shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
He reached for her and drew her in, and kissed her. There were some things you had to do, even if they were a bad idea. She folded into his arms like delicate silk. He put his hands into her hair and ran his fingers through it, untwisting her braids until her hair fell around her shoulders the way he liked it. He remembered wanting to do this the first time he had seen her, dismissing the idea as insane. She was a mundane, she'd been a stranger, there'd been no sense in wanting her. And then he had kissed her for the first time, in the greenhouse, and it had almost made him crazy. They had gone downstairs and been interrupted by Simon, and he had never wanted to kill anyone as much as he had wanted to kill Simon in that moment, though he knew, intellectually, that Simon hadn't done anything wrong. But what he felt had nothing to do with intellect, and when he had imagined her leaving him for Simon, the thought had made him sick and scared the way no demon ever had.
City of Fallen Angels
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
He reached out and put his hand to Alec’s cheek, his thumb brushing along the cheekbone. His touch felt like fire, training tendrils of sparks in its wake. Alec sat frozen in surprise — surprise at the gesture, and surprise at the effect it was having on him.
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
"Oh good. You're staring to talk about yourself in the third person. That's not a sign of impending megalomania or anything."
Simon (City of Fallen Angels)
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
This was what being in love meant. He’d always prided himself on his technique, on having control, on the response he could elicit. But that required evaluation, and evaluation required distance, and there was no distance now. He wanted nothing between himself and Clary.
Manor Scene
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
He was pretty sure all the blood had left his brain as he fumbled at the clasp of her bra — which was ridiculous, what was the point of being a Shadowhunter and expert at everything if you couldn’t figure out the clasp on a bra?
Manor Scene
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
"He remembered the first time he’d kissed her, in the greenhouse, how he’d finally gotten it, finally understood the way someone’s mouth against yours could undo you, leave you spinning and breathless. That all the expertise in the world, any techniques you knew or had learned, went out the window when it was the right person you were kissing."
Manor Scene
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
"Boyfriend. It was still a shock, hearing that word. For so long it had seemed a total impossibility that Jace would ever be her boyfriend, that they could ever be anything to each other at all but brother and sister, and that had been too hard and horrible to face. Never seeing each other again, they had decided, would have been better than that, and that would have been like dying. And then, by a miracle, they had been set free. Now it had been six weeks, but Clary wasn't tired of the word yet."
City of Fallen Angels
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
"That's why girls have boyfriends. So you have someone to take you to boring functions."
Clary Fray (City of Fallen Angels)
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
"What teenager doesn't lie to their parents?"
Simon Lewis (City of Fallen Angels)
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
"I'm not his bodyguard. I'm his girlfriend. Which gives me the right to kick your ass if you bother him. That's how it works."
Isabelle Lightwood (City of Fallen Angels)
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
I haven't gotten a chance go to through City of Glass yet (I have some on here, but not all yet), so I shall start the quotes for City of Fallen Angels.
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
As the end of 2011 approaches, I hope you guys are all ready for the new year and the challenges that may come with it. Today's going to be the last day of the year, so cherish it because we're never going to have another 2011 ever again. (:
I hope you guise all have an excellent year and a future full of wonderful memories. You guys are all lovely; I wish you guys the best in the upcoming year and the years to follow. xD
Happy New Years Eve~! (;
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
“You’re my sister. My sister, my blood, my family. I should want to protect you. To protect you from the sort of boys who want to do with you exactly what I want to do.”
Jace (City of Glass)
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
“I know it's wrong - God, it's all kinds of wrong - but I just want to lie down with you and wake up with you, just once, just once ever in my life.”
Jace Herondale (City of Glass)
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
“And now I’m looking at you, and you’re asking me if I still want you, as if I could stop loving you. As if I would want to give up the thing that makes me stronger than anything else ever has. I never dared give much of myself to anyone before – bits of myself to the Lightwoods, to Isabelle and Alec, but it took years to do it – but, Clary, since the first time I saw you, I have belonged to you completely. I still do. If you want me.”
Jace Herondale (City of Glass)
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
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So instead of posting this post on this blog, I posted it on my personal. -.-
Anyways, that's my copy of Clockwork Prince, all bookmarked with quotes to post. (:
How long should I wait though? I don't want to spoil it for anybody but I don't want to delay the posting a bit too long... should I wait 1 month... 2 months... maybe 3? :/
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shadowhunterquotes · 13 years
“You’ve been smelling her?”
Jem (Clockwork Angel)
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