sharktm · 6 years
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You make a deal with the devil. You hunt down other souls who have defaulted on their deal, and for each soul you get to cheat death for six months.
All it takes is one spark to get your story going.
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sharktm · 7 years
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A ghost decides they don’t want to go stay in the afterlife so they just chill by the gates chatting to newcomers.
Diverse and interesting characters are key to a memorable story. Use these points as a base for your character and throw them into any plot you want.
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sharktm · 7 years
things people do in real world dialogue:
• laugh at their own jokes
• don’t finish/say complete sentences
• interrupt a line of thought with a sudden new one
• say ‘uh’ between words when unsure
• accidentally blend multiple words together, and may start the sentence over again
• repeat filler words such as ‘like’ ‘literally’ ‘really’ ‘anyways’ and ‘i think’
• begin and/or end sentences with phrases such as ‘eh’ and ‘you know’, and may make those phrases into question form to get another’s input
• repeat words/phrases when in an excited state
• words fizzle out upon realizing no one is listening
• repeat themselves when others don’t understand what they’re saying, as well as to get their point across
• reply nonverbally such as hand gestures, facial expressions, random noises, movement, and even silence
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sharktm · 7 years
Take a long, long sip off from the shut-the-fuck-up cup and let the adults talk.
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sharktm · 7 years
The Collage Apartment. Pt2
Al had his bag packed looking very anxious standing by the back door telling Chad to hurry up when the fount door was kicked in. three men masked men jumped into the room. The first had a pig mask on and was holding a shotgun. Chad dove into the bedroom that was attached to the living room where these guys just burst into. Pig mask fired a shot at Chad as he dove away, he hadn’t seen Al yet. The second had a Obama mask on and was waving around a handgun, last guy had a Hillary Clinton mask and didn’t have anything. The three men were standing in the small living room that connected all the rooms in the small apartment. Things happened so fast. Just as the last guy came into the room Al came around the corner shooting. Hitting pig mask twice in the chest, and Obama taking one in the shoulder dropping his gun as he fell, Al was on him in an instant. Kicking Obamas gun away as Hillary stood there frozen. “Who the hell are you!!” Obama didn’t answer. He was dead. Al turned to Hillary, who was still standing there. Grabbed him by the collar throwing him down ripping his mask off, and put his gun to his head. “You have one chance! Who the hell are you, and what do you want?” This guy was sitting on the ground shaking with tears streaming down his face. He studered as he spoke. “I, I, don’t know. I just, just.” Al cut him off getting, getting impatient. “Spit it out!” “This guy paid us to take you out.” “Why!” “I don’t know” Al was done at this point. “You move you’re a dead man!” The guy on the ground just nodded his head. Al went into his room keeping an eye on the man. He opened up a draw and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Walking back Al pulled Chad up and out of the room he was still hiding in. “Chad! Pull yourself together.” Chad just stood there. Al grabbed the guy from the ground and dragged him into the bathroom and handcuffed him to the pipes under the sink. Al looked over at Chad who was staring at the dead men who were lying on the ground by the door. “Chad! You have to get it together. We have to go, now!” “What.” Chad finally got some words out as he looked around the room, with a very confused look on his face. “Chad we don’t have time. We have to go, now!” Chad was staring off into space Al grabbed him and shoved him into the bedroom. “Get your shit Chad, we have to leave now!” Chad finally grabbed his stuff and for the first time looked like he was in a hurry. He grabbed some stuff threw it into a bag and headed for the door. Al and Chad headed out for the woods. You could hear sirens in the distance. As they were going for the woods Chad started to talk. “Al?” “What Chad?” “Why do you have a gun?” “Just in case.” “Okay, who were those guys, what did they want?” “It looks like they want me dead.” “Why do they want you dead? Who are they?” “I can’t tell you.” “Why can’t you Al?” “It’s just best that way.” The two made their way through the woods. Things were going well, chad kept complaining about the rain. “Can we stop Al?” “Why do we need to stop?” “I’m soaking wet and cold.” “We can’t stop Chad we have to keep moving.” “Al I don’t even know where we’re going, do you even know where we’re going?” “We’re going to the only safe place that I know.” Chad was starting to get a little angry. “And where the hell is that Al?” “We’re going to go and see my buddy E.” “Who the hell is E?” Chad was still getting more and more worked up. “When shit hits the fan and you need a place the most people are scared to even step foot in you call E, and tell David what’s up, and shit happens.” “Fine Al, tell me what are they going to do, we should go back and talk to the cops.” “Fine Chad, if you want to go back and explain why there are three dead guys lying in your apartment, if they are still there and it’s not just a room covered in blood and built