sharons11 · 2 years
The art of letting go: Learning to release what no longer serves you
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We've all heard that we should move on from certain situations in our lives. Whether it be from a romantic relationship or an unfortunate event, but what do you think moving on is? How do you know that you've moved on from that moment in your life? Well, moving on is often used to tell the person to let go or to get over that situation that has happened to them. Moving on varies per person and how they perceive it; it applies to many situations also.
Moving on is an essential aspect of personal growth and development. It is the process of letting go of past experiences, emotions, and relationships that no longer serve our best interests. One of the primary benefits of moving on is that it allows us to gain closure and find peace of mind. When we hold onto past hurt and resentment, it can consume us and prevent us from moving forward in life. By letting go and moving on, we free ourselves from the negative emotions that hold us back and allow ourselves to embrace new opportunities and experiences.

"Bestfriend to Strangers"
It's been a long time since I asked my friend if he remembered the days when we didn't think of any problems. He's been my friend since 2018, and we always play basketball, but one day my friend's parents decided to go to the province. He said they went on vacation and could visit their relatives there, and he made new friends there, but he still hasn't forgotten me because we always talk on Facebook. It's been a few years since they returned to the province, and until now, he still doesn't see his friend. When we talk sometimes, he tells us that he has new friends. and I accept that we may not meet again.
And there are times where we apply our process of moving on from our little crushes.
"Destined to meet but not for each other"
 When I was young, I had a childhood crush on someone who I had a crush on from grade 4 to grade 11. I liked him because he was neat, smart, and had a goal in life. I had hope every time he gave a mixed signal with what he was doing. Then one day I realized that we are not meant for each other because I feel that I cannot agree with him on what he wants to do in life. Then that day, I started avoiding him. I find something to do that makes me busy so that I don't go out of our house so that I don't see him. And when I go out, I avoid him, and then I stop myself if I rely on him. I find it better knowing I can get away from him. The pandemic is also a big help because I also chatted with other men, so my attention is no longer focused on him. Then one day, when I was no longer with him, I felt like I had no use for him anymore; I felt like I had moved on even though we weren't together. I was just being too assuming in the part where I was relying on his mix signal.
Sometimes we get past the crush stage and date people; that's when the unfortunate happens and the happy moments end.
"Me first before You"
At first, I felt lost and alone. I had spent so much time focusing on my relationship with K that I had lost touch with myself. But slowly, I began to rebuild my life. I started spending more time with friends, focusing on my schoolwork, and pursuing my hobbies. Looking back on my experience with K, I realized that sometimes the only way to move on is to let go of what's holding you back. It's not always easy, but it's necessary for growth and healing. And sometimes, when we let go of what's not meant to be, we open ourselves up to something even better.
And some things aren't even in our control; sometimes it just happens.
The hardest thing for me to move on from is when I got a 75 grade in one of my subjects. I was in 11th grade at that time. I already mentioned this on our vlog, but I'm still going to talk about it since that was the time when I felt miserable. It's hard to accept that I got a 75 when I did my best in that subject. I tried to ask and talk to my teacher about it, but he was out of reach. I also tried to ask my advisor about my grades, but I got none. In the end, I got tired of reaching out to them persistently. Now I regret it. I should have nagged them more until I got the reason why I got that grade. Now, I feel like I will not be able to get an honor because of that 75. At the same time, I don't have a choice but to accept it and move on. My goal right now is to make up for the grade I got when I was in grade 11. Moving on from that scenario is not easy. I was upset with everything and it greatly affected my life. Instead of getting upset about it. I chose to move on and think of other ways to improve my grades this school year. Life is too short to be upset with one thing. I chose to move on and be positive in life
Sometimes those events that aren't in our control hurt the most.
"My dear Uncle"
Losing a loved one is the hardest and most difficult thing you can experience and no matter how many times you experience it, it will never be easier to accept and move on from that kind of situation. How can I move on? How do I continue? How can I move forward into the next chapter of my life? Always a question in my mind that is trying to find an answer. My uncle suffered for years because of his disease, he went to the hospital alive and sadly he did not return home alive. It hurts so much, and I feel so sad that something is missing from me and I don't know how to accept it.
My eyes are very swollen from crying, I don't know how to wake up in the morning without my uncle who gave us everything, made us experience everything, in short, he is the person who spoiled us. I love my uncle very much, he is very kind and he is like my second father, that's why I felt the pain when he died. His death is really painful and it made my heart broke into pieces.
As the days pass, I learned to accept the fact that my uncle and I will no longer be able to spend time together in this world. I have always believed and think that he will no longer experience pain and that he is now happy together with our other relatives and with the Lord. I know he is still thinking and watching us from above in what we do and how we fulfill our dreams. It's hard to move on yes but we have to accept the fact that they are gone and we have to learn that all of us are not alive forever, we will also die and disappear from this world, so every moment should be appreciated and treasured. While we still have time to be with them, let's make time for them, let's always make them feel that we love them and we're happy that they're a part of our lives.
Many of us are moving on in our own unique ways.
We may experience stress and heaviness as a result of dwelling on the past. When we're always reflecting on what has happened in the past, it can be difficult to enjoy the moment. But there is no going back in time; the past is final and permanent. It might be tough to let go of the past, but doing so is crucial for our mental health. You'll be able to embrace new ways of living as well as fresh viewpoints and outlooks if you let go of old habits. Your viewpoint will alter along with you. To achieve your goals, let go of outdated ideas and take action.
We don't need to rush or force ourselves to forget everything that happened; there is a process on how you can move on from everything. Remember that everything happens for a reason and that there are things that need to happen so that you can learn more, grow, and be on the right path. Yes, it hurts, but you also have to accept the things that happened in order for you to move forward. It’s really hard to move on, but trust the process and trust yourself that you can do it, remember that if it's meant to be, it will be.
Senior High School Department
Submitted by : HUMSS 2-12-11 Group 1 SHARONS
Aclan, Lance
Agotilla, Andrea Nicole
Anasarias, Syrah
Biso, Kirby
Bucalig, Luis Sebastian
Bulacsao, Reynalyn
Bongato, Glaiza
Cabacungan, Ashley
Centeno, Shaniah
Cerbito, Mariella
Estimar, Randrick
Submitted to: Ms. Audrey Pedrosa (HUM 002: CREATIVE NON-FICTION)
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