shardbow · 10 years
Hail Hydra
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shardbow · 10 years
For some reason, I saw this picture and thought "Daredevil".
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self-indulgent sketches of noooot and hermann around the time they joined the jaeger academy 
(man, you know hermann was a frumpy little hipster back in the day)
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shardbow · 10 years
Reblog if you've made at least one friend because of a fandom.
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shardbow · 10 years
"And that's why Sherlock got rid of his parrot."
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shardbow · 10 years
It's my fault for being too aggressive. I don't have time to explain my views in full right now- though I'm really enjoying the discussion- so I hope you don't mind if I defer them until later
(Assuming you're still interested, of course.)
Really, that's part of what makes Who such a great show. It's not just a question of who your Doctor is, it's also one of who your companion is. And it's nice to see supporters, even of a character who I don't necessarily like, because it shows that Doctor Who's greatest strength is it's diversity.
tygerbug asked stfu-moffat:
Many of the women of old Who are fantastic. They’re all better written than Clara anyway. If someone has this much interest in Doctor Who you absolutely must watch the classic series.
Thank you!
- C
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shardbow · 10 years
I'm sorry if I offended you. If you have a better handle on her character, please, tell me. I want to like Clara- I thought Coleman was very good in Day of the Doctor- but she strikes me as being rather inconsistent.
Maybe it's because we jump between her and the Doctors adventures, but I don't understand Clara the way I do other companions. Why did someone who wanted to travel become a teacher, a profession which mandates staying in one place? The second half of season 7 set her up as a puzzle to be solved. I rather liked the answer in that haunted house episode- Clara is special because she's ordinary. But I don't see qualities in Clara that weren't in previous companions.
tygerbug asked stfu-moffat:
Many of the women of old Who are fantastic. They’re all better written than Clara anyway. If someone has this much interest in Doctor Who you absolutely must watch the classic series.
Thank you!
- C
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shardbow · 10 years
This implies Clara is being written. No offence to Jenna Louise-Coleman(she can only work with what she's given), but Clara is one of the vaguest characters I've ever seen in Doctor Who. After a season and two specials with her, I still couldn't tell you anything about her, other than her being the impossible girl.
(And, for anyone reading this... I do consider what we've gotten of Clara to constitute a complete season. It wasn't a last-minute switch because of the needs of the cast; Moffat wrote season 7 so Amy and Rory got their send-off, then dedicated the rest to Clara. It was a deliberate, calculated decision, and I don't feel bad in calling him out on the fact that it didn't work.) 
tygerbug asked stfu-moffat:
Many of the women of old Who are fantastic. They’re all better written than Clara anyway. If someone has this much interest in Doctor Who you absolutely must watch the classic series.
Thank you!
- C
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shardbow · 10 years
I can't comment on dressmaking (best pony is mad at me), but statues dressed in clothes just look very cool. And Nalthian.
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Evening Dress
Halston, 1970s
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shardbow · 10 years
Isn't that like nine-tents of all anime?
"tales of" checklist:
religion is evil
the bad guy has good intentions but also kills a lot of people
there will be two “worlds”, one modern and one more ornate
the cool, funny character will inevitably betray you
the nice, cute character has a horrible...
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shardbow · 10 years
I'm going to repeat something I've said since Season 6 started. River needs a series of novels.
Her first appearances implied that she had her own life and hi-jinks and adventures that didn't involve the Doctor, and we've seen hints of those; her investigating the Angels, for instance. But River would become a much more interesting character if you took the Doctor away and let her be the lead in her own stories.
I think a talented writer could tell a fascinating story about River and her life, but I doubt if Moffat will let them.
lilwitch asked stfu-moffat:
Hi, I was just wondering how much of river hate is just plain misogyny or is that she doesnt appeal to people because of bad writing. I ask because i have seen people saying that they hate river because of her smugness & that she knows everything about the...
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shardbow · 10 years
Shallan just got fancast.
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The Red Queen ~ Asima Sefic by Maja Topcagic
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shardbow · 11 years
Any role-play gamers interested in a My Little Pony Campaign? 
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shardbow · 11 years
This one moment? Already better than Man of Steel.
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Paper MAN OF STEEL by EadgeArt
I see what you did there. And I approve.
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shardbow · 11 years
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MeCre – Mechanical Creatures
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Steampunk Tendencies Official Group
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shardbow · 11 years
Unpopular opinion: Kaladin was my least favourite POV character in Way of Kings.
let’s all take a moment, prior to Words of Radiance, to remember that the character arc in Way of Kings that people were most likely to complain about as ‘boring’ and ‘irrelevant to the plot’ was the one about two ladies and which had the least violence
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shardbow · 11 years
What got you into reading comics? If you were in charge of one of the Big Two right now which one would it be and what would you change?
I started reading comics before I read books. The first story I ever read we're chapters of the Age of Apocalypse (for X-Men) and the Clone Saga (for Spider-man). I sort of followed comics pretty sporadically growing up, and mostly Marvel. The Dark Knight got me curious enough to buy The Long Halloween trade, and introduced me to Grant Morrisons Bat run. I really liked it, and started picking up some trades of different DC books from the library. At the same time, I was getting fed up with Marvel. I was bored with event fatigue, hated the stories in the Spidey-books, and generally uninterested in committing to the books.So, when the New 52 came along, I jumped onto that. Besides the major Two, I've been reading some Vertigo books out of sequence, and started on IDW.As for what I could change, at Marvel, I'd want to unshackle the books a bit. I've been eying certain series like Hawkeye and Captain Marvel for a while, but I've been reluctant to commit to them because, sooner or later, those characters will be roped into a cross over event with another book I'm really not interested in reading. Marvel just finished Infinity, and it already plans on it's next big event to be just a handful of months away?For DC, I want less creative restrictions. Lemire's Green Arrow run has been fantastic artistically and from a story telling perspective, because he's jettisoned everything to create a new myths for someone who didn't really have one. I'm really enjoying Earth-2, because the whole book is a blank slate. It's fresh and exciting.I also want both companies to start pushing the envelope more. Superheroes sell, I know. I know I'm also guilty of not purchasing non-super related books more often. But arguably the best books being published by both companies are the ones which mix super heroics with something else to tell a more interesting and unique story, like the cultural views in Miss Marvel, Brubaker turning Cap into a super spy, or Morrisons Bat-God.These are licensed characters. Do something interesting with them, and make changes that stick. I don't want to go to X-Men in a few months and find the Schism over, or Damien is alive again. Instead of trying to re-create past glories or making callous to previous big events, make new ones. Add to the tapestry of characters. Be ambitious.
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shardbow · 11 years
Truth or... Well, I guess there's only really truth.
I don't trust giving you guys reign to dare me to do anything.
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