shahad-hamwi · 3 years
an augmented reality experience based on the The Museum fur Kommunikation, Berlin.
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
my idea was to have a steak and text boxes around it talking about the impact meat industry. 
Tumblr media
ideally the documentary posters would link to the actual documentaries and the user can learn more about these issues. 
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
“Presenting and Preserving New Media” Christiane Paul in Digital Art, Thames and Hudson, 2007. “Collecting Experience: The Multiple Incarnations of Very Nervous System, Lizzie Mueller, in New Collecting: Exhibiting and Audiences after New Media Art” Routledge, 2016.
it was interesting to look at other works and see how we can relate these to our very own AR museum apps that we are developing. 
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
Show and Tell, Robert Storr in What Makes a Great Exhibition?, Paul Marincola, Reaktion Books, 2007 What is an Exhibition?, Elena Filipovic in Ten Fundamental Questions of Curating, ed. Jens Hoffman, Mousse Publishing, 2008
i’ve always enjoyed curating whether it was art or music or organizing an event, i think the mere act of putting things together in some sort of logical way - or in a way that at least makes sense to you as well as allows all pieces of the collection to come together and complement each other in a successful way is an act of curation. 
and taking this class it's been interesting to see how that translate into AR and VR. There are definitely a lot of differences as you can't just augment everything and anything but it also opens a lot of doors to elements of a collection that cannot be replicated without technology.  
so i guess these readings dive deeper into the act of curation and the importance of understanding its motives in putting together collections.
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
“the museum: a refuge for utopian thought”
i guess the reading for this week was more about how museums serve as a space for curators to display their collections in whatever way that their imagination sees fit. and i guess this can branch out to augmented museums - as the curator know has a wider range of possibilities to display the objects they would like to showcase. 
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
Design Document
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
“the ignorant art museum: beyond meaning making” by emilie sitzia “distinction” by pierre bourdieu
i guess the readings for this week were more about understanding the motives behind putting art in a museum. answering questions like why it's there and the distinction between educational and cultural reasonings for a art collections. the readings also talked about the impact of the curation on art collections and how it impacts the way it is perceived by the audience of the museums. understanding these elements of designing and organizing a museum are important so that they are also taken in consideration when shifting the gallery into in augmented experience, so that when that is done the essence of the art is still preserved. 
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
collection exploration project
inspired by Andy Warhol and The Warhol museum; i designed ‘the warhol - augmented’. An interactive experience which implements Andy’s artistic ideology, which highlights the art in everyday objects around us. 
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
collections project
for my collections project i decided to work under the theme of women’s week in sports and choose three female athletes we have here on the NYUAD campus. i wanted to display objects to do with each of their relative sports, alongside a picture and blurb of what they have done/their accomplishments, plus have a sound (that again has to do with the sport) play when each one is picture tapped. i certainly ran out of time, but getting to know how to deal with the hundreds of bugs that i got was a learning experience.
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
“malraux's imaginary museum to the virtual museum” by antonia battro  “behind the scenes of the museum's website” by r.j. wilson
the readings for this week definitely helped me better understand the role that virtual museums play in the arts world today, and that got me thinking about our own collections and virtual exhibitions that we are creating/curating and how to make sure that we put them together in the more effective way possible. 
two things i found very interesting from these pieces were:
- the fact that more people visit museums in person rather than online (even though the internet can be accessed by a much greater number of people)
- the idea that before contemporary museums art was defined not by the artist but by the subject of the piece. 
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
GemÀldegalerie: i think this project is super interesting as it allows us to experience some art pieces in the way that they were supposed to be used. for example the video with the window type piece, usually in museums visitors aren't allowed to touch or interact with the art - for obvious reasons like the risk of damage - but with augmented reality we are able to still interact with the art in some sort of way - and i guess that also honors the use of it and the opinions of the original artist. 
Humboldt Foyer: for this project i'll be honest and say the first things that struck me is the aesthetics. i appreciate the minimalist and clean cut if the design proposals. i absolutely love the screen thing that's hanging from the ceiling and i think that it's an art piece within itself. the idea of presenting art before the art is displayed is interesting and unique i think - is almost like a trailer but interactive. im not exactly sure how this would work/look like but its a cool idea. 
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
“Museum4Punkt0″ by katrin glinka
the reading gave insight into new areas of development for museums and how they could be integrated within our societies in new ways. to be honest it was really hard to follow through with the exact details and context of the reading due to its layout, i'm not sure if that's a common thing or just my short attention span/lack of concentration.
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
“key concepts of museology” by andrĂ© desvallĂ©es & françois mairesse “the end of the museum?” by nelson goodman “museums in the digital age” by susanna bautista
the readings for this week were helpful in understanding the cultural and historical development of museums in society. and from that i was able to see a heavy european influence within the ‘art’ and ‘exhibition’ world - and i wonder if that's just a natural outcome of their colonial power. one of the things i found particularly interesting is the chapter about objects in the key concepts of museology piece, the part where the author discuss the ‘decontextualization’ of a chair that is used within an exhibit; it loses its function as a chair and just becomes an object for view/study. it's quite interesting how through mediation and curation we are able to create or deconstruct meaning to these objects that are in museums. 
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
i chose to have a banana as my object simply because bananas are my favorite food. i made three buttons: one for production, one for mediation and one for consumption of bananas. creating the buttons and adding the text was quite simple and straight to the point, but i had a lot of issues with the camera and the object itself as well as the sprite.
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
"the poetics of augmented space" by lev manovich
"radical technologies" by adam greenfield, verso
i think the readings for this week did a really good job at breaking down the relationship between space and virtual/artificial intelligence/media. the part that struck me the most was the story in the second reading about the girl who discovered a dead body while playing pokemon go- when the author wrote: 'she became the first person to discover a body while being in two places at the same time'. that's when i realized that VR is really a whole other world - but where do we draw the line between healthy and unhealthy escapism from 'reality'?
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shahad-hamwi · 3 years
"artefacts and the meaning of things" by daniel miller
"doing cultural studies: the story of the sony walkman" by paul du gay and stuart hall
the readings for this week were a bit different than the past few weeks/readings. ironically they were focused more on materials rather than the main theme of our class which is less materialistic and more virtual. but i guess it was interesting to conceptualize how materialistic our lives are at the moment and to visualize the value that these objects have in our lives. but also the readings make you question what is value and who decides what has high or low value? how does this differ in different environements and societies? and how does this effect art and galleries? the second readings as well brought the idea of culutre in as well and that is one that definitly effects alot of art today: pop culture etc. and even in the past with the rise of capitalism and pop art in the USA in the 1960s. so i guess the question that is raised is how does culture today effect the possibility of augmented galleries?
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