I think one of my mods is acting up, Astarion is just naked and I don't know why! 🤣
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shadowheartwhisperer · 3 months
Just inject this directly into my veins, please 😁
Her Embrace, Her Tears
Multi-chaptered, fluff, angst, eventually smut
Lae'zel probably didn't need a good excuse, or further motivation, to go to war with Shar. But, she is about to get it anyway.
Five years post game, Dark Justiciar/Mother Superior/Chosen of Shar Shadowheart and (with a few notable exceptions) everyone got their bad endings, in that everyone is still alive, but shitty. Lae'zel is thriving though, aside from her relationship.
Read Chapter One on Ao3
Read Chapter Two on Ao3
Read Chapter Three on Ao3
Read Chapter Four on Ao3
Read Chapter Five on Ao3
Read Chapter Six on Ao3
or read Chapter Six below the cut
Shadowheart had to keep her gaze away from the Majordomo, Barnes. Just the sight of him, the smell of his sweat and the lingering fear that was almost expelled as he grew weak before her, made the newly refreshed wound in her hand twinge. She pushed it away. It was not her fault, what had happened to him, days earlier when he wandered carelessly into the enclave and got himself tortured all night. Even if it had been her fault, it was done, and the only real shame was that it was pointless. His pain meant nothing to her, and the fact that just seeing her again had clearly injured him anew didn’t mean anything either. She was furious with herself for feeling any guilt at all, and then she pushed that away too.
For all the dread that the man clearly felt towards her, he hadn’t abandoned Alice. He was unconscious beside her. The mantle had been too much for him. That was rare, but not without some precedent. Alice, on the other hand, was fighting her with pure will. She didn’t have much left in the way of emotions, but there was a rigid defiance. Like spiting Shadowheart was its own reward.
“I’ll tell you what,” Alice spoke very slowly, almost seemed to lose track of her own thoughts from one word to the next, and then took such a pause that Shadowheart half expected her to also pass out, rather than finish her statement. “I’ll let both you, the githyanki I’ve been trying to contact, and the Thayans submit proposals on why you think you’d be the ideal caretakers for the child and then we can come to a decision based on who’s best equipped to see to his needs?”
Shadowheart might have laughed if the situation wasn’t so frustrating, instead, she took a deep, calming breath, her nostrils flaring as she closed her eyes. “I suppose you’d like to have Astarion take up his old role as magistrate and analyze these proposals?”
Alice looked at her blankly. Shadowheart had been sure that Alice’s suggestion was in jest and that she was mocking her, but it was clear from her face that humor had been stripped from her already. Apparently, apathy was to blame for her odd thoughts. “That elf was a judge?” she asked.
“I—” Shadowheart had been about to point out Astarion’s friendship with her, again. Surely, he’d consider her taking the child off his hands to be a favor. The sound of a crash from outside the room interrupted her. It wasn’t close—down the hall, but it sounded like something big had fallen or been thrown. 
“Sleep,” she flicked her rod towards Alice as she quit the room, and felt the spell land. The servants would keep for the moment. She might simply be able to find the child on her own, if they were intent on making so much noise. It was a big palace, but this interrogation was taking far too long.
At the end of the hallway, she caught sight of something rather strange. Scratch, trying to run, but being tugged backwards by gith collar, by a faintly glinting Mage Hand cantrip. Scratch’s nails skittered across the floor, his tail whipping excitedly against the cantrip as it failed. He turned about, snapped his jaws shut over the hand which was disbursed in a snap. Then he barked, triumphant and bolted out of sight.
Keeping quiet, Shadowheart closed the gap between them in a turn of the hallway, coming upon the ballroom. Inside, Scratch stood sentinel beside Lae’zel, who had the gith child in her sight, hands out and ready to snatch him as he tried to slip around her.
“Ptaris?” Shadowheart called softly, freezing the room with her entrance. It had been hard to get the name out of Alice.
