Livia: How did you find me?
Nick: Oh, it was easy. I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that.
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Caleb: The Dead Sea is the saltiest thing on Earth.
Kody: Next to your bitch ass.
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Caleb, about one of Nick's ideas: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don't want to sound mean.
Nick: No, go ahead. I want to hear it.
Caleb: It fucking sucks.
Nick: That's not constructive criticism.
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Caleb: Dude, who have you cheesed off lately?
Nick: *counts on his fingers* Everyone.
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Nick: the stars sure are beautiful tonight
Kody: yeah
Nick: you know who else is beautiful?
Kody: *blushes* who?
Nick: Caleb
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Nick: did you just refer to a knife as a ‘people opener’?
Caleb: should i not have?
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Kody: “Yoink” is the opposite of"Yeet"
Caleb: But it’s just as fast
Nick:The Lord yeeteth and the Lord yoinketh away
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A conversation that my friends and I have had but it’s now chronicles of Nick
Nick:We ran out of chips, now how are we going to finish this dip?
Caleb: when I run out of chips I drink what’s left
Nick: w h a t
Caleb: I’m not a little bitch that backs down
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Lost in a mall
Acheron grabbing a microphone: it has came to my attention that Nick is missing you can keep him
*offended Nick screams*
Acheron: found him
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Acheron sitting In his room sipping tea
Something falls
Acheron: fucking Nick Gautier
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Nick Gautier
would definitely be playing Old Town Road (I Got the Horses in the Back) remix with Billy Ray Cyrus to Ash just to annoy him and nothing can convice me otherwise.
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Users on Twitter: We're on a roll! We can do this!! #saveshadowhunters
Twitter banning accounts: LMAO I THINK THE FUCK NOT
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Imagine Alec talking to Magnus, trying to reassure him that he doesn't need magic to be apart of things. And then he gets down on one knee, holding Magnus' hand. He says "I love you Magnus, despite everything that has happened, nothing in this world will change how much I need you. I don't think I could ever be without you. Will you marry me?"
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The floor is Alec
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And also to never give up on fighting for what I love.
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One thing Shadowhunters taught me was to never let a Lightwood cook anything.
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I need to remind myself this from time to time. Because as I writer, I get so disappointed in myself when I say I will work on finishing my stories but end up going on a 9 month haitus. I'm constantly comparing myself to writers I see on here, instagram with their fan fictions,etc. And I sit there amazed at how much they get done in just a few days. Meanwhile, it takes me so much longer to even finish one chapter. So I always need to remind myself that its okay and I don't need to be comparing myself to other writers and putting myself down.
Reminder for writers
Do not compare yourself to other writers. 
You don’t have to write more than they do.
You don’t have to write faster than they do.
You will finish in your own time. Everyone has their own set of skills, their own routine, and their own pace.
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