A wry smile tugged at Shane’s expression as the other male spoke, elaborating with words that not only forced him to think beyond his own logical parameters, but also touched on a bit of the philosophical nature which still lingered from his more... green days. “So you think we should repopulate the earth with healthy people? Eventually eliminate all the biters and overcome it as a resilient human race? Seems a bit idealistic to me, but it’s an interesting concept.” Unfortunately, in Shane’s opinion, such hope and promise for a triumphant ending existed only in the finales of poorly conducted action movies. “What happens when all the parents start dying off from infected attacks and they leave a bunch of helpless babies behind? What happens when we have to abandon pregnant women for the sake of our own survival because they’re slowing us down? Idealism, man. It can only get you so far.”
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Pursing his lips together, the teenager heaved a short sigh. “New world, old world, call it whatever you want, but the way I see it, fulfilling the need to reproduce is always a part of our basic instinct. And sometimes, love becomes the justifying factor.”
People’s decision on what to do with their life, what to do with their relationship – well, basically, people’s decision in general – was none of his business. While exception might apply every now and then, social-related choices were more easily affected by emotional pressure than rational calculation, especially in stressful time like this. Debating over such volatile value could take hours or even days, yet with a more scientific approach, Taeil was hoping to simplify his reasoning.
“Raising a child in our situation must be tough, but not impossible – then again, has it ever been easy? We just have to learn to live among the predators. Human race has gone through a lot of so-called apocalypses – whenever a war broke out somewhere, it was the end of the world for someone – but we made it. We’ve always made it. It doesn’t matter where the two of us stand in this – I mean, do I look like someone who would go on dating spree? The cycle of reproduction is what ensures our survival and that’s the fact, whether we like it or not. So…,” brown hue eyed the pale-looking guy closely, “…why expect the fundamentals to change now?”
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"Good,” he nodded solemnly. “You’re one of the smart ones then. People around here are too complacent, too wrapped up in their little life dramas that they forget a whole world of terror exists beyond those gates. A world without streets, and rules, and patrols to protect you from the dangers you can’t see.” Returning to the girl’s face, he felt his expression soften. “You shouldn’t be scared of giving birth, though. Out of anywhere I’ve been, this place has the most experienced medical staff and more equipment than you could shake a stick at. You’ll be fine.”
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The question she got quite often. People would ask if she was okay, or if she was scared. She always told them the same, that she was fine when she was not. But scared? Who wasn’t scared. It was human to be scared. It was natural to feel that way. The world deteriorated before their eyes, infected creeping everywhere. Her heart stammered against her chest every time the thought crossed her mind, their loud creepy moans and their fetid smell; devouring anyone who crossed their paths. Who wasn’t scared of the big bad monster? 
A slight nod was given as response, eyes trained on the pavement. It seemed the monsters in her life only got stronger, scarier. It was a nightmare all on itself, from her father to the infected to bearing a child. 
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“Tell that to the rabbits. Seems like every group I’ve ever been a part of, even the ones where I only stayed a day or two, people are doing the dirty like their lives depend on it. Kind of makes you wonder where the priorities lie.” 
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“You know, you’ve got a point. Condoms are not really considered a necessity anymore. Though I guess maybe it’s best to avoid penetrative sex, that tends to solve the pregnancy issue.”
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“We’re already alone.”
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“And where’s that leave someone? Alive longer than the rest, but alone in the end.”
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“How many of those... Oh what do they call them? Runners? How many of them are actually going out and stocking up the place on contraceptives? My guess is not many since there are more important things on the brain like food, water, weapons, that sort of stuff.” Shane bobbed his head from side to side at the logic. “That comfort is just a bandaid.”
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“Condoms are still, y’know… viable. If you have them.” And they haven’t expired. Or gone bad in the cold. Owen tongued the back of his teeth, and he tried to remember how many were left in his bedroom’s nightstand – tried not to think of what would happen when they ran out. “I don’t know. Sex ain’t smart: I’ll give you that. But it can be comforting, right? Some people need that right now.”
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“No, because I’d be dead.”
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“ But would you care if you’re dead? ”
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Shane nodded to the unfamiliar woman’s growing stomach, wondering how much longer it would be until she was due to deliver another life unto a barren planet. “Not including you of course since it looks like your situation goes back way before everything went down the toilet.” He tilted his head, not sure if this subject would broach her guarded barriers beyond what she could handle. “Are you scared?”
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Ada wasn’t one to compromise herself in carnal relations. The whole idea of it was just avoided by her altogether, only thinking of it as a wrong thing; all because of her past experiences with it. But pleasure, what pleasure did that brought? The girl frowned, not fully understanding the man before her. But she very well got his point, even though she herself was expecting a child. A small shrug was given to him, too timid to say anything at all.
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“Everybody wants to feel loved,” Shane quipped. “But that’s kind of an old world desire, you know? We need to evolve out of it if we want to adapt to this new one. And nobody seems to understand that the relationships they form are going to crumble and fall the very second they’re put to a real test. So we can seek them out, but they’re effectively useless now. I don’t know about you, but I have no time for useless things anymore.”
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Well, your hair amazes me.
Wow, someone is actually more pessimistic than me.
Taeil could’ve ignored the stranger’s commentaries and moved on with his quiet, peaceful life – for however temporary it would be; but he didn’t. While the topic was completely nowhere in his department, it managed to tickle the South Korean’s inner analytical senses.
“Maybe they just like to feel, uhh…,” he shrugged, trying to find the right word to explain himself. Is it ‘wanted’? ‘Desired’?
“…loved? I mean, isn’t it somehow more reassuring to die knowing you’ll be missed than feeling like you’ve been alone all along? And, well… With the infected constantly banging on your door, some people may think they have enough problems to even worry about the STDs anymore…”
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“But how permanent are we really? I mean, tomorrow I could die of a heart condition nobody knows exists and you could get shot by a stray bullet. Doesn’t seem very permanent to me.”
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“ Wow —-  You are yourself the closest to the idea of what being permanent is so far. And I am for myselft the closest to it as well, if we go on that way. We’re both people, aren’t we? I can do this all day, just so you know. ”
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“It just kind of amazes me, you know? That people are willing to even make relationships, have sex, risk their livelihood for a little bit of pleasure. What happens when everyone starts to get pregnant? When STD’s are passed around? When a horde of them come busting through the town and people’s pants are around their ankles? It’s a foolish endeavor.”
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“No, but I think it keeps you alive longer. Not forever, since that’s a ridiculous idea in this new world, but at least longer than the rest.”
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“Can’t guarantee that the former won’t kill you either.”
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“People aren’t permanent either. Just walk outside these walls if you want that confirmed. Or ask around, see who’s lost family, lovers, friends. You’re all kidding yourselves if you think the bonds you make here matter, they all go up in smoke in the end.”
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“ Permanence huh? Well, what can I say? — Maybe it’s not about places, maybe it’s about people now. ”
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“Leaves you all to choose a side. Embrace the crumbling of society or cling to it and pretend the structure is still worth holding onto. Can’t guarantee the latter won’t get you killed, though.”
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“And what if that’s already happened? What if people have already stopped playing by the old rules and have made up their own? Where does that leave the rest of us stuck in the middle the new and the old?”
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“Sure, you can believe in a lot of stuff. The vigor of the human spirit, our almost animalistic will to live, or even God if that’s your thing. But I think I have to draw the line at permanence. That’s something we all lost the second this infection started.”
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“ Well, a friend told me we need to believe in something. Doesn’t have to be eternal, though. ” Ivy didn’t believe Fall City were to fall before picking a fight. It had already been proven.
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“Sorry for snapping. It just – Frustrates me when people will live here, criticize it, and contribute nothing for it. Usually it kind of all flows together in one. I assumed you were one of those people.”
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“I’ll contribute as best I can while I’m here, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a few opinions of my own. Can’t help what I’ve seen and lived through.”
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You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a  m a s t e r p i e c e .
↳ requested by warriorgriiffins
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