Lae’zel whirled around immediately, facing her with an expression of such pure iron that for a moment, Shadowheart remembered the fear she’d felt upon seeing her for the first time. There was no quarter to be begged. She didn’t want to have to resort to violence, but she knew she couldn’t fail her lady. Don’t make me do this, my love.
Scratch turned and whined, sensitive to the tension between them.
The gith child barely reacted, didn’t even take the chance to try and run again, though they swiveled their head around to catch sight of an open door in the back of the ballroom, but didn’t try it. They looked confused, frightened, overwhelmed. Good.
“Look at me, Ptaris,” Shadowheart said gently. “It’s alright,” she managed to keep herself calm, and in that calmness, felt the first hints of his own mantle, reaching out for hers. She didn’t imagine that he could feel the same connection from his side, but she did sense a shift in him, a kind of reverie.
Lae’zel’s jaw tightened and she raised her chin, shoulders stiffening, not quite ready to reach for her sword, but certainly a breath away from being very ready, for anything. Had it been a mistake to come alone? Or not? On the one hand, it would be difficult to get him out of here with Lae’zel in her way, on the other hand, she wasn’t sure she could have reasonably ordered her acolytes to stand down if they had been with her. She couldn’t show weakness, and that is how they would see it, surely. But, it wasn’t weakness. It was simply an obstacle that forced her to be a little more clever than to act with straightforward force. “Lae’zel. You’re scaring him,” she said, still trying for the gentle approach.
“He should be scared,” Lae’zel hissed, “but not of me.”
“No one here means you any harm, Ptaris.” Shadowheart tried to assure him, and she sensed that shift again, her mantle enveloping his own, drawing the fear out of him.
There was a thump from behind her back, as Alice stumbled into the ballroom, hitting the door on the way in. She was barely on her feet, but she’d shaken off the sleeping spell rather rapidly. Again, Shadowheart might be impressed if it wasn’t so irritating. Still, she did nothing as Ptaris saw her and immediately rushed into her arms. Lae’zel, on the other hand, reached out to snatch him, almost closing hands around his wrist, but the slippery little thing skirted her, crashing into Alice.
Alice was leaning on the five year old, relying on his weight to keep her upright.
“Do I have to go now?” Ptaris demanded of her, “is it a tenday already?”
“I’m not sure yet, remember what we talked about?” Alice murmured.
He pressed his face firmly into her stomach, trying to block out the world. Good instincts. Better than she’d had, as a girl, from what she could remember. There was potential to work with here.
“He should be with his own people. Your plane has already damaged him enough,” Lae’zel approached at a cautious stalk, eyeing the channeling rod twisting in Shadowheart’s hands. She stopped, and hid it behind her back.
“He should be with those who will care for him best, and for whom blessings await,” Shadowheart countered quietly.
“Blessings?!” some heat rushed into Lae’zel’s face.
A little prick of annoyance touched Shadowheart right in the center of her core. She’d always known, deep down, that the respect Lae’zel showed for her faith was tenuous, at best. It was a compromise. She loved Shadowheart, and understood it was important to her, so she didn’t push back, but it was impossible not to notice the thinly veiled animosity, the sideways glances, and the vein in her neck when Shadowheart spoke of her god.
“Yes,” Shadowheart said firmly. “He is fleeing from you, filled with trepidation and confusion. Shar would take all of that away.”
“Because she takes everything,” Lae’zel followed that to its logical conclusion, her voice dripping with bitterness.
“Yes,” Shadowheart said again, having to mentally step right over the bit of pity that appeared. She still didn’t understand. So few did. But they would.
The clatter of footsteps from the hallway alerted them all to the appearance of more people, to watch their little drama unfold. Lae’zel immediately looked even more tense, but Shadowheart relaxed, taking this as a good sign. More people, meant more opportunity. She may yet be able to sway the situation in her favor.
Scratch’s ears perked up, he barked once and then broke into a run, angling around Shadowheart and instead leaping excitedly towards the man who’d just entered the ballroom.
