights turned outwards. Life reserves many experiences and discoveries for them, but it also might be harder to look and have accountability for themselves. 
Jupiter → Chontaré ● Jupiter and Chontaré bring to those born under them a great deal of independence — as those natives might find it hard to depend on anyone but themselves, they also have incredible freedom of thought and are always open to new ideas.  
● Scorpio 
Mars → Stochnené ● Those born under these aspects have a grand magnetism, attracting people who seek life and vitality. Thought that might tend to attract energy vampires, it also reveals an opportunity for these natives to excerce their sexual impulses and have muses and outlets for their criativity. 
Sun → Sesme ● For these natives, there is one strong word and it is Responsibility. They might feel responsible for more than is necessary, and though this gives them a great sense of independence early on, it might also carry some self esteem and self doubt issues. 
Venus → Sieme ●  Scorpios that are born under these aspects have a strong image of what they want and of how the World should be, that idealism is exactly what makes them the most crontroled as their instincts are sharp and dynamic. 
● Sagittarius 
Mercury → Reouo ● Those born under these aspects carry within them an infinite fascination, and perhaps even love, towards humanity. They see the good in it and all that it provides as a chance to live. With it comes an affinity towards religion, as worship comes naturally when their passion is alive. 
Moon → Sisme ● These aspects bring a constant sense of seeking and searching for answers, experiences and belonging — in all planes, be it physical, mental or spiritual. These characteristics announce a sense of living and experiencing everything that they can.
Saturn → Choncaré ● Sags born under these aspects have the aura, and even portray themselves, as teachers and guides. They have a keen sense of responsibility that goes hand in hand with the need to share their knowledge and experience to others. 
● Capricorn 
Jupiter → Smot ● These Capricorns have a high ideal, with a clear sight of how they want to live their lives, as well as a concrete opinion of how others should best live their lives, they tend to plan and manifest those ideals in a concrete way. 
Mars → Sro ● Those with Mars and Sro in their heads have a very keen sense of organization, tending to visualize and plan their steps which lead to a steady constant of realization and progress in their lives. 
Sun → Ino ● Caps born under these aspects tend to feel stagnated if they do not find themselves in constant activity — those mostly being related to their work and social life. With it, thought, comes a certain stubbornness to what they believe to be right.  
● Aquarius 
Venus → Ptiaû ● Those born under these prosperous aspects will be full of originality — always coming up with new ideas and inventions, they will have intellectual independence and be very in tune with their interests. 
Mercury → Asen ● Mercury and Asen grant to those born under it a very vivid and colorful imagination — as ideas bubble up in their minds, the mystic world opens its doors and grants them inspiration in all areas of life. 
Moon → Ptelviou ● For these Aquarians, there is a conscious level of understanding about their Shadow — due to that, they will constantly seek to voluntarily repress their desires (either for feeling they are wrong or they are not worthy). Another aspect is a tendency to seek for platonic connections that make them feel comfortable to wish for more for themselves.
● Pisces 
Saturn → Abiou ● The ones born under these aspect find themselves in a constant search for the metaphysical truth, as early on they have a more encompassing view about the World and its phenomenon, so do their interests point towards the answers to it all. 
Jupiter → Chontaré ● masoquismo espiritual, necessidade de realizar uma missão espiritual, auto-sacrifício
Mars → Ptebiou ● Tireless in psychic quests, easy adaptation
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shadesofpepper · 1 year
a guide to decans in astrology
decans, also known as decanates, are essentially sub-divisions of the different zodiac signs - each one is ruled by a different planet and represents a different type of each sign. think of it this way: your star sign is a colour and the decans are the different shades. 
here’s a simple overview: 
a sign is in decan 1 if it’s between 0-10 degrees (not including 10°)
a sign is in decan 2 if it’s between 10-20 degrees (not including 20°)
a sign is in decan 3 if it’s between 20-30 degrees 
an easy way to find what degrees your signs are in (decans apply to all planets, not just your sun sign) is using this site, which lists the degrees signs are in alongside each planet in a table format. for example - my sun is in leo at 26°36’, which means my leo is in decan 3. my moon in cancer in 29°34’ is also in decan 3, while my mercury at 17°00’ is in decan 2, etc. 
let’s take my sun in leo in decan 3 - this decan is ruled by mars, which in turn rules aries, giving my sun sign an aries influence!
once you’ve got all that down, let’s move onto what the different decans are ruled by and how that will influence each sign! 
