shann0n13 · 2 years
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Sam Sam so what's the past for? i'll need it if love don't last long. you can run around infinite in my head. — my sam sam. my boy. my constant. my sidekick. my protector. my love. my best friend. — sixteen years with him and now a month without him. i still can’t believe it. this month without him feels longer than all the years i got with him. i still cry every day because he was my every day. i miss him waiting outside of every door i went into, i miss how excited he would get anytime food was near, i miss how whenever i sat on the floor he would come and sit with his back against mine to protect me, i miss how no matter if he just got settled he would get up and follow me anywhere i went, i miss kissing his paws every night and kissing his warm little forehead every morning and telling him I loved him, i miss walks with him and how he always had to go on the fire hydrant, i miss him barking at absolutely nothing, i miss him scratching at the door for me to let him in, i miss him waiting by my side for a piece of watermelon every time i ate some, i miss getting home and seeing him sitting outside my bedroom door and him running down the hallway to me when he saw me, i miss taking him on drives in my jeep and seeing his ears blow in the wind, i miss crying into him when i was depressed or anxious or just had a bad day…. i could go on and on about him. sam was the best boy and i don’t know how life will go but i think he was the dog of my life. he was my other half. and i feel so lost without him. he was right by my side everyday for more than half my life. and it hurts to not start and end everyday with him. — when i was younger i always said that a husky was my dream dog but when i stopped being a lazy teenager and appreciated sam more and invested more time and love in him, i started saying that sam WAS my dream dog. because the type of dog didn’t matter, it was the heart of the dog that did and sam had the biggest. i will always be honored and thankful that i got to be his human and that he loved me more than anything and anyone, except maybe French fries. he would always leave my side for french fries and i don’t blame him. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcOKq3LP74H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shann0n13 · 3 years
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i’m so happy that i’m alive, happy i’m alive at the same time as you. — this wonderful, hilarious, smart, and spirited human is thirteen today. i’m so proud of the human that she has grown into and as much as i don’t want her to get older, i can’t wait to see who she continues to grow into. — #stayfearlesskhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/CV_Yb2QPKIW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shann0n13 · 4 years
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there’s always been a rainbow hanging over your head. — today is national cancer survivors day. it is a day that demonstrates that life after a cancer diagnosis can be a reality. — i know that the world is heavy right now, and it feels like there is terror coming from every direction and it’s a lot to take in. sometimes we need those happy moments to remind us that happy endings do exist. yes, there are hard and brutal days along the way, but you keep fighting for your happy ending, your families happy ending, your communities happy ending, your worlds happy ending. — this girl, she fought for her happy ending. she gave so much and then she gave more to earn that title of survivor. she’s fearless and relentless in her pursuit to live because she knows what is like to not have the energy to do just that. — she’s our khloe. our goofball, our hilarious, smart, silly, wild, kind, caring, odd, feisty, determined, loving, brave, and fearless eleven-year-old. oh, and she just happens to be a childhood cancer survivor. — #StayFearlessKhloe #NationalCancerSurvivorsDay https://www.instagram.com/p/CBJdCy0hvkK/?igshid=4z71wwgvozf7
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shann0n13 · 4 years
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thank you to ALL the heroes. — to the ones treating the virus to the sanitation workers and janitors. the scientists to store workers. the postal service and delivery drivers to all the teachers. all the parents raising and teaching children to police officers. the firefighters to volunteers helping provide help to all those that need it. to every single person that is risking their health every single day to protect and provide to our society. — they all matter. they are all essential. they all deserve our thanks. — to the frontline all over the world, thank you for all you do. — #StayFearlessKhloe #RainbowsInWindows https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qXrShD-at/?igshid=1uzjbp7skyldi
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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pups and primaries. — if you live in california, texas, arkansas, alabama, colorado, maine, minnesota, massachusetts, vermont, utah, north carolina, virginia, tennessee, or oklahoma, get out and VOTE TODAY. — exercise your right. — #VOTE https://www.instagram.com/p/B9SN6D8B9HR/?igshid=1s3guz70a1p5r
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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consistently thankful you were born, grateful for who you are, and endlessly appreciative for the happiness you bring into our girls life. — #HappyBirthdayTaylor #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Bz4dghs8f/?igshid=ljgakdrf2h0a
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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it’s morning now, it’s brighter now. — day thirty of september. last day of childhood cancer awareness month. — it is estimated that there will be eleven thousand and sixty new cancer cases diagnosed among children newborn to fourteen years in the united states in twenty-nineteen alone. and it is also estimated that there will be one thousand one hundred and ninety cancer deaths among children this year. the numbers are heartbreaking, but thinking of the actual lives, names, dreams, families, futures that are being robbed is the true heartbreak here. it’s a fact that our kids deserve more. not meaning to take away from others, but just give them the same. it’s that simple really. it isn’t fair that this disease targets the most vulnerable among us, but it does. and then it forces families to have to worry if saving their child’s life is only replacing one problem with others for the rest of their life. all because they are being given adult strength medicine that is not made with children in mind. it needs to change. please believe it needs to change with us. our kids need you. not just this month, but all year. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B3C9zTNBaVA/?igshid=h9b91rzrnyri
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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hard times, well they come to tell us all, sure as the tickin' of the clock on the wall. sure as the turnin' of the night into day. your smile, girl, brings the mornin' light to my eyes. lifts away the blues when I rise. i hope that you're coming to stay — day twenty-nine of september. day twenty-nine of childhood cancer awareness month. — did you know that today, there are over four hundred and twenty thousand survivors of childhood cancer in the united states alone? that translates to approximately one in seven hundred and fifty young adults? and that number is expected to exceed five hundred thousand by the year twenty-twenty. they should never have had to earn that title, but it’s an incredible victory that they fought hard every single day to earn. true badasses. true heroes. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B3AaiKnh5pf/?igshid=1jd4y7jd0kkjy