“Oh, look who it isn’t?!” Astarion cried in delight, leaning over to jolly Scratch around the collar, “no doubt infested with astral flees! To what do I owe the pleasure?” He stood, and looked them all over, mild confusion growing into something visibly more irritated as a few silent seconds wore on. He looked a little better than he had the day before, all things considered. He seemed less despondent at least, though that might have just been the surprise of seeing the dog again. At his back, three others joined him. A human man, a tiefling vampire spawn, and Isolde.
“What’s all this?” he gestured around the ballroom, eyes lingering curiously on the gith child clinging to Alice, and then Alice’s face drained. With a quirk of his jaw, and a lowered brow he briefly indicted Shadowheart with a look, before turning back to his servant. 
“I was going to tell you,” Alice didn’t sound apologetic, perhaps she was too empty for guilt. “Then it was so easy not to.” She patted the gith child’s head. “Ommelum told me that you’d brought him the egg in the first place, so as his previous caretaker—”
“His—what!??” Astarion looked in alarm at the child, “That’s Egg?! They actually managed to hatch a child from that?”
“Oh good, you remember,” Alice sighed.
“I’ve been keeping him here a few days. He’s been fairly unobtrusive, all things considered,” she confessed, and Shadowheart had a feeling that any anxiety she’d ever felt about telling her master this had been sucked out of her during her conversation with Shadowheart.
Astarion processed this with no small amount of incredulity. He searched the room. “Did you all, just know?!” he demanded when no one else seemed to share in his outrage.
“Yes,” answered the human man, with a shrug.
“You’ve been alive less than half a day!” Astarion raged back at him.
“Astarion,” Shadowheart commanded his attention back to herself with a little extra push of Shar’s power through her voice. It was a habit she’d picked up with acolytes, and she could tell from the way he tensed as he turned to look at her, that he’d noticed, and didn’t particularly appreciate it.
“Shadowheart, old girl,” he replied, voice flat.
“Let me take the child. I’ll see to it he’s well cared for.”
Astarion cocked his head at her, contemplating her involvement with no small measure of visible curiosity.
“I sent a message out to your friend, Lae’zel,” Alice indicated with a drooping finger, “no idea how she heard about any of it.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Shadowheart said delicately, “Lae’zel is in no position to care for a child. She’ll probably just throw him to the first batch of hatchlings his own age, and he’ll be eaten alive,” she would usually not be so openly harsh on Lae’zel’s people—but they all had to know it was true, so she risked looking into Lae’zel’s eye long enough to try and convey that she was being sincere. “You know it’s true,” she added, once she locked gazes with her.
Gods. Was it really just yesterday that the two of them had been so at ease with each other? She could still remember the taste of the wine and Lae’zel’s full lips indulging her with sweet caresses. Even now, she was pulled into her impossibly large, wet amber eyes, all at once filled with longing and with anger.
“He has a certain amount of catching up to do,” Lae’zel said through bared fangs, “I will certainly not abandon him to the kind of upbringing I knew, when he is not ready for it. He will have my full attention and tutelage. He should know his people.”
Everyone else was silent a moment, watching the moments pass between the two of them with marked tension. Even Scratch was poised, as though awaiting an order.
“Well, what does Egg have to say about it?” Astarion motioned to the child.
At that, the room briefly exploded.
“—Why can’t I stay here?—” Egg demanded, pulling away from Alice to project his voice.
“—He still doesn’t even understand that he’s not going to be abandoned again—” Alice started, but at the same time that Lae’zel was roaring.
“—His name will not be Egg!”
And Shadowheart tried again to use the voice to pull back control, “—powers beyond human will are at work, we can’t simply ignore that.”
“Huh,” Astarion commented once there was enough silence for him to fill it. “Seems Egg is content to stay put, and I don’t have a problem with that, for the moment. He’s quiet and unobtrusive, apparently,” though his jaw clenched a little here, “what was that about powers beyond human will, Shadowheart? Do you mean to tell me that Lady Shar has an interest in a young githyanki child?”