holes for the cops to find. Go be my guest, apartments that way!” Al pointed back the way that they came, rain dripping off his finger. Chad just stood there with his mouth open, Al paused for a few seconds. Done waiting for a response started walking, leaving Chad standing there, but not for long. Al only made it a few steps before Chad came running to catch up. “Chad, at this point you’re with me, or you’re a liability.” I don’t know if Chad knew what Al meant, but he nodded and they went on. Before too long the pair came to a road. Chad got excited. “Thank god a road!” “Calm down Chad, we don’t have a car and we can’t fallow it.” “But we could call for a ride.” “No Chad, I didn’t think that anyone could ever find me, but they did. Means that they have my cell number means that they can track me. You don’t have your cell do you?” Al had a worried look on his face, and Chad looked scared as he answered. “Yeah, I do.” Al quickly spoke. “Give me your phone now!” Chad fumbled digging in his pockets, finally pulling out his phone handing it to Al. Al quickly grabbed Chad’s phone and smashed it on the pavement and stomped it into pieces. Chad looked on horrified. “Why the hell did you do that?” “So that they can’t find us by tracking your phone.” “You can buy a new phone, can you buy yourself back to life?” Chad shook his head. “I didn’t think so.” Al turned and walked across the road, as he was crossing a black van came flying down the street Al saw it coming. Looked over and saw a matching van coming from the other side. he yelled to Chad. “Run! Head for the woods!” Chad turned with a look of fear in his eyes and started running. With one last look over his shoulder, turning back just time to watch as he ran throat first into a sharp branch sticking out from the trunk of a pine tree the branch punched into Chads throat. As Chad fell he pulled the branch out. Al watched as blood started squirting out in great pulses from the wound. Al didn’t have time to say much. “Fuckin moron.” Just as the words left his mouth the vans skidded to a stop sideways. As the vans stopped Al was on the move sprinting for one of the vans, pulling his gun. Whispering to himself. “Don’t fail me now Jade.” He ran, as the door slid open Al shot. Hitting the guy raising his gun as the door slid open. As the body fell Al jumped spinning in the air landing on his back inside the van shooting the two men who looked dumbfounded. As he landed, he sat up pulling himself into the back of the van shooting the driver. Reloading as bullets start riddling the van Al picked up one of the guns that was lying on the floor, waiting for his moment. It came, he looked down, there it was. A grenade was pinned to the vest of one of the dead men. Now Al had a shot, he took it. Al picked up the grenade and pulled the pin and waited. Waiting, holding the grenade pin pulled bullets peppering the side of the van, and then they slowed. Al jumped to the open side door of the van and whipped that grenade striking one of the reloading men in the head. Off went the grenade. The van exploded in a movie style fire ball. Or maybe that’s just how I remember it. Anyway the van explodes and Al is the last man standing. Al gets out of the van and looks around, sees that everyone is dead takes what he needs from the van and walks into the dark and rainy night. I tried to fallow him, but he’s a hard man to find when he doesn’t want to be found. I suppose that he just did what he always does, survive and no one does it better.      
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sharktm · 7 years
The Collage Apartment. Pt1
The day was cold and rainy. But don’t all good story’s start out that way, not that this is going to be a good story. I digress. This isn’t about me it’s about Chad, poor, poor Chad. He had so much potential, well he probably wouldn’t have ended up the way that he did. It all started on a dark and rainy night as usual Chad was just chilling siting in the apartment with Al watching some college football. They were having a quiet night, it was dark cold and rainy (you get that, right?). They could hear the music coming from the apartment across the hall with the Indian girls. Things were quiet, things were good. It was Al who spoke first. “Hey. Why don’t we have any beer?” “Because beer gets you fat.” “Fine Chad you can drink light beer and we can call you a girl.” “I could just drink Captain Morgan, I like the drunk better anyway.” Al was sitting on the couch looking over at Chad. “I just like the taste of beer. I don’t really care about the drunk.” The conversation sort of fizzled out. Football ended and they put hockey on, only to find that jackass was on. They sat and watched that for a while. It was Chad who spoke up next. “I want to do something, I’m so board.” “So go for a walk or something.” “Its 11 o’clock Al.” “So” Again the conversation sort of fizzled out, they just sat there and watching TV it’s hard to say but it wasn’t very long before Al’s phone started to ring. Al got up answered the phone and walked outside. Chad was left to sit alone. It took a few minutes for Al to come back inside. He had a worried look on his face. “What’s the matter Al?” Al quickly spoke as he hurried to his room. “Quickly, pack just what you can carry!” “Wait, what the hell is going on.” “I’ll tell you on the way. Put you boots on, we have to go!” Al pulled out a gun and checked to make sure that it was loaded. Chad looking at Al worried. “Where did you get that?” “Don’t worry about it, we have to get the fuck out of here, now!”
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