Keep reading
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shadesofpepper · 1 year
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AYO EDEBIRI for Rolling Stone
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shadesofpepper · 1 year
Updated (this  post it’s actually so good)
For more extended information, check out my Patreon
Vesta in the signs
Vesta in the houses
Orcus (in the signs)
Fixed stars:
Composite Chart:
Composite Sun
Composite Moon
Composite Venus
Composite Chiron
Progressed Chart:
Progressed Venus
Lilith in the houses
Sun square Venus
Sun - Chiron
Chiron - Eros
Lilith - Uranus
P. Fort - P. Fort (synastry)
Fated Juno Aspects
Moon in the houses
Venus in Aries
Eros & Psyche:
The Draconic chart
Moon Persona chart
The Physical Appearance
Fortunate Astrology Aspects
Vertex in Synastry
Twin Flames
Same Moon Compatibility
Minor Aspects
[will be updated daily]
If you have any questions, please ask them through the ask option on my page. I can’t reply to comments. :)
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shadesofpepper · 1 year
Vesta in the signs
Vesta in the houses
Orcus (in the signs)
Fixed stars:
Composite Chart:
Composite Sun
Composite Moon
Composite Chiron
Progressed Chart:
Progressed Venus
Sun square Venus
Sun - Chiron
Chiron - Eros
Lilith - Uranus
P. Fort - P. Fort (synastry)
Fated Juno Aspects
Moon in the houses
Venus in Aries
Eros & Psyche:
The Draconic chart
Moon Persona chart
The Physical Appearance
Fortunate Astrology Aspects
Vertex in Synastry
Twin Flames
Same Moon Compatibility
Minor Aspects
[will be updated daily]
If you have any questions, please ask them through the ask option on my page. I can’t reply to comments. :)
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shadesofpepper · 1 year
Orcus in the signs
Orcus (90482), named after the Roman god of the underworld. Its placement in a natal chart can give insight into an individual’s relationship with power, control, and transformation. A minor planet that represents the energy of consequence and karma.
Orcus in Aries: A desire for power and control in personal relationships, as well as a need to be seen as a leader or pioneer in one’s field. A person’s past actions and decisions have led them to a point where they need to learn to balance their assertiveness with consideration for others, and to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. They may also be required to work on developing a stronger sense of self and individuality, and to learn how to use their personal power in a positive and constructive way. Orcus in Aries may indicate a need for personal growth and the development of leadership skills.
Orcus in Taurus: A strong desire for material security and stability, as well as a need for control over one’s possessions and resources. They have a strong attachment to material things and may feel as if they are owed something in life. They have a tendency to hold onto grudges and not forgive easily, which can lead to karmic debt in the future. On the other hand, they may be able to work hard and accumulate wealth, but they need to be careful not to become too greedy.
Orcus in Gemini: A desire for mental control and manipulation, as well as a need for intellectual dominance or influence. There’s a focus on communication, information, and intellectual pursuits when it comes to issues of justice and karmic consequences. There’s a need for clear and precise communication in legal or ethical matters. Alternatively, there may be a tendency to be intellectually cunning or deceptive in order to avoid consequences or manipulate situations. It’s a good idea to consider different sides of an issue before passing judgment or taking action.
Orcus in Cancer: A desire for emotional control and manipulation, as well as a need for security and protection in personal relationships. There are karmic issues related to the persons family and home life. This placement indicates a need to transform or heal past wounds related to their upbringing, and to confront any unresolved emotional issues. There’s also a need to address any issues related to nurturing and taking care of oneself and others. This placement indicates a strong connection to one’s ancestral roots and a sense of duty towards family and the home.
Orcus in Leo: A desire for recognition and fame, as well as a need for control over one’s public image and reputation. These themes are expressed in a way that is focused on personal identity, self-expression, creativity, and leadership. There’s a strong drive to take responsibility for one’s own actions and to make a positive impact on the world. There can be a tendency to become overly attached to one’s own ego, which could lead to conflicts with others or a sense of isolation. The challenge with Orcus in Leo is to balance a strong sense of self with a willingness to work collaboratively and to consider the needs of others.
Orcus in Virgo: A need for control over one’s health and daily routines, as well as a desire for perfection and order in all aspects of life. There’s a focus on justice and fairness. Virgo’s tendency to be analytical and critical may also amplify the themes of Orcus, causing an person to be particularly hard on themselves or others when it comes to issues of right and wrong. The analytical abilities of Virgo may also help the person to be more adept at detecting and addressing imbalances or injustices. They have a strong sense of duty and responsibility to make sure things are “right,” and work tirelessly to achieve this goal. They need to be careful not to become overly critical or perfectionistic in their quest for justice.