“I am saying that it isn’t for any of us to decide his fate, when the gods themselves are involved.” It might seem futile, but her instincts told her not to betray her ladies secrets, in specifics, even when they’d already been guessed by an enemy.
“Thayans are also involved,” Lae’zel pointed out. “You may not want to keep him here, if it means they’ll come looking for him.”
Astarion motioned to Lae’zel but maintained a dangerous sliver of red eyecontact with Shadowheart, “she’s making better points than you.”
In spite of herself, Shadowheart did feel a small surge of annoyance at that. It wasn’t the kind of flip comment she was used to hearing any longer. No one had spoken to her like that since… well, since she’d traveled the sword coast with these people, almost six years ago now.
“You can’t honestly think that githyanki care about the well-being of children? They barely raise them in the first place. It’s just a clutch of eggs, then a gaggle of toddlers who kill each other off until a few lucky ones mature to something like adulthood and run off to die for glory in their never-ending wars.” She couldn’t stop herself. Years of practice, avoiding these thoughts and certainly avoiding the urge to say anything in front of Lae’zel broke like a dam. 
And, it seemed, Lae’zel was ready, with her own barely repressed thoughts, “better he struggle and learn to value his own life in the preservation of it, then be compelled to forget and give up on everything in his head and his heart, for the benefit of a greedy, pernicious goddess, who’s only pursuit is her own self aggrandizement at the expense of everything else in all the planes.”
She had tried to be nice about this. Shadowheart had come ready to use words, rather than force. But it was clear in the poison in Lae’zel’s words and the smirk on Astarion’s face that they had never really understood. They were against Shar, and they were against her. And there was nothing she could have ever done to prevent this outcome.
“Grovel,” Shadowheart commanded, and with a snap, the room around her collapsed. The spell hit all of them, except the gith child. She saw everyone but Lae’zel falling to their knees, ready to supplicate before her. Lae’zel had been the target she needed to subdue the most, but she’d thrown it off, and so Shadowheart hoped she could be fast enough to put some distance between them before Lae’zel reacted. Shadowheart sprang forward and reached out a hand to snatch the gith child from were he was huddled beside Alice as she lay prostrate on the floor.
Her fingertips barely brushed him when Astarion suddenly slammed into her, taking her completely by surprise.
He hadn’t been caught by her spell, but he’d pretended to fall under it, instead going into a crouch and then attacking. He caught her by the throat and kept moving, both of them hitting and then walking sideways up the nearest wall, as her weight hung off of his hand, where he had her at the jaw. She felt her rod ripped out of her hand and heard the crack of it breaking, felt the power she’d poured into it disburse as the broken pieces hit the ground.
Astarion’s grip at Shadowheart’s jaw was bruising, but he wasn’t closing off her airway or her blood supply, just yet, instead, he had her at the bones. Pressure strained through her entire body, but particularly down her spine and in her mouth, so that she barely managed to utter the verbal component to her next spell as he reached the ceiling and let her dangle from her head, “Ira et Dolor!”
Astarion groaned through a burst of sharp, glowing pain as the radiant figures whirled around both of them, trying to protect her and burn him. He endured it, but shifted his grip with a jerk. Now he had her airway closed, now he was putting pressure on the veins in her throat, and it was difficult to concentrate on the spell. She stared up at his infuriated face, hot with radiant burns, and suddenly remembered that he was a powerful vampire who had killed thousands of people. They’d always been friends, but it seemed that didn’t quite matter right now.
She felt the spell break, before she realized that she’d stopped maintaining it. She tried to reach up, but her hands went slack.
There was shouting from below, a loud crash and Astarion dropped her.
She only felt the perfect, untethered weightlessness of falling in the air for an instant, and then the world was black.
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shadowheartwhisperer · 4 months
I don't know if anyone else does this, but I wanted to share my particular cope with my bg3 hyoerfixation.
Below the "read more" is the roadmap for my playthrough with my resisted durge Dinah, romancing Shadowheart (for the 40th time, I am not being hyperbolic).
