shanon00110101-blog · 7 years
By: Paul            Garrison
 Governmental agency having many foolish operations, Janson reformed  his days of covert  operations and set a new mission for himself and he ought to change his name. Working in partnership with Jessica Kincaid who’s champion sharpshooter. Janson rehabilitates disenchanted agents and help them to create new lives outside the violent intelligence sector. He stand firm for his new goal, to save the world with one operative, one mission, and one redemption at a time. Ahead of that, for the wages of foolishness, he used his skills to resolve international crises. He rescued an American doctor from Somali pirates, attacking militant thugs intent on murdering a West African human rights advocate, and hunting money lenders who capitalized on barbaric civil war. However, with his commitment in doing what is right while moving along with  canny intelligence operatives, ruthless warlords, deep-sea marauders, or brutal dictators. He finds out that his difficult task is to figure out if he’s fighting for the good side.
Reading wasn’t my profession, yet it catch me up, I felt horrible when reading that hundred pages of novel but its been a pleasure. The text brought me into the abyss of imagination, opened widely that every moment right in the story ought to be visualized. However, I’m having hard-time to lay a minute for reading but I had it already, maybe I’m just tardy. When reading the novel, my instinct always foretell; “You should’ve read the story!” Well, from the first place, I’ve already liked it, because the author of the novel is the creator of Jason Bourne, Robert Ludlum.
 Paul Janson is the protagonist in the novel, he is an intelligent man who tries to save the world, and his partner Jessica Kincaid is always at his side to help him. Vegas rules, accommodated by Janet Hatfield, captain of the Amber Dawn, Hadrain Van Pelt who holds the crew list of Amber Dawn, and Terry Flannigan is an nomadic corporate physician, globetrotting womanizer, and world-class stubborn. Janson and Kincaid found an American Synergy Corporation where Douglas Case is their, Doug is an operator of SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. Kate is assistant of polished Junior League, and Iboga is the leader in Isla de Foree and in the Angolan wars. Ferdinand Poe is a beacon of democratic hope, and Kingsman Helms is one of the four men and two woman who eviscerate their own mothers. Bill Pounds is the ex-Ranger of Doug Case in ASC field agents, and his partner Rob a hard-eyed Houston Police Department detective. Neil Kruger is a gun dealer and Trevor Suzman is a national commissioner of South Africa Police Service. Ed is the one who brought the changed destination up on the Honeywell Flight Management System, and Mike is the radio man contacting AATCC(Atlantic Air Traffic Control Center). Agostinho Kiluanji and Augustus Heinz known as Double As, and Dr. Hagopian is the one who supplied the delivery of rifles to FFM. Micky Ripster who wouldn’t kill a man who doesn’t try to kill them, and Illyich Hagopian is a young man and handsome which he received his Christian name from his doting Russian mother. Mick Jagger who’s betting to climb out of a black BMW, and Annie Oakley blast the Iboga’s tanks. Mario Margarido is the chief of staff, and Quintisha Upchurch is the manager of CatsPaw Associates and Phoenix Foundation. Hans Klopper is obsessed by fear and hatred of black Africa.
 They haven’t changed, even they’re not friends at all, for all of them felt the risk of Cons Ops, and that’ll be every operations they work for is accordance by their own.
 Seems all of the aspects of the characters is very fascinating and its really intelligent, I was amused, every character makes individual brilliant works, approximately the plot is adorable and exciting.
 Janson Comman, all of the themes is counting down one til forty-four. It shows, how Janson’s commands followed.
 “Save the world, one operative, one mission, and one redemption at a time.” Its like optimist, standing not for next time but standing firm one at a time.
 I’m not satisfied with the ending, ‘cause I haven’t read the last series of the novel, but I am excited to know what’s next of Jason Command.
 Robert Garrison is a great author, I couldn’t imagine how he made those stories, its brilliantly ridiculous, partly the story of Jason Bourne that I’ve really admired. The story of Janson Command had quite similarities with Jason Bourne’s story, nevertheless, the characteristic on both story is the same, they were intelligent. Yet if might I could have a question, I would ask him; what aspect did he based the story?
 Its just my mindset, I’ve wondered to be like the protagonist in the story, he’s really brilliant and intelligent. Like I could imagine many things to do it well to lessen my mistakes yet if I might have, I’ll learn from it. Standing for one at a time!
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