shatself-blog · 6 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 6 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 6 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 6 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 6 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 6 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 6 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 6 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 7 years
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moving the blog. like if you want me to follow you on it.
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shatself-blog · 7 years
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a vampire and a piece of gum argue a lot
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shatself-blog · 7 years
finn’s trauma list
two abusive fathers!! ( martin being the greater of two evils, both physically abusing finn by ripping off his arm and mentally abusing him throw long lasting abandonment issues, depression, mental instability, disassociation, etc. joshua being the lesser of two evils by faking a distaste for finn, telling him he’s not good enough and refusing to give him any approval (until the end of his dungeon AFTER HE DIED) which made finn feel inferior and forced him to push himself way beyond his limit and stopped him from a lot of rational thinking in his youth. )
two over protective mothers!!! ( margaret being a helicopter parent, following a book of rules and keeping her kids away from ANYTHING that might be dangerous to them including different forms of literature, toys, activities, etc. minerva refusing to let finn leave her again and trapping him on the island despite his intense will to return home and attempting to force him to immortalize himself with her as a computer entity (which i should add is one of his largest fears). )
watching himself die about three whole times. once, trying to save prismo where he tapped himself on the shoulder and saw him explode into a sword, another time in which his grass blade stabbed through the sword that was literally him, and third when he killed HIMSELF (grass clone) in a field with his robotic arm. all unintentional, all scarring.
jake dying + attempting to kill himself + going insane. jake deliberately trying to die during the banana man episode, finn believe jake was dead when marcelina was introduced, jake slowly dying in memow’s episode, jake dying on mars, jake losing his mind in the freak horse episode. (all i can remember i’m sure there’s more).
finn seeing himself happy in an alternate universe with his family which is forever out of his reach
finn sewing himself pushed to madness in an alternate universe
jake turning into the lich in an alternate universe
the lich using billy as a skin suit
being abandoned on a raft as an infant and surviving alone in the ocean with his only source of food being bread
being turned into soup then being baked into bread while being sentient
his arm being ripped clean off of his body
his grass sword following him everywhere and attaching itself to his body and infusing itself into him
being alone in space far from his brother and anyone who can save him
astral projecting to mars and seeing GGGG die
dying and being trapped in the astral plane with his only company being horrifying creatures and the ice king
living out his entire life, getting a wife, two children, grandchildren and eventually dying only to wake up and realize none of that was reality
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shatself-blog · 7 years
I don’t know if you noticed, but???? your URL, w/ the word shat in it, and shat meaning the past tense of shit, sounds kinda??? was this intentional??? or does it mean smth else????
it was very intentional. seeing as finn’s tragic backstory is that he shat in the woods and sit in it.
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shatself-blog · 7 years
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                              you  have  a  hero’s  heart.                                                        est. oct 16, 2017.                                                                        explored by callie.
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shatself-blog · 7 years
mobile plotting call, lovelies!!
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shatself-blog · 7 years
someone: i have a great relationship w my dad he’s my hero and has always been in my life!!
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shatself-blog · 7 years
I’m not the person you left behind anymore. There’s no one here to miss.
Iain Thomas, I Wrote This For You (via wordsnquotes)
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shatself-blog · 7 years
I never knew how— vulnerable I can be, not until I fell in love with you.
ma.c.a // Visible (via vomitingwords)
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