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Dinah Restart Roadmap
Notes -
Don't learn about Halsin, at all
Get Zorru then save Sazza and follow gut lead then kill leaders after gut confrontation
Agree to kill leaders because you need time to find Iron for Karlach upgrade
After leaders don't attend party, go to creche instead
- fail to open Shadowheart's pod (time to save scum)
- talk to Shadowheart, don't join up
- fight brains
- kill mindflayer
- see Gale but leave without interacting
- rest (urge)
Day 2
- enter ruins - beach side
- get Withers
- find bandits - run for it
- grove fight
- don't talk to Zevlor
- recruit Shadowheart
- rest - how do you feel?
Day 3
- back to ruins
- get Lae'zel
- clear ruins
- rest - hand hurt
Day 4
- get Wyll
- save Mirkon
- play with Alfira
- talk to Arabella's parents
- save Arabella
- find lead on Kagha
- meet Mol - agree to steal idol
- zorru
- save Sazza
- rest - playing with artifact + last night in camp
Day 5
- Investigate Kagha - mud mephits
- go backwards through blighted village (we got lost)
- cross bridge, fight hyenas
- meet paladins
- Recruit Karlach
- expose Kagha
- knock out Alfira
- rest - Quill
Day 6
- inquisition
- Gith Convoy (fail, Shadowheart escapes and resurrects everyone)
- kill Paladins
- steal idol
- talk to Dammon
- rest - Mizora
Day 7 (don't find metal)
- get Gale
- get Astarion
- Owlbear cave
- Scratch
- Smuggler's ring
- Wakeens rest
- kill all gnolls
- meet the zhent
- open barn
- save Barcus
- Necromancers Basement
- Spiders (if we have the stamina) through well
- rest - Astarion bite
Day 8
- Andrik and Brynna
- talk to Zevlor
- goblin camp - courtyard stuff
- goblin indoor stuff
- get brand
- get kidnapped by Gut
- kill Gut
- save Volo
- Ask Shadowheart thoughts on parasite
- rest - Dream Visitor
Day 9
- talk about dream (Shadowheart gets ersatz eye while talking)
- chicken chasing
- poison Goblins
- knock out Minthara
- Kill Ragzlin
- pick off straggler goblins
- rest - ?
Day 10
- return to Zevlor - lie and agree to party
- fix Karlach's heart
- fight Gith convoy
- to Crèche, no party
- rest -
Day 11
- buy what we want from Esther then kill her
- Kobolds
- Gremishka
- Open door to monastery
- place 3 weapons
- rest - owl bear cub
Day 12
- place last weapon
- Enter Crèche
- Do Crèche stuff
- get Lae'zel's son
- Zaith'isk
- Captain
- inquisitor
- prism
- rest - owl bear cub 2
Day 13
- blood of Lathander
- fight our way out of Crèche
- Give Gale last treat
- back to first area
- rest - Voss
Day 14
- bah at redcaps
- auntie Ethel
- Gale gets eye
- into Ethel's lair
- take deal and Mayrina CON +1
- resurrect Connor
- meet Gandrel
- get crossbow
- to grove
- meet Halsin
- get Sorrow
- rest - Lae'zel and Shadowheart confrontation
Day 15
- open Selûnite way to Underdark
- spectator
- bulette
- boooal
- arcane tower - except last floor
- rest - ?
Day 16
- top floor arcane tower
- Duergar on beach
- myconid colony
- Omeluum
- find Baelin
- Filro
- back to colony
- rest - ?
Day 17
- to Grymforge - use brand
- architect dude
- rothe
- get Shar idol
- conspire with duergar
- return Sargent's boots
- talk to gnomes
- fight merregon
- fight ooze
- find Philomen
- kill dudes by water
- Poison slavers
- talk to spiders
- kill myrmath
- rest - ?
Day 18
- Nere
- get monk necklace
- turn in head
- last minute shopping
- rest - ?
