shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
وجود زن سے ہے تصویر کائنات میں رنگ
اسی کے ساز سے ہے زندگی کا سوز دروں
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
وہ بتو ں نے ڈا لے ہیں وسو سے کہ دلو ں سے خو ف خدا گیا
وہ پڑ ی رو ز قیا متیں خیا ل رو ز جزا گیا۔
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
‏عوام لائنوں میں لگ کر چینی لے رہی ہے جس سے ان کے اندر صبر اور ڈسپلن پیدا ہو گا، فردوس عاشق اعوان
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
“This is you. Eyes closed, out in the rain. You never thought you’d be doing something like this, you never saw yourself as, I don’t know how you’d describe it… Is like one of those people who like looking up at the moon, who spend hours gazing at the waves or the sunset or… I guess you know the kind of people I’m talking about. Maybe you don’t. Anyway, you kind of like being like this, fighting the cold, feeling the water seep through your shirt and getting through your skin. And the feel of the ground growing soft beneath your feet. And the smell. And the sound of the rain hitting the leaves. All the things they talked about in the books you haven’t read. This is you, who would have guessed it? You.”
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
“Don’t say maybe if you want to say no.”
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
“The most important thing we learn at school is the fact that the most important things can’t be learned at school.”
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
“I figured something out. The future is unpredictable.”
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
“Just remember that, sometimes, the way you think about a person isn’t the way they actually are…”
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
““A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.””
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else. - Unknown
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
‏نبی اکرم ﷺ نے فرمایا:
تم میں سب سے بہتر وہ ہے جو اپنے اہل و عیال کے لیے بہتر ہو، اور میں اپنے اہل و عیال کے لیے تم میں سب سے بہتر ہوں ۔
(سنن ابن ماجہ،۱۹۷۷
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
““ - She is in love. - I don’t even know her! - Oh, you know her. - Since when? - Since always. - In your dreams. ””
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
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shahbaz-alvi-world · 3 years
Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.
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