Orcus in Libra: A need for control over one’s relationships and partnerships, as well as a desire for social harmony and balance. There’s an emphasis on issues related to relationships, partnerships, and fairness. People with this placement may be particularly focused on achieving balance and harmony in their lives and relationships. They’re driven to seek justice and fairness in all aspects of life, and have a strong sense of what is right and wrong. They also struggle with indecision or difficulty making choices, as they see all sides of a situation and want to consider everyone’s needs and perspectives. There��s a strong desire for balance and fairness in all areas of life, particularly in relationships and partnerships.
Orcus in Scorpio: A desire for power and control in all areas of life, as well as a need for transformation and regeneration. There’s a deep fascination with the hidden and taboo, as well as an interest in power and control. This brings intense and transformative experiences related to sexuality, death, and the occult. It also creates a tendency towards obsessive or compulsive behavior, as well as a potential for hidden or repressed anger. With self-awareness and emotional maturity, this placement can lead to a profound understanding of the mysteries of life and death, and a powerful capacity for transformation and regeneration.
Orcus in Sagittarius: A desire for control over one’s beliefs and ideologies, as well as a need for spiritual growth and exploration. The person with this placement is concerned with seeking truth and justice in their life. They have a strong sense of morality and ethics, and feel compelled to follow their beliefs and convictions, even if it means going against societal norms or expectations. They also have a keen interest in philosophy, religion, or higher education, and might pursue these areas of study as a way to gain greater understanding and wisdom. At times, they struggle with dogmatism, rigid thinking, or a sense of self-righteousness, which may alienate them from others or create conflicts. When they are able to maintain an open mind and a sense of humility, they can use their strong moral compass to inspire and guide others towards greater understanding and justice.
Orcus in Capricorn: A desire for power and control in professional and social settings, as well as a need for structure and discipline.  There’s a strong drive to succeed in their careers and they feel a sense of responsibility to uphold the status quo. They’re also more attuned to the darker aspects of power dynamics and may be able to see through superficial displays of authority or tradition. In relationships there’s need for respect and authority. They prefer relationships that have a clear structure and defined roles. They must be wary of partners who try to exert control or manipulate them in hidden ways.
Orcus in Aquarius: A desire for control over one’s social and political ideals, as well as a need for innovation and progress. There’s a need to reform or revolutionize societal structures and systems that are oppressive or limiting. There’s a strong sense of justice and equality for all, and a desire to bring about change through unconventional or innovative means. This placement indicates a fear of losing individuality or personal freedom in the face of conformity or authority, and a need to assert independence in unconventional ways. There’s a focus on group dynamics and the greater good, as well as a desire to break free from tradition and embrace new ideas and perspectives.
Orcus in Pisces: A desire for control over one’s spiritual and emotional experiences, as well as a need for transcendence and enlightenment. There’s a need to face subconscious fears and spiritual issues related to endings, loss, and surrender. Pisces is a sign associated with the collective unconscious, imagination, and sensitivity, and Orcus here may emphasize the need to let go of old patterns or illusions that hinder spiritual growth. It also suggests a connection to hidden or taboo subjects, or a need to confront issues related to sacrifice or martyrdom.
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shadesofpepper · 1 year
Psyche (16) represents the soul and its journey of evolution, growth, and healing. It is associated with past lives and the karmic lessons that we carry with us from one lifetime to another. The placement of Psyche can reveal our deepest wounds and the areas where we need to heal and grow.
Psyche in the signs
Psyche in the houses
Psyche in Gemini/3rd house
Psyche in Scorpio/8th house
Psyche in Aquarius/11th house
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shadesofpepper · 2 years
ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ꜱɪɢɴꜱ
moodboards for each venus sign
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𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐨 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬
𝐭𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬
𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬
𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬
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shadesofpepper · 2 years
I am fucking obsessed with her
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MIA GOTH © Julian Buchan // Wonderland (2022)
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shadesofpepper · 2 years
Whether you utilize these planets or your planets are utilized by your partner on you, is completely dependent on the relationship an how their planets similarities and differences play with yours.
Your Venus, Mars and Eros don't always work with eachother making for unique courting displays, sexual frustration, and complex needs for intimacy.