Day 19
- take elevator to Shadowlands
- send Elmister to camp
- talk to crew
- learn about Shar worship
- save Harpers
- meet He who was
- talk to Elminster
- talk to everyone
- start long rest - Mizora
- ask about Shar Worship
- rest - dream visitor
Day 20
- test dark Justiciar Convo
- to last light
- get Karlach upgrade
- talk to Mattis
- talk to Florrick
- talk to Cerys
- talk to Alfira
- talk to Barcus
- talk to His Majesty
- talk to Raphael, no Astarion
- talk to Mol
- shop
- talk to Rolan
- talk to Jaheira
- talk to Isobel
- fight Marcus
- start long rest
- ask to get to know Shadowheart
- rest - Sceleritas
Day 21
- Mother Superior?
- memory?
- shitload of shopping
- Harper ambush
- save Rolan
- back to last light, check on Rolan
- talk to Bex
- talk to Shadowheart about hand hurt?
- rest - dance with Wyll?
Day 22
- Gerringothe Thorm
- finish off patrol
- moonrise
- trial
- Dungeons
- save gnomes, teiflings & Minthara
- tell Isobel you won't hurt her
- recruit Minthara
- talk to everyone
- start long rest
- missed our chance?
- rest - Gale?
Day 23
- blood merchant
- gnoll Control
- talk to Z'rell
- explore Balthazar's room
- explore moonrise
- meet absolute
- rest - blood merchant talk
Day 24
- Back to first area
- get noblestalk
- go past poison geysers area
- get mithril
- fight grym
- forge stuff... Dunno what
- rest - drinks with m'lady
Day 25
- maybe don't talk to her right away
- any other cleanup stuff that could be in first area
- back to Shadowlands
- Thisobald
- get ledger
- town square fight
- find Arabella
- start long rest
- dtr with Shadowheart
- rest - ?
Day 26
- back to he who was
- fight trees
- play hide and seek
- shopping
- rest - ?
Day 27
- find Arabella's parents
- Malus Thorm
- morgue
- Kua toa
- up the hill to Raphael
- tell Arabella bad news
- rest - ?
Day 28
- wake art cullagh
- defend portal for Halsin
- shop!
- clear moonrise docks
- enter mausoleum
- talk to Arabella - cooled off?
- rest - ?
Day 29
- Enter temple of Shar
- first trial
- wall of bone and blade
- learn about trials
- to camp - talk about being in temple
- Meet Balthazar - agree to work with him for now
- kill Yurgir
- lick spider/start rat fight
- finish rat fight
- rest - stupid Raphael
Day 30
- last minute shopping
- town square trials
- Shar Olympics
- pray before Shadowfell
- last, last minute shopping
- questioning faith Convo, pretty please?
- enter Shadowfell
- kill Balthazar
- save Nightsong
- talk to camp
- to last light by way of shadowed battlefield
- talk to Isobel
- assault on moonrise
- Ketheric first defeat
- dtr with Shadowheart part 2
- rest - urge
Day 31
- illithid colony - Shadowheart, Wyll & Jaheira?
- get Us
- save Zevlor
- mizora
- get Wyll's sword
- remember to fucking talk to companions!
- check Durge pod
- Kressa
- big room full of dudes
- Brain machine
- kill Ketheric
- talk to everyone in moonrise
- leave moonrise
- rest - Shadowheart truth (no talk before sleep)
Day 32
- take Halsin to Oliver
- break curse
- Selûnite Resistance quest
- ritual circle
- last minute shopping
- gith patrol
- double, triple, check done with everything
- leave act 2
- chat around camp
- smooch lady many times
- rest - fucking stupid emperor
Day 33
- talk to everyone
- enter Rivington - Shadowheart, Jaheira, and Minthara
- swap Shadowheart for Wyll
- meet Ferg - bound weapon buy all shit
- swap in Astarion
- Talk to strange ox (w/Astarion and Minthara)
- meet gur
- back to main team (Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Karlach)
- help refugees in house
- enter circus, don't talk to dryad, maybe dribbles (save scum to learn if it effects love test)
- genie
- get trident
- meet necromancer lady
- steal hat
- go to open hand temple
- agree to solve murder
- help monk
- fight doppelgangers in cave
- exit to beach
- find dying guy/Orin
- fight guild and stone Lord dudes
- rest - Vlaakith
Day 34
- meet Ferg w/Shadowheart
- break into toymaker's basement
- Wyrm's Crossing
- meet gnomes
- take Astarion to meet siblings
- shakedown toymaker
- talk to stupid fucking elephant
- Voss
- tell Raphael to fuck off
- circle back to learn about bear bombs
- Harper ambush
- Wyrm's Rock
- learn Bhaalspawn heritage
- steal flaming fist uniform
- coronation
- rest - mizora (sandcastles?)
