sharkinhats · 2 months
It's tempting to stick Mashita into the traditional dom/aggressive/asshole yaoi role opposite Yashiki's soft-heartedness (it's an explicit argument they had in the game, after all) but I offer the counterpoint that Mashita is a walking disaster. Any suggestion of him having his shit together is merely an illusion because he's standing next to a man currently getting manipulated and gaslit by My-Size Murder Barbie.
The decisions this dude makes...!
The investigating a case after being fired part, that's not crazy. That's standard fictional character behavior. It is a bit interesting, though, because Mashita has a cold case he's willing to put his life and sanity on the line for and it's not the Hanahiko case. It's the Shimi-O case. Just, narratively-- it's interesting that he goes from "I'm willing to throw my life away for this case" to "I'm willing to throw my life away for this case but for real this time." It suggests he's already living recklessly by the time he gets cursed.
And one more thing--he isn't running the private eye business when you meet him. He's instead listed as unemployed. He gets the detective business running after getting his curse cleared up. He's not digging into the Hanahiko case for anything more than his own satisfaction.
The real interesting things start when he sticks around for chapter 2. He has no idea he's going to be lead to the Honey Bee case when he makes the decision to stay. He says something suggesting that he believed following the paranormal with Yashiki would lead him there, but that feels very much like an excuse to me since he has no reason to believe that.
And in particular, why did Mary have him stay? With the knowledge that her "fates entwined" bullshit was indeed bullshit, why would she want Mashita to stay? Pure practicality, needing someone to be able to leave the house and drip-feed information to Yashiki? I just don't think so. I think she made his staying useful to her, but I genuinely think Mashita must have asked to stay. "Mary nagged him into it" cannot explain the litany of insane shit he subsequently does.
Showing up in the nick of time to save Yashiki? Not terribly crazy. Showing up in the nick of time to save him with a gun? Deranged.
Ok, look. I'm strongly inclined to think Mashita was not carrying the gun on him during the Hanahiko case for two reasons. First is that he never brings it up during the Hanahiko case even when in mortal danger. Also, getting caught for trespassing at the school would be much less serious than getting caught trespassing while carrying an illegal gun. Second is that he pulls it out of a paper bag instead of a holster. Nobody who is actively using or carrying a gun is gonna store it in a paper bag. He has a gun, but he doesn't have a holster.
It's clearly his own gun. He's clearly got Complicated Feelings about it judging by how quick he is to try and hand it off to Yashiki; cops don't do that, especially not a cop in a culture where bearing a gun is a huge, solemn responsibility.
And yet! He does it anyway! He goes home, digs his gun out from the bottom of his grimy dresser, and tries to give it to a man with no firearms experience.
You could argue that Yashiki doesn't accept the gun going by how your items all reset at the end of the chapter and how Mashita is still the one to use it in the Shimi-O boss fight, but just the going to Yashiki with the full intent of giving him his gun is deranged.
So he does all this shit, and then, once he shuffles offscreen, gets his life together! He actually starts that detective business he was spitballing before! He gets his life together because of Yashiki and then tries to get Yashiki to share the business he started because they met! That's like a fucking marriage proposal!
And that's not even getting into the DLC case where he bitches the whole time about being dragged into paranormal stuff (again while inviting Yashiki to work with him) and then turns around and reveals he was off researching the Masquerade case for you the whole time.
This man is a tsundere tire fire who looks like an insomniac coat hanger.
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sharkinhats · 6 years
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cursed kuroo commissions please don’t use w/o permission, thank you !
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sharkinhats · 6 years
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@hansiepls ||| Character Concept Commission! 
I realize I never got his name.. Whoops. But here he is! The osteoarchaeologist, an archeologist specializing in bones as requested! He helps with murder investigations but likes to solve murders of the past, as I recall because I realize you never gave me his name dear ha ha. 
Like my art? Commission me ! & Buy Me A Coffee~!   Please do not Repost my art !
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sharkinhats · 6 years
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                      @hansiepls - Commission~! 
For haniiii love who is such a blessing to know and total lifesaver. Here’s your redheaded cameraman boy. 
Like my art? Commission me ! Follow me on Twitter and Patreon!
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sharkinhats · 7 years
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commission for @hansiepls !
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sharkinhats · 7 years
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IT’S HAGAKURE  a commission for @hansiepls
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sharkinhats · 7 years
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commission sketches for @hansiepls
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sharkinhats · 7 years
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a full body sketch commission for @hansiepls ! i made it significantly cleaner than usual but i love squids and i mus t draw more squids ok
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sharkinhats · 8 years
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this very lovely commission from tutti-fruppy is part one of my christmas gifts to the #AnniesHarem skype squad and i know it’s super hecka early but i was way too excited about it to wait until christmas so errybody gets it early
part 2 are individual things of me w/ each of u so there’s this group gift and then an individual one for everyone and honestly i’m trash so idk if i can wait until christmas for those either
last year for christmas i got commissions of the characters we were roleplaying when we met and those were super great and this year i wanted to do something along the same lines but a little more personal so it’s us as those characters
i love u guys ok ilysm merry christmas
in order from left to right: @mckafei @virtuedmagic @pearlfuck @stubbornessissues @merunari @sheiksleopardthong @serentea @hansiepls
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sharkinhats · 8 years
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Happy birthday to my darlin darlin friend @hansiepls && @combhead !! You know this past year would not have been the same without you and I wish we never loose contact aaaaa
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sharkinhats · 8 years
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got commissioned by @hansiepls to draw Saeko as a blacksmith/merchant and wowza why would I not 
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sharkinhats · 8 years
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last but certainly not least of the christmas commission gifts, punzie and punzie(/nadja) for @fullrisk by eridanous.
it’s been almost a year and i can genuinely say that it wouldn’t have been the same without you, hansie. you are such a sweet, kind, generous (let’s play grindea again soon) person and my world is so much better having you in it and i am thankful every day for #AnniesHarem and its beginnings because it brought us (and everyone else in the squad) together. ❤
here’s to another year of memeing.
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sharkinhats · 8 years
you reblog and make dumb posts on a personal obvi 👀👀👀
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sharkinhats · 8 years
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