Venus: What seduces you /attracts you OR the energy you use to seduce with how you attract/compell others
Mars: Your actions in intiation, the pursuit of intiation, the way you have sex OR the way you like to be initiated, the way you like sex.
Eros: Your sexual identity,  who you become on a deeper intimate level when sexually understood or liberated,  what invokes desire, a deeper level of intimacy.
Example combination using complicated positions:
_Venus Capricorn: May Seduce or attract by showing restraint and/or is seduced by restraint  (this position can be hard because this kind of "flirting" is not obvious)
_Mars Libra:  When action is taken they may use mental play, light flirtation that could be taken as platonic teasing with some control
(Libra is a venus sign in Mars the pursuit of having sex may not be seprate of sedution/flirting and is instead a big part of the experience. This is them TRYING to get you in bed )
_Eros Pisces: Once you get past the restraint and aloofness and your partner feels understood/liberated this individual loves to be engulfed by their partner and loose control.
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shadesofpepper · 2 years
🌟Venus Signs as GIRLFRIENDS🌟
💘Aries Venus: funny girlfriend. loves to playfully fight you. really adventurous and wild. gets jealous easily and can play hard to get because she loves if you chase her.
💘Taurus Venus: the type to really spoil you. take her on a nice dinner or any date that involves food. super caring and sweet. she loves getting attention and compliments.
💘Gemini Venus: such a talkative and funny girlfriend. she wants to travel and discover new things with you. the type of girl who makes talking to her for hours seem like minutes because she’s never boring.
💘Cancer Venus: so sweet and caring! she just wants to spend time with you at home, cuddle and eat. will always make sure that you are happy and safe. watch out for her mood swings tho.
💘Leo Venus: show her off. she wants to have fun and be wild. she also loooves pda and can get quite clingy. this girl is going to treat you like a king/queen and she also expects the same in return.
💘Virgo Venus: very helpful girlfriend. she doesn’t like pda and wants to be your best friend. that girl who will make you get your life together or she’s done lol. she loves talking and sharing and expects the same from you. 
💘Libra Venus: this girl is soo charming and romantic! she loves the traditional sappy dates with candles and roses. is really into celebrating Valentine’s Day and any anniversaries in the most corny way possible.
💘Scorpio Venus: she loves to cuddle and be with you as much as possible. so seductive. doesn’t trust easily. this girl wants to know all your deepest darkest secrets.
💘Sagittarius Venus: you will never get bored with this girl. sooo funny and adventurous! she loves trying new things and isn’t really into the romantic stuff. she is super chill about any relationship.
💘Capricorn Venus: this girl is really serious about who she dates. definitely someone who craves true love and the traditional relationship. she is very funny and sarcastic!
💘Aquarius Venus: she wants to do everything with you. not just your girlfriend, but also your best friend. super carefree and funny. this girl wants to talk to you about all the weird and random stuff.
💘Pisces Venus: such a romantic and sensitive girlfriend! she just wants to cuddle and have your attention 24/7 haha. so funny and sweet. the type to make you cute handmade gifts. 
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shadesofpepper · 2 years
the unexpected theme of the rising signs
on my path of astrological exploration, i’ve been focusing for a few months now on understanding the ascendant. i’ve always felt as if most astrologers don’t put enough emphasis on the rising sign and kind of just shrug it off. “oh it’s about physical appearance only” …“you won’t see it at all until you’re 35”…“it’s like a crutch to the sun which you should focus on developing”, etc. and to me, the ascendant is the most personal placement in the natal chart that tells you the most about yourself in your full potential. after all, 1) it’s the placement that changes its sign & degree the fastest - the ascendant moves from one degree to the next for 2-3 minutes 2) it determines the position of every placement in the chart - the first house of self and the sign on its cusp set the basis for all the other areas of life that follow 3) it’s part of the holy trinity of astrology - sun/moon/rising. the way i see them, they all show a different time dimension of our Self - the moon is our past and how it lives inside of us, the sun is our present and how we act in it now, and the ascendant…the ascendant is our future and who we can be. this is why we “grow” into the ascendant - it’s like a more personal north node that we learn how to become and express freely. in this post, i’m going to talk about the qualities of the different rising signs that people don’t usually notice and how one can develop them positively. the interpretations are based on which sign rules the house that is naturally ruled by the rising sign. this represents a core theme for the rising signs which often remains unrecognized but runs deeply in the native.
