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Inspiration for graded unit.
Everything Flows
Inspired by the Teenage Fanclub song title 'Everything Flows'
Plan to base project around flowing water. River Kelvin, Glen Rosa waterfall.
Will incorporate Macro, painting with light, long exposure and portrait photography.
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Saikou Apparel Location
Favourite shots from shooting on location today.
I had the idea that I wanted to shoot in an arcade when I first received this brief. I was happy to find retro arcade games from the 80′s in the Abandon Ship Bar on Mitchell st today 
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Clipping Masks
A clipping mask lets you use the content of a layer to mask the layers above it. Content of the bottom or base layer determines the masking. The non-transparent part of the base layer clips the content of the layers above it in the clipping mask. All other content in the clipped layers is hidden.
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Stop Motion
Opened images on bridge. Batched edited images i was using adding vibrance and colour grade.
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I then selected images and loaded them into photoshop layers.
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Once layers were loaded onto photoshop i clicked Window>timeline then clicked on the Frame Layers Animation. then i clicked Select>All Layers.
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Clicked on the flyout menu in order to make frames from layers. I then selected all of the frames and reversed them as they load in reversed.
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I then went to file menu and saved video at stop motion. To add music to i had to switch to video timeline by going to the bottom left corner and clicked on the little bars. Scrolled down to bottom of menu that says audio track and clicked pus sigh. Dragged audio timeline until it matched the length of video
I then went to File>Export>Render to video.
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Lost and Found
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Object Contact Sheet
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When i shot the Mitchell library the sun was shining directly onto the side of the building i shot. To match lighting with the hat i used by soft box facing the side of the hat from above.
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Moving Image
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I used my soft box at the side for additional lighting as studio lighting was low. Used tripod for some of the shooting. I also made my own background with purple bed sheet hanging behind drum kit.
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Moving Image
Post Production
After I had shot my video I opened clips on Adobe bridge to view clips and decide what I was going to work with.
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I then installed and opened Adobe Premiere Pro. Clicked on create new project and named it Moving Image. From here I searched my video clips and dragged and dropped them in order. 
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To add an adjustment layer so that I could colour grade all the clips the sam, I clicked on file>New>Adjustment layer.
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Dragged adjustment layer over to on top of clips and made made it the same length. I added a little contrast and vibrance and a slight purple tint to layer.
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Next I added the audio by dragging and dropping it in the bars with clips. I deleted some audio from video clips and turned some of the video audio  down by clicking on audio gain and reducing sound level to what I wanted.
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I then watched video through and clipped tiny bits of footage off to try and make it run smoother. After this i saved video. I then clicked on File>Export >Media.
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I then selected H.264 in the format box and High Quality 1080p HD for the present and lastly clicked export.
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Unseen Evaluations
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