sharp-exhale · 2 years
Temples are built for gods. Knowing this a farmer builds a small temple to see what kind of god turns up.
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
When someone disagrees with you online and demands you prove your point to their satisfaction by writing a complete and logically sound defense including citations, you can save a lot of time by not doing that.
Bro, I’ve known you for twelve seconds and enjoyed none of them, I’m not taking homework assignments from you.
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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one more
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
When writing always remember… a character flaw is only a flaw until becomes useful. 
Is your protagonist manipulative? Well that’s awful… until they manipulate the antagonist into making a decision that saves the lives of their friends. 
Is your protagonist a skeptic? Well that’s not good… until someone tries to lie to them. 
Is your protagonist overprotective? That sucks… until someone they love is in danger. 
Is your protagonist remorseless? Well that makes them pretty unlikeable… until a hard decision has to be made. 
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
Hey, if you’ve never interacted with an actual wild animal before and you are visiting a National Park and seeing one for the first time here’s a helpful little guidebook for you: 
- Yes that is an actual wild animal. 
- No it doesn’t behave like your dog, and because you are inexperienced in the wilderness you don’t have any idea how to read its body language. Yes this includes you, even if you feel like you’ve got some sort of “special connection to animals”. 
- No it doesn’t like you, it doesn’t want to be pet by you, it doesn’t want you to approach it, it doesn’t even want to be close enough to you that it’s aware of your presence.
- Yes it absolutely will attack you if it feels even a little bothered by you. No this isn’t limited just to bears and other predators, but to bison and moose and elk and basically any large animal at all. 
- Yes, if it attacks you it absolutely will fuck you up. 
- No, you won’t get any sympathy from anyone. It was being a wild animal and you were being a dipshit. I can tell you with plenty of experience that locals anywhere with abundant wildlife love to pass around stories of the latest asshole who got gored by a bison because they wanted a cool picture for their instagram 
- The general rule for being around wildlife is that at a minimum you want to stay 25 yards away from herbivores, and 100 yards away from carnivores. That says yards, not feet. But if the animal seems to be paying any attention to you at all, you’re too close. 
- No, you shouldn’t feed it. Ever. Yes, this includes you again, with your “special connection to animals”. 
This probably seems a tad abrasive and unnecessary if you’re not someone who lives in the backcountry, but let me tell you I probably once a month or so have to yell at someone to back away from an animal as fast as possible because they don’t know how to read its body language and are unaware just how close their photoshoot is to getting them mauled. Just today I had to tell a lady to get away from a bison, because she didn’t know the way it was raising its tail was a warning sign. It’s extremely frustrating and disrespectful to the animals you’re stressing out because you want to post something cool to your feed. They live here, you’re lucky enough to visit, that should be enough for you. If you really love them, you’ll leave them alone.
If you’d like to hear about more harmful impacts Instagram-minded wildlife tourism has had on animals, I’d recommend this episode of National Geographic’s Overheard podcast. 
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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Mainline Interstate Highway Numbers Explained
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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for a dtiys challenge, I’ve never done one before but it’s definitely fun
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
chadwick boseman acted in all of those films, and went to all of those interviews, and showed up to all of those events while battling stage iii and iv colon cancer. for four years...four. he didn't say a word about whatever he may have been struggling through or whatever pain he endured. both mentally and physically. he didn't want anyone to worry and always tried to present his "best" self to us. he was truly such a special person, and an immense influence to so many people, but especially to black youth. today is a tragic day, and his passing is a loss beyond comprehension. he was only 43. rest in peace.
"you have to cherish things in a different way when you know the clock is ticking, you are under pressure." - chadwick boseman (nov. 29, 1977 - aug. 28, 2020)
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania, December 7, 1922
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
police have begun kidnapping protestors in kenosha
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sharp-exhale · 4 years
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I believe this only works if you live in Arizona (correct me if I’m wrong) but please spread so people can email the senator to stop this
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