aries rising (aries in the 1st house): yeah, those are the lucky ones. that’s the ascendant’s domicile or smth lmao. accordingly, i’ve noticed aries rising ppl are usually extremely talented and motivated in many aspects of life. however, contrary to popular belief, these ppl often are quite introverted and withdrawn. the 1st house is opposing the 7th one, the house of the Other, of personal relationships - that’s why it’s actually a quite lonely place. the native with an aries rising has a very intense personal life where he doesn’t allow any outside intruders. this can be quite scary for the people who think they know them - and painful for those who know there’s a side to them they’ll always be secluded from. with time, they learn how to balance better the withdrawn side and the boisterous go-getter one.
taurus rising (gemini in the 2nd house): these people have no actual idea who they are cuz they refuse to accept they change. they project a very strong and fixed, almost predetermined sense of identity that they never bothered to doubt and it’s quite painful for them to act outside of the box they built for themselves. it can be a huge step to start allowing themselves to actually explore who they are, what they value and what they want to have in life. it’s not uncommon for people with taurus rising to completely change their way of life and personality when they grow older. with time, they start to surprise themselves.
gemini rising (leo in the 3rd house): they might look like great communicators but truth is all ppl with gemini rising i know have extreme difficulty getting their message across to others and understanding what they’re being told. it’s almost as if they have some sort of dyslexia of the brain. problem is they’re very fixed in their way of communication and expect others to adapt to it. they also listen to others only through their personal experience without trying to actually put themselves in the shoes of the other. with time, they learn that the beauty of communication lays in the fact that there are as many roads to understanding as there are people in the world and the more you learn how to walk, the richer you become.
cancer rising (libra in the 4th house): they actually look unexpectedly stable and grounded, very down to earth vibe. their family environment demanded from them to act as mediators or to adapt to everyone else’s desires and ideas. this made them feel unsafe about expressing deep and intense emotions - cancer risings have extreme mood swings and very polarized feelings but they tend to keep a balanced, nurturing facade. with time, they learn how to manage to feel extremely and express it while keeping their inner balance intact, and they find people that can handle their emotions and stay.
leo rising (sagittarius in the 5th house): they give off a very flamboyant and sociable vibe which usually makes people think they’re not very deep. that’s far from true tho. ppl with leo rising have a very special way of understanding life - it’s not snobby and it doesn’t leave you feeling as if they’re on that high horse. it’s as if the deepest secrets of the universe are a game to them and they don’t take them too seriously - they explore them sheerly out of joy and curiosity, not for power. they also make amazing teachers cuz they can translate very complicated matters in a creative and fun way. with time, they start putting more and more energy into helping others understand things without the feeling that knowledge is a burden.
virgo rising (aquarius in the 6th house): they need to service people in some unconventional way. many people i know with virgo rising practice some sort of alternative healing practice. they find a way to offer people something that soothes the soul and is unusual. they’re huuuuge innovators at the workplace and in general- something one doesn’t usually expect from the stuck up virgo. they manage to bring the New in people’s lives in a very casual and everyday way. the type of people that change you without you even realizing you’ve changed. with time, they realize they have this gift of changing people in subtle ways and manage to utilize it for the best.
libra rising (aries in the 7th house): ok these ppl are aggressive af in their personal relationships. libra risings are supposed to be sweet and friendly - they’re known to have trouble expressing anger openly and for being overall passive-aggressive. but when y'all are 1-on-1 with them, shit gets real. they are domineering and downright aggressive when it comes to personal relations. i mean, libra rising is the ascendant’s detriment - all house cusps are in the opposite sign of the sign that rules them, which makes the energies super confusing and difficult to handle. with time, people with libra rising how to stop being afraid society is going to exclude them if they show themselves to be unlikable and stops bottling up their aggression for more private encounters. that shit’s toxic bro
scorpio rising (gemini in the 8th house): they project an intense and focused image to the world, but when it comes to real intimacy, they’re simultaneously super avoidant & all over the place. their trust issues are so big they like to keep their intimate relationships non-committal and scattered. scorpio risings are always seeking for intimacy with utmost curiosity but they’re never quite satisfied with it and it’s never enough. they’ll always find a way to blame their deep distaste for commitment on someone else tho. with time, they realize there are so many different ways to be intimate with someone and you don’t have to cut off one source in order to get another, you just need to find a way to make it all work together.
sagittarius rising (leo in the 9th house): sagittarius risings always have some theme of soul searching in their life. they are usually outgoing and friendly but there’s an obvious philosophical side to them & they’re interested in more mystical matters. there’s this thing about them tho - all their soul searching is extremely self-centered and is done to serve the self, not for the sake of universal knowledge. they are focused on their own place in the grand scheme of things, not on the scheme itself. with time, they learn how to use their ability to understand the big picture for the sake of everyone and that this benefits them even more than when they’re just centered on themselves.
capricorn rising (libra in the 10th house): they’re actually so afraid to settle down and be stable, especially if the native’s chart has a lot of air/fire influence or strongly placed mercury/jupiter. they have no plans for the future and like to live in the moment, often without considering the long term consequences of their actions, or they purposefully sabotage their own plans. i’ve seen cap rising in people who drop out of their major just to sign up for a new one, move a lot from place to place, including diff countries, leave their job when they feel too settled in it, etc.  with time, cap risings learn the importance of picking up a priority and making decisions they don’t try to escape from - because a choice is not necessarily a lockdown. at its best, choosing where you want to be in your life and what you want to work on is freeing because it sets you on the path where you can be in balance with all parts of yourself.
aquarius rising (sagittarius in the 11th house): they need people in order to reach their truth. aqua risings may appear aloof and independent, self-sufficient almost but the truth is they can only reach transcendence and achieve higher types of knowledge through their interactions with others and through their work for others. the first step is to admit they need people which is very difficult for their apathetic nature. with time, they realize they need to be WITH people in order to…help people lmao.
pisces rising (aquarius in the 12th house): these people usually appear adaptable and self-sacrificial but truth is aquarius paints their subconscious in quite different colours. aquarius is a self-righteous & fixed sign - they’ve thought it all out, they’ve seen things from above and now they know with the deepest conviction of a fanatic what is the Right Thing To Do. having that sign in the 12th house of the collective unconscious is like expecting the world to be the utopia you secretly harbor in the depths of your mind. this is what leads to the infamous escapism of the pisces rising - they try to escape in fantasy worlds in movies and books so they don’t face the real world which refuses to bend to the native’s idea of Utopia. these individuals can be quite self-righteous and even despotic but in subtle ways and through manipulation. deep down, they’re sure they know what’s best. with time, they understand everyone has their own idea of perfect and how to work to make reality a place where we can all have our utopia without crashing with others’.
/use whole signs system/
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shadesofpepper · 2 years
𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓈𝒾𝑔𝓃𝓈✨
♈︎ ⇡// fiery ambition, natural born leaders, was either very well nurtured or learned to nurture themselves, very independent, impactful, can put a lot of pressure on themselves, visionaries
♉︎ ⇡// creative souls, value loyalty and honesty, protective, strong auras, want stability, artistic, need someone they can trust, probably want someone freaky because scorpio descendant
♊︎ ⇡// naturally curious, youthful, will attract people who challenge their views, spontaneous, hates being wrong, loves learning especially about other people, can be too analytical
♋︎ ⇡// highly receptive to other’s emotions, sensitive, prone to baby face, protectors, have a hard time coming out of their comfort zone, difficult for them to open up to people
♌︎ ⇡// natural creators, charismatic, very supportive and accepting of others, make great performers and public speakers, keep their emotions private, always seem to be laughing
♍︎ ⇡// perfectionists, can live in their head, reserved, loves unconditionally, very aware of themselves, humble, hates asking for help, hard on themselves but easygoing with others
♎︎ ⇡// people pleasers, need to be appreciated, learns a lot about themselves through others, charming, makes others feel seen, can give too much to others, need to learn self love
♏︎ ⇡// observant, a bit mysterious, intimidating, enticing, can be aloof, has a strong presence, stubborn, likes to question everything, highly reserved, surprisingly friendly
♐︎ ⇡// true adventurers, outgoing, blunt, humorous, optimistic, seek knowledge, kindhearted, social butterflies, huge animal lovers, seem to be anywhere but here
♑︎ ⇡// distant but friendly, enjoy discussing their own interests, very classy, success-oriented, can be pessimistic but only because they’ve been through a lot, sophisticated
♒︎ ⇡// inspires others to be themselves, strong political views, something different even alien-like about their appearance, love to express their individuality, very likable
♓︎ ⇡// doesn’t really feel like they fit in anywhere, thoughtful, easygoing, mostly introverted, empaths, unpredictable, can have a tendency to be too nice to others
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