Day 35
- lower city
- talk to Jaheira
- find guild
- talk to nine fingers
- counting house
- get Minsc through back entrance
- back to guild, deal with Zhent
- rest - Minsc and Jaheira watch me sleep?
Day 36
- follow up on murders
- elf song
- rats in basement
- stupid emperor dumb shit
- save lady at wine tasting
- find bodies
- talk to lady at salty mermaid
- save Figaro
- meet Araj
- stop the presses
- rest - ?
Day 37
- hag survivors
- follow up with Vanra's mom
- salty mermaid, Ethel
- fight redcaps
- fight masked people
- fight Ethel, save Vanra
- follow up with Vanra
- follow up with Mayrina
- rest
(Should have had either kidnapping or Astarion family reunion at this point maybe both)
Day 38 (swap to immediately after kidnapping, if needed)
- Get elf song room
- go to coffin makers place, whatever
- unholy assassin
- buy all good stuff
- kill Saravok anyway
- snoop to learn about Orin
- go to sewers
- fight dumbshit sorcerer
- buy sweet druid robes
- open way to Bhaal's temple
- rest - ?
Day 39
- Bhaal trial
- find brain rats
- chat with Sceleritas
- go to Orin's room
- chat with her mother
- confront Orin
- kill Orin
- huzzah!
- rest - ?
Day 40
- find grave, leave night orchid
- find grafitti
- house of grief maybe?
- prepare to cry maybe?
- if we have stamina - fight poltergeists
- rest - cry my eyes out
Day 41
- go to hell
- house of hope
- kill Raphael, the bastard
- steal Voss' Silver Sword for me
- get Lae'zel's silver sword
- find mummy lord
- find zombie
- track down organs
- kill mummy lord
- return to Oskar
- tell Jannath she can do better
- rest - ?
Day 42 -
- Save Volo
- break into foundry
- talk to blind dude
- wavemother, agree to kill monster
- to society of brilliance
- talk to Blurg
- Jaheira's house
- sorcerers sundries
- fucking Aradin
- Laroakan
- Vault
- stupid Gale
- meet Mystra
- shopping, stalk up for iron throne
- Worg warehouse
- rest - ?
Day 43
- Iron Throne
- get Wavemother dress
- how are we feeling? If all good start ansur
- love test first
- do all trials
- rest - ?
Day 44
- fight ansur
- feeling ok? Start Cazador's Manor
- clear upper level
- rest - ?
Day 45
- talk to skull
- kill Cazador
- prepare to cry
- not too beat? Fireworks!
- rest - ?
Day 46
- *sigh Gortash
- lead out to roof? Stand in one place, ranged only? Either way, try not to set off traps
- talk to other 2 first, then karlach
- cry
- talk to companions again
- cry
- talk to Karlach again
- cry
- anything to clean up?
- rest - ?
Day 47
- anything you've forgotten?
- did you steal the tithes?
- did you find dribbles?
- mindflayer in windmill?
- dryad sex worker?
- adventurer's dad?
- double, triple, quadruple check
- rest - ?
Day 48
- brain rats
- fight brain
- win!
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shadowheartwhisperer · 7 months
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I got a bingo!!
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shadowheartwhisperer · 7 months
I want to play! But I've spent too much time in the game. I've done everything on this card except name a character Lilith or Persephone
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I got a bingo!!
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