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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open up my eyes, tell me i’m alive. — day twenty-eight of september. day twenty-eight of childhood cancer awareness month. — this was taken a few days before khlo’s enucleation surgery. one of the last pictures I have of both her eyes up close. by this point, she could really only see shadows and light in her right eye. that is still crazy to think about to this day. khlo didn’t even really talk about how she couldn’t see out of her eye anymore. she just pushed on and carried that weight and fear by herself. retinoblastoma was the cancer she had. it is the most common eye cancer among children but it is one of the rarest cancers among children with fewer than 20,000 cases reported a year. it presents itself in children five and younger. our girl was diagnosed about 2 weeks before her fifth birthday. her birthday that year was spent dealing with the side effects of chemo. i can still see that day so vividly in my head every time I talk about it. it’s hard to relive those days, but i also think its important so we can help raise awareness. khlo presented no signs of cancer. she was only checked out because a white glow was noticed in her eye. that’s how retinoblastoma presents itself. know we know that. and we want you to know that, so that you can know what to look out for in the eyes of the children in your life. we hope you never see that white glow. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B29vLKQhSkg/?igshid=1xsrahgqq0rtc
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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you cause lanterns to light and force demons disperse. — day twenty-seven of september. day twenty-seven of childhood cancer awareness month. — did you know that there are seventy-one potential life years lost on average when a child dies of cancer compared to seventeen potential life years lost for adults? seventy-one. that is an absolutely heartbreaking, breath stealing number. that is an entire life. not just the child’s life but the life of the family who won’t get to have a long and full life with their wonderful little human. that is a devastating thought. and it should be no ones reality. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B27Or5ghOa8/?igshid=1njg0fukdvmov
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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hello sunshine, won’t you stay? — day twenty-six of september. day twenty-six of childhood cancer awareness month. — did you know the children that survive the five years after a cancer diagnosis have an eight times greater mortality rate due to the increased risk of liver and heart disease? and they also have an increased risk for reoccurrence of the original cancer or of a secondary cancer? we fight so that the children that do survive this horrendous attack will have a life completely free of the hands of this monster. not just a detour. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B24wgK2hBnE/?igshid=1l34p53grhm7i
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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these are better days, it's true... better days are shining through. — day twenty-five of september. day twenty-five of childhood cancer awareness month. — did you know that over the past twenty years, the FDA has approved about one hundred and ninety new cancer treatments for adults but only three for children? that means our children have continued to receive treatments that have not been updated since the nineteen sixties. which also means they have been given outdated treatments that may have harmful side effects and consequences that can last a lifetime. our children deserve more. they deserve target treatments developed specifically for their cancer and their age. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B22Y72JhKLP/?igshid=qk3tmzgb85nd
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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when your heart hurts, days like today are the antidote. — day twenty-four of september. day twenty-four of childhood cancer awareness month. — yesterday was a really, really good day. i’m always so thankful we still have her but especially yesterday. we laughed so much that we cried. so lucky that those are the only tears we cried yesterday. hooray for four. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B20IZGQBXSr/?igshid=148lm2mjp8ctn
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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miracle sister, from the minute you were born you have held your head above water, you have outrun a storm. miracle sister, from the second you were saved, you have shown me how to see through the surface and say, “even in your darkest days, have hope, be strong, don't break. now I see you walk again, my heart could burst with pride. — day twenty-three of september. day twenty-three of childhood cancer awareness month. — four years. wow. so proud of her always. i love her with my whole heart. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B2xKnNKhtcu/?igshid=12ee5nhxacclx
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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i once believed love would be black and white, but it’s golden. — day twenty-two of september. day twenty-two of childhood cancer awareness month. — the happiness, laughter, joy, and fun times were never something that cancer could take. but now, it’s just not something we actively have to seek out in spite of cancer. it’s something that comes freely because we have our girl. we have her silly, incredibly hilarious, fun personality that makes everyday full of tears in your eyes laughter. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ueNYKhBnk/?igshid=1qfg8saq10cyr
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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got nothing to prove, but i'ma show you how i do. — day twenty-one of september. day twenty-one of childhood cancer awareness month. — this is the happiness when you’re two years free of cancer, chemo, and long hospital visits. she did that. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rtMvLBC4F/?igshid=17m1kfh379grf
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shann0n13 · 5 years
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talk to me about how there’s never no hope. — day twenty of september. day twenty of childhood cancer awareness month. — the first year. every year is full of worry but especially that one. worry that it wasn’t really gone. worry that the cancer actually did spread out of her eye. worry that symptoms would show up again. worry that it would come back. she’s never given up hope that she’s free, so neither will we. with her fearless heart, there is always hope. — go gold. fight childhood cancer. — #StayFearlessKhloe https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pa3lnBUgS/?igshid=1ijh0